Eu4 anbennar fun nations I Did it in 1. Good mission tree to form a previous empire along with integrating your vassals so you become huge. Subreddit for the Europa Universalis IV, Crusader Kings 3 and Victoria 3 mod Anbennar and its fantasy setting I'm playing your nation right now, and I'm having fun so far. If you want countries with new content, Bulwar would be the way to go since you start nearby. It's not the biggest mission tree, but I think it's a flavorful one. Too many incredible options in this amazing mod! Reply reply More replies. mod file Open the . I got curious about what Nations people like to play the most in Anbennar, so i created a strawpoll. The latter part of the mission tree could be sort of "taming" the Routier bands into forces that work with the state to defend against aggression from both Lorent/Gawed in the north and the main forces of the Empire of Anbennar to the east. 38 votes, 41 comments. What nations do you recommend? Obrtrol is the only Troll country (in the steam version). FrozenMaw is fun. What countries have mission trees? And what about formables? Getting Involved (for helping with the mod) Anbennar Wiki (could use some love Nice 4 hold, 100 dev state, easily defensible, and end node of the dwarven trade network. Go to the bitbucket, download the haless branch as zip, yeet it into your eu4 mods folder. 21K subscribers in the Anbennar community. Good nations that sprinkle a tiny bit of the new stuff could be: Nimscodd (you'll learn of artificery), Magisterium (you'll learn about magic), Corvuria (vampires), Silverhold (dwarves without the scary mountains adding alot of content), Ibevar (elven military going the artificer run as kobildzan is really fun. Wich one would be the best? Or which nation could be a good one for that approach? Archived post. You eventually get the special Khet gov form, but remain a republic somehow through this process, but elections Paradox Plaza thread - EU4. Most cartoonishly evil nation in the mod, and are in-canon responsible for an apocalyptic disaster in Haless towards latter end of the EU4 timeline. There is a culture in the harimari group known as "tiger". Paradox Plaza thread - CK3. Human, Harpies, and Goblins working together to bring about an industrial revolution. Also don't feel bad for these posts, the best nations to play aren't immediately obvious so it's good to point them out. Moredhal*: Your gods are all shite, praise the Chaos legion? The conditions are a bit esoteric but basically you need to have your capital in the two states just outside of Castanor (When I last tried it in 1. Basically Mughals with even better ideas and bonuses. Want to play a hard but fun and rewarding nation so would like some suggestions. The Kobolds of Dragoncoast (Redscale, Bluescale, and Greenscale) also have a tough start but Last week, I asked the Anbennar community to rate countries on a scale of 1 (least fun) to 10 (most fun). But Most of the dwarves are fun and individualistic. Kobolds if you get past the enormous amounts of pain eventually get claims on enough stuff to piss off all of Cannor. Dwarven nations all have some events unique to them (beautiful caves, goblin ambushes, orcish warbands, etc), but nothing unique to a specific nation. Obrtrol is not meant to be able to conquer the world, same as every other nation is not equally able to expand. So often, as a player, you set regional conquest as your goal. I'm a big fan of Greedy Grin, first 10 years of the game are pretty much burn down Segdihr, kill Shadowdreamer, and then floss on top of the corpses of Verkal Gulan, and then dev the shit out of it and use that gold mine to fund the colonization of your now empty region of mountains, then duke it out with the Hobgoblins later on, with your cave goblin artificer ethnostate Super fun IMO, although the convocation system they have (like a representative parliament) can be difficult to manage, as the more representation they have, the higher min. super fun, and also the first ever EU4 campaign i played until the end. What nations in Sarhal have either long or interesting mission trees, or even just unique I like monstrous nations and everyone hates you if you are one even when you are the least antagonistic nation in the region. Ameion and Arakeprun/Pelomar into Eordand are really fun (you’ll have to wait until the update in 2 days Anbennar has a ton of interesting nations, so it might help if you said what kind of game you want to go for. Black Demense is fairly evil, by most scales and can be formed by an Escanni nation with a witch king. Shortest and simplest, still pretty fun. You'll mostly play tall-ish if you go with the MT. My favourite republican experiences: New Wanderers->Elikhand -- assuming you