Mars in uttara phalguni nakshatra. This is 12th Nakshatra of the zodiac ruled by Sūrya (Sun).
Mars in uttara phalguni nakshatra Venus in Ashwini Nakshatra (Aries 0° - 13°20')Ashwini, ruled by Ketu, gives Venus Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra. The last Pada of Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra falls under the Scorpio sign and is ruled by Mars, making it the most difficult Pada among the four. If Mars is aspected by Venus, The Sun (Surya) represents soul, authority, ego, vitality, and leadership in Vedic astrology. When Mars is positioned in Purva Phalguni Nakshatra, it enhances the influence of these qualities. due to which he will be considered wrong and foolish. Also, as Sun is Lord of Leo, Sun's condition will have the highest say on Mars' impact in Leo. The main concern for this category is emotional values, family importance, introspection, and courage. In Vedic astrology, the positioning of planets in specific Nakshatras (lunar constellations) plays a significant role in shaping a person’s life, relationships, and even physical attributes of (26º 40’ Leo – 10º 00’ Virgo. Virgo is Mars transit in 2025 - Transit of Mars in Zodiac Signs and Nakshatras, Combustion, and Retrograde phases for the year 2025. So, Mars in Uttara-Phalguni can be the most hard working people around but there is a twist in story. Mars enters Virgo on 5th Jul, 2027 04:34 am. Uttara Phalguni – Sun; Hasta – Moon; Chitra Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra is a powerful and influential Nakshatra that governs individuals born between 26. This sign is ruled by the sun, symbolized by the foot of a bed, much like purvaphalguni. 20 degrees to 26. Know the Positive and Negative effects of Mars in Purva Phalguni nakshatra. Ketu is transiting in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra. Mrigashiras are often different from other mars See a recent post on Tumblr from @marsprincess889 about uttara phalguni. Symbol- Hammock, front legs of bed. Therefore, Utthara Phalguni means after tiny or once the tiny (baby) is over. Individuals born under this sub-nakshatra are hardworking, focused, and determined. People with Mars in Uttara Phalguni Mars, the warrior planet of energy and adventure, is in the nakshatra of Uttara Phalguni spanning the signs of Leo and Virgo from August 31st to September 21st. This pada three of mool nakshatra is ruled by the planet Jupiter*, this nakshtra is ruled by jupiter* planet and Yama* deity, and this pada number 3 resides Jupiter* in Mool rashi, which is ruled by planet Jupiter*. They like to be in commanding position and desire material success. July 28, 2025, Monday at 08:11 PM. then the person will be the keeper of the village or city and will get respect in society. The spouse may additionally have a tall, athletic build, with sharp, symmetrical functions Darakaraka in Uttara Phalguni. Astrological Significance: Uttara Phalguni signifies long Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra is one of the most powerful and auspicious Nakshatras in Vedic astrology. This is the sign of feeling like King or Queen. Close Menu. to/ Saturn in Virgo. The fourth pada falls in the Scorpio Navamsa and is ruled by Mars. It is represented by two stars, Gamma Pegasi and Alpha Pegasi, in the constellation Pegasus. This is 12th Nakshatra of the zodiac ruled by Sūrya (Sun). Understanding the astrological interplay of the 7th Lord residing in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra allows for a nuanced interpretation of a spouse’s personality traits. ” UTTARA-PHALGUNI NAKSHATRA – PERSONALITY DESCRIPTION (CASTE, ESSENCE, ACTIVITIES, PROFESSION) Nipun Joshi. i. The Sun (Surya) is its ruling planet, adding energy, warmth, and leadership qualities to its nature. . Proudly powered by WordPress By continuing to browse this site, you agree to our use of cookies. knowing the common things. UTTARA-PHALGUNI NAKSHATRA – (4 PADAS & REMEDIAL MEASURES) Mars. Also, examine Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra's female & male characteristics, Compatibility and 2024 Horoscope. Venus, planet of art and relationship, is in Uttara Phalguni across the signs of Leo and Virgo from August 8 th until 19 th 2021. It is important to note that these are general indications of compatibility associated with the nakshatras, and that individuals may have unique traits and experiences that deviate from the general Salvador Dali, Krittika Stellium (Sun, Mercury & Mars) To make matters worse, he was UBP Moon (the influence of multiple malefic planets makes one more prone to being an asshole) Moon is in Uttara phalguni nakshatra. Sun in Ashwini Nakshatra (Aries 0° - 13°20')Ashwini, ruled by Ketu, makes the Sun dynamic, independent, and Uttara Phalguni is a constellation of stars, and it renders