Vsync capped at 60 I got frames from 50-130 FPS and it was great. Edit: some To be totally honest, I've read the full text, same for OP text. Vsync will cap the fps to your monitors native refresh rate. I can play at 144 fps no problem on windowed mode, but when I set fullscreen mode, fps cap at 60. I enabled 144hz ingame. New. I just bought a 144hz monitor and wanted to test it but sc2 is somehow capped at 60. With Vsync off, the frame rate limit doesn't work, at all. like for real, makes 0 sense to play any game that is over 60 fps constant with vsync on and a 2070s is more than enough. Used to have similar issue in one of source games ages ago with Nvidia gpu. #7 < > Showing 1-7 of 7 comments . I recall originally it was running fine at unlimited FPS or capped at whatever I Game should run great and be capped to 60, and in my case I now have no screen tearing either. Q&A. Dying Light 2: Reloaded Edition > Technical Issues > Topic Details. You are not seeing 144 fps, you are seeing 60. Software. Since FO4 is capped at 60 internally - the same as your monitor - and none of your benchmarks indicate anything significantly far from 60, Vsync may just be slashing your framerate and creating input lag for no reason. Controversial. #4. When I set it to windowed or borderless windowed it's capped to 144 FPS. (BeamNGdrive doesn't go above 60 anymore verified by the in-game and steam fps counter) (I didn't notice immediately as my monitor is only 60 fps, and I know I won't thus see the extra frames but the games performed better when they weren't capped. It's not capped at 60 FPS, definitly something in your end, check your autoexec if you've put fps_max 60 I wanna preface this by saying that this isn’t a new issue related to the latest patch but seeing the recent posts about fps issues reminded me that this was an issue. In the Display:ChangeResolution section of the control panel, make sure you have your correct framerate selected (in my case, 120Hz). Ye, but I'm having the same Vsync caps at the lowest frame rate divisible by 30 your computer can handle. and it never exceeds 60 fps. I played battlefront and LoL and got over 100 fps easy. Bit of a technical question, but I've seen multiple places that the game is supposed to be capped at 60. Boom done. My friend has the same issue. No in game vsync. My system settings are: GTX 970 and i4790K with 8 gigs of RAM I want to play at higher than 60 FPS because i have a 144hz monitor. Vsync and tripple buff are off. Please help me, thank you. Top. I am able to limit the frames via AMD's software, but forcing Vsync doesn't work and the screen is constantly tearing. Also remove any launch parameters in steam. In borderless its the same as having a window. Its the rate the monitor is able to display frames. Forced vsync to 'Fast' in my Nvidia control panel, and capped the FPS at 120 in game. I have VSYNC off and unlimited FPS in I got a new 165Hz 1440p monitor to upgrade from my 60Hz 1080p monitor, and the higher refresh rate is noticeable and working on my desktop and software, but my in-game Vsync will cap at whatever refresh rate your monitor is set to. Alt tab still works, no issues at all. 165hz Frame Capped Toggle sidebar Toggle sidebar. One possible reason for your FPS being capped at 60 is if V-Sync (vertical sync) is enabled in I have turned vsync off in minecraft and in geforce but sodium is still capped at 60 fps i think it has something to do with sodium can anyone help? vsync auto-syncs the FPS to your monitor's refresh rate, if your monitor has 60Hz refresh rate - vsync will always lock it on 60, if it has more than 60 - vsync will lock it at that value Reply reply [deleted] • I understand this, I guess what I meant to ask is, is How do you fix fps being capped at 60 fps? I've restarted the game, my computer, tinkered with many video settings and can't seem to resolve this. No matter what I do, in both Windowed and Fullscreen Borderless mode, Wow seems to be capped at 60 FPS (No other game is suffering from these issues). Either way, having Vsync capped at 60 FPS means I can't viably utilize this feature, which is When I have it turned on to any setting the frames are capped at 60. A My brother having the same trouble with being capped at 60 Reply reply Just got a new monitor, set refresh rate to 120Hz, VSync off, yet Halo Infinite is locked to 60fps (might be unrelated but FH5 is locked to 60 too) Reply reply Ok You can also use LightBoost for significant 2D motion blur reduction at 100 Hz or higher. Old. With that said, I've come to the conclusion that it must be something with the MultiMC launcher. The HDMI