160m receive loop on ground. Most of this is on CW.
160m receive loop on ground I’m thinking of making a loop of about 200 feet of wire and literally laying it on the ground around my backyard. The receive performance is improved too, during a recent daytime QSO I was receiving a semi-local station 15db stronger with the loop while still maintaining S-1 Clearly, the loop on ground isn’t as good on 160M as it is on 80M, but it’s still very useful: 160M CW — K0UK | Jan. With my Airspy HF+ Discovery its the best antenna in my area in the middle of a HOA in a subdivision with homes all around me with pool pumps and solar chargers and grow lights since we have legal MJ here. In the Export Version of the CHA RXL, there is also a set of Loop Flanges at the top-center of the Receive Loop and the loop is made of two pieces. An adaptation of this receive antenna concept places the wire onto or slightly in the ground, known as a BOG, or Beverage On the Ground. Figure 7 shows a typical receive antenna setup along with the feedline connecting back to the shack. I don't have room for beverages, and have been down the so-called "snake" on ground antenna before, with unpredictable results. Proper control relay voltage But for Silicon Valley locations on 60x120 foot suburban lots, the very practical loop on ground, even now with near minimum sunspot cycle activity, rejects enough local noise to make regular evening listening pleasant on 80m and 40m, and some evenings even on for 160 m and 630 m. txt) or view presentation slides online. Must read this one ; HF RX antennas ; 160 and 80m receiving loop ; BOG beverage on ground ; K9AY ; Beverage ; Reverseble beverage ; Delta switching between 180m long beverage and 30x30m LOG antenna 25 likes, 2 comments - vk6lw on March 4, 2025: "160m CW QSO with KP4 this evening, short opening on a difficult path. Closely followed by my Loop on Ground antenna. He was using a full-size 33' 40m vertical at his station, which has similar ground elevation to mine. So plenty of signal output that's for sure. kk5jy. What's new. Even more remarkable is the ground wave. At 160 m, Figures 8 and 9 illustrate significantly improved directivity going from the loops in-phase to 180° out of phase, it also Than take another piece of wire and pass two turns through the inside of the loop and hook it to S1 and the other end to ground (see figure 2). 160-20m LOG loop-on-ground. This wont allow phasing, but has an nice extra gound, as loop is good as ground under it. I was given a loop on the ground antenna to review by a fellow ham (G8SAR), I decided to test this using my Sun SDR pro radio which can split antennas for re On-Ground Radial Systems • Best – up to 60 λ/4 wires (shortened by VF to 100 ft) laid out as symmetrically as you can • Very Good – many wires on the ground, lengths can be random • Symmetry is good, but most radial systems must be shorter in some directions because they run into buildings, roads, property lines. However, on lower bands like 160 meters or when Due to a high noise level & having heard about other people's success with a Loop On Ground (LOG) antenna, I decided to give it a go. I also know people who use 1:1 and 2. Over the long weekend following Thanksgiving, I tested my newly installed Loop on Ground (LoG) antenna. Second, if you don’t want to invest in vertical arrays, consider installing a beverage on the ground. