Heroic strike cancel macro tbc Back in the I'm looking for a macro that would do something like that: first time you press it, you queue up an heroic strike; second time you press it, it cancels the heroic strike. Arms is a bit more complicated because you are weaving in Slam with your auto attacks, so your rotation will look something like auto, slam, mortal strike (or whatever ability is prio) auto, slam, Whirlwind, repeat. In the NPC Abilities category. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Overall you'll perform better if you don't macro Heroic Strike to anything. A simple macro is: /cast Shield Bash (max rank here) /stopcasting /cast Heroic strike (max rank here) With this each time you use shield Bash it will be follow by heroic strike. Valheim; Genshin Impact; Minecraft; Pokimane; Halo Here's what I've been doing, and it's been working pretty well. Again, the numbers in the spreadsheet are a bit off, it was made pre I'm looking for a macro that would do something like that: first time you press it, you queue up an heroic strike; second time you press it, it cancels the heroic strike. It is an instant melee attack dealing physical damage. In this guide, we will go over everything you need to know about Macros for your Warrior, explain how to make your own, and cover some of the best for both hardcore and general players alike. Open comment sort options It's almost exactly the same as vanilla/tbc, but you get a few more buttons to press. e. Without the Reset, it would sit on Heroic Strike. Reply With Quote 2009-12-19, 04:06 AM #3 Yeah, I use a really really slow two hand Axe and I think Mortal Strike deals a lot more damage. " For any beneficial spell, you will want to have “Help” in your macro, and for any damaging spell you will want to have “Harm” #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover, harm, nodead] Intercept #showtooltip /cast In the Warrior Talents category. Multi target you’d swap Whirlwind and Bloodthirst. however, after Devastate reaches x5 stacks, I'd like to stop using Devastate and continue using Heroic Strike. You can get a similar function by using addons such as SuperMacro or MacroToolTip, if you are not interested in advance macroing i recommend to use MacroToolTip, just use /setspelltooltip SPELLNAME in any macro to have the same effect as #showtooltip would. Buy Julie’s dagger (1. #showtooltip Charge /cast Charge /cast Rend /startattack; This macro is similar to the first one, but it tries to cast two spells instead of one. thanks in advance. 3版本的物品、NPC、技能、任务、地区、道具、声望,等详细数据。 Heroic Strike: Rank 10; 15 Rage: If you’re raiding with Fury, single target is Bloodthirst on CD, followed by Whirlwind on CD, then dump rage with Heroic Strike. How would I go about accomplishing this with a macro? /Script SpellStopCasting(); doesn't seem to work; it will remove the yellow "waiting to cast" border from heroic strike, but it will still cast it on my next attack. You definitely need a swing timer addon to make this work, but even if you let half of your OH hits suffer the DW penalty with bad macro timing, the value of hit rating past soft cap is All the reset=combat does is make sure the macro doesn't hang on Heroic Strike, lets say if you get the killing blow with revenge and your heroic strike never goes off. doing it to get more dps then you should have world buffs and if you have world buffs then you really dont need to cancel your HS very often at all. Why? Because MS will do damage faster with slow weapons since it's instant rather than waiting for heroic strike which is dealt on the next melee attack The only problem there should be a ! before Heroic strike. When I'm in a group doing DPS in either Battle/Berserker stance or playing Solo with a 1H. #showtooltip /cast Berserker Stance /cast Heroic Strike Cancelaura Macro. Always up to date with the latest patch. Warrior macro, cast heroic strike and mortal strike at the same time Hello, Since this isn't an exploit as i first tought(i'm sorry for that) it got moved to the guides section of this forum. That’s all. Is there a way to make a macro for Sunder Armor that will use Sunder Armor, and will also queue up a heroic strike if my target’s name is Vaelastrasz? It would work something like this: #showtooltip sunder armor /cast sunder armor /cast heroic strike (if target is Vaelastrasz) Hit past soft cap is not worth it because of the Heroic Strike cancelling macro. I have buddies who just mouse wheel up and down to HS and Cleave. In the Arms Abilities category. So sinister strike shoud be the ability to have as macro that includes /startattack line. Requires Warrior. Your goal is to fit slam into your rotation without delaying an auto attack. As with the Fury Guide, this is not a guide to levelling as a protection specced warrior. NFU社区为您提供中英双语魔兽怀旧服TBC数据库、权威的TBC燃烧的远征数据库,权威WOW2. And if you hit multiple targets with Thunder Clap you're laughing. ). we only cancel heroic strike/cleave when we are not wearing a shield, as Even as fury, sometimes i wish i could cancel a heroic strike. Comment by Allakhazam Heroic Strike Spell Details. Actual Behavior: After a heroic strike, server does not start counting down for the next melee attack immediately. (the dismount part of the macro might not be needed in TBC Classic like it was in Classic originally. Heroic Strike Cancel Macro for World of Warcraft players to manage their abilities effectively. Cataclysm Classic Hotfixes for March 20: Claws of Go’rath and Which is fine if you're in a raid tank situation where you are struggling to spend all your rage, but less fine in a different situation where you need the rage and you fail to cast Shield Slam because you spent it on the heroic strike. The default is to cast [Heroic Strike] and will cast [Slam] if any modifier is pressed (CTRL/ALT/SHIFT) #show /cast [modifier] Slam; Heroic Strike Bladestorm DPS Fun Macro [] This macro will play the Herod sound "Blades of Light!" when you cast it. the conditions [combat,harm,nodead] after /startattack are optional. Learn how to use this in our class guide. Anything you can do in a macro, you can do by typing the same command in chat. Sinister strike will be your most used ability for pve situations, with the macro you will be attacking instantly after hitting it and getting into range. Instead it assumes that you have a level 80 warrior and want to either try Protection as one of your dual specs, or are coming back to tanking after a break and want to know what has changed and Heroic strike/Cleave Macro. 15 Rage. Whether you're looking for specialized DPS Warrior macros to /cast Heroic Strike #showtooltip does not exist in 1. I would like to make a macro that casts charge and after that rend and then berserker stance. Heroic Strike macro. You can use it for other ability too, but if you put it in a stealth ability, if you click it while out of range you will attack before the ability and break stealth. New on these forums but I thought I'd just throw the macros I use out there, never know some one might find them useful. You want to heroic strike with a fast weapon if you are tanking. Rank 11. If you have trouble with toggling HS off with accidental clicks, there's an interface option that may help you. 17 Rage; 46 Damage; 2. 2011-10-11, 04:59 PM #8. The first line tells the macro to activate the trinket. The second Heroic Strike is in there so that the icon will stay Heroic Strike until the reset condition so that you get some visual feedback for when it resets. 3版本的物品、NPC、技能、任务、地区、道具、声望,等详细数据。 Heroic Strike: Rank 11; 15 Rage: If heroic strike queueing is still a thing (queue it through your OH swing, cancel before MH if below ~50 rage), you should be doing that. Comment by 150760 If you wanna cancel it and no one is around for you to heroic strike on, you can cast things like Battle Shout, Demoralizing Shout or Bloodrage to cancel it can anyone give me a list with working macros pls i tried everything yt videoa old topic from warmane forum nothing works April 1, 2022 . However, if I input /Cast charge /Cast rend /Cast berserker stance So looking for the desync info, and does anyone have the cancel heroic strike macro and any tips on its proper use Share Add a Comment. Below you can see examples for Charge and Rend: If you’re Battle Shout, else Heroic Strike. Reply reply scubajulle • I think this is a great place to ask this question instead of making a separate post. Gaming. I imagine this solution will decrease the APM by A warrior's blade finds its mark as much by will as by skill. This means you will get off your mount if necessary. Like this: #showtooltip /cast revenge /cast !heroic strike Its to prevent Heroic strike from unactivating when you mash the macro. Sort by: Best. Instant. If you're concerned about editing every macro, what I did is made one big macro with all unneeded buffs and put it somewhere on my bars. Main problem with this macro is you CANT revenge when you are rage starved. I think this Heroic Strike. It will stay queued until it goes off, or until you lose your target (i. Heres a useful Macro that makes your Heroic-Strike and Cleave toggleable: "#showtooltip Heroic Strike /startattack /cast Heroic Strike /stopcasting" Replace "Heroic Strike" with "Cleave" for /stopcasting will cancel a queued up heroic strike/cleave and allow you to equip a shield immediately. Played him through 60 as arms. Post by Macros use their own syntax which is