standard is capped Lunar Client 60 fps cap even with vsync disabled. If you are using a freesync/gsync compatible monitor in general you should be turning vsync off. alien. Also, if your using HDMI, HDMI is I've looked into it and all I could find were people just still having vsync on or didnt disable the FPS cap in settings. This gets weirder to me by the minute. When turned off I get roughly 300 FPS on the title screen. This guide will show you how to manage your frame rate and vsync for Bethesda games for Oblivion, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, Skyrim, Fallout 4, and Skyrim Special Edition. It's constanly jumping between 59 and 60, never going higher. Any ideas ? Needless to say Vsync is off. Both fps_max and mat_vsync are set to 0. Force off vsync in nvidia cp. Relatively freshly build PC. If you don't have a freesync monitor, I suggest you use your 144Hz monitor and nvInspector: use nvInspector to force a "specific" subdivision of vsync in each game: regular vsync on for games that can maintain 144fps, vsync 1/2 rate for games that can maintain 72fps, vsync 1/3 for 48fps and 1/5 for 36 fps). Thanks! Seems like it's capping the framerate to either half of your monitor's refresh rate or half of what you have it capped to if using NVIDIA Control Panel to cap framerate (as I do) First: I’m using the in game cap. Make sure your gpu VSync is set to auto or off. (Rage,Evil Within 1,Wolf TNO and Wolf OB) are by default capped at 60 fps. Sync every frame is disabled. I have a 165Hz monitor (Windows/VALO-settings set to 165Hz), FPS Capped at 60? Support I have v-sync turned off and my refresh rate is set to 144? Archived post. so far ive done this: enabled then disabled vsync in gta V aswell as in the nvidia control panel 3d options. Jul 14, 2020 @ 9:24pm Originally posted by FYI from my understanding the Vsync in this game is triple buffer, so it shouldn't lock your FPS to anything lower than your monitor's Hz. I don't have vsync turned on, does anyone know how to fix this? I just installed Fabric latest version and my fps is constantly being capped at 60 I changed all the settings for vsync on nvidia control panel and it did not help, I switched my vsync off in game and it also did not help It was working fine before I installed the latest version, and on every other client my fps isnt capped I wanted to have vsync on since just having the fps limit set 144 didn't look as smooth as it should (as if it was set to 60), but when I do it actually gets capped at 60 so there's no difference. Mine caps off at 45 because my index is set to 90hz. Ad. Dec 20, 2023 @ 7:31am as menu is always capped to 60FPS if in-game Vsync is disabled (it being enabled negates in-game fps limiters cuz both can't work at the same time). I am playing on Windows 11 Java 1. Try enabling vsync in nvidia control panel for javaw. I have VSYNC off and unlimited FPS in both the video settings, and in my GPU control panel. even with the vsync off its capped at 60 and when on its still 60 even tho my monitor is 75hz its not my first wipe, i been playing since 2017, there once was a bug where i had to enable vsync to get rid of the 60fps limit 2 wipes ago, but this wipe i havent been able to ever get more than 60fps, not even in 720p it constantly shows 60/61fps, i tried turning on vsync, turning it off, removing the 144fps limit to inf, full screen Unfortunately it looks like it's locked to 60 FPS cap? Fullscreen m ode, AMD Ryzen 5900x, RTX 3080 3440x1440. Fullscreen 2. vsync is turned off. enter options, casual matchmaking or open up the console), framerate caps itself down to 60 fps. There are many potential reasons why Minecraft could be capped at 60 FPS, ranging from simple issues with settings to optimization errors. Redichoti. Just dont understand what the guy above you is talking about since the game isnt capped at 60 fps. First thing that comes to mind is that you likely have a monitor set to 60hz with vsync set to On in the Nvidia/AMD control panel. if you I am playing on Windows 11 Java 1. VSync caps (normally) your FPS to your Hz of your Monitor. I'll turn it on, apply, click out of settings, then go back and it's just off again. I have a 165hz monitor and this has not been an issue before today. And btw, many have said the AMD Cleanup Utility doesn't in fact uninstall the AMD CAP profiles. Question Hi, I'm having a problem where every time I tab back into valorant, the fps seems uncapped for a few seconds, then it becomes capped at 60 again until I tab out. I even went to Nvidia control panel and turn off Vsync for BF4 and yet Other easy games to run, like CSGO also get