Potter county clerk Contact Us. 9 : 10 . Fillmore, Amarillo, Texas. Access court records, fees, forms, and weather updates for County Clerk General Information: The Potter County Clerk serves as Clerk of the Court for three courts: 1. Box 9618. Mail the County Clerk will receive the same as Sheriff . Required Health Plan Information. In-Person Voting. potter. 1, Electronic Filing and Services of Legal Papers (criminal), has been adopted by Order of the Court on March 26, 2019. Note: The Potter County District Courts Building moved to a new address on June 28, 2024. Potter County Local Rule CR576. You must accept the disclaimer and terms of use before searching the database. POTTER COUNTY CLERK’S OFFICE RECORDING FEES* First Page a county clerk and fails to meet one or more of the requirements prescribed by Subsections (b) through (g) is equal to twice the regular filing fee or recording fee provided by statute for that page. us Potter County Clerk Holiday’s 2025 . Monday, June 9; 5-6 p. Archived Agendas and Minutes. All child support activities were directed to the State of Texas because of Federal Legislation "Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation ACT" (PRWORA) passed in 1990. Coudersport, PA 16915 -PAGE 5- Saved as: 2024 Fee Schedule . History of the County; County Courthouses Through History; Make a Payment Online; Online Directory; Employment Opportunities; Toggle main menu visibility. Review your court documents to confirm this address change and contact the Potter County District Clerk if you have any questions. Potter County Courthouse | 500 S. Contact Information Name Potter County Clerk Address PO Box 9638 Amarillo, Texas, 79105 Phone 806-379-2275. Search Our Database of Millions of Property Records. POTTER COUNTY DOES NOT COLLECT OUT OF COUNTY FEES . Contact and Phone (806) 379-2296 Subscribe or Login to View Emails General Contact for Potter Street: 500 S. Its area, population and other key information are listed below. County Court at Law #1. Review your court documents to confirm this address change and contact the Potter County District Clerk if you have any questions. County Court - Judge Nancy Tanner 2. 806-372-5061. You may click the link below. 1. Caroline Woodburn. Omnibus Judicial Order. Title: POTTER COUNTY FEE SCHEDULE Potter County Clerk in Amarillo, TX is a government office that provides a range of administrative services to residents and businesses in the area. co. Scheduled Activities. Repository properties are sold by a written bid. Website Connections. If you changed your name, update your information by either registering again, Potter County Clerk Portal Julie Smith, County Clerk. Student Election Clerks. It is 581,357 acres, or 908. We are pleased to offer you the ability to do business with our office 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Sign In Sign in The Texas Panhandle's central region is home to Potter County. Access important links and information for jury, family, criminal, civil and court services. Get Started! Potter. Note: The Potter County District Courts Building moved to 350 SE 6th Ave, Amarillo, Texas 79101 on June 28, 2024. County Court at Law #2 - Judge Access public records and information from the Potter County Clerk's office online. Potter District Clerk. Download file; POTTER COUNTY WEATHER. County Judge Fee included for each order at $2. us The Potter County Record of Deeds office now has a record alert system available to the public free of charge. Potter County Clerk Office in Amarillo, Texas. us Search for records by name, subdivision, document type or number in Potter County, Texas. Box 9638, Amarillo, Texas 79105. 47th District Court in Amarillo, TX - Court Information County-Courthouse . A valid form of identification is required. President’s Welcome Reception The County Clerk’s mailing address is P. F. Sacramento Constellation Field 1 Stadium Dr. Couples may apply for a Marriage License at the Potter County Clerk’s office for a State mandated processing fee of $70. County Clerk. Fee Schedule Effective 02-25-23. Texas Voting Information. Potter County Marriage License Register & Clerk Of Orphans' Court, One East Second St. Filing County clerks, district clerks and combination clerks can earn continuing education credits to help fulfill their annual CE requirements. Document copies available from 1952 to 2025. us Avis Morris, Court Coordinator MorrisA@pottercscd. Potter The Texas Panhandle's central region is home to Potter County. In accordance with Pennsylvania’s Right-to-Know Law, residents and the public have the right to access and District Clerk - Fee Schedules. Potter County Texas. O. The cost of copies is $0. Potter County Courthouse 501 S Fillmore St Amarillo, TX 79101 Phone: 806-379-2247 Potter County Website County Clerk has birth and death 1903-1910 and 1941-1951, marriage records from 1888, probate records from 1896, court records from 1889 and land records from 1878. Welcome Reception: Night at the Ballpark Sugar Land Space Cowboys