choose republic upon forming your nation. Holds are indeed your biggest moneymaker, once you settle a hold you should dev it to 40 to spawn renaissance and start digging. Even better if you can give a list of nations, since I tend to switch nations regularly then come back to them to them at a later date. Trolls are really good after a painful war. Esthil, Chaingrasper, one of the wine lords, I think. Ibevar is easily the #1 nation to start as for bonus stacking in Anbennar Roadwarrior is a chaotic-evil "nation" whose gameplay consists of burning the world down while remaining a one-province-major. Also, try the adventurer bands in Escann. I like the change of pace, instead of doing a couple wars where you take a ton of land, you do a lot of smaller ones where you're taking money The countries themselves might be fun but imo the region of Haless/Yanshen is mind numbingly boring as all nations play the same, rapid wide conquest, and kinda have to in order to fight the Command. Anbennar Discord. If you want something cursed and a little tough you could do ibevar and culture swap into one of the cultures native to castanor (you lose elven administration but keep elven military). After that crazy Zealot BDSM ride i was thinking in forging a humanistic and advanced goblin nation. Another thing to consider is that both vanilla Eu4 and Anbennar are made with Assymetrical gameplay in mind. Any other fun nations Some of the Aelantir adventurers are pretty fun. It'd be a ton of stuff all at once that works very differently from vanilla EU4 (especially since most players don't interact with the vanilla versions of those mechanics very much). Second one is more fun imo. My best game so far was as Pirate Madagascar Republic. Anbennar Streamers Seconded, Azkare was my first ever nation to play and it was one of the most fun, quite a challenging start too as there are a fair few more powerful nations around followed by even bigger nations then The Command slowly (or quickly depending on your luck) coming towards you. the costal nations in west Cannor are almost all your classic colonizer nations the tribal nations of eastern cannor are a battle royal of colonizing as much as you can to get an upper hand in uniting the region. New comments cannot It reminds me so much of MEIOU and taxes with how the province minority system works and how you can choose to be culturally and/or religiously tolerant/intolerant. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk Eborthil is Great Britain, but Anbennar. For more info: Starter Thread. Azjakuma is super fun. (Paradox > EU4 > Mods, or something similar, been a min Anbennar Discord. I want to start a new campaign, I already played the dwarves, in escann and in Aelantyr. TV Tropes. A place to Subreddit for the Europa Universalis IV, Crusader Kings 3 and Victoria 3 mod Anbennar and its fantasy setting and you mostly focus on the north of aelantir but there's nothing stopping you from colonizing all over. Any Kheioni nation is fun, What are some fun, easy-medium countries in Haless to play New to Anbennar! Which nations do you suggest to a completely new player? r/eu4. By all means, they aren't annoying. Bjarnik tries to establish control in and around Gerudia and their navy can be very important by blocking the straits into Bjarnik proper. Briefly played Anbennar in2019/20 as Corintar but recently came back to EU4 after not playing for ages and tried the mod again. Form a non-human alliance. So this one is personal. Beepeck is a very trade-focused and fleshed-out nation. Most Fun Countries as Rated by the The Anbennar missions are a lot more diverse than vanilla EU4 which I love. All gnollish nations in 1444 are demon-worshipping slavers, though the Hill Gnolls and Tkluut change their ways later. Ibevar can be seen as Prussia with their ridiculous army bonuses. The summer/winter/spring/fall cults in the new world with the ruinborn are What are some other fun nations to play that utilize different or unique mechanics? I really liked Dwarven adventurers and lake fed for their unique play style. Have done a playthrough as Corintar again (just to compare and I like the lore for the Corintar - Goddess of War yes please) - also is there anything after doing the consolidation wars and getting the holy empire cosmetic tag? - and I'm wondering what nation Hey guys! Looking to start a game in Bulwar again. You don't want to expand normally—you want to make as many allies as you can and turtle slowly outwards, while taking expansion/exploration ideas to take your first Dwarven hold (moving your capital into the dwarovar gives fun colonization bonuses, and you can basically play as a dwarven nation with better Thanks to all the commenters pointing out nations I missed. Wicked fun and you can become a super power that ignores coalitions by around 1600 lol This is Anbennar - EU4's Beloved Fantasy Mod Comes to CK3 Reveria/Freemarches: Technically two nations, but it’s actually really fun and challenging to fight a colonial empire that you built and you are fighting it. I’ve just really been loving playing as elven nations and don’t think I can go back lmao. Idk about Vertesk. you also get one of the only Not many nation revolves around actually having magic rulers, you'd want a magocracy for this. Senaithil is a bit older, but is great fun because you're playing as a bardic nation who is supposed to make an ally that you call into a bunch of wars and both get a bonus while in a war together. Subreddit for the Europa Universalis IV, Crusader Kings 3 and Victoria 3 mod Anbennar and its fantasy setting Strongest nation being more fun on the lore side of things, and strongest military being more fun on the raw math crunch Fun alternative to grombar would be shattered crown and their goal of "father of all orc nations" dwarovar. Rating Every Nation in Anbennar from A-Z (A I'm interested in trying out Anbennar, but I don't know what tags have interesting / up to date content. Polandball combines history, geography, Engrish, and an There are only 4 harpy MTs. Anbennar Streamers Ibevar into Adenica is particularly fun since you can eventually get another +5% discipline from regent court when you upgrade Adean as a god to follow, and still form something like Castanor/Black Demesne afterwards and get all their permanent modifiers. Ibevar - Nessessitates tall by it's geography [Not in Anbennar, but surrounded by it]. anarcho-primitivist orc of the deepwods that want to plant trees and plant seeds into fey 17 votes, 19 comments. If colonization is less important, Dartaxâgerdim is fun, but it's hard to reach the new world as them. That being said there are a few more antagonistic ones. Extract. This could lead into a mercenary and development focused nation with a little colonising as the end goal. Sorry if this is a commonly asked question, and sorry if I sound demanding and all. Varaine is in the EoA and plays tall. Quite nice, strong and rich with plenty of action Thanks for that info, I’ll put them on a bit of a back burner then, as I’m not just new to Anbennar but to EU4 in general. Their whole thing is about being the first independent human nation in Bulwar and conquering of bulwar back from the elves and monsters. Which is a bit unhinged like black demesne in using magic but use it for the good of their people, acting like benevolent gods. If you want to play as humans tho Dartaxsgerdim is the funnest. I much prefer Cannor and the EoA as there I have everything from wide to tall, conquest, diplomatic, colonial, trade and more playstyles. Coalition juggling is a must if you want it done fast, too. I'm willing to hear your suggestions! Songhai is very fun and kind of Covering the 10 most interesting nations in Anbennar, the fantasy over-haul mod for Europa Universalis 4. had tons of fun with them, one of my fav nations. Corvuria has Vampires and your end goal is to destroy the Empire of Anbennar. Unless you are Jadd or centaurs. This nation includes: Unique National Mechanics, magic, High Necromancy, starting ruler Lichdom, rapid conquest, luck (medium), subjects. Mykx is an Aelantiri spawnable that becomes a pirate republic smuggling drugs. Subreddit for the Europa Universalis IV, Crusader Kings 3 and Victoria 3 mod Anbennar and its fantasy setting Rubyhold if you don't mind not having a MT. Teasers and Dev Diaries. Azkare isn't really an elf nation, but is led by an elf. Its busted as hell and the timing of it is all messed up, and also disgusting from a lore perspective, but its funny, so like there's that. The Eordand tags with I'm looking for very interesting nations, I prefer going from small insignificant to a powerhouse. I've already played skurkolki, roadwarrior, and that one nation where you become a lich (Esthil). You've also got easily the most powerful nation at the start of the game on your border and a clash between you is inevitable, though you can get up to 50 years of truce if you want. Truedagger sounding like what I’ll go with first then! I’m actually playing as a Elven nation in the deep woods, very fun also. Had a really fun Gelkalis into Surakes campaign recently. Really fun nation with "normal" game feel for them, just heading into Anbennar. Harpy bonuses and Xia bonuses are insanely strong tho, so they are by far the strongest of the lot. A lot of people search this subreddit looking for recommendations on which countries to play, so this kind of post is helping them out. They are basically the lawful good guys of the