Fire emblem heroes ike. The game is available worldwide on iOS and Android.
Fire emblem heroes ike This is a ranking page for the hero Ike - Vanguard Legend from the game Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). Solo Ike goza de su ― Ike: Brave Mercenary, Mercenary and the Lady/Story: Categories Categories: Quote pages; Add category; Cancel Save. 294 points, Ike a remporté la victoire face à Camilla au tournoi "Choisissez vos héros". This site was created to provide accurate and reliable information about the Fire Emblem series. Ike: Of Radiance: Japanese 蒼炎の紋章士 アイク: German Ike: Von Radiance: Spanish (Europe) Ike: Del Resplandor: Spanish (Latin America) Ike: Del Resplandor: French Ike : Rayonnement: Italian Della Fiamma: Ike: Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) 蒼炎紋章士 艾克: Portuguese Ike: Do esplendor In FE Engage, Emblem Ike's Engage special will give him DR at the cost of being unable to dodge, hence forfeating any dodge-DR effect, or non-special %DR in FEH terms. As absurd as it sounds, botting chances aren't negligible due to the same poll adding Fates, a Pour rendre Ike encore plus fort, vous pouvez le faire hériter de Spirale spéciale 3 en utilisant par exemple le livret militaire de Lewyn, Sage brise. The game is available worldwide on iOS and Android. Special. Herói especial Coração robusto Ike Aparece em Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance Deixe a Sharena te apresentar! Coração robusto Ike Como você imagina Ike? Parece ser forte e calado, não é mesmo? Você não imaginaria ele correndo por aí com roupas deslumbrantes. This unit is not in the general summoning pool. 838. Ike’s father. Here you can see how to get Breath of Life 4, a Passive C skill in Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). Check out Breath of Life 4, Breath of Life 4's effects, units with Breath of Life 4, as well as Inherit Skill Information! This is a list of all the different Brave versions of each hero for the game Fire Emblem Heroes. 087 points, Ike (brave mercenaire) a remporté la victoire face à Raven au tournoi "Combat de mercenaires". 254 votes, Ike (illustre Character quotes of Fire Emblem Heroes This page was last edited on 5 March 2025, at 22:11. 134 votes, Ike (brave mercenaire) est arrivé 33ème lors du vote un héros émerge. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1. Ike seguiu os passos de seu pai, Greil, e superou vários obstáculos e provas em um This is a ranking page for the hero Ike - Close-Knit Siblings from the game Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). Triff einige der Helden FE Heroes Legendäre Helden Vorreiterlegende Ike Erscheint in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn Sharena stellt vor! Vorreiterlegende Ike Ike, der später auch als der Strahlende Held bekannt wurde, ist der Anführer von Greils Söldnern im Königreich von Crimea. Emblem Hero - Ike: Of Radiance (Fire Emblem Heroes) youtube. 0/10] Fallen Julia [8. When upgraded, the description of Chaos Ragnell becomes "Unit can counterattack regardless of foe's range. How about spending that special day with Ike, and seeing a whole new side to him? Closely Associated Characters Greil. After CYL 4 unit showcase, I immediately thought the idea of the ultimate fallen Ike Chaos Ragnell Reposition/Variable Mayhem Aether Atk/Spd Unity Spurn 3 Atk/Spd rein 3 Mirror Stance 2 This build takes advantage of Urvan 's special ability and Ike's native Steady Breath to make Brave Ike the ultimate ranged bait. Read at your own risk! Firefox issue: We are aware of an issue where images will not display on Firefox. Emblem Effect 2 A subreddit dedicated to Fire Emblem Heroes, Nintendo's 3rd mobile title released on February 2nd, 2017. Ike: Vanguard Legend's effect will grant an Atk boost during its season. Das ist deine Chance, diesen besonderen Tag mit Ike zu verbringen und eine ganz neue Seite an ihm kennenzulernen! Beziehungen Greil. Tanking Emblem Ike with Hardy Bearing Legendary Ike on Lunatic and Infernal was pretty damn satisfying, gotta say. Aparece en Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn / Fire Emblem Engage. If you are looking for units or banners related to Fallen alternate versions of heroes, read on! List of Contents Fallen Ike [9. This increases Atk per hit, making for powerful synergy with allies wielding the Brave series of weapons, as well as Heroes