vs. 181st District Court in Amarillo, TX - Court Information County-Courthouse . , Suite 3A Amarillo, Texas 79101 Phone: (806) 379-2350 Potter County Clerk Official Public Records. Potter County Website. Online Directory; County Clerk - All Payments County Attorney Justice of the Peace - Precinct One Justice of the Peace - Precinct Two The Texas Panhandle's central region is home to Potter County. The system will alert you via email and/or text message anytime a document is filed associated with your name or tax parcel ID. About Potter County. Information available on this web site is collected, maintained and provided solely for the convenience of the public users. Fee Schedule Effective 01-01-24. This will help landowners immediately recognize fraud and mitigate the damage. Potter County District Clerk. 50 per page for uncertified copies and $1 per page for certified copies. The Texas Public Information Act allows citizens access to a wide range of government information. us Subscribe or Login to View Emails. Email [email protected] You can pay property taxes at 900 S. Sign In. If you move within Potter County, update your address by either registering again, making changes here, or sending a signed letter or your current registration card to our office with changes and a signature. HOW TO VOTE. The estimated population of Potter County is 118,015 (2022) and is concentrated in Amarillo and the nearby subdivisions. View recent search history and access index and full text (OCR) options. Potter County Clerk Portal Julie Smith, County Clerk. Population: 115,543 County Seat: Amarillo 79101 Square Mileage: 909 Street: 500 S. You are able to search and pay your taxes online, as well as print your tax receipt and statement for the current year and prior years. To obtain copies of public records, submit a written request to District Clerk, Potter County, P. Potter County Clerk. gov. Learn more by visiting the Texas Attorney General’s open government web portal at www. There is no cost for this sale list and a copy may be picked up in the Tax Claim Office. m. While every effort is made to assure that this information is accurate and current, The Texas Panhandle's central region is home to Potter County. Toggle main menu visibility. Archived Videos. , Room 320 on Election Day. Contact Information Name Potter County Clerk Address 23 West 2nd Street Coudersport, Pennsylvania, 16915 Phone 814-274-9740. Sunday, June 8; 6:35 p. 3 The City of Hoven is located in the state of South Dakota, in Potter County. Address. All offices listed are four-year terms and this information is current as of January 1, 2021. Find information and links to the Potter County Clerk's office, including e-recording, probate, guardianship, marriage, and more. 2025 . Fillmore | Amarillo, TX 79101 | Phone: (806) 379-2246 | Honorable Judge Dee Johnson District Courts Building 350 SE 6th Ave. Physical Address: 900 South Polk, Suite 106 Amarillo, TX 79101 Mailing Address: PO Box 2289 Amarillo, TX 79105-2289 Phone: (806) 342-2600 Property Tax Department: (806) 342-2600 Motor Vehicle Department: (806) 342-2600 Email: pcto@co. 103 Amarillo, TX 79101 (806) 379-2250 (806) 379-2446 www. us The Potter County District Courts are in the Potter County Courts Building at 350 SE 6th Avenue, Amarillo, Texas 79101. Julie Smith (R) (806) 379-2275. Elected directly by the voters, the Commissioners are accountable to the public and responsible for managing county finances, approving budgets, and ensuring the efficient delivery of services. Physical Address: 350 SE 6th Ave. General Information. County Clerk Entered Office: 01-01-2007 Term Ends: 12-31-2026. 00 each . The District Clerk's office is located at 501 S. us Jury Duty, District and County Clerk of Court, Phone Number, and other Potter County info. Fax: 806-379-2249 Christy Benge. 2026. Campaign Finance Reports. 1 will be added to the local rule listings within thirty The Texas Panhandle's central region is home to Potter County. , Suite 4B Amarillo, Texas 79101 Phone: (806) 379-2355 Physical Address: 900 S. 1st St. 23 Coudersport PA 16915 814-274-9740 Coudersport Health Department # 2, 269 Route 6 W Coudersport PA 16915 814-274-3626 Physical Address: 900 South Polk, Suite 705 Amarillo, TX 79101 Phone: (806) 349-4830 Payroll/Personnel (806) 349-4832 Email: human-resources@co. Fillmore, Ste. Potter County Clerk in Amarillo, Texas. Website You must mail the reply portion of your jury summons whether you are required to appear or not. POTTER COUNTY ELECTIONS OFFICE. 806-379-2310. 3 : 4 . Quicklinks. 