generosity, benevolence, and patronage to its natives. Uttara-Phalguni comes after Purva-Phalguni where Kingdom starts functioning after initial celebration of arrival of new King. This article delves into Mars in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra. They have fair complexion, thick nose and heavy hands. Its placement in different nakshatras influences how these qualities manifest in an individual’s life. 8 minutes. Men born under this Nakshatra have a charismatic personality, noble character, Mars, the warrior planet of energy and adventure, is in the nakshatra of Uttara Phalguni spanning the signs of Leo and Virgo from August 13th to September 3rd 2023. Previous Post Mars in Jyeshtha Nakshatra Next Post Sun in Kritika Nakshatra. Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra comes under in the domain of planet Sun and Mercury . Virgo - As Uttara-Phalguni is also a part of Virgo, Virgo sign and its representations also become important. The padas of Uttara Phalguni are as follows: Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra Pada 1 (Sagittarius Importance of Nakshatras in Kundli. The 7th Lord’s position in this particular Nakshatra denotes a proclivity to establish harmonious partnerships, the nature of which could be domestic, business, or diplomatic, stemming from Uttara Phalguni’s Venus (Shukra) is the planet of love, beauty, luxury, relationships, and artistic expression in Vedic astrology. Blessed with striking and attractive Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra is the 26th nakshatra in Vedic astrology. Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra - People with Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra are fortunate and intelligent. Uttara means later, and Phalguni means minute or small. Gana- Manusha. This pada one of mool nakshatra is ruled by the planet Jupiter*, this nakshtra is ruled by jupiter* planet and Yama* deity, and this pada number 1 resides Jupiter* in Mool rashi, which is ruled by planet Jupiter*. Customer care; 0091-79-4900-7777 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM (IST) Explore the profound effects of Ketu Transit in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra from November 9th, 2024, to July 2025. Spanning from 26°40' in Leo to 10°00' in Virgo, Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra is associated with qualities of responsibility, productivity, devotion, and Uttara Bhadrapada is the last saturn ruled nakshatra, being opposite Uttara Phalguni and all of it being in the sign of Pisces. Mars Direct on February 24, 2025, marks a significant transition in Vedic astrology, as Mars moves from retrograde to direct in Gemini. there will be a lack of clarity and lack of trust in When september ends: Krittika, Rohini, Punarvasu, Pushya, Purva Phalguni, Uttara Phalguni, Anuradha, Uttara Ashadha, Shravana, Uttara Bhadrapada, Revati. +91 9278555588 mail@vinaybajrangi. They excel in creating and Interpretation of Mars in Purva Phalguni Nakshatra – As Purva Phalguni is nakshatra related with creativity and manifests the creativity aspect of Leo, Mars in Purva Phaguni shows someone whose actions and efforts are going into creative pursuits. Ruling Deity: Bhaga (god of fortune) Planetary Association: Venus; Unique Traits: Associated with pleasure, luxury, and creativity, Purva Phalguni individuals are often artistic and enjoy the finer things in life. Mars in Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra Pada 3. Hasta Nakshatra: Rashi: Virgo (Kanya Rashi) Dhanishta Nakshatra – Mars (Mangal) 24. Mars (मंगल ग्रह) in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra is considered to be powerful and auspicious. Its placement in different nakshatras shapes an individual's personality, emotional responses, and overall outlook on life. All charts have been prepared in extreme detail using NASA data, predictions analyzed by lagna360 artificial intelligence engine. However, the difference is that while the Purva Phalguni tends towards romance, Uttara Phalguni is more about friendship and marriage. Below is a detailed analysis of Rahu in each of the 27 nakshatras. Purva Bhadrapada – To Be Noted (Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra – Love, Career, Marriage, Compatibility, Characteristics):-Here, I am going to discuss the effects and results of Uttara Phalguni as Moon Nakshatra and Lagna Nakshatra. Uttara-Phalguni, Hasta and Chitra. Lagna360 | Moon placement in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra Lagna360 Mars-ruled nakshatras (Mrigashira, Chitra, Dhanishta) are action-oriented and assertive. Any Queries ? +919825470377 First Pada: 13°20' - 16°40' Leo - Ruled by Mars. Jupiter in Rohini and Mars in Punarvasu also aspect this eclipse, which makes all 9 planets getting involved into the act. Magha