like Reinhardt: Thunder's Fist, who uses Dire Thunder—a weapon guaranteed to attack twice when Reinhardt initiates combat! Click Here to Learn More. He is the main protagonist of the Tellius duology, being the main protagonist of the 2005 tactical rpg video game Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and one of the main protagonists of its 2007 sequel Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. Art by: Kita Senri (北千里) Description The leader of the Greil Ike is the protagonist of Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. Read on to find out the best heroes to include in your party! Emblem Ike: Sword / Infantry ・Weapon skill creates a large Atk stat swing, neutralizes penalties, effects that prevent counterattacks, and effects that slow down Special Best Brave Ike build guides for Fire Emblem Heroes 2024. Smashes foes. Emblem Ike is A Fire Emblem fan site since 1st February 2005. He is the son of Greil and Elena, as well as the older brother of Mist. 790. Though I'm its leader I wouldn't exactly say that I've got a handle on our finances yet. The orb color distribution table displays the chances for a certain orb color to appear. " "I'm Ike of the Greil Mercenaries. Read on to learn the best IVs (Individual Values), best builds (Inherit Skill), weapon refinement, stats at Lv 40, and more for Young Ike. To see strategy for defeating Fallen Ike and Fallen Julia, enemy information, as well as the best units and party to use, read on! Table of Contents. Avec 41. More Fandoms Fantasy; Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. ― Ike: Young Mercenary, Timeless Ties/Story: Categories Categories: Quote pages; Add category; Cancel Save. Damage. #045 - Ike y Mist. Legendary Ike: Infantry: 41: 52: 30: 35: 21: 8. I'm a f2p player, and I don't have an emblem Ike. It would be very powerful on heroes like spring Maria or Kjelle. We Ike: Close-Knit Siblings. A subreddit dedicated to Fire Emblem Heroes, Nintendo's 3rd mobile title released on February 2nd, 2017. 905 votes, Ike est arrivé 113ème lors du vote de la chasse aux héros. Avec 1. Art by: Kita Senri (北千里) Description The leader of the Greil Mercenaries. 5/10] 2019 Fallen Banner Darkness Within Active Period: 5/10/2019 ~ 5/30 Heroes that have had an Earth blessing conferred can receive a Atk+2 boost if the Earth season is active and Ike: Vanguard Legend is in the same team. Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. I tried to snipe just red on This page is dedicated to ranking the best Heroes available in the mobile game Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). Ike trat in seine Fußstapfen und führte seine Arbeit fort. 5/10] Brave Lyn [8. Calendario 2024. Esto significa que Ike puede ser un auténtico ariete irreductible para abrirte camino entre las líneas enemigas. Gibt sich distanziert und verschlossen. Aunque no pudo ver sus ambiciones realizadas en vida, Ike asumió la responsabilidad de continuar con su trabajo. General: Quotes: Misc: Heroic Ordeal: Ike Stalwart Heart; Portrait. Ike assumes leadership of the Greil Mercenaries after his father is killed by the This is a list of all the different Fallen versions of each hero for the game Fire Emblem Heroes. Appears in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance. Ike sure does look gallant on the battlefield, but I have to say, he’s got a strong look for the Day of Devotion too. 0: Fjorm: Infantry: 39: 46: 31: 30: 34: 8. Emblem Hero Battle: Emblem Ike Strategy Use Player Phase Units! Using a player phase strategy is a good option on this map in order to clear the generic enemies to prevent them from becoming problems while you deal with Emblem Ike. He is the leader of a group known as the Greil Mercenaries and eventually went on to lead the Crimean Army in the Mad King's War. Artwork of Ike in the Fire Emblem Heroes 5th Anniversary Memorial Box Visual. Appears in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn / Fire Emblem Engage. (If it is inheritable on armor and flyer). Home; Boards; News; Q&A; Community; Contribute; Games; 3DS; Android; Board/Card; iOS; PC; PlayStation 3; Fire Emblem Heroes; Emblem Ike; Marcomario 5 months ago #1. Avec 38. Ike has a skill that speeds up the cooldown on his special skill, and he's also capable of countering attacks from any distance. None: Chance for no orbs of this color to show up in a summoning I'm Ike of the Greil Mercenaries. If foe's Range = 2 and unit's or foe's Special is ready or triggered before Askr is likely a good candidate. Pantalla de carga: ¡Resiste los primeros golpes antes de activar su Gran Éter! Aniversario 8 de Fire Emblem Heroes, por Yuugo Ookuma. This is a list of all Legendary and Mythic heroes in Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). Social media: If you would like, please join our Discord server, and/or follow us on X (Twitter), Bluesky, or Tumblr! Unidades dobles Unión fraternal Ike Aparece en Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance ¡Sharena te contará de él! Unión fraternal Ike ¡Vaya sorpresa tan encantadora! ¡Parece que Ike, de los mercenarios de Greil, y su hermana, Mist, vienen desde sus adorables días de infancia! El Ike adulto se distingue por su personalidad intensa y taciturna, pero ― Ike: Stalwart Heart, Greil's Request/Story: Categories Categories: Quote pages; Add category; Cancel Save. Point me toward something to fight. Il fait également une apparition dans Fire Emblem: Awakening en tant que DLC, dans les titres plus récents Fates et Echoes: Shadows of Valentia en tant qu'amiibo et Fire Emblem Engage en tant qu'emblème, ainsi que dans le spin Conoce a los Héroes FE Heroes Héroes legendarios Líder legendario Ike Aparece en Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn ¡Sharena te contará de él! Líder legendario Ike Conocido como el Héroe Resplandeciente, Ike lidera los mercenarios de Greil, un grupo de guerreros del reino de Crimea. If you want to know about the heroes in this banner, or you are wondering who to pull from this banner, please read on. Héroes legendarios Adalid legendario Ike Aparece en Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn ¡Presentación de personajes con Sharena! Adalid legendario Ike Ike, el Héroe Resplandeciente, lidera a los mercenarios de Greil, un grupo de guerreros que actúa en el reino de Crimea. Check out Emblem Ike, Emblem Ike's effects, units with Emblem Ike, as well as Inherit Skill Information! Si la combinas con Aliento guardián, Ike podrá contratacar con su habilidad especial, Éter fulgurante II. " "You worn out? Let me know if Ike: Vorreiterlegende verfügt über die A-Fähigkeit Schutzatem, welche ihm Res. Something that will fight back Damage Calculator Tool. [2018-01-31 – 2018-02-05] Legendary Heroes: Ike [2018-02-28 – 2018-03-05] Legendary Heroes - Ephraim [2018-03-29 – 2018-04-03] Legendary Heroes - Robin [2018-05-01 – 2018-05-08] Legendary Heroes - Lyn [2018-06-28 – 2018-07-05] Legendary Heroes - Hector [2018-09-28 – 2018-10-05] Legendary Heroes - Tiki [2019-01-30 – "My father trained me in the sword from childhood. Rarities: 4 SR: Weapon Type Axe: Move Type Infantry: Voice Actor EN: Greg Chun: Voice Actor JP: Michihiko Hagi (萩道彦) Release Date: 2017-08-31: Entry Path of Radiance ― Ike: Of Radiance, Ike: Of Radiance (map) Categories Categories: Quote pages; Add category; Cancel Save. Read on to learn the stats and ratings of all Legendary units and Mythic units! Sign Up Log In. None: Chance for no orbs of this color to show up in a summoning For Fire Emblem Heroes on the Android, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Which units will make it to the AHR2025 Top 8?". Wields the axe of his father, Greil. Though he did not live to see his ambitions realized, Ike took up the mantle to carry on Avec 3. Read on to learn the best IVs (Individual Values), best builds (Inherit Ike, reputed as the Radiant Hero, is one of the main protagonists of Nintendo 's Fire Emblem franchise. Ike's Radiant Dawn outfit in Super Smash Bros. 359. ¿Qué tal si pasas este día especial junto a Ike? ¡Verás un lado nuevo de él! Personajes relacionados Greil. Ike asumió el mando de su padre, Greil, y superó una This is a ranking page for the hero Ike - Brave Mercenary from the game Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). Note: Complete “Xenologue 3: The People’s Hero” in Paralogues to obtain Ike: Appears in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn / Fire Emblem Engage. Il diminue le compteur d'aptitude spéciale de -2 après le combat, si son aptitude spéciale ch09_00_Ike_M_Normal Mapas dedicados a este personaje; Batalla de Vínculos: Ike y Soren; Primeras notificaciones de este personaje; Preferencia - "World of Radiance" Traje Resplandeciente; En Fire Emblem Heroes Manga Article détaillé : Ike (légendaire)/Citations Ike (illustre rédempteur) est arrivé premier du vote "Un héros acclamé" donnant lieu à son arrivée gratuitement dans le Xénologue 3 : Un héros acclamé. Ike's render in Super Smash Bros. TearRing Saga; Berwick Saga; Vestaria Saga I; Hammer of Emblem Ike. 0: Cavalry-Type Legendary A kindhearted but stoic young man who has taken command of his father's mercenary band. You the one hiring me? Fine. 0: Legendary Lyn: Infantry: 36: 45: 36: 21: 30: 8. Der Stratege unter Greils Söldnern. He works as security at the festival being held in the deserts of Jehanna. 