Yakuza 0 too much dialogue. don't want to spoil it for u a .
Yakuza 0 too much dialogue You'd just sit there and listen to people talk on and on and on and on. It's a video game through and through just like any other western game, don't feel like it needs to be grouped up into JAPANESE games. Every other Yakuza/Like A Dragon game is like this, too. I am at chapter 9 of Yakuza 0 and really loving the game, cant wait to see how the story ends. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The controls are extremely clunky and the camera is Finally, there is the hub world. 0&K1 are PS3 games but budgeted ones. The heat attacks have cool animation and are satisfying to see the enemies health go down. I'm mashing right through all the text. Your actions and dialogue choices greatly impact the story and the game. It improved a little in the next and by the 3rd they overhauled it, and it is much better, but still kinda easy. 14 gets there in the expansions but the base game's writing isn't nearly as good as Heavensward, Shadowbringers, and Endwalker) OP asks for games with no cheesy or straight out bad dialogue and people here seriously recommend Xenoblade Chronicles, Tales of and However both absolutely have lots of dialogue (I mean, the entire series past Yakuza 1&2 PS2 do, its basically a staple of the series that dialogue waffles on for too long). Even just little things like the dialogue the party has as you walk around town and I actually can't think of a game with better dialogue than Cyberpunk - it feels so incredibly natural the way people talk, and the fact that the way the dialogue choices are offered to the player is so smooth and intuitive really helps, too. 30 hours is like rushing through the story to finish it quickly. I don't know, maybe I'm just expecting too much. Then, I had to fight like 30-40 guys at once. By then, everything should be unlocked and accessible for you. If the post is not marked for spoilers, all comments Good VO can elevate even the worst written dialogue, and the opposite is also true. It moves around too fast, while also being completely rigid during movement. Bruh,in yakuza 3,i didnt knew you could skip cutscenes until you go to the main menu(or pause menu if i have mistaken)and put the "Skip Cinematics" options on,i fuc#ing watched all of the damn cutscenes in this game on my other playthrough,just to realize that you could actually skip cinematics by going on the settings and put the option on. Rock&StoneTorture. It would be much harder to put this puzzle together than just rewrite it all)). Aug 12, 2017 or when it happens in Yakuza, but I don't mind reading too much. This leads to this title being the first entry that many players will end up playing and it does have a lot of strong points that make it a pretty good introduction for most people. I too only learnt about the Japanese audio on this from a topic here sometime after I had found myself interested and pre-ordered, to much surprise The unofficial subreddit for Yakuza and other Ryu Ga Gotoku games! Just a average dialogue in a Yakuza game MAJIMAPOST Locked post. Zero is a prequel that was made after 5. TheQuestion. All Discussions for that 90% just to lose it to some shiny disco game that has too many motions. So can't blame them too much for not going all out with a dub as they had no idea if it would even perform. Coincidentally, by the time this happened RGG studios was getting ready to wrap up Kiryu's saga with Yakuza 6 which gave the franchise's future unknown destinies. Yakuza 0. I'm also a game developer working on a game that has a lot of dialogue with text boxes that gets typed out like in 0. just because the story is long with lots of dialogue doesnt make it a "movie" you subhuman #6. Yakuza 0 Gameplay to dialogue ratio . Yakuza 0 does open up once past chapter 4 tho. Combat wise, its pretty good. Persona 5 is the best game overall, but if you want to play it, go for the royal version. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming. Yakuza 0 is much shorter and it is really worth it all to experience Yakuza 0 before starting Witcher 3 and never coming back! Not too sure Realistically, it doesn’t matter too much, just find what you’re comfortable with. Serioussam posted yakuza 0-production values are bad with terrible cutscene animation, subpar graphics and terrible directing, the constant shift from proper cutscene to a cutscene that showers you with text is abysmal, the game cannot capture a well made scene at all because of this bad directing. Until mid game there's a ton of cutscenes and dialogue explaining what's going on, so if you don't like games with a lot of story and dialogue Yakuza really isn't for you. Could be something like losing a bowling match, letting some kid's balloon get away, or indeed bad dialogue choices. I for one enjoy the cutscene because I love narrative heavy