Empire of Anbennar. mod file in notepad So I'm kinda new to anbennar, I'm loving the mod so far, and also learning the story too, and one region in specific I'm very interested in is the serpentspine caves, since they look like a big challenge to do, I'm interested in it, specially the dwarf countries. autonomy is. Hi, I want to know what are the most fun/ your favorite nations. Could go for sun elves and switch to adventurers, or Moonhaven/Ibevar and do joint wars against colonial powers. In the Empire of Anbennar, some of my favorite nations are Beepeck (Halfling Elector expands into Lorent and Gawed, forms the Small Country), Wesdam (last of a great house, work to reform Dameria with a big mission tree), and Vertesk, which I think just got a new mission tree today on the public fork branch (a focus on espionage and the Orcish slave Still would probably be fun, but the ideas add so much that the dwarves can use—free monthly institution growth, monthly army prof increase, auto-dev of holds (tho this may be in the steam version?), dev and construction cost/time reduction for quicker digging and hold restoration. The jadd are the most op nation in the game. One of those nations I haven't seen recommended yet is Roilsard, which is also in that region. Dragoncoast Kobold are also a lot of fun, though quite a What nations have the most fun and interesting mission trees? 2 of my friends and I are going to play again after a few years of not play with the mod and was wondering what countries are really fun to play? Crusader Kings 3 and Victoria 3 mod Anbennar and its fantasy setting I'm very much addicted to anbennar right now, and just finish a Crazy Masked Butcher--->Karashar campaign (thanks u/Rettra1). It’s focused on artificary. It’s one of the newer MTs and it’s a lot of fun Reply reply Rating Every Nation in Anbennar from A-Z (A Part 2) r/eu4. 32, the mission tree didn't really work and it got hidden from players soon after) Several nations involve becoming a Lich. Roadwarrior is the most Orc experience possible in anbennar. They make pacts with the fey that live and must first drive out the invading goblins and orcs before uniting their people. 2)BD cuz lore (tho castanor was more fun imo, BD too OP). Gotta download the BitBucket, but that's easy enough Elikhand is a good nation for witch-kings: their mummified founder returns to rule them eventually as a better kind of lich, and They all have some pretty sweet mission trees and solid ideas. Anbennar Streamers In terms of undiluted evil, I think the tags already mentioned fit pretty well. It’s more of a to playthrough than a love for the MTs (Reveria’s MT is good, but Freemarches are a bit of a work in progress). then form the nation almdihr which has its own mission tree for conquest of the dwarven kigdom. Elf countries even if a bit older are still fun to play, especially if you like playing wide. This is coming from the guy who made Obrtrol. Follow me on Twitch for map game streams !https://ww Basically every nation except Corintar has been super fun in Escann. Subreddit for the Europa Universalis IV, Crusader Kings 3 and Victoria 3 mod Anbennar and its fantasy setting Snow Queen in Eordand might be fun for you. Rating Every Nation in Anbennar (Forbidden Valley Catchup) upvotes · comments. I have a soft spot for the Shining Circle/Beggaston but Plumstead and New Havoral are also fun. Many nations in the region of Lorent, the lencenor I think, have many small nations but with huge and interesting MTs. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Europa Universalis IV by Paradox Development Studio. Either you go full orc supremacist or you're assimilating humans creating a tolerant empire, welcoming all races. It's just a fact that Trolls are primitive and live in crappy mountains. true. Bulwar is also great. Reply reply I think jaddari are easier, though do have typical anbennar fun mechanics towards the end. By the time you're wrapping up your original MT, you'll easily be powerful enough to take the rest of Bulwar to form Surakes as your main provinces will be untouchable due to the crazy fortifications Paradox Plaza thread - EU4. You’ll get to participate in the league war and all that good stuff. It truly feels like I’m rebuilding Escann and creating a nation. the gray orcs of gerudia, the trolls, and the ogers of the serpents vale are Russian style colonialism Colonial nations unfold a fair bit different in Anbennar compared to vanilla EU4, a lot of adventurer nations just spring up out of existence. If you’re looking for smg a tad more toned down, but still very much evil in the end, might I suggest The Command, Chaingrasper (necromantic gobbos), Ameion (just conquer South Aelantir and crush all before you, including old allies if they resist), Yingzhen(Chinese vampi- I mean, completely peaceful If you're still learning eu4, maybe staying around the empire of anbennar is safer. They're all about adventure, they fight against pirates and other threats to the Empire, they're eager to discover the lost continent of Aelantir and they have sent an expidition to aid in the reclaiming of Escann (though you won't interact with those pioneers). 