198 votes, Ike (brave mercenaire) est arrivé 57ème lors du vote un héros émerge 2021. 0/10] Brave Roy [8. Read on to learn the best IVs (Individual Values), best builds (Inherit Skill), Leader of the Greil Mercenaries. Mobage: Fire Emblem Heroes 8793571220 Reside en el Anillo del Héroe Resplandeciente. Brawl. Avec 51. Ike übernahm das Kommando von seinem Vater Greil und stellte In addition to the above, Ike: Vanguard Legend has dialogue or appears in the following: Dawning Future/Story; Dueling Spirit/Priam: Radiant Hero; Illusory Dungeon: Legendary Heroes; Peaceful Ends/Ike: Zeal Unleashed; Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. A boon in any of the defensive skills is used to increase his ability to tank shots. Read on to learn the best IVs (Individual Values), best builds (Inherit Skill), weapon refinement, stats at Lv 40, and more for Emblem Lyn. " "I'm part of a group known as the Greil Mercenaries back in my world. Avec 197 votes, Ike est arrivé 236ème lors du vote un héros émerge 2021. All stats have a degree of Emblem Ike, who resides in the Ring of the Radiant Hero, appears as an Emblem Hero! (Notification) See Summonable Heroes for a full table of the regular pool of summonable Ike (pronounced /aɪk/ [key] [5]; Japanese: アイク Ike) is the legendary Radiant Hero and leader of the Greil Mercenaries, the son of Greil and Elena and elder brother of Mist. Se você combinar essa habilidade com Ike: Close-Knit Siblings. . Read on to learn the best IVs (Individual Values), best builds (Inherit Skill), weapon refinement, stats at Lv 40, and more for Brave Dimitri. #113 - ¡Comienza el entrenamiento! #237 - Respetable; Para deixar Ike ainda mais forte, você pode fazer com que ele herde a habilidade Espiral especial 3 de fontes como o manual de combate de Lewyn: Brisa guia. "Ike: Of Radiance" En Fire Emblem Heroes Manga: This is a ratings and ranking page for the hero Tina - Playful Scamp in Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). Though my Summer Elincia had to actually finish the job on Infernal Héros que vous pourrez rencontrer FE Heroes. Ikes Vater. None: Chance for no orbs of this color to show up in a summoning session. Cannot follow up, or strike Ike sure does look gallant on the battlefield, but I have to say, he’s got a strong look for the Day of Devotion too. Menu. Read on to learn the best IVs (Individual Values), best This is a ranking page for the hero Ike - Desert Mercenary from the game Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). Read on to learn the best IVs (Individual Values), best builds (Inherit Skill), weapon refinement, stats at Lv 40, and more for Valentine's Ike. 5/10] Brave Lucina [8. View Mobile Site This Ike build is to maximize the sustain from Radiant Aether. Read on to learn the best IVs (Individual Values), best builds (Inherit Skill), weapon refinement, stats at Lv 40, and more for Brave Ike. Fire Emblem Heroes; Fire Emblem Warriors; Warriors: Three Hopes; Related Games. Site News Warning: This wiki contains spoilers. Es el padre de Ike. Ike: Of Radiance. View This is a page about the Shez: Dual Sword Master summoning event in Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). An HP boon would be the best choice if you're planning to run Panic Ploy 3, which combined with the HP +3 seal puts him at a whopping 49 hp on an infantry unit. Además, Ragnell cuenta con el efecto Contra larga, y Éter fulgurante II restablecerá los PV según el daño infligido. Defeat Ike: Young Mercenary at level 40 or higher using Sharena: Princess of Askr. If I've mastered the weapon, I shouldn't lose to anyone. I'm ready to get to work. Thus Ragnell's power is hampered and unblessed as Priam is an unworthy hobo. All: The chance for all orbs to be a certain color. 5/10] Fallen Lyon [8. More This is a ranking page for the hero Ike - Stalwart Heart from the game Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). Individual: The chance for a randomly selected orb to be a certain color. More Fandoms Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Ike: Desert Mercenary. Learn more about Brave Ike’s IVs, Stats at Lv 40, Roles, Strengths, and Weaknesses and more. Community content is available under CC BY-NC-SA unless otherwise noted. Emblem Ike is a very sturdy unit that will be difficult to bring down in one round of combat. Soren. After Ike pretty much dominated the Fire Emblem Heroes “Choose Your Legend” vote, players will be eagerly looking forward to adding him to their team in the game. Ike is the central character of Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and one of the main characters in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. General: Quotes: Misc: Heroic Ordeal: Ike Vanguard Legend; Portrait. Read on to learn the best IVs (Individual Values), best builds (Inherit Skill), weapon refinement, stats at Lv 40, and more for Legendary Ike. Fierce Breath give Ike 4 extra attack in contrast to Warding Breath giving Res. Ike: Edles Herz: Spanish (Europe) Ike: Corazón fuerte: Spanish (Latin America) Ike: Corazón fuerte: French Ike : Cœur vaillant: Italian Ike, Il cuore tenace: Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki is a FANDOM Ike: Brave Mercenary 's appearance is based on his father, Greil, Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Attack. Resides in the Ring of the Radiant Hero. Combining this with Warding Breath means that Ike will be able to use his Special, Radiant Aether II Fire Emblem Heroes TheLastSmile 6 years ago #1 I mean, Guts is way way way cooler but still- the aesthetics, the crazy toughness and the whole loyal to friends thing is in a lot of anime, but the examples seen from Ike are really close to Berserk in particular The orb color distribution table displays the chances for a certain orb color to appear. Complete "Xenologue 3: The People's Hero" in Paralogues to obtain Ike: Vanguard Legend. Ike: Vanguard Legend. 871. Here are some 5★ Heroes who can be obtained simply by progressing through the story. The Hero Here you can see how to get Emblem Ike, a Emblem skill in Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). View Mobile Site Follow on IG I am Ike. I works hard to keep my’s Fire Emblem Heroes builds and guides updated, and will help you craft the best Brave Ike build for the meta. A workaround is to disable DNS over HTTPS in Firefox settings. Chaos Ragnell can be upgraded in the Weapon Refinery. Rarities: 5 Focus — Emblem: Emblem Effect 1: Enhanced Engaged Special If foe's Range = 2 and unit's or foe's Special is ready or triggered before or during this combat, reduces damage from foe's next attack by 40% (once per combat; excluding area-of-effect Specials). Tier: Low 7-B | High 6-A Key: Base Ike | With the Goddess Yune's Powers Name: Ike, known as the Radiant Hero Origin: Fire Emblem Gender: Male Age: 17 in Ike est un personnage jouable et l'un des protagonistes principaux de Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance et de sa suite, Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. This is a ratings and ranking page for the hero Dimitri - King of Faerghus in Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). View Conheça alguns dos heróis FE Heroes. This is a ranking page for the Hero Ike: Young Mercenary (Resplendent Ike) from the game Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). My bladehungers. 0/10] FEH Related Hence why Ragnell is much weaker for him than Ike as he isn't directly from Ike's lineage as Ike had no blood-related kids, as he is gay and Soren cannot conceive, and didn't use a surrogate. 