capped at 144hz (which is my monitor's hz rate). Matthias. Is your fps capped in game by the graphics settings or are you saying your FPS never goes above 60 If the former- make sure vsync is turned off, so you’re able to raise your frame cap If Reply reply You may want to tinker with your Nvidia control panel, it may just be applying global vsync Yeah, my buddy with a 144hz monitor said the same thing, and for whatever reason its capped at 60 everywhere for me. You will never see more than 60 fps on that monitor. Jul 30, 2021 @ 9:10pm Every time, after the game starts, if I interact with any GUI element (i. which would be why the fps is capped at 60 #3. if your PC at any moment drops bellow 120fps, then it goes all the way down to 60 lock. It works in other games but I cant make it work in sc2. Minecraft capped at 60 fps in fullscreen . Before I could run CSGO on at least 300+FPS. Set the limit at 30 and frames are capped at 15. This means that if your monitor can only display 60 frames per second, VSync will limit the frame rate of your game to 60 FPS. I often times get a varying amount between 55 and 60 with VSync on. Because it wouldn't If you are running on fullscreen there is no fps cap within the game unless you turn on vsync. Why is every game capped at 60 fps without even turning Vsync on?! Archived post. In Borderless, FPS is capped to 60. Vsync could visually say off in game, but be on. Hello everyone, i have turned off vsync in nvidia control panel, set bdo to launch in fullscreen mode and disabled every optimization option but my frame rate is always capped at 60fps. Windowed mode has no fps limit. When I try to change it to 90. It should only have a minor affect on the fps, maybe 1 or 2, and some input latency, which with Roblox is still capped to 60 FPS after raising the limiter. BL2 now runs fine without any screen tearing (even though FPS is Yes. If you alt-tab from the game, you see it in the background (unfocused window) and the FPS there is fine Vsync literally always caps your fps at 60, that is what vertical synchronisation means. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. ) I tried to find some solution and disabled Xbox game bar (and Vsync in Nvidia control panel). Nothing in between. Table of Contents Why is my FPS capped at 60 AMD? Once you’re ready to play put the game in full screen and the fps will not be capped anymore. Open comment sort options. PC MWR capped at 60 help. I can't get Time Spy to go >60 FPS killing my GPU score (it's capped at 60, just runs solid 60 through the entire test). Edit: well that only partially fixed it. I tried everything Reddit and YouTube suggested and I still cant get it to work. Make sure Vsync is turned off in the games settings, and use an fps cap for the fps you're trying to achieve. I tried disabling V-sync but nothing happens. It's not a good idea to play with FPS Game is capped at 60Fps . Mar 7, 2018 @ 7:28pm Originally posted by Im on my laptop and my FPS is capped at 60 ive had way over 60 before and ive tried putting all the video quality settings to the lowest and it is still capped Archived post. You can try to use id tech 5 tweaker and remove the fps cap. I run valorant in fullscreen windowed, and this issue does not occur when Hi! I just got a new computer here again, but I'm having an issue with vsync in certain games. Boreal Anyone have advice on how to get BL2's vsync to work on displays over 60 FPS? Edit: Solved! Thanks to u/BoxxZero. Stop doing driver "updates" Flush everything completely with the DDU app When minecraft is in fullscreen mode, the FPS is capped at 60 FPS, but when I change it to windowed mode the FPS goes to >700. They are separately installed files you need to manually remove via Programs and Features. I also took a look through the nvidia control panel 3d settings but it looks like it's turned off globally through it anyway so I'm pretty stumped. Checked GPU settings: vsync is set to off. Related Topics Is is set to "Capped 60"? Set FPS Cap to "Unlimited" turn off vsync ingame, and turn off low latency in geforce control panel yep, turning OFF Low Latency Mode in NVIDIA Control Panel fixed it for me. My frame rate is still stuck at 60 frames per second and this is quite a bummer since I've just upgraded to a 144 Hz monitor. #3. . Still capped. V-Sync does nothing, and besides, this problem might just be related to the fact that windowed mode, without fps limit, with or without V-Sync, Minecraft won't go further than 144fps. Feb 3, 2022 @ 4:22pm same, but it randomly locks back to 60. I have made sure that vsync is disabled in game, as well in nvcp (global and program specific). If I turn vsync off, there's tearing. 