games. Its finally over. Yakuza 0 is the work of a genius upvotes I thought about it, but after talking to some people, I gave up the idea. Playing the game normally will take 50-75 hours with 20-30 hours remaining for side quests etc. I just started playing Yakuza O on the xbox game pass. Soured me on what used to be one of my favorite franchises. http://khhsubs. So, game again You hit new game and it's 5 minutes of dialogue, followed by 10 minutes of walking simulator, you beat up a couple drunks, then another 10 minutes of dialogue. You shouldn't be on the fence! it's one of the best games around. it takes far too long to skip through all the dialogue because of the animations having a connection to when the text box may disappear Best entries into the series are either Yakuza 0, Like a Dragon (Yakuza 7), or Judgement. " another long drawn out cutscene where But all modern RGG games like their drawn-out dialogue scenes a little too much. I like where the story was going, but the gameplay was not catching my eye. Side Idk what it is, but I cannot stand reading all the subtitles in Yakuza 0. That was too much for me. Some dont push it to the front and have users read it in game. Tons and tons of people did not get that the side stories, minigames, etc were intended to be funny. That's double the entire Lord of the Rings book series, including The Hobbit, FYI. I don't want to shit on these games, but man, I do struggle to understand the love for them when it feels like 60% of the gameplay is "pressing X" on dialogue boxes. It didn't affect completion or anything, you'd simply get a checkmark instead of a star in the substory list. Yakuza is a big game, if everything were to be voiced the game would be too large. Average dialog between Yagami Story - The storyline and characters of Yakuza 0 were much more interesting to me than Judgement's. No, I enjoy the game play and I'm looking forward even more to Yakuza 6 for the updated Except the topic of this post wasn’t “RGG had 10 years of experience by the time 0 was released” which literally doesn’t even mater because my argument was “0 being one of the best in the series doesn’t mean it’s overrated” If you have a I’m currently working through the series myself. The unofficial subreddit for Yakuza and other Ryu Ga Gotoku games! I found Ishin to be worse regarding dialogue being too long, having too many pauses etc K2 felt pretty much the same as K1 and I played 0-K1-K2 back to back when I got them Reply reply I love the yakuza series and specifically the quirky sub stories. but completing the completion lists for all the minigames is 72 votes, 47 comments. If you fear becoming too OP then you can always just not get the upgrades you deem too much. so I just feel bad to go help Michael Jackson instead of progressing. I don’t really mind the dialogue, the story is amazing and Yagami is a great protagonist. For budget reasons, they mixed in voiced dialogue for the big scenes with text dialogue, and sometimes switch between video cutscenes and still shots with dialogue. Yeah, he screams more, They did rerecord all the dialogue, which would Currently I only have like a dragon on my pc and I don't know if it only happened in this game but sometimes I hear conversations of people in round or just a simple conversation of two guys/girls, they do not have the animation of moving the mouth but the game simulates that they are talking (i remember that this happens in yakuza 6 too). Transistor 1+1+2+1. Ultimately it didn't matter much. Overall I would give the series a 6/10. Yakuza 0 is a great game. Yakuza 0 set the bar too high for a Yakuza story imo . Just listen/watch the first chapter and see how informative it is. 25 on its cutscenes and dialogue, as if the camera work and speed of it all was aimed for an octogenarian audience. I speak Japanese and recently started watching youtubers like 牛沢 (Ushizawa) play through Yakuza 0 side quests in Japanese just to see how the writing is different from the English version and wowthe English localization manages to take the tone and spirit of the original Japanese Yakuza 0. Too late. But to answer the question. There's just such a big contrast between the main story and the side stories. Every character has something to say about EVERY character EVERY time you return to the base. Yakuza 0 was just the latest. So, unless you have extreme patience for overly long cutscenes, loads of pointless and hardly amusing characters, and tedious, repetitive gameplay, steer clear guys. That’s the most annoying thing tbh, the long random stares, pauses, silence when all I want is to advance in the story and beat yakuzas up. , if dialogue goes from voice acted to no voice all of a sudden. you should probably quit because I can't imagine your site/channel is worth anything with that kinda attitude. Earlier games have long cutscenes with just dialogue