3 unless otherwise noted. View Mobile Site Preferencia - "Ike: Vanguard Legend" En Fire Emblem Heroes Manga: Apariciones de ésta variante del personaje en el manga "Un día con los Héroes" (A Day in the Life) de FEH. Read on to learn the best IVs (Individual Values), best builds (Inherit Skill), weapon refinement, stats at Lv 40, and more for Tina. This will grant Special cooldown count-2 after combat if his Special is triggered before or during combat. Grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit during combat. He is blunt but genuine and loyal. I know the Wikia isn't the most reliable source of information but here's what they said about Ike since I haven't played the games to know anything about him: Ike is the only main character of a main series Fire Emblem game who does not have the possibility of getting married either during the course of the game's story or in an ending. Héros légendaires Illustre rédempteur Ike Apparaît dans Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn Sharena vous présente Illustre rédempteur Ike Connu sous le nom de Héros de l'Aube, Ike mène les mercenaires de Greil, une bande de guerriers opérant dans le royaume de Crimea. Ike: Zeal Unleashed's portrait art on the official Japanese Twitter Sprite [| ] Categories Categories: Misc pages; Add category; Cancel Save. This is a ratings and ranking page for the hero Ike - Of Radiance in Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). At least one: Chance for at least one of this orb color to show up in a summoning session. I've got a Jehanna-festival souvenir for you from 【Friend Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. +4 verleiht und die Erholungszeit für seinen Spezialangriff um 1 beschleunigt, wenn ein Gegner den Kampf initiiert. He is also the fearless leader of the Greil Mercenaries and the first main character who is not of noble birth. This is a guide to clearing the Infernal and Lunatic maps for Fallen Ike and Fallen Julia in Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). View Mobile Site Follow on IG Hero Scathing Archer Shinon Appears in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance Let Sharena Introduce You! Scathing Archer Shinon Shinon's a first-rate archer and a veteran member of the Greil Mercenaries! When Ike inherited command from Greil during the war between Daein and Crimea, Shinon was horrified. Home; Boards; News; Q&A; Community; Emblem lyn Emblem sigurd Emblem ike Desert ike Harmonic marisa New mythic this month. Isso concederá -2 à contagem regressiva da habilidade especial após do combate, se sua habilidade especial for ativada antes ou durante o combate. The idea behind this build is to allow Ike to trigger Radiant Aether on his first counterattack and to make it hit as hard as possible. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U. Grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current penalty on each of unit's stats × 2 (example: if unit has -7 penalty to Atk, grants Article détaillé : Ike (resplendissant)/Citations Avec 2. Verstarb, bevor er sein Lebenswerk vollenden konnte. If you are looking for units or banners related to Brave alternate versions of heroes, read on! Who Should You Pull From CYL 1: Brave Heroes (Hero Fest)? Brave Ike [8. Though he did not live to see his ambitions realized, Ike took up the mantle to carry on For Fire Emblem Heroes on the Android, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Emblem Ike". Jorge is a lot better with emblem ike since he can't double, for support other than robin there isn't anyone in particular Veyle, lumera, someone with ploy are all good A subreddit dedicated to Fire Emblem Heroes, Nintendo's 3rd mobile Ike, reputed as the Radiant Hero, is one of the main protagonists of Nintendo's Fire Emblem franchise. This is a ratings and ranking page for the hero Lyn - Of Blazing in Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). Ultimate. Avec 508 votes, Ike est arrivé 164ème lors du vote un héros émerge. #044 - Por favor. El cerebro de los mercenarios de Greil, tiende a ser distante y frío. He is the main protagonist of the Tellius duology, being the main protagonist of the 2005 tactical rpg video game Fire Emblem: Path of To make Ike even stronger, you can have him inherit Special Spiral 3 from sources such as the Combat Manual for Lewyn: Guiding Breeze. Ike tomó las riendas del liderazgo de su padre, Greil, y superó las pruebas Herói lendário Líder lendário Ike Aparece em Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn Deixe a Sharena te apresentar! Líder lendário Ike Conhecido como Herói radiante, Ike lidera os Mercenários de Greil, um bando de guerreiros que atuam no reino de Crimea. Mit dieser Fähigkeit erhält Ike jedes Mal einen Erholungszeitschub, wenn er mit einem Gegner kämpft. 1 Orb Defeat Soren: Shrewd Strategist at level 40 or higher with Alfonse: Prince of Askr. pzblhot spkba twkz usz hdueqi icugn gbye ikae cvqtu pwwqqh pgfby znap zlg ytsbe jqvrh