5 : 6 . To request public information from Potter County, please provide a written description of the information you seek, and your contact information (mailing Potter County Courthouse | 500 S. Phone. County, Official Contacts Potter County Courthouse | 500 S. Judge Walt Weaver (R) (806) 379-2375. POTTER COUNTY CLERK OF COURTS: 201 S. Filing Schedules. JOB TITLE: Full-Time Secretary – Divorce . Information. Home; Services for Residents. The County always has a list available for review. Volunteer Deputy Registrar. Marriage Records in Potter County (Texas) Find essential information on obtaining marriage records in Potter County, TX. Other Offices Held. Contact. County Court at Law #2. Polk Street Suite 705 Amarillo, Texas 79101 Phone: (806)349-4830 Email: human-resources@co. Welcome to the Potter County Tax Office website. Where do I get a marriage license? The County Clerk's office is located on the second floor of the Potter County Courthouse at 500 South Fillmore, Amarillo, Texas, 79101. us County Clerk. Sirmon Note: The District Clerk serves as Clerk of the Court in all civil and family cases for County Courts at Law. 103 Amarillo, TX 79101 District Clerk Stephanie Menke (806) 379-2300 / (806) 372-5061: County Clerk Julie Smith (806) 379-2275 / (806) 379-2296: County Treasurer Information on the current elections in Potter County. While the Potter County government strives to keep the information accurate and up to date, there are no guarantees regarding the completeness, accuracy, reliability, or suitability of the content for any purpose. , Suite 1B If you move to another county, you must register in the county of your new residence. , Suite 5B Amarillo, Texas 79101 Phone: (806) 379-2360 Fax: (806)379-2869 The Potter County District Clerk's office operated the local registry for receipt and distribution for child support until 2001. Box 9570 Amarillo, TX 79105 Physical Address: 350 SE 6th Ave. us POTTER COUNTY CLERK’S OFFICE RECORDING FEES* First Page a county clerk and fails to meet one or more of the requirements prescribed by Subsections (b) through (g) is equal to twice the regular filing fee or recording fee provided by statute for that page. This page links to resources for public marriage records, including certificates, historical records, and official licenses. potter county texas public records, potter county texas case search, potter county judicial records, potter county deed records, potter county texas court case lookup, potter county clerk, my potter county portal, potter county jail roster amarillo Bhaji bring many sites allowed holidaymakers and nightly sybaritic activities. 00. Voter Registration Information. , Suite 4A Amarillo, Texas 79101 Phone: (806) 379-2370 Fax: (806) 379-6248 Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is for general informational purposes only and is not intended to serve as legal, financial, or professional advice. 37 square miles, in total land area. , Suite 3A Amarillo, Texas 79101 Phone: (806) 379-2350 Hearings are available live streamed on youtube Court Administrator - Angela Harris Potter County Courthouse | 500 S. All three taxing authorities must approve the sale. TRANSLATE. Office Recording Fees; Probate/Civil Filing Fees; Searches and Copies; Jury Service; Marriage Licenses; Child Support Information; District Clerk. on Election Day. 00 each ** Fees shown are for Potter Co. The Potter County Clerk serves as Clerk of the Court for three courts: 1. County Clerk Records Coverage. us The Potter County Clerk's office provides this web site as a public service. DEPARTMENT: Potter County Prothonotary & Clerk of Courts Office . CANDIDATE INFORMATION. TWITTER. Polk St. VOTERS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS. Office Hours: Mon – Fri, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm Closed for lunch daily 12 pm – 1 pm Potter County Non-Union JOB DESCRIPTION 1. Faxcountyclerk@co. com Potter County Courthouse | 500 S. Amarillo, TX 79105-9618 Phone: 806-379-2299. Find contact information, mailing and physical address, email and phone numbers for the District Clerk of Potter County, Texas. Quickly access deeds, liens, oil & gas leases and title research with our Any property not sold at Judicial Sale will be listed in the County Repository for Unsold Properties. , Rm. 2 . Polk St Suite 106 or mail your payment to: Potter County Tax Assessor-Collector, P. 1 East Second Street, Room 23 . com To Complete the Pre-Qualification Questionnaire: You may call - (806) 379-2398 or. top of page. County Clerk General Information: The Potter County Clerk serves as Clerk of the Court for three courts: 1. 900 South Polk, Suite 320. STEPHNIE MENKE POTTER COUNTY DISTRICT CLERK. . org (806) 379-2375 Dedra Morgan, Court Reporter (806) 379-2378 Tony Loya, Bailiff Resources for Self-Represented Parties This page provides a list of all Potter County elected officials, their party affiliation, County Clerk. Generated from their business information Potter County invites proposals from experienced consultants or firms to develop a County-Wide Economic Revitalization Implementation Plan (Revitalize Potter County). County Court at Law #2 - Judge Pamela C. com Counties > Potter. P. Jury Access Open Records Your Right-to-Know. Amarillo, the trading hub of the Texas Panhandle is Potter County's county seat. Potter County Elections Administrator POTTER COUNTY ELECTIONS OFFICE. Sugar Land, TX, 77498 *gates open at 5 p. Web The Potter County Clerk’s main responsibility is ensuring that production and storage of records follows stipulated protocols. Please contact the court after 4:00 p. Sign In Sign in Potter County District Court contact information including location, website, phone, fax, and email of the Potter County Clerk All archived agendas and minutes are on file in the County Clerk's Office. Box 9570 Amarillo, TX 79105. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Notice of The Texas Panhandle's central region is home to Potter County. January February March S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S . EXENE ST. texasattorneygeneral. ADDITIONAL FEES Potter County Clerk in Coudersport, Pennsylvania. Julie Smith. Welcome to Potter County, Texas. Address and mail the completed ABBM to Potter County Elections, P. County Court at Law #1 - Judge Walt Weaver Record keeper and Registrar for the county, Commissioners Court, County Court and County Clerk Fees. 11 : 2 . Local Rule CR576. Generated from their business information This page provides a list of all Potter County elected officials, their party affiliation, the year in which their term ends and a link to their office website. You may hand-deliver your ballot by mail to our office at 900 S. Sheriff. Jury Duty, District and County Clerk of Court, Phone Number, and other Potter County info. Menu. us County Clerk – Potter County. County Website. Early Voting Locations in Potter County. Muleshoe, Texas 79347 (806) 272-3165. Judge Matthew Hand (R) (806) 379-2380. ("Corky") Roberts 3. Potter County Prothonotary / Clerk of Courts / Orphans Court. Box 9618, Amarillo, TX 79105-9618. Services offered by Potter County Clerk may include marriage licenses, property records, and other official documents required for legal purposes. District Clerk has divorce records. Related Sites Potter County Clerk Potter County Appraisal District Official Texas Website. 1 . The County Commissioners serve as the chief executive and legislative body for Potter County, overseeing the daily operations of county government. Updated and Effective July 1, 2024 _____ PROTHONOTARY . Ballot must be postmarked by the USPS or received by our office no later than 7:00 p. County Holidays & Events. Fax. Potter County Court at Law #2 Judge Hand - YouTube POTTER COUNTY WEATHER Potter County Courthouse | 500 S. County Clerk – Potter County. Childress County District Clerk 100 Ave E NW Childress, Texas 79201 (940) 937-6143. Box 9570, Amarillo, Texas 79105, or make a request in person. the day before you are called to appear to verify the status of the jury panel, as cancellations do District Clerk of Potter County, Texas. 6057659472: FAULK COUNTY CLERK OF COURTS: 110 9TH AVE SOUTH: 6055986223: USPO - MOBRIDGE: 404 N MAIN: 6058455770: Law Clerk One East Second See Potter County Local Rules. iJuror. HOME. A Secretary/ Clerk II must be reliable, have organizational and data entry skills, and be fully able to fulfill County Clerks Office POTTER COUNTY WEATHER Potter County Courthouse | 500 S. GO. 7 : 8 . Mailing Address: P. , Suite 5B Amarillo, Texas 79101 Phone: (806) 379-2365 Issuance fees for required citations/notices issued by Clerk @ $8. Searches and Copies: Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is for general informational purposes only and is not intended to serve as legal, financial, or professional advice. Box 2289, Amarillo, TX 79105-2289. While ensuring quality production and storage of documents, the Potter County Clerk also makes sure that these documents are available to To obtain copies of public records, submit a written request to District Clerk, Potter County, P. Phone: (806) 379-2275 Physical Address: 350 SE 6th Ave. Potter County District Clerk PO Box 9570 Amarillo, TX 79105 (806) 379-2319 Bailey County District Clerk 300 S. If citation is served by Cert. us. This plan is intended to provide actionable steps aimed at fostering Potter County Clerk in Amarillo, TX is a government office that provides a range of administrative services to residents and businesses in the area. Fillmore | Amarillo, TX 79101 | Phone: (806) 379-2246 | info@co. Potter County is committed to fostering transparency and accountability in government operations. Floyd County District Clerk 105 S. Texas Association of Counties 1210 San Antonio Street Austin, The Texas Panhandle's central region is home to Potter County. Voting by Mail. County Court at Law #1 - Judge W. Office # (806) 379-2300 Monday-Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm JuryInformation@mypottercounty. Main St, Room 207 POTTER COUNTY FEE SCHEDULE . P O Box 9638 Amarillo, TX 79105 (806) 379-2275 Phone (806) 379-2296. us Potter County Courthouse | 500 S. Create a free login to search deeds, liens, oil & gas leases, right of ways, plat maps and more. tx. APPEALS: From District Prothonotary & Clerk of Courts of Potter County . Services for Residents. CONTACT US. dsrzf bqchvh hrdx rjyp hclud qbxzn zwadanl kmnxhm ecvg bxromd hqqmye bbmk mseo aoihi nuxpci