🤷🏻♂️ So far I’ve played as Birsartanses into the phoenix empire and Re’uyel. Most Fun Countries as Rated by the Community upvotes · comments. Subreddit for the Europa Universalis IV, Crusader Kings 3 and Victoria 3 mod Anbennar and its fantasy setting Wiggly mouse-drawn comics where balls represent different countries. Still, super fun and whatever subculture of each culture group is the majority gives you unique bonuses that scale with size. Said elf, Hiderion, forges an representitive and equal empire in the east. You'll likely push into Escann a little bit; but doing so will be somewhat resisted due to Adventurer Alliance blocs; and later the fact that they will go Corinite [If you stay Forebearers, you're a herathen so AE will rise quickly; and if you stay RC you'll still be a Heretic]. Moonhaven is a pretty chill Elven nation that never seems to come up in discussions, probably because it's pretty chill. Also maybe Moonhaven + Silverforge, both non-human electors in Anbennar. You're goblins, you like money. You didn't like the undead military so it cuts short my favorite magical nation New Wanderers/Elikhand. The trick with Aqatbar Overclan is to never think like a Bulwari. technocracies get tons of monarch points, you get tons of money from aelantir trade, blowing up the mountain lets you get a permanent goods produced bonus on your capital which eventually flips to coal, and your mission tree gives you a ton of good trade goods. Hear Verkal Ozovar's fun around vassal play but dunno if that's really what you want. Meanwhile Dhenijanraj is the only EU4 campaign where I extensively had to make notes to beat their starting disaster as essentially you're trying to fix 4 problems at once at the same time that you get almost no money, have no Manpower, mercs are limited and the command is happy to declare war the moment they see weakness. The world is chock full of content and you’ll never really have a boring region unless you’re playing in the regions that are still under development like Sarhal or the Forbidden Valley but they’ll probably get fleshed out too given enough time. Corvuria is pretty fun. Reply reply Fun nation to form Persia with? Can't really make fun of something I rarely tried. However, as it exists as a culture in game, you could choose it as primary culture of your custom nation and play as literal tigers. Go into the created folder, find the . Probably the coolest nation in the mod (RN), though i wouldnt call it 'fun'. Most EOA nations, really. Still, it's very Fun. Good MT to get things started. Please vote if you feel inclined to do so. The events are great too and the MT is fantastic. Oh also Beepeck. Paradox Plaza thread - EU4. its used in a funny event for harimari where your ruler takes a consort who is an actual tiger instead of harimari. Greedy Grin. Ignoring the people complaining about acolyte management (which rlly isnt that bad), the main sticking point for me was how awesome all the events/the MT is. The tag is a black orc nation near Bulwar, within the deep roads. Also invented black damestear, though that was before the start of Wex is the obvious first choice: they’re the emperor at the start, recently ascended at the end of the Lilac wars. redemption seeking orcs in bulwar. Personally find wineport having a lot more flavor than halflings though. So, can y'all give me some suggestions on which dwarf nations are good to play as? 31 votes, 24 comments. Pearlsedge or Ebothil might be a good choice. It's in a somewhat difficult region, so be prepared. After 112 responses, here are the results: The survey is still live! Rate countries yourself here! See live results in a linked Google If you want a slightly more challenging start while still being not too difficult, the Golden Kobolds of the nation of Balrijin was one of the most fun experiences I've ever had in Looking for some fun evil nations to play as. Patreon Page. In Bulwar a lot of smaller human countries got MTs, off the top of my head Eduz Vacyn, Gelkalis, Bulwar, and others I dont remember the names of. First war is hard but they're pretty cool. A place to share content, ask questions and/or Imho, Marrhold is a more fun playthrough and has an amazing mission tree England = Reveria/Bjarnik, these 2 nations are both Gerudian reavers at their core, the vikings in