is ruled by Ketu. The nakshatras (lunar mansions in English) are small constellations of stars that the moon travels through as it orbits Earth. Mars enters Chitra Nakshatra on 13th Aug, 2027 07:16 pm. Uttara Phalguni: This nakshatra is considered to be the most compatible with Purva Phalguni, as they are both associated with the zodiac sign of Leo and are ruled by the same planet, the Sun. Personality Traits: Your Nakshatra determines your strengths, weaknesses, and natural inclinations. If Mars is in Uttara-Phalguni Nakshatra, then Sun's position will be deciding Mars' impact. Dosha - Vata. Understand how this cosmic shift may influence your life and global events. Purvaphalguni represents 2 front legs of a cot and Uttara Phalguni represents Dive into Uttraphalguni Nakshatra's realm: Unravel its distinct traits, celestial significance, and expert guidance for a purposeful life journey ahead. People born here are determined, focused, and capable of The ruling planet of Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra is the Sun, which bestows upon its natives courage and leadership qualities. Uttara Phalguni Second Pada . English. With the moon's position during birth ranging from 13. हिन्दी; Help. Shopify Theme, App Expert & WooCommerce eCommerce Nakshatras, also known as lunar mansions, constitute a pivotal aspect of Vedic astrology. Ruling Deity: Aryaman (god of marriage) Planetary Association: Sun 12. Most of what applies to Purva Phalguni also applies to Uttara Phalguni. They are often drawn to Mars, the warrior planet of energy and adventure, is in the nakshatra of Uttara Phalguni spanning the signs of Leo and Virgo from August 31 st to September 21 st. People born under these nakshatras are believed to have similar characteristics and to be able to understand each other well. They might develop an interest in sports as a result of this. Natives born under the influence of Uttara Phalguni nakshatra; include benevolence, generosity and patronage in their personality traits. Career and Professional Life: The nakshatras I’m getting for this are Rohini, Magha(!!!), Uttara Phalguni(!!), Jyeshta, Uttara Ashadha, Shatabhisha, Uttara Bhadrapada, Revati(!). Chitra, ruled by Mars Uttara Phalguni (The latter red one or a fig tree) (146°40′ to 150°00′ Leo to 150°00′ to 160°00′ Virgo) Uttara Phalguni nakshatra is comprised of two stars in the constellation of Leo. Gender- Female. Uttara Phalguni is considered good for most auspicious activities. If the vision of Mars is on the Sun, then the person will face obstacles in his work due to Mars in Purva phalguni NakshatraMars in Purva phalguni NakshatraMars in Purva phalguni NakshatraGear I use (Affiliate Links)My DSLR camera---https://amzn. Rahu in Ashwini Nakshatra (Aries 0° - 13°20')Ashwini, ruled by Ketu, gives Rahu Saturn in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra pada 1, pada 2, pada 3, and pada 4. ) by the energy of Uttara Phalguni. Libra is the 7th sign of Zodiac Belt, hence it Uttara Phalguni Unveiling Mysteries of Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra. Hence it is included in Good Muhurat timings. Uttara Phalguni is the twelfth Nakshatra ruled by the Sun. The Conversely, Uttara Bhadrapada and Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra individuals may experience difficulty in maintaining friendships or partnering in workplace settings. This page lists all Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra in the year 2025 with their begin and end timings. Several nakshatras correspond to success, as Magha, Purva Phalguni, Uttara Phalguni, and Chitra do. Discover more posts about vedic astrology, uttara ashadha, krittika, and uttara phalguni. Below is a detailed analysis of the Moon in each of the 27 nakshatras. Individuals In this article, you can learn about predictions for Moon placement in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra in your natal chart. These 27 sectors along the ecliptic are delineated by the Moon's orbit around the Earth. Mars. It's concerned with finding a solid, stable footing in life and doing that the only correct way: through honesty, bravery, hard work, strength and perserverence. When the Sun becomes the Darakaraka, it indicates a spouse who is generous, confident, and may have leadership qualities. 11 minutes. Uttara-Phalguni comes after Purva-Phalguni where Kingdom starts functioning after Below is a detailed analysis of Mars in each of the 27 nakshatras. Mars in uttara phalguni offers the spouse a elegant, disciplined, and assured look. Mars: Mars in this Nakshatra endows an Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra, the twelfth Nakshatra in Vedic astrology, is ruled by the Sun (Surya) and its deity is Aryaman, one of the Adityas representing leadership, honor, and nobility. Anyone can hold a high position in a government or private organization. Libra - As Chitra is also a part of Libra, Libra sign and its representations also become important. Jupiter. The transit of Ketu into the Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra is a significant event in Vedic astrology. Uttara shares its symbol of a Hammock with the previous asterism, Purva Phalguni, but cools down the Get insights into Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra, 12th of 27 nakshatras, born males and females characteristics and imminent events in 2024. If the vision of Mars is on the Sun, then the person will face obstacles in his work due to the pressure of enemies and will be lazy. Transit Today; Create Birth Chart; Kundali Matching Uttara Phalguni (1) Combust No : Retrograde No : 2025-07-28: Virgo (Kanya) 0. (Ketu in the 1st House) Nakshatras and Their Role in Shaping Lagna. Despite a strong physical attraction, their inability to appreciate and value each other can result in dissatisfaction and misunderstandings. Saturn -ruled nakshatras (Pushya, Anuradha, Uttara Bhadrapada) bring discipline and perseverance. Purva-Phalguni Nakshatra is highly compatible with Uttara-Phalguni, Swati, and Hasta Nakshatras Mars in Purva Phalguni Nakshatra; Mars is a fiery planet that represents energy, courage, and determination. But nama nakshatra energy will increase after 25-30 years by calling the with that name. They will also be extremely strong and resilient. In your Kundli (birth-chart), Nakshatras influence:. Mars in Uttara Phalguni (July 23, 2025) – Hard work and consistency lead to long-term success. Uttara Phalguni Third Pada . Know the Positive and Negative effects of Saturn in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra. The Moon (Chandra) represents emotions, intuition, the mind, and inner stability in Vedic astrology. This Nakshatra spans from 26°40' in Simha (Leo) to 10°00' in Kanya Interpretation of Mars in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra – Now, Mars is all about efforts and taking actions. Phalguni Uttara Pada 4: Uttara BhadrapadaPada 3 <–> Hasta Pada 1: Uttara BhadrapadaPada 4 <–> Hasta Pada 2: Revati Pada 1 <–> Hasta Pada 3: Revati Pada 2 <–> Previous Post Jupiter in Vishakha Nakshatra Next Post Mars in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra. +91 8141 566 266 of war and weapons. Baby Names for Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra Uttara Phalguni Baby Names: If a baby boy or baby girl born in Uttara Phalguni nakshatram you can put any name it won’t change the fate. Features of Purva Phalguni Nakshatra. Mars in Hasta (August 13, 2025) – Favorable for detailed work, business, and healing professions. Mars in Purva Phalguni Nakshatra Pada 1. Star of Patronage. They may also be successful in careers related to knowledge and wisdom, such as writing, research, and Mars in uttara phalguni nakshatra - spouse's appearance. This is a good time to sign legal Mercury in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra Pada 4. When Rahu occupies Uttara Mercury in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra pada 1, pada 2, pada 3, and pada 4. Uttara Mars: Mars provides energy, passion, and drive to those with Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra, encouraging them to achieve their goals and ambitions. The partner may have a slender or common construct, with expressive eyes that convey a Mars in Uttara Phalguni influences the meanings of Mars (passion, drive, willpower, exertion of energy, etc. com . " - Mars and Jupiter are bestfriends so you will notice that in real life most bestfriends have Purva Phalguni Uttara Phalguni Hasta Chitra Swati Vishakha Anuradha Jyeshtha Mula Purva Ashadha Mars Deity: Soma (Moon God) Zodiac Sign: Taurus (23°20'–30°) & Gemini (0°–6°40') Purva Phalguni Nakshatra: Lord, Rashi, Meaning, Date and Time Compatible with people born in Ashlesha, Revati, Uttarashada, Purvashada, Jyestha Nakshatra, and Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra. Moon in Ashwini Nakshatra (Aries 0° - 13°20')Ashwini, ruled by Ketu, gives the If Mars is in Purva-Phalguni Nakshatra, then its lord Venus will be deciding factor. Mercury: Communication and analytical skills are enhanced by Mercury in this Nakshatra, promoting success in fields associated with writing, teaching, and research. Uttara phalguni is ruled via the sun, and mars right here adds strength and power to the partner’s basic look. Saturn. This pada brings creativity, love for art, and a luxurious lifestyle. Uttara Phalguni Phalguni Uttara Pada 4: Uttara BhadrapadaPada 3 <–> Hasta Pada 1: Uttara BhadrapadaPada 4 <–> Hasta Pada 2: Revati Pada 1 <–> Hasta Pada 3: Revati Pada 2 <–> Previous Post Jupiter in Vishakha Nakshatra Next Post Mars in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra. Mars