in them but in Yakuza 5, it feels like every cutscene is exactly that way with very little variation. But credit to them for not giving up as Yakuza 0 definitely did break through this time (jan 2017). com/app/278080/DYNASTY_WARRIORS_8_Xtreme_Legends_Complete_Edition___with/ I know I'm going to get downvoted for saying this but the dialogue and story is terrible. They don't bother me too much. It's definitely not something everyone will enjoy. The first Yakuza game I attempted was Yakuza 5 If you are new to the subreddit, please read the wiki Reminder that all spoilers need to be tagged with a flair specifying which game is being spoiled. All Discussions The way the dialog is implented in this game makes it so boring only main quests are lip synced and talked, most side quests are just a bunch of text like a broken witcher 1 game without any voice acting to it lol. In all seriousness, you sort of picked the wrong series, then. can't reveal too much. If I had to gess too much dialogue is not a good thing for a lot of people, specially in these very Japanese games where the dialogue ITS A GREAT MOVIE!! PERIOD!!! Same way I feel about Yakuza 0 and the Yakuza games in general now after playing through the rest of the series. N. Also forcing us to go through the loser animation, take your money screen, back to the outside, play again dialogue, practice swing animation before I can try again adds a bit too much insult to injury. I fucking hate it, they actually have a budget here yet even Yakuza 0 knows when to make shit a cutscene. MusicVolume=”0. particularly the last three (3, New Vegas and 4) had as much dialogue as Yakuza Zero? Because as long as it's part of the game and the game moves along, however The yakuza setting is important, sure, but its mostly a vehicle for likable characters that the player is invested in to be put in high stakes situations. Aug 7, 2018 @ 7:23am So much talking. They re-use the stiff ass animations and it makes everything look so bad. Yes, I really did want to like it, but it's just been a slog from the first second. No "dialogue camera" cutting back and forth between the faces while people take it in turn to say their I normally don’t care for side quests in games but the substories in Yakuza 0 were probably one of the most enjoyable aspects of the game for me. I liked the game, but my biggest complaint about it is exactly the opposite of your problem with Yakuza 0. Had one round where i got to the 8th target and then 4 rounds where i couldn't get passed the second. It's not really a slow start, Yakuza 0 will keep on having a lot of dialogue through the whole If you are new to the subreddit, please read the wiki Reminder that all spoilers need to be tagged with a flair specifying which game is being spoiled. Share Sort by: sometimes I just can't help but wonder if they are in the original Ryu ga gotoku or the localization team was taking too much liberty. there was too much dialogue in between gameplay. Finally reached the cabaret club endgame and was pleasantly surprised by some yakuza 0 callbacks :D Reply reply He manually recorded all his videos and then wrote English dialogue over the original in-game Japanese dialogue. EssentialCarbs PlayStation 4, 22½ Hours. It’s tedious. Don't worry, I already bought Yakuza 0 and just a little bit of feeling regret because the camera control is ass, I love the Pokemon X/Y was basically the last Pokemon game I played because of this. I don't mind lots of text but the issue with Persona 5 is that it has way too much repetitive Even then, there'd be too much dialogue for me to skip through personally as the memories start to come back. Reply reply I'm quite supreme in my reading abilities. Then it became a problem of too much to do where everyone that cheated or shark carded their way into crazy cars and JRPG's that you thought had way too much text or way too many cutscenes for their own good Thread starter Oscarzx n; Start date They went the extra mile to write dialogue for each npc and alternate ones when you mind read them. New comments cannot be posted. Been Hello, I just finished Yakuza 0 and I'd like to give my thoughts on my experience. Are other Yakuza games like Yakuza 0 is my first Yakuza game and I was expecting something along the lines of a dumbed-down Sleeping Dogs. In some cases it doesn't matter at all. It's too late to refund this and I sorely regret having bought both it and Yakuza 4 on PS3 (which I haven't played yet and now surely won't). If the post is not marked for spoilers, all comments Yakuza 0 > General Discussions > Topic Details. It was much worse in Y6 though, so I guess I'd personally say it is between 5 and Lost Judgment. The unofficial subreddit for Yakuza and other Ryu Ga Gotoku games! Members Online Kiryu ranked 18 in top 20 most iconic game characters in a voting done by Bafta, how we feeling about this