the Anbennar world. Since you played sun elves i suggest a monstrous nation for a different pace: Frozenmaw -> Grombar - Gray orcs, two paths to chose. They poke fun at national stereotypes and the "international drama" of their diplomatic relations. What countries have mission trees? And what about formables? Getting Involved (for helping with the mod) Anbennar Wiki (could use some love) Timeline of world events. Any of the wood elf nations in the Deep woods can form Cyranvar. Can be any nation, any religion, any culture, any size, I really don't care since I don't know much about the mod anyway. Scope of this guide: Complete the first part of the mission tree (the mission tree that is visible when you start the game), survive the disaster that follows, and get you off to a good start surviving the eternal winter. Dwarven nations also have disasters with have a good amount of flavor behind them, which can be a nice challenge for your campaign. I'd really recommend trying out Castanor. Crazy long lives and god tier stats are something I just can’t pass up. Extremely fun, long mission trees - maybe Feiten first, unless you have a proclivity towards producing lots and lots of Horse Paste 😹 just make sure if you play Beikdugang that you take exploration ideas either first or second and get a good view on the Forbidden Plains and Lake Federation, then keep the Lake Bois alive and happy. a bit of a hidden but not much is karashar and tugund-drakh. . Balrajin: Probably the most adorable nation in Anbennar. Corintar wasn’t just due to how much waiting around I had to do in their focus tree, and then the anticlimactic finish. Reforming Dameria is also an option, best choices for that are Wesdam Subreddit for the Europa Universalis IV, Crusader Kings 3 and Victoria 3 mod Anbennar and its fantasy setting Of nations with missions, your options are Malacnar, the red nation in the middle of the Ynn civilization. They also get a bunch of OP bonuses Favorite Anbennar Nation poll Other Pretty straight forward. It has most, if not all, major played nations. Setting Primer - EU4. They share an MT with all other xia, so not the nation for the true harpy experience. r/eu4. What countries have mission trees? And what about formables? Getting Involved (for helping with the mod) Anbennar Wiki (could use some love Venail and another elven nation. If you take a player in EU4 that can WC as HRE or something, they probably cannot successfully WC as The Empire of Anbennar (notHRE). It also runs so smoothly to the point that I questioned if this was eu4 All that fanboying aside I've barely played any country aside from the Jadderi and they were really fun. Setting Primer - CK3. The orcs and goblins have high force limits, to beat them you need to keep ahead in military tech and be Magisterium isn't trade focused but has a very tall gameplay and is very fun to play. Damescrown and Celmador are very trade-focused but have no MT yet. Railshulksers are a must try. I played a run as Gawed up to around the start of the blood rain event, (the one where you get the option to convert to the protestant religion analogue) and expanding was fun but I was a little underwhelmed by the mission tree and the lack of flavor events. Aryalen: the oldest MT. A super fun less-than-WC is taking a dwarven nation and recreating Aul Dwarov, their equivalent of Rome. If I can make a suggestion, perhaps take a look at the requirements for the mission The Widow's Will? r/eu4. I’m doing my first Rogeria run and love the variation between conquest and developing the region back up. The start is difficult, so be prepared for a few restarts, but once you get going it's fun. (or I need to play another nation) Feng Wuze: the xia harpy. Subreddit for the Europa Universalis IV, Crusader Kings 3 and Victoria 3 mod Anbennar and its fantasy setting Most Fun Nations? upvotes This is Anbennar - EU4's Beloved Fantasy Mod Comes to CK3 youtu. 5. Subreddit for the Europa Universalis IV, Crusader Kings 3 and Victoria 3 mod I'll second Venail. Its a complex process to get to forming this nation, and you cant form it until like 1600 or so, but once you do form it youre greeted with the largest mission tree in the mod. There's branches which deal with developing a war economy which give some really fun modifiers. 30, wanted to use the grey orc mission tree for some fun and avoid the frozenmaw events Crusader Kings 3 and Victoria 3 mod Anbennar and its fantasy The problem with the Orcs is that they haven't received major updates for quite some time and they only have about 7 countries with unique missions and quite a few mechanics. like, literal animal actual tiger.
puhn rwvnooe mwu bqmep zhhzi ronvyd mdge imtqkx gpots yhdkb nzurhk tnx qxgjptm zjan ggfuag