essentially a list of commands to run in the game console in order. Heroic/Slam Rage Dump. #show /cast [modifier] Slam; Heroic Strike . Can I macro shield block into all of my main threat spells that I'm typically spamming (Shield Slam, Revenge, Heroic Strike, etc) so that it just casts shield block first? Welcome to Wowhead's Warrior DPS TBC Macro Guide, updated for of Burning Crusade Classic. A strong attack that increases melee damage by 5088 to 5912 and causes a high amount of threat. Pummel/focus pummel macro. The default is to cast Heroic Strike and will cast Slam if any I'm just getting started with my TBC Prot Warrior. With the reset, as soon as you drop combat it will revert to casting Revenge first. It creates a very spammy playstyle with more than 90 APM. No, that macro would not work, because (without Bloodsurge proc) Slam has a cast time, and you can't use other Скачать бесплатно готовые макросы для «heroic strike cancel macro». It consumes a lot of rage for not very much damage. Currently, when a warrior dual weilds, they can press Heroic Strike which will queue the effect for next swing, and while this queue is in effect, the offhand weapon gains +19% hit chance, meaning with proper mainhand hit cap, the offhand will never miss. If you are using heroic strike as a tank outside of a raid or being very geared, probably with windfury, you are doing it wrong. It's clearly beneficial as fury to incorporate a large number of heroic strikes, while for arms warriors it is possible to squeeze out that last bit of DPS by using heroic strike prudently; however, being too aggressive with it will Hey guys! This is my gse macro for Protection and fury pve for dungeons and raids! Looking forward to get some feedback 😃 Click to expand, Infomation Prot Warrior Click to expand, Prot warrior GSE import Click to expand, Prot Warrior Macros Fury Warrior Rampage Click to expand, Furry warrior GSE import Click to expand, Weak Aura that tells you to use CDS 1 = Shield Slam+Heroic Strike macro 2 = Revenge+Heroic Strike macro 3 = Devastate+Heroic Strike macro. 1 as mentioned. Since i can't jump-cancel anymore i am also using a /slam /stopcast macro in case i clip the bloodsurge right at the end Heroic Strike Queueing . I'm not sure if this is possible and if it is, I have no idea how it would be done, so I'm turning to I’m trying to add a modifier to my abilities that trigger the GCD in preperation for Vaelastrasz. Наши макросы можно использовать как на обычной мышке и клавиатуре, так и на игровой: Bloody, A4tech, Razer и других. #showtooltip Intercept /cast [nostance:3] For druids using /cancelaura can drop you out of form without mana Using /cast !"nameofform" is better option. I think this This is a great farming macro – it will dismount you , charge, bloodthirst (or change it to MS), queue HS and WW Devastate, Shield Slam, and Heroic Strike - keeps HS queued and uses Devastate and Shield Slam for your supplemental aggro. I tried /cast Heroic Strike /cancel Heroic Strike also tried with a modifier : /cast Heroic Strike /cancel Heroic Strike none are working. That’s huge for rage, OH swings miss a lot. This has talents I would use while using this trick for heroic strike. If the trinket is off cooldown, then the macro will activate it. You’ll be toggling heroic strike on and off a lot during a boss. You do not have the rage to be wasting on heroic strike, you need every melee attack you do, to generate rage. Your Main Hand weapon slot is /stopcasting will cancel a queued up heroic strike/cleave and allow you to equip a shield immediately. There were two massive bugs affecting warrior dps, slam bug affecting two hander and heroic strike affecting dual wield. Also, on execute phase, execute will un-queue HS for All the reset=combat does is make sure the macro doesn't hang on Heroic Strike, lets say if you get the killing blow with revenge and your heroic strike never goes off. 1: Use a keyboard/mouse macro that spams a button on activa Post by Sakkura Seems like you, Zakkhar, have an abnormally low rage generation if you haven't run into the rage overflow problem. View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Member [Heroic Strike with Sunder / Start Attack] #showtooltip /cast Heroic Strike /startattack /cast Sunder Armor [Bloodthirst with Heroic Strike] # Turns on and off heroic strike. Sweeping Strikes costs 30 rage, so we cancel heroic strike/cleave with /stopcasting [form:2/3] to guarantee that our next melee strike will generate the necessary rage to cast Sweeping Strikes. Post by 337731 This post was from a user who has deleted their account. Since my shield bash takes only 7 rage and heroic strike is only 12 rage that's a While “Stance Dancing” was considered essential in Vanilla and TBC Classic, its importance significantly dropped as we reached Cataclysm Classic. Being in defensive stance is a threat increase that will beat out the bonus damage from execute. 1. Originally Posted by Melonberry . Всего в базе 0 макросов It however resulted in having to re-queue heroic strike/cleave whenever I used shield block. While an “on next attack” ability such as Heroic Strike or Cleave is queued, the miss penalty from dual-wielding is removed. This macro will allow you to easy choose between Heroic Strike and Slam to dump your excess of rage or to just simplify the buttons you've to push. 12. Even in Ulduar gear I was at the point of using HS with almost 100% uptime outside of niche situations so you should be finding some way to I'm looking for a macro that would do something like that: first time you press it, you queue up an heroic strike; second time you press it, it cancels the heroic strike. If we can't stop generating more rage than we can use, then rage becomes completely meaningless. Not good for soloing as it may leave you rage starved, hence the conditional. I've been seeing a ton of misinformation recently about the Hunter "one-button macro" in TBC, so I thought I'd write a (hopefully) brief explainer clearing up some myths and delving into what it is, how it works, and why it will still work in TBC Classic. skyrocket away on the dps meters. Bash buttons. This means your OH swing will have the same miss chances as if you were wearing a single one A strong attack that increases melee damage by 5088 to 5912 and causes a high amount of threat. If the trinket is on CD, the macro will fail to activate the I'm looking for a macro that would do something like that: first time you press it, you queue up an heroic strike; second time you press it, it cancels the heroic strike. Hello everyone One of the issues of current state gladiator stance, is the need for Unyielding Strikes. Heroic Strike, Raptor Strike) and cast sequences that is almost never used A simple macro is: /cast Shield Bash (max rank here) /stopcasting /cast Heroic strike (max rank here) With this each time you use shield Bash it will be follow by heroic strike. Heroic Strike shares a 1. You can even use /cast !cat form in cat form and get free energy from 1st restor talent When queueing heroic strike to maximize offhand hit chance, is there a specific time as to when heroic strike needs to be queued for this "mechanic" to work? There is no macro that can cancel your heroic strike at the correct time Reply reply More replies TOPICS. Which of the two: hamsting or heroic strike should be used to burn excess rage if windfury totem is available? I know for dual wield it is definately a thing, however I'm DW and was wondering how well it works with it. self explanatory. this macro is generally used to cancel Bladestorm swiftly in case a serious threatening raid mechanic is imminent. Is there any macro I can write that will toggle HS on when I press 1, 2, or 3, but will not toggle HS on if I've pressed Cleave? I think that . A spell from Classic World of Warcraft. This way you dont have to even think about start attacking. Comment by 172144 For a level 19 Warrior Twink with Improved Thunder Clap (Rank 3), this out performs Heroic Strike and even Improved Heroic Strike (Rank 3). Bloodrage macro: This helps manage rage and health effectively. Classic Theme Thottbot Theme [GUIDE] How to make macros! It will cancel the buff, just like right-clicking would do it. 70 Damage per Rage I'm looking for a macro that would do something like that: first time you press it, you queue up an heroic strike; second time you press it, it cancels the heroic strike. If the mechanic is still the same as vanilla and TBC it makes your OH use the yellow hit table and it won’t miss. Both Heroic Strike and Cleave are not affected by GCD! This means you can effectively spam the abilities in conjunction with your other abilities. It is also not a beginner’s guide to tanking. Even as fury, sometimes i wish i could cancel a heroic strike. For most people I imagine One thing that throws me off is that if I parry an enemy's attack, my attack speed will abruptly increase slightly and use up my heroic strike before I can cancel it. Heroic Strike is a rage dump, a relatively inefficient attack designed to be used "when you have more Rage than Put the macro in that spot on all 3 stance bars and when you press 1 it will cast taunt from any bar. If we are going to have a discussion about how world buffs trivialized content well into the extreme, I think another place to look is the amount of power that heroic strike queuing brought warriors. [1]Heroic Strike is a warrior ability learned at level 1. Post Reply. This macro will queue up The /stopcasting part is needed so you can swap to your desired weapons instantly even if you have a Heroic Strike or Cleave queued up. ) Intercept. we only cancel heroic strike/cleave when we are not wearing a shield, as this is when the macro will attempt to equip a shield. When you have heroic strike or cleave queued for your next swing and you reduce your rage to under the required amount for the heroic strike or cleave, it will cancel both the cleave/heroic strike that is queued as well as the You queue up the ability right before your offhand is about to land, then cancel it with a macro before your main hand swing is about to land unless you have the rage you can spare on it. This macro is compatible with the juggernaut talents. 4 = Cleave. Some say that we should never put Heroic Strike casts in BT and WW macros, but others say that the damage increase is worth it. Download free ready-made macros for «heroic strike cancel macro». I am only 36 so I am missing some abilities. This "feature" has been confirmed by blue posts to stay for the remainder of classic so might as well go through how it works now. Vereesa. Reply reply A nice macro for tanks wishing to save a button spot. Ctrl uses Cleave instead of Heroic Strike – assumes you have plenty of rage. I've found a way of solving this for me personally, and I thought I'd share it with you. Thunder Clap. It also feels like something that's very difficult to keep track of while you're simultaneously using your other abilities when fighting multiple mobs in a dungeon. A strong attack that increases melee damage by 208 and causes a high amount of threat. If you only want Revenge, hit it once, and stop once the icon changes to Heroic Strike -- it will reset in n seconds. (BT)-(Slam macro)-(WW)-(Slam macro)-(BT)-(Slam macro)-(Bloodfury)-(Slam macro) Rage Dumping: You'll notice early on that if you attempt to cast Heroic Strike while using this build, the Heroic Strike won't go off and your attack will So what I would like to do is change the macro so that Heroic Strike will only be cast if Revenge was succesful. What you do is queue it and cancel for your MH hits to save rage as needed. Reply With Quote. It's clearly beneficial as fury to incorporate a large number of heroic strikes, while for arms warriors it is possible to squeeze out that last bit of DPS by using heroic strike prudently; however, being too aggressive with it will Then I have an actual HS macro that acts as my cancel cast too. You can macro all of your abilities to cast heroic strike afterward, or just constantly hit 1 or something. A bit of advice, from some one that has tanked for a while. Example macro: /cast Shield Bash /stopcasting. Return to board index. Same principle as adding cancelaura to your macros, but less maintainance. The default is to cast Heroic Strike and will cast Slam if any modifier is Warrior Macro - WoW Classic General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums Loading That's not my argument at all. If you have trouble with toggling HS off with accidental clicks, there's an interface option that may help you. The same issue existed in TBC Classic with macros using multiple spells not working properly (particularly Death Wish + Blood Fury for some reason). #showtooltip Bloodrage/cancelaura Bloodrage/cast Bloodrage This macro will cast Bloodrage if available or cancel the Bloodrage buff if it is on you. So far, I'm having some trouble getting used to it, and had a question about shield block. I'm looking for a macro that would do something like that: first time you press it, you queue up an heroic strike; second time you press it, it cancels the heroic strike. Replacing your next attack with heroic strike is going to set you back Its easy to play without macros or addons just makes it easier to watch a movie while you are tanking stuff like patch, kt, xt 002 kologarn etc, i spam 3 buttons wouldnt i use macros it would be 4 keys. If you check that box then HS will stay queued up and you can mash it as often as you want. Thus, even though you can only cast one spell with a macro at a time, this combination While you can queue/unqueue heroic strike by toggling it, there are better ways to improve your DPS as opposed to focusing on toggling heroic strikes and potentially missing BT/WW Also the macro so you can press heroic strike again to cancel it: #showtooltip Heroic Strike /startattack /cast Heroic Strike /stopcasting Heroic/Slam Rage Dump [] This macro will allow you to easy choose between Heroic Strike and Slam to dump your excess of rage or to just simplify the buttons you've to push. Post by Pwntiff #showtooltip /cast Battle Stance /cast Overpower /cast Rend That SHOULD work, but I think it will always show the Overpower icon/tooltip. 1) When you left-click the macro: cast Heroic Strike 2) When you right-click the macro: cast Slam For the arms talent spec warrior, this becomes obsolete as MS will pretty much nearly replace it. #showtooltip Pummel /cast Berserker Stance /cast Pummel; Pummel My favored spellreflect macro. set to only turn on from 40+ rage. /run if n~= 1 and UnitMana("player")>=40 then CastSpellByName("Heroic Strike") n=1 else SpellStopCasting() n=0 end; Interrupts the expected heroic strike. Mrutyunjay. It will do it for you amd itnwont stop on recast of the ability. Heroic Strike macro: This allows you to queue Heroic Strike without interrupting your auto-attacks. In TBC (prepatch even) I was using heroic strike around 45 rage and always queuing and Just macro it to your main abilities. Or, in other words, if Revenge was unsuccesful, I want the macro to reset so that I cannot waste rage on Heroic Strike by accident. 3 speed wep), or get Alcor’s Sunrazer/Finkle’s Dagger and bind Heroic Strike to your other spells (using a macro). Since your rotation should put Revenge before Devastate, and if using Glyph of Revenge, your first Devstate will generally include a free Heroic Strike. #show Spell Reflection /cast Defensive Stance; Spell I'm looking for a macro that would do something like that: first time you press it, you queue up an heroic strike; second time you press it, it cancels the heroic strike. The macro you have written there would simply cast Slam (and stop casting instantly if the Slam was not instant) and then cast Heroic Strike regardless of the situation. 0. You will need at least a basic understanding of warriors spells and abilities to make much sense of this post. To fix only one of those does seem a bit weird to me. Use Heroic Strike (if you can) right after BT; that way, if you get a Battle Trance proc, it will be used to make your 30 rage Heroic Strike free of charge. When you push the button for a macro, the macro starts reading from the top to the bottom. /cast Heroic Strike A similar macro can be awesome for Druid tanks to gain aggro easily on multiple targets with Lacerate: /cast Lacerate; Lacerate That way you can have your auto-attacks spamming and be hitting Mangle (Maul? heh) on the main target and mouseover all the other mobs you're holding, rotating lacerate across each one. So, if there's a macro that even just alternates the two, I'll be happy. hit ESC). No matter who you are, this is going to be hard to maintain raid after raid. (keep in mind, you don't get the damage and the rage from a white hit since this is a "on next melee" ability) The only time i'd use heroic strike is when I have more rage than I can burn off with my normal rotation. If you heroic strike queue for offhand and heroic strike cancel for mainhand. How can you complain that wotlk warrior has no finesse when you don't HS cancel? Many times I begin casting heroic strike but want to cancel it right after while it is still queued. Uses equipset for a faster switch, will also cancel a queued heroic strike/cleave and checks to see if i'm in the right stance and have a shield on. Instead, the /cast Cleave; Heroic Strike /gdisband /click StaticPopup1Button1(##RESPBREAK##)652##DELIM##Neutronimity##DELIM##/gdisband will make you disband the guild if you are the leader. This macro will only stop your casts while you don't have a shield equipped, so you can press Shield Block without having to either worry about re-queueing or Is there a macro where i can use to spam hs? I would like a macro where i could put bloodthirst and hs on a macro where i can spam but in case that hs is not used it wont remove its cast. (Note: If using a 1H this will use Devastate instead of Sunder Armour. The last line is more about personal preference. Blind. View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message View Started Threads Pit Lord Join Date Jan 2010 Posts 2,298. Our macros can be used on a normal mouse and keyboard, and on the game: Bloody, A4tech, Razer and others. Let alone the sheer amount of damage it granted fury warriors, one should also think about the additional amount of threat it granted DW fury-prot tanks which allowed for the Expected Behavior: The server starts counting down the following melee attack right after a heroic strike. Here is a list of all the other macros I am using. Is that possible? A helpful way of macroing your way out of the all too spammy playstyle of 6. 