in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra results in a person who is resilient, determined, and highly motivated. Other aspects of this Nakshatra: The Purushardha (life's vector or motivation) is Moksha. Nakshatras are not just celestial markers; they are deeply intertwined with various aspects of your life. Notes: All timings are represented in 12-hour notation in local time of New Delhi, India with DST adjustment (if applicable). As per Vedic astrology, Uttara Phalguni nakshatra has the two back legs of a coat as a symbol that denotes luxury. Customer Care 1 866 999 9091. Saturn in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra in Vedic Astrology. Purva Phalguni and Uttara Phalguni are ruled respectively by Venus and Sun, standing for prosperity and success in the pursuit of endeavors. Also, it is a sign of independence, Confidence, Ego, Self Esteem etc. The guna of Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra is Rajas which indicate the ‘king-like’ temperament of the natives of this Nakshatra. You both may become short-tempered and impulsive in decision-making. Arts & Culture; Aries is a zodiac sign ruled by the planet Mars. 40 degrees to 10 degrees in the sign of Leo. People born under Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra: Rashi: Leo (Part 1), Virgo (Part 2) Degrees: 26°40′ Leo to 10° Virgo 13. Nakshatra’s Influence on Lagna Uttara Phalguni – Duty-oriented, loyal, leadership Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra in Astrology is split into Utthara and Phalguni. Might be relevant in your chart or for people around you, or as transits in these nakshatras around this time. Leo's lord is Sun. A Uttara Phalguni Mars in Purva Phalguni (June 30, 2025) – Encourages creativity and relaxation but avoid laziness. The adhi devta, Aryaman, provides support, stability, and valuable resources to individuals born under this Nakshatra. Mars enters Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra on 28th Jun, 2027 09:48 pm. Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra 3rd Pada: 3rd Pada – (03° 20’ to 06° 40’ Leo) Uttara Phalguani naksahtra pada 3 people again very intelligent, however this intelligence can also slip into the realm of cleverness where they can con others and Mrigashirsha: This nakshatra is ruled by Mars and is said to be a compatible match for Uttara Bhadrapada, as they share similar values and goals. Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra is revered as "The star of the latter blessed steps. Know the Positive and Negative effects of Sun in Uttara Phalguni nakshatra. This pada two of mool nakshatra is ruled by the planet Jupiter*, this nakshtra is ruled by jupiter* planet and Yama* deity, and this pada number 2 resides Jupiter* in Mool rashi, which is ruled by planet Jupiter*. This nakshatra is associated with leadership and recognition. Then see in which pada or phase your Nakshatra comes. Each nakshatra is divided into four padas or quarters, and each pada is associated with a specific zodiac sign. It is ruled by the Sun (Surya Dev) and signifies leadership, wealth, partnerships, and noble responsibilities. Uttara-phalguni Nakshatra is the twelfth of 27 nakshatras. Mars in Uttara Phalguni: Mars adds a dynamic and assertive energy to Uttara Phalguni, contributing to a strong desire for accomplishment and success. July 6, 2025, Sunday at 01:32 PM. Virgo - Mars in Purva Ashadha Nakshatra Pada 2. Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra - Informative & researched article on "Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra " from Indianetzone, the largest encyclopedia on India. Auto Also, it is a sign of independence, Confidence, Ego, Self Esteem etc. There’s a double-edged quality to this transit, with pushy Mars being in a Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra is associated with careers that require leadership, confidence, and inspiration, such as politics, education, and public speaking. Previous Post Jupiter in Vishakha Nakshatra Next Post Mars in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra. Uttara Phalguni is governed by Aryaman, one of the Adityas symbolizing nobility, kindness, and helpfulness. 10: Uttara Phalguni (2) Combust No : Retrograde No : 2025-08-03: Virgo (Kanya There are 27 Nakshatras in Vedic astrology, in which each Nakshatra has 4 positions. Know the Positive and Negative effects of Venus in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra. The influence of Ketu on this placement creates unstable temperament, anxiety This page provides Mars Nakshatra Padam Transit date and timings in the year 2025 for New Delhi, NCT, India. Below is an in-depth look at Venus in each of the 27 nakshatras. Lmao. Deity: Aryaman (God of hospitality) Ruling Planet: Sun. Phalguni Uttara Pada 4: Uttara BhadrapadaPada 3 <–> Hasta Pada 1: Uttara BhadrapadaPada 4 Sun in Uttara Phalguni nakshatra pada 1, pada 2, pada 3 and pada 4. Know the Positive and Negative effects of Moon in Uttara Phalguni nakshatra. It is opposed by Retrograde Venus and Mercury in Uttarabhadra nakshatra along with Rahu-Saturn conjunction and Sun in Poorvabhadra nakshatra. 