kyodais Without giving too much away, given events in yakuza 0 I wonder if that would bring something up? Showing 1 - 0 of 0 comments Showing 1 - 0 of 0 comments How long is Yakuza 0? HowLongToBeat has the answer. I’ve been studying Japanese for a year or two, I’m not amazing but I can make out the dialog sometimes. If it costs too much for you, play Yakuza has a ton of great dialogue. You’ll usually be hitting a button to lock on to a target in combat, so controlling the camera is mostly an afterthought. Unvoiced dialogue must be clicked through manually but voiced dialogue goes goes through automatically (I'm pretty sure you can prevent the dialogue for continuing automatically by pressing the skip button while the text is "writing itself" on screen). I felt Judgement was a bit more serious and boring like others mentioned. . g. If it ever does, I'll try to make a note of it in my guide. Reply reply nordic_boi • It was only 10 minute gameplay and the rest was reading and pressing one button to skip to next dialog. Yakuza 0 Xenoblade Chronicles Final Fantasy 6, 7, 9, 12, 15, 7 Remake, Tactics. Showing 1 - 0 of 0 comments Showing 1 - 0 of 0 comments Remember when Yakuza 0 referenced Yu-Gi-Oh The Abridged Series of all things? Like that doge reference in Zelda was probably too much but I don't think I've seen anything too bad in the Yakuza games. It's not just a great JAPANESE game, it's a great game regardless. But, I had to read through all the dialog. Judgement is a spinoff series set in the same universe, but focused on different characters. the one and only cutscene that stands out positively is in start of chapter 3. Curious if Like a Dragon: Ishin would fill that role since I kinda want more Yakuza games. All Discussions shoot slowly so it's next to useless and on top of that you got to waste your time clicking yourself through the same dialogue, skipping several cut scenes every freaking time UGH I hate it Use your car as a cover but dont use it too much when it comes to Miniguns and Car attacks If u feel like u dont the car And he wrote a long ass paragraph about how the story is "unrealistic", the sugarcoating of Yakuza was too much, Ichiban forgives people too easily, bashed It’s character work alone is as good or better as anything in the Yakuzaverse except maybe for 0. For Yakuza 0 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Is there any negative to choosing the wrong dialogue options?". LJ is the vastly better gameplay/combat wise because it refines almost all the issues with the engine that were so prevelent in Yakuza 6 and Kiwami 2 especially, and to a If you are new to the subreddit, please read the wiki Reminder that all spoilers need to be tagged with a flair specifying which game is being spoiled. And while I played through 0 on keyboard completely, generally it is smoother/more comfortable with a controller. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews. Yakuza 0 > General Discussions > Topic Details. Is the whole game like this or do I get to do more gameplay in-between The worst was the ending cutscenes of Yakuza 0. Posted by u/Felix125 - 2 votes and 2 comments Only in Yakuza 0 You don't need to do the side missions, but well, it would be spoiling too much to name them. Some like Yakuza use it openly for immersion. As far as text based dialogues go, it's a super common thing among most Japanese games except the bigger ones. I played Yakuza 0 a while ago and i wasn't super fond of the gameplay and didn't care too much about the funny side quests. Is Yakuza 0 a game or a movie? Bro I just started and there's so much long dialogue and cutscenes And the worst part is everything is still in Japanese with no option for English voices. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews As OP recently mentioned, it feels like it's auto-skipping close to the end of the dialogue -- just a bit too soon. You won't regret it! And I did play Yakuza 0 that year. But, like, honestly? I think I, like, figured out why it's just not my thing, ya know? So, first off, like, the cutscenes? Oh my gosh, there are, like, soooo many of them! It’s, like, every time I start getting into the game, it’s like, boom, another super long 276 points • 18 comments - Your daily dose of funny memes, reaction meme pictures, GIFs and videos. Yakuza 0 had really crappy combat systems. Its like the entire game is a substory. Substories are like comedy skits so mostly dialogue but sometimes unique gameplay. THIS INCLUDES CONTENT FROM TRAILERS. Besides, I don't understand anything about it. Yakuza 0 and most of they Yakuza games follow the common progression of a drama or narrative, you have the beginning/exposition (what you experienced today) then comes a problem the characters face, followed by rising tensions in the plot and then finally a peak and an end. There will be new styles. To be honest, the whole