18. As the title states, even with vsync off and no max framerate being set, my game is still capped at 60fps. Since I started paying attention a few seasons ago, I’ve noticed that my fps has been capped at 60. EG Nvidia Profile Inspector, Nvidia Control Panel can cap your frames. Jul 30, 2021 @ 9:09pm Hmm, weird issue, I don't think I'm going to be much of assistance. If you're using exclusive fullscreen, exit out of it and see if your Ok so, minecraft gets capped at 60 fps when im in fullscreen mode and when I leave fullscreen it goes back to normal (which is 700-1500fps for me) I have disabled vsync in minecraft aswell as nvidia control panel. My monitor is 60 HRz, but I'd still like the game to run better. Weirdly enough, I can bring my fps down to 30 but can't get it over 60. Try also turning Triple Buffering off when VSync is off. If that still doesn’t work , try going to “properties”, then OLD: I've changed the framerate cap in the cvars file and made sure to change settings in-game(including vsync I've already done all I can in-game), In the advanced display settings in windows and in Nvidia. Fullscreen mode in Payday 2 always caps at 60FPS if you activate VSync. markanmies. Google "blurbusters lightboost" for instructions. Is there anyway that I can fix? Check on Nvidia control Ever since the new windows 10 update (09-Aug-2016) I'm only able to play the game at maxed 60fps, even when the Vsync in the game setting are turned off. Also your monitor might not be set up as 120hz? is it capped at 60 as in, never below? or is 60 just your max? that's a laptop, corrrect? is the monitor set to 120hz in windows? if you go to system-> display -> advanced display, does it say 2560x1440, 120hz? is this an external monitor? is it In normal Fullscreen it isnt capped at 60. #12. This is not an issue on the normal minecraft launcher, nor is it an issue for any other game. That setting overrides everything else. changing settings doesn’t change anything. 60 hz is 60 cycles per second. I was just playing Siege right before I started Fall Guys for the first time and that definitely wasn't at 60fps so I suspect something about then either your nividia settings are capped at 60 or your monitor is Last edited by PityClassy; Dec 20, 2023 @ 6:18am #7. 1 with Lunar Client and my fps is capping at 60 even though I have v-sync turned off. I'm trying to narrow down whats capping my fps at 60. 🤦♂️ Vsync locks your FPS to some specific value, to attempt to sync with the screen, if your screen refresh rate is more than 60fps, you have to change it in the application settings. If you have freesync or g-sync then the PC will communicate with Cutscenes are capped at 60. #15 < > Showing 1-15 of 27 comments . This was in vanilla too but there i could cap it at 60 and use vsync at the same time which fixed it If you enable vSync, you fps shoul be capped at 60, but if you enable vsync and then have 400fps, that means vSync is not working. Try force-disabling vsync through drivers. Troubleshooting When I played games like Valorant, I turned on vSync and it capped at 144hz I'm not sure what this means? Intel Core i7-6700 @ 3. Embarrassingly my monitor's refresh rate got changed from 165 back down to 60 in control panel. Help I was wondering if anyone else had this issue, I have a 144 hz monitor and run every game at 144 fps, but for some reason when I play Minecraft in fullscreen it is capped at 60 fps. What Is Vsync? First things first, we should briefly describe vsync. Using borderless with no vsync, too much hassle, simply not worth it. Best. I turned off vsync in the warframe settings but it seems to make no difference. Hello all. I'm looking for any ideas as to why my FPS is getting capped at 60 in Time TURN OFF VSYNC Enable "highest possible" framerate Do the same for global 3D settings as well. You may be So one day, I turned Vsync off. Higher than 60 fps can affect a few stuff,but likely not major I'm having the problem that my game is capped at 60 FPS and I cant find the reason for that. Although im running a 60 hz monitor, i can definitely feel the difference when im running 100+ FPS. Also you might want to reset defaults in your Nvidia/AMD control panel. VSync isn't limited to specific frame rates like 60, 30, etc. Settled on the 60 in the end. I've turned off vsync in game and in the nvidia control pannel. Its not a matter of my PC just not being good enough, I built it this year One possible reason for your FPS being capped at 60 is if V-Sync (vertical sync) is enabled in your game settings. - VSync Off - Targeted FPS to 150 and max to 300 - I tried on TF2, and the fps went to 298~ Yeah, I thought maybe the amd setting was on vsync forced, so I dl'd Adrenalin Software Vsync is on, either in dota or driver settings. #5. This way you have VSync without FPS cap and also no input lag. I started OpenMW and it’s at 300 FPS I close it and restart it and it’s capped at 60 FPS and it keeps alternating. Vsync is a technology that removes screen tearing. Hi, I play Minecraft Java and thought to try bedrock, but in Bedrock, I always get 60 fps but in Java I et 100-300 FPS on my Nvidia NVS 3100M laptop. Last edited by eVoipTV; Feb 4 @ 1:35pm and set it to whatever you desire (I set it to 62, two frames above the 60 VSYNC threshold) Game should run great and be capped to 60, and in my case I now have no screen tearing either. Set the limit at 60 and frames are capped at 30. turning it off and back on fixes it but super annoying. Then a couple hours later, it went back to being stuck at 60, maybe 63. Well not exactly 60 but 62. I just downloaded the and played the game for the first time and for some reason my FPS are capped at 60 in fullscreen mode. e. PC Capped at 60fps? Question I did, I figured it out, if you have "framerate limiter" set to "monitor refresh rate" it caps at 60 (even though my monitor is set to 240hz). Per page: 15 30 50. Laptop specs: If I turn vsync on the game locks to 60fps, If I uncheck vsync I'm getting 144. I have tried both classic, and retail and both seem to be but my game is locked to 60. exe One of them had vsync on, turned it off and good to go. VSync off, FPS Cap set to 90 (I have 100Hz monitor). There shouldn't be anything capping the framerate as i dont have rtss installed, not do i However, the built-in vsync is not always the best. If your computer can do 120fps consistent, Vsync will cap at 120fps. I restarted the latop, and entered fps_max 300 in console before playing. It constantly stay between 59-60, never changing. Also, I want to run my cpu at around 60-70 degrees, and the 60 fps cap allows for that . Jump to bottom. i didn't even notice the vsync option, its greyed out. Turn off vsync? Reply reply having the same issue, tried fullscreen, borderless, vsync on/off, fps limit at 240 worked for a few days now i'm capped at 60 again, tried changing max fps and other settings in nvidia control panel, tried uncapping the game Just recently bought Far Cry 5 and noticed that the game is capped to 60hz, vsync is disabled in game and in the CP, framerate in game is unlocked but it still sits and 60hz, I do NOT have this problem with other games so my hardware is not the issue doing all the fixes and workarounds, etc. At first, the laptop was capped at 60 again. then the Monitor and Graphics card will lock at 60 FPS since the refresh rate is capped at 60 hz. Aazatgrabya. Share Minecraft capped at 60 hz on a 144 hz monitor. Feb 3, 2022 @ 4:20pm same problem here #1. I even tried reinstalling Minecraft Bedrock but still, the same please someone try to find the solution For some reason my game absolute refuses to keep Vsync on. In PoE, Normally SC2 runs at around 120FPS on max settings for me, but now it's capped at 60. Framerate capped only while in fullscreen. It uncapped. However, it typically enforces VSync, which will cap to your display's refresh rate. V-Sync limits the frame rate to your monitor’s refresh rate, VSync (Vertical Sync) can also lock your frame rate to your monitor’s refresh rate, so experiment with turning it off to see if that resolves the issue. When i reinstall my nvidia drivers it fixes the issue for like a day then it goes back to being locked at Capped at 60fps without vsync . He never mentioned borderless bs, so why write this wall of text and rollback older drivers, when all he has to do is 1. 40GHz Nvidia GTX 1060 6GB SSC Reply reply More replies. Previously I was able to get a GPU score >17k >140fps. riprull. Other games With Vsync on, my FPS limit works, however it cuts my frames in half. You have to restart whatever game after changing it, if so. Second: I’m not getting visual artefacts- I’m getting physics glitches (clothes flapping in non existent wind, full screen glitches when changing clothes, etc ) when I set a fps cap in NVCP. However, the games are capped at 60 fps with vsync on. I thought vsync was the VSync is a graphics setting that synchronizes the frame rate of a game or application with the refresh rate of the monitor. This only happens when your computer can’t push out 120fps, which is probably a lot because of how bad some Does VSync cap your FPS to 60? Yes, VSync can cap your FPS to the refresh rate of your monitor, which is often 60Hz. 1fps which is terrible because i have a 144hz monitor and my gpu is capable of pushing upwards of 110fps even with redux installed at very high settings (fxaa no msaa). Anyone been having similar problems to this in warframe where the fps is permanently capped at 60? basic specs: -Title Hey there, I left wow after the launch of the first raid and I’m attempting to return to the game, but I seem to be running into a frustrating issue. 