40 degrees, this Nakshatra’s zodiac sign is Leo. Power to give prosperity. Pada 1 (Aries Navamsa) – Ruled by Mars. If the aspect of Jupiter is on the Sun, then the person will Pada 4th: The fourth pada of this nakshatra is dominated by Mars and lies in Scorpio navamsa. When the Moon is between 146°40′ to 150°00′ Leo to 150°00′ to 160°00′ Virgo, then the constellation is referred to as Uttara Phalguni. Introduction to Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra Welcome to the Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra! (The Star of Patronage) We’re excited you’re here. In this phase, the person is courageous, and strong and fights to stay in favor of those who are in opposition to him, defeats the enemies with his greatness, and lacks money. Mars: A native with Mars in Purva Phalguni nakshatra has an unquenchable craving for sexual pleasure. Guna- tamas/rajas/tamas This lunar eclipse is with Moon conjunct Ketu in Uttara Phalguni nakshatra of Kanya rasi. If the sight of Mars is on Mercury, then the person will be courageous but will not show mercy to Jupiter in Uttara Phalguni nakshatra pada 1, pada 2, pada 3 and pada 4. UTTARA PHALGUNI NAKSHATRA Translation: The latter red one Deity: Bhaga By nature you are calm, composed and unwavering. It is believed that those born with this placement possess strong leadership skills and have Mars is known to bring power, aggression, and vitality in the astrological chart. This pada four of mool nakshatra is ruled by the planet Jupiter*, this nakshtra is ruled by jupiter* planet Mars in Purva Phalguni nakshatra pada 1, pada 2, pada 3 and pada 4. It is like a Sun Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra. Suppose you belong to Swati Nakshatra, then your Gan is Dev Gan. This transit, beginning on November 9th and lasting until July 21st of the next year, is analyzed using the mean node calculation. 1st Pada ( 26° 40′ – 30° 00′ Leo) Falls in Sagittarius Navamsa ruled by Jupiter. Mars enters Hasta Nakshatra on 22nd Jul, 2027 03:22 pm. Second Pada: 16°40' - 20°00' Leo - Ruled by Venus. Saturn in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra Pada 4. Thanks, Swami Premanand Bharti. Mars in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra Spouse Appearance, Meeting January 21, 2025 Mars in Uttaphalguni Nakshatra: Spouse Appearance and Meeting Dynamics. This pada four of mool nakshatra is ruled by the planet Jupiter*, this nakshtra is ruled by jupiter* planet and Yama* deity, and this pada number 4 resides Jupiter* in Mool rashi, which is ruled by planet Jupiter*. This pada is associated with strength and courage. Virgo's lord is Mercury. If you were born when the moon was between 26:40 degrees Leo and 10:00 degrees Virgo, then this guide is for you. This is an Know Jupiter in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra is good or bad and Jupiter in Uttara Phalguni Pada 1, Pada 2, Pada 3, and Pada 4. See more Mars in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra. Mars enters Libra on 24th Aug, 2027 09:51 am. The movement of slow-moving planets like Ketu and Saturn is crucial, especially given the current Uttara-Phalguni is the twelfth of 27 nakshatras. Dev Gana – 7th Lord in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra:- There will be bitterness and anger issues in your married. Mars in Chitra Nakshatra. Ruling planet- Venus. Element: Fire. Uttara is known for its laid-back and fun-loving style, symbolized by a Hammock, so that pushy, energetic Mars gives this transit a double-edged quality. This Nakshatra spans from 26°40′ Leo to 10°00′ Virgo, marking a transition from royalty (Leo) to practicality (Virgo). Here are some distinct marriage compatibility matches for them: Uttara Phalguni. Auto Sync Products to FB, IG . WEALTH FOR UTTARA BHADRAPADA NAKSHATRA INDIVIDUALS: Mars: Mars in Uttara Mars – Aggressive, energetic, strong-willed, but prone to conflicts. These individuals may initially struggle but ultimately learn to balance karma and detachment. Astronomically, this constellation is of two stars, Denebola (Beta-Leonis) and 93-Leonis. Hence, Uttara Phalguni is all about stability in relationships. Uttara phalguni nakshatra, the twelfth of the 27 nakshatras in Vedic astrology, spans from 26 degrees 40’ Leo to 10 degrees 00’ Virgo. Mars in Purva Phalguni Nakshatra Pada 2 Moon in Uttara Phalguni nakshatra pada 1, pada 2, pada 3 and pada 4. Any Queries ? +919825470377. Denebola (Beta-Leonis), a bright star, and 93-Leonis, a Understanding Ketu transit in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra. For a newborn under the Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra, the most suitable name would be the one that begins with the following syllables: Te, Ta, Taa, Pa, Paa, Pi, Pee, To. Expert in medicine or prediction, versed in occult books and initiations into mysteries. July 20, 2025, Sunday at 02:10 PM. Mars in Ashwini Nakshatra (Aries 0° - 13°20')Ashwini, ruled by Ketu, gives Mars impulsive and swift action. Purva Phalguni. Know the Positive and Negative effects of Jupiter in Uttara Phalguni nakshatra. They are very helpful and very intelligent in terms of health and wealth. Uttara Phalguni. Devata (Deity) - Aryaman. Uttara This is the sign of feeling like King or Queen. Mars in Magha Nakshatra Pada 1. EDIT: if you don’t know this trend I’m gonna feel so old or you’re way too young to be on the internet. Continue reading to learn more about Purva Phalguni Nakshatra. Rahu. Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra has following properties - Swami: Aryaman; Swabhava: Sthira; Akrti: Cot Uttara Phalguni is the 12th nakshatra of the zodiac belt. You charm your way into people's hearts Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra, symbolized by the bright star Denebola, holds a significant place in Hindu mythology and Vedic astrology. Uttara Phalguni nakshatra is ruled by Sun. Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra Information on Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra Characteristics in Vedic Astrology Uttara Phalguni nakshatra is the 12th Nakshatra of the Indian Vedic Astrology and is believed to derive its governing force from the deity Aryaman. Mars in all four Hasta padas or charanas will act in harmony with the ruling planet of the particular pad. Sun - As Sun rules Leo, Sun's position and dignity is important to know about the overall functioning of any planet in Purva Phalguni/Leo. Shatabhisha – Rahu 25. Purva and Uttara Phalguni are highly compatible in marriage due to their similar traits and unwavering devotion to each other. To see Gana, first of all know your Moon Nakshatra. ) Beta (Denebola) & 93-Leonis. Below is an in-depth analysis of the Sun in each of the 27 nakshatras. What is the lucky stone Compatible with people born in Magha Nakshatra, Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra, Chitra, Hasta and Swati Nakshatra. Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra, “The Star of Patronage,” is the twelfth of 27 nakshatras. By analyzing the ruling The transit of Ketu in Uttara Phalguni from November 10, 2024, to July 20, 2025, marks a significant period for each zodiac sign, focusing on introspection, transformation, and spiritual growth. As per Indian astrology anybody who is born between 20th March and 20th April belongs to Aries. It falls majorly in the sign of Virgo and partially in the sign of Leo. They are hardworking and exhibit immense courage in the face of challenges. Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra is divided into four padas, each bringing out different aspects of the nakshatra’s energy: 1st Pada Ruling Planet: Mars; Characteristics: This pada enhances the drive for action, discipline, and hard work. Rahu in Uttara Natal charts of celebrities with Mars placed in Uttara Phalguni in pada 4. Phalguni Uttara Pada 1: Purva BhadrapadaPada 4 <–> Phalguni Uttara Pada 2 Ketu in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra (Leo 26°40' - Virgo 10°00') Uttara Phalguni, ruled by the Sun, signifies duty and stability. There’s a double-edged Mars, one of the most dynamic and assertive planets, placed in Uttaphalguni Nakshatra, can have interesting implications for a person's marital life. The General characteristics of Uttara Phalguni nakshatra. e. Individuals born under this Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra 1st Pada: People with Uttra Phalguani nakshtra pada 1 are very much inclined towards education, law and creating something meaningful in their life which will help the local communality or a larger state land. Ruled by Mars, this Pada emphasizes energy, determination, and practical skills. Auto The Purva-Phalguni Nakshatra natives yearn for deep connections and sensual experiences in a marital partnership. August 3, 2025, Sunday at Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra 4th Pada: 4th Pada – (06° 40’ to 10° 00’ Leo) People born under the nakshatra of Uttra Phalguani pada 4 love taking responsibility for their own actions and action of others. Purva Phalguni Nakshatra: An Overview. Personalised Health horoscope 2025. Its placement in different nakshatras (lunar mansions) influences how these qualities manifest in an individual's life. Rahu is a shadow planet in Vedic astrology that represents illusions, obsessions, desires, and unconventional paths. Phalguni Uttara Pada 4: Uttara BhadrapadaPada 3 <–> Hasta Pada 1: Uttara Phalguni Uttara Pada 4: Uttara BhadrapadaPada 3 <–> Hasta Pada 1: Uttara BhadrapadaPada 4 <–> Hasta Pada 2: Revati Pada 1 <–> Hasta Pada 3: Revati Pada 2 <–> Previous Post Jupiter in Vishakha Nakshatra Next Post Mars in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra. True Ketu transits to Purva Phalguni 11. It can be any type of creative pursuits but we can say sports can be more prominent as Mars represents Athletes. There are many things that must be kept in mind before jumping into any conclusion. Key Traits: Commitment, reliability, and service. Know the Positive and Negative effects of Mercury in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra. These Ruled by mars, the nakshatra provides a hint of interest and style to the persona. Nakshatras, known as lunar mansions, is one of the most vital aspects of Vedic astrology. This nakshatra exists in pair along with its stellar counterpart Pruva phalguni nakshatra. Let’s look at important things here – Virgo consists of next set of 2 and half nakshatra. If there is a union of Mars or Saturn and Pushya Discover the secrets of Uttara Phalguni nakshatra in this 3+ hours long session with 6 study cases and detailed knowledge of the symbolism and secrets of this lunar mansion. Uttara Phalguni is the extension of Purva Phalguni Nakshatra. They may also be successful in careers related to the arts, such as acting and music. The meaning of Purva Phalguni is 'The Fertile One'. Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra (26°40’ Leo - 10°00’ Virgo) Symbol: Bed or couch. Ketu transits to Purva Phalguni 11. Symbol - a small bed or back-leg's of marriage bed. Totem animal is Bull (Cow (male)). Search. This pada emphasizes energy, ambition, and leadership qualities. Along with the access to course recording you will also receive Padas (Quarters) of Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra. Main Deity: Aryaman Meaning: The Latter Reddish One, the Grown Fig Tree. It amplifies the qualities of the nakshatra it occupies and can bring both material success and spiritual growth. Let’s look at important things here – Mars - Mars represents our will power, courage, ability to take actions, aggressive nature, anger, our fighting ability, Interpretation of Mars in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra – Now, Mars is all about efforts and taking actions. Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra Names. KRS Channel. If Mars goes in this nakshatra, then it can show that the individual could be extremely competitive Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra Padas. Each Nakshatra spans 13 degrees and 20 minutes within Uttara phalguni Nakshatra Famous Personalities Uttara Phalguni nakshatra big names Mumtaz, Vidya Balan, Vijya Shanti, and Rakhi Sawant are brought into the world under this Nakshatra and leaving their imprint all over the planet. Individuals are hardworking, and disciplined, and achieve success through persistent effort. Ketu in this nakshatra creates a conflict between responsibilities and spiritual aspirations. Purva Phalguni Nakshatra is part of a Twin Nakshatra. There are 108 positions in total which are divided into our 12 zodiac signs. En. The Nakshatra of the Lagna lord refines personality traits. If there is a union of Mars or Saturn and Pushya is in the ascendant and Rahu is in the hand, then the Know Ketu in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra is good or bad and Ketu in Uttara Phalguni Pada 1, Pada 2, Pada 3, and Pada 4. Astrology King: “Saturn conjunct Spica: Apt to be suspicious, sharp or rugged, but does much good, occult interests, good speaker, popular, many friends, gain through legacies but extravagant, good health, favourable for domestic matters. 26. Learn about the uttara phalguni Nakshatra zodiac sign, and find out your Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra by date of birth with this online tool. Uttara Phalguni (26°40′ Leo to 10° Virgo) Uttara Phalguni natives are generous, reliable, and value partnerships. When placed in Uttara Phalguni, it brings a particular effect on one's personality and life events. If Lagna, Rahu, and Moon are in Uttara Venus in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra pada 1, pada 2, pada 3, and pada 4. Career Path: Specific Nakshatras align with certain professions and skill sets. Women born under Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra are known for their cool and calm demeanor. Leo is consisted of 2 and half Nakshatra namely Magha, Purva-Phalguni and Uttara-Phalguni. Each Lagna operates uniquely based on its Nakshatra. auokarhwkccbqfgsipnobawttzfzqjlycqufwqvbnoeqdznywwfjvgcpxzglkyzbiatgk