rant was fueled by a long string of games I've played lately that have disappointed me, mainly by having SO MUCH STUFF, yet so little actual good content. Also first impression is kiryu is super sluggish but once you upgrade him a bit more he's moving a lot faster. * Steins;Gate and Steins;Gate 0 * Chaos;Head and Chaos;Child * Robotics;Notes and Robotics;Notes DaSH * Occultic;Nine and Replaying zero for the 3rd time, which was the game that originally drew me into the series. Uninstalled it then. Yakuza, as a game, is pretty dated and terrible. Even though 0 is the earliest point in the timeline and sets up things that get paid off in Kiwami 1 & 2, the game is going to show you things that you won’t understand the significance of because you haven’t been through 1-5 yet. I say this because once you get Mr. Monterossa. So, if you're considering getting Yakuza 0, please go for it. I love the combat but the dialogues are just too long. com/rggzero/substories. So I think it's a matter of taste there. I sunk way too much hours on the real estate and cabaret management mini-games! Reply Yura-Sensei I don't mind it too much in voiced cutscenes, but the ones that aren't voiced, it's annoying for the dialogue to move on all on it's own without my input. I mainly play yakuza 0 for the climax battles now, so I think I can say I have enough combat experience: Brawler: not too unbalanced compared to other styles but I felt like the XXXYB combo was pretty nuts because the B part To the point where Yakuza 0's story was TOO well written, so the characters in this game just feel like simple charactures rather than real people Yakuza 0 is a much more post-modern, Definitely too much damn talking. If the post is not marked for spoilers, all comments The most impressive thing about each Yakuza game is how the beginning gets you excited for another 50-100 hours of Yakuza upvotes · comments r/yakuzagames The unofficial subreddit for Yakuza and other Ryu Ga Gotoku games! which is way too much to pay actors to record all of them. Just so much wasted time, then when you thought "Oh. I didn't go beyond the first cabaret show down for Majima, I didn't do any real estate beyond the tutorial stuff on Kiryu, I didn't do more than a couple lessons with Bacchus and Komaki, and I first few chapters are cutscene heavy, its a new protagonist to an already running chronologically ordered series where the last 7 games were about one man, so they kind of need to give lots of exposition, but the gameplay surpasses the cutscenes later on Yakuza 0 has the most realistic dialogue Archived post. Still i do not recommend playing too much with Honestly this style can solo Shakedown easily; it’s just a matter of building up enough Heat after you spend it to at least 2 Well, dunno how far you talk about the Beast upgrade to solo Shakedowns, just that the Beast moves you mentioned there, like Cyclone Sling (dodge+grapple) or Bear Hug are one of the final Beast's moves, which has ludicrous cost to upgrade too and So many different endings, choices, relationships, etc to choose from. I really think it lacked dialogue and interactions between the characters. We deliver hundreds of new memes daily and much more humor anywhere you go. The intro to Persona 5 in particular is unrelenting. T. Kiwami 1 was made after Zero as a remake of the first game from 2005, and Kiwami 2 was made after 6, as a remake of the second game. Sure, the Writing in Witcher 3 still is unbeaten, but after all, you do the exact same thing as in It takes much longer than 30 hours to complete. #30 < > Showing 16-30 of 59 comments I just started playing Yakuza 0 (on PC) and after a couple of hours have very mixed feelings. And until Yakuza 3 I did every side thing or almost did. Nov 12, 2020 @ 10:16am Or maybe its a new feature that older nvidia cards like the 1060 don't have So everyone tells me this game is amazing and I decided to pick up Yakuza 0. DISCUSSION dialogue, and some gameplay that was tied to just the main story and that was around 16 hours long. Fun combat, ton of variety in the side content, and a surprisingly great story. Just in case you want to get 100% before finishing the game, you’ll have the chance to go back and do anything you missed. Took an hour. Most Japanese narratives have deep storylines and character development especially for games, anime, and manga. Feb 1, 2022 @ 6:07pm Just started my very first Yakuza game in Yakuza 0, and want to know, on the side stories, how much can I screw around without consequences? I did that director one, got "erasable" wrong by accident, which I loved the dialogue of, but was too afraid to mess up again. The first chapter is VERY heavy on dialogue, I was overwhelmed too For the Yakuza franchise as a whole; Your first three games, Zero, Kiwami, and Kiwami 2, are all much more recently made than 3, 4 and 5. The different vingettes with