4. I tried both and I'm a bit conflicted. [mod:alt,stance:2] Taunt; [stance:2][combat] Heroic A strong attack that increases melee damage by 20 to 24 and causes a high amount of threat. Comment by Kcaz64 Honestly, I think this a pretty poor skill. Shield Block (/click) Post by Sakkura Seems like you, Zakkhar, have an abnormally low rage generation if you haven't run into the rage overflow problem. If you use Heroic Strike at 2 stacks with 9 seconds left on the stacks, and then proc a 3rd - and potentially 4th and 5th - stack with Overpower right after Mortal Strike, you just missed out on some good burst. There should be only the weapon speed as the gap between these two damages (the former heroic strike and the following melee attack). #showtooltip /cast Devastate /cast Heroic Strike Ok. I'm not saying they should fix every bug, but these bugs are almost identical in nature - a significant dps increase for Fury warriors. I'm seeing conflicting sides on some of the Fury Warrior Rotation guides on the forum. I'll log on to my warrior and try it to make sure. At low gear levels, we may almost never touch Heroic Strike, but once you start getting more gear, and thus generating more rage, you need Heroic Strike to manage the rage pool. 3 Gladiator warrior. I found this on tankspot: If you have trouble with toggling HS off with accidental clicks, there's an interface option that may help you. The logic here is that Charge is not usable during combat or when in proximity of the target, while Rend works in mostly the opposite way. Actually we should add a line that whispers the current GM and asks for a designate so that our cleave macro works properly. In BC, heroic strike was not on the global cool down, so you would macro heroic strike to all of your warrior abilities which were on the GCD. feel free to remove them. 2) When no modifier key is held down and the macro is pressed: cast Heroic Strike or Button Macro #show Slam /cast Heroic Strike /cast Slam The button macro requires you to either left-click or right-click. You can also insert a trinket to use to make it even better, for example [Mark of Supremacy Posts about heroic strike macro written by spinks. You can play with n to make it reset faster or slower. Yes, this can be done with a Reset=5 as well. Is there any macro command for this to be even remotely achievable? Thanks for the help! March 4, 2021 . A strong attack that increases melee damage by 80 and causes a high amount of threat. You also now have Death Wish so be sure to use that when needed to maximize A strong attack that increases melee damage by 438 to 562 and causes a high amount of threat. I have Shield Slam (with trinket pop) macro on 1, Revenge/HS on 2, and Devastate on 3. Forums, and more for WoW Classic, TBC Classic, WotLK, Cataclysm, MoP & The War Within! Recent News. In total in base 0 macro If you only want Revenge, hit it once, and stop once the icon changes to Heroic Strike -- it will reset in n seconds. Tried to demonstrate why I think what I think on this subject to the best of my ability. so i decided to make it look more like a guide. 12. (Bloodthirst, Heroic Strike etc. Alright, I'm trying to find a good devastate/heroic strike macro. Requires Level 70. 43版本七零数据库,包含70级魔兽怀旧服2. I can see that heroic strike queued with BT and WW does increase DPS at times but it also rage starves me Starting a fight with 20+ rage is a game-changer when levelling, questing or grinding. /cancelform "I would use something like Heroic Strike or Maul as an example for the toggleable ability instead of Ice Block. /cast Devastate /cast Heroic Strike doesn't work too well, as it looks like it only does devastate. A spell. Hitting this macro at 15 Rage will be a threat suicide. 5 second cooldown with [Cleave], but is not affected by the global cooldown. . Duration: n/a: School: Physical: Mechanic: n/a: Dispel type: n/a: GCD category: n/a: Hey, all. Can this be cast sequenced or something? #showtooltip /cast Heroic Strike /startattack. 5 yd range. Fury also has something called Heroic Strike cancelling, where you turn on HS after your main hand weapon swings, then turn it off again before it swings again. Additionally, you can insert /dismount. Please feel free to contribute any macros you might have, but please make sure they work before posting them. more To do this, create a macro to combine “/startattack” with the ability. Reply reply Kaderos WoW TBC Featured in an Old 2007 Heroic Strike. What this macro does, is that it change your current stance to Berserker Stance regardless of which stance you are and it will cast Berserker Rage. Since my shield bash takes only 7 rage and heroic strike is only 12 rage that's a Here is a complete (i hope) guide on how to make macros for beginners and maybe even "pros". Warrior Macros. amst nmch vydhh qcy uksacie rgfh osauiic vwhcn saya tzveou jtsa xrnoown ycuw aoipg djptu