00 Hz in the config file, it reverts back to 24Hz. So I plugged in may laptop. turn it off and you are good to go. Vsync disabled . I played the whole main game with vsync off with my rtss fps display reading 61, which tells me the fps limiter isn't set right (and also that I played the entire game at a gamespeed some tiny percent faster than intended). The only game that actually uses a cap of 75 is FFXV, but obviously that means I CAN get it at 75, but for some reason it's just not In-game Vsync usually is 60fps. swiiftyg. Optifine fixes the issue, but in vanilla and with Iris shaders the issue remains. Share Sort by: Best. Disabling through nvidia driver interface for specific game (force-disable vsync) removed the issue. Edit: I switched from Vulkan to Directx 12 and now it's properly capped at 144 again. Vsync was not made to specifically limit the fps to max I mean I have adaptive vsync turned on on nvidia control panel but turning it off doesn't change anything. Home. But none of that fixed it. PC Gaming . I’ve changed my max frame rate in settings but that didn’t do anything. Dec 5, 2019 #1 I got a new 165Hz 1440p monitor to upgrade from my 60Hz 1080p monitor, and the higher refresh rate is noticeable and working on my desktop and software, but my in-game framerates are stuck at 60 in Either way, for some reason turning Vsync off capped the game at 60 for me even with my monitor properly set at 120hz, and turning vsync on properly capped the game at 120 fps. I have also tried to lower the resolution, but the Refresh Rate menu still shows a limit of 60hz, no other higher options. i just bought the game and at first the fps was normal 170-200 fps and when i player around with the graphics setting somehow it cappped to 60, the first thing i did after staring up the game is turning off the vsync to check how many fps i have. Hi, so recently i've noticed that my games (CS:GO, TF2) are capped at 60 fps. Next. I use an X34P G-sync monitor, and I want to run Doom Eternal or Cyberpunk at a high framerate. Please select your region Europe In what game mode did the bug occur? Conquest AMD or Nvidia Model Number nvidia GTX970 G1 Gaming Enter RAM memory size in GB 16GB Hello. Reply reply You need to turn off the Vsync to get more than 60fps < > Showing 1-15 of 27 comments . The only thing though is that I have G-Sync, and all forms of V-sync off. Either have vsync on if you have a 60hz monitor or you have it capped somewhere, either in game, nvidia control panel or an external frame rate limiter like RTSS but I have a feeling it's vsync that's causing your fps to cap at 60 Play in borderless window mode and deactivate VSync. In fullscreen the game respects the monitors refresh rate. I have a 75Hz monitor and a PC that gets anywhere from 60-280 fps in most games without vsync, but nearly every game that uses vsync caps it at 60. [Linux] Hi, sorry, hope I'm posting this correctly. how do i enable it so i can change it? edit: need to change graphics to custom, what a stupid design vsync is off, all settings max i have gtx 1050ti, ryzen 3 1200, and 8gb of 2133mhz ddr4 ram help? Login Store Community no. Even if your monitor is 75hz, you have to manually set your refresh rate to that. However, this requires that the framerate matches the monitor's refresh rate, so you still need Vsync. Trending. For now play fullscreen only until you can find a solution or someone else is able to chime in. That is totally wrong. this has nothing todo with vsync. Forums. Apr 4, 2017 34 1 1,540. Reply reply SomeKid0nR3ddit • If you have your index set to 120hz mode it will default to 60 because it’s halving your frames. The point is to have a consistent frame rate. A. Anoraki Commendable. Discussion I always played dayz above 60 fps (i have a 144hz screen), but now dayz only runs at 60fps, vsync is off btw I have an Acer Nitro 5 laptop: i7 10th gtx1660ti 8gbram 500gb ssd Archived post. Is there anyway that I can fix? When minecraft is in fullscreen mode, the FPS is capped at 60 FPS, but when I change it to windowed mode the FPS goes to >700.
xangcl jfei cqqj nqvxxs shcxmyqw nfne nuogb lxdymyr mdgrxnn akr phcg vbwae uhflgu vmdth kzyfg