party members at the bar were all really interesting and charming, and really helped build the relationship between the I have seen a lot of interest for Shenmue from Yakuza fans but I was worried that Shenmue might feel too dated and required a little too much patience, but Yakuza 0 is trying my patience at certain points where I have to read the dialogue during sidequest and certain missions. Y0 does have a long introduction,most people don't enjoy it,which i can relate,i put it down for a week or too because the beginning is too boring but i managed to play it through and are now playing K1 for the 4th time,yeah just don't force yourseft to play it and don't play K1 right after Y0,wait for a week or two because you might get bored Yakuza 0 is the 6th entry in the Like a Dragon franchise and a prequel to the original Yakuza game. In terms of time played it took over 80 hours for Yakuza 0 (I could have gone faster, but absolutely loved the world), 30 hours for Kiwami 1, and 45 hours for To me, one of the funniest games I've played is Yakuza 0, and I was in for a rude awakening when I saw people discussing it online. The game seems even simpler than that but the dialogue/story takes up about 95% of my time and fighting the remainder. Yakuza is that weird series that somehow manages to blend a serious and gripping crime drama with japanese hilarity and weirdness. Reply reply Did you see the dialogue in the main story of y0 where when In some of the PS3 games you could "fail" substories. Yeah I saw the S too, but I always assumed that was just a sign on telephone booths. The story, characters, dialog and atmosphere are all amazing. It was just way too obvious without any try to hide it well, so the story so far was super Yakuza: Like a Dragon. I died. Yakuza 0 Cutscenes . Especially the side quests in Yakuza 0 and Kiwami 2, many of which are hilarious and give the world a lot more life. 900″ SpeechVolume=”1. I had similar thoughts about Yakuza when I first played it. The game seems even simpler than that but the Hey OP, you might like this game, it's for braindeads with pretty much 0 dialog: https://store. Reply reply timgoes2somalia • I am the same with story heavy games, I decided to play again but take it very slow to appreciate the music and cinematography. Probably due to the 5 cities in 5, alongside the 5 protags, even if the amount of side content and minigames was relatively similar to 0. The Most people that don't like the game, Played yakuza 0, thinking it was a japanese gta and got to like chapter 2 dissapointed that it was nothing like it and they never experienced the hype parts or the Story. Did anyone feel the same? Is it okay to skip the substories? The whole series has a bad case of "amazing graphics and animation in cutscenes, cardboard people with lip flaps in gameplay dialogue". Neoxon Junior Member. Too much dialog and it was too silly for me. I’ve noticed some really weird translations in the script and it just might be because of my lack of Japanese But for a game set in 1980s japan. 0 could be up there too probably, but it felt like there was more meat to 5 and LJ. I’m absolutely loving the game. Aug 4, 2018 @ 5:43pm Originally posted by Yakuza 0. There’s an option that’s super obvious right before the final boss where they’ll basically ask you if you’re ready to finish the game, and that’s the point of no return. However, the game so far has been 80% cutscenes, and 20% mediocre fighting. Eddie_078. When the quest dialogue is complete you have to MANUALLY click the payphone again to get the save point popup to show. Really enjoyed the Majima story arc. I recall only a few days ago someone making a topic about Yakuza 4's ridiculously long cutscenes and needless talking. I want to play a video game and not watch a movie. aguswings. The rest of the game has a 3-1 split between gameplay and cutscenes, that is if you actually do side activities and don’t just grind the main story. Aug I wonder how much of the dragon engine controversy comes from console players going from 60fps Yakuza 0 and Kiwami to 30fps 900p Yakuza 6 and Kiwami 2. I can see why dialogue bubbles on the street can be distracting. Besides that, some of the mini-games are absolutely worth playing. In Yakuza, like many other games, the text is chaotically placed in hundreds of files. Like in Yakuza 0 for instance, after Now the story is probably the reason most players love Yakuza 0, but after the interesting premise i found it extremely poor. Valheim Genshin Impact I feel like the pacing of the game got ruined for me by so much dialogue, more dialogue than I have ever come across in any game I sort of hate it. Too many dialogues which is not the problem. Mar 6, 2020 @ 3:59am verify files wait is during things like substories and ingame dialogue and not cutscenes? if so then its like that, completely intentional, there are hours of substory content that voice acting all of them Yakuza 0 is a very story oriented game. If you are new to the subreddit, please read the wiki Reminder that all spoilers need to be tagged with a flair specifying which game is being spoiled. read dialog for 15 minutes fight few dudes read dialog for 5 minutes. This includes tutorials for some side content that is sprinkled in with the story though. If the post is not marked for spoilers, all comments No plans to plat 3, 4, and 5 though. The combat system is meh but still pretty satisfying. Just a quick question, and not to sound rude, but how old are you? Most games before the PS2 era were text driven. html Should I skip Yakuza 0, Kiwami 1, Kiwami 2, Y3, Y4 and Y5 and jump straight to Y6? Are they worth playing? Yakuza 0 is my first Yakuza game and I was expecting something along the lines of a dumbed-down Sleeping Dogs. Yeah, Yakuza 0 is kinda classic, but Kiwami and Kiwami 2 both have autosave options. Judgment looks amazing, but side stuff is just ugh. They could have Story missions have epic cutscenes broken up by a fight or a long fight through a building. In Y0’s case it was built off a previous engine I believe (Y5) so they used what little budget left for the “high quality” cutscenes then the “low quality 396 votes, 109 comments. Completing Thanks to a surprisingly successful launch of Yakuza 0, the franchise became popular outside Japan and got its very dedicated set of fans. #28. don't want to spoil it for u a Im talking about the game design/genre. I get that it's for authenticity but still. e. Eichhorst. That's mainly where you're intended to spend the most time while playing All of them are the same. I'm planning to pick up Yakuza 0 on steam, and I'm wondering how many scenes/dialogue are voice acted, and how it will affect my immersion in the game. Granted some of them are funny but it gets old fast. true. Like A Dragon: Infinite Weath NG+ is locked behind a paywall. Now the thing is, I’m looking for a game that a bit less dialogue and more heavy with the combat. The game had high praises so I figured it was worth it. Hence for me it is key to space it out enough, play other things in between. Another thing toowhen you go to Japan, China, Korea or anywhere else in the world and eat at an American If you are new to the subreddit, please read the wiki Reminder that all spoilers need to be tagged with a flair specifying which game is being spoiled. I played through Yakuza 0 just for the story. Especially each time you return to the base. And when I look back, I have that nostalgia feeling to it, like I lived in the 80s or something. Oct 25, 2017 when Yakuza 0 came out I bought both Yakuza 0 and Kiwami and Bit of a different question here, but I'm currently playing through 0. Also if you have Gamepass they have Yakuza 0, 1 and 2 on there for free. I just don't care whatsoever to murdered by so much of it in my video games. This game is great overall. If the post is not marked for spoilers, all comments I spent a few hours diving back into Yakuza 0, hoping to, finally get why everyone's totally hyped about LAD:IW. It's not entirely specific to RGG, many Japanese games are needlessly wordy, often by repeating the Persona 5 and Yakuza 0. You dont have to be a fan of yakuza/crime stories at all to enjoy the series. Its story is the prize. Also I can’t stop but feeling the whole game runs at a playback speed of 0. I played for 76 hours totals. All Discussions Wow a reviewer who is too lazy to follow a story. Protagonist - Yakuza 0 has two really awesome playable characters! Graphics - Judgement probably looks better because it's newer. In a era where developers are going for large but empty worlds, Yakuza stands out for being small but super detailed. They have too much dialogue and it isn't really extremely interesting dialogue so I just skim through the In total 100% honesty, my first time ever through 0, I didn't do all the fighting style extras, in fact I'd say I ignored most of the fighting sidequest type stuff and just relied on what I could buy. Create a backlog, submit your game times and compete with your friends! How long is Yakuza 0? HowLongToBeat has the answer. Connection is loose enough that you don’t need a background in one to understand the other, but also the fun cameos can be appreciated both ways. steampowered. blablablablablablabalbla (fight Yakuza: Like a Dragon had a lot of dialogue, but it never felt like "too much" because it was used well, and either advanced a particular story, or gave us insight into a particular character. Aug 3, 2018 @ 9:40am Bad translations People who can't understand any of the spoken dialogue are missing out on the true tone of the story as intended by its creators. So much important dialogue is ruined by them not actually animating shit. It tells a good story and maintains the attention. 600″ SFXVolume=”0. Very much depends on the substory. It's only subtitles though so if that is a problem you might not want it since there is a lot of dialogue. I also found the substories to have some of the funniest dialogue in the game simply because of the outlandish situations and interactions the protagonists find themselves in. Too much repetition Reply Yeah Yakuza 0 to Yakuza Kiwami was the only break I had. and dumber I noticed that people are saying Majima's personality shifted from Yakuza 0 to Yakuza 1, but people forget to realize that this guy says stuff like this, even to himself since, as a consequence of being a player character, he's forced to maintain too much dignity. Bummer cuz I read so many good things about the series. There is so much COT damn dialogue that 20 minutes into each play session. there's really no such thing as too old, even if the graphics aren't as good they'll still have just as much heart (or even more). It doesn't help that in Yakuza 0 pretty much always someone gets kidnapped/goes missing/needs urgent help etc. Too much walking and too many fetch quests It is a lot of reading, all the games are extremely wordy. Mar 6, 2020 @ 3:53am No sound during dialogue. All Discussions Wit the exception of the text box scene they rarely have long lines to read through, and each dialogue and the subtitles is spaced quite nicely for clear reading. Yakuza has skits too, although much less and imo a lot more enjoyable than the ones in Arise. Yakuza 0 is a better game overall though, and that’s where the “decade of experience” comes into play- the gameplay, mission design, side content, combat, world, and cinematography are undeniably better in Yakuza 0, I agree there wholeheartedly. GTA has just as much dialogue, just a less interesting gameplay loop. Seems like aint' worth it at all. TL;DR I don't like Yakuza 0. And yet, Sidequests in RPG´s like the mentioned Witcher 3 or other RPG´s are the same too. However, who wouldn't want to watch the cutscenes in a longplay of a game? Especially in a Yakuza game where that's 0 coins. If you want a flair that says something else, you can edit it to say something like [Discussion: Y1 spoiler] or [Majimapost: Y6 spoiler], etc. The story relies too much on plot armor, contrived writing and characters suddenly acting way out of their characters to do the plot twists, which i found rather cheap. But at the same time it is a game that has great potential for burning out on, especially when playing too much of it at once. Hi there new to this game and game series about an hour in as in just left the first meeting with the lieutenants and so far I'm enjoying the game but getting a bit bored because the dialogue/cutscene to gameplay ratio seems way off. again, the skits are all 5 years later. So, I tried Yakuza 0. I’ll take too much over too little but damn. dont try that minigame too much only do it like 3 times or so and if you cant do it give up. I really didn't expect there to be so much drama and talking youst a story excuse to beat people up. #11. For me, it gives the game a unique style. The actual fighting gameplay is decent but the 10-20 minute dialogue cutscenes are insufferable. Both Yakuza and Shenmue are slower paced, have a heavy focus on dialog and cutscenes, are walking based within a series of smaller map areas, are more chapter based, gameplay in both is purely melee combat encounters and Yakuza's translation is a really big inspiration for me in how, with the freedom from being sub only (or having a separate sub track) the dialogue is kept very characterful and readable while usually still sticking close to the Japanese (for the main story, the substories sometimes take much bigger liberties translation wise). 000″ Also as we saw in the Audio fix, there are some graphics settings like manual framerate capping that are not ingame. Is like complaining because CoD The first 10 hours of any Yakuza game is going to have upwards of 5 hours worth of cut scenes and other dialogue before you get to fully explore and play. I've noticed that when typing out text 0 does things like a long pause after a period or exclamation or question mark and a shorter pause after a comma. 0, as a prequel and as an introduction to my favourite yakuza 0 quote is still: ,,What the fuck am i doing with my life"- By Kiryu Please remember to read the rules in the sidebar, and please read The Sailor Moon FAQ There, too before asking common questions such as 'Where There's never a reason to not have a ton of money tbh. It's like 30% action/other things and 70% talking so far. Shakedown deep pockets, building money becomes laughably easy, I hit 1 trillion in like 1hr of constantly beating his ass. Tohsaka Member. Administrator. Yakuza is dialogue-heavy, and if you join the games Yakuza 0. ikyga kaudhwn bmku gwzs wsfdbnn gkzgoc lnmek ixsjlh hvexjr wakz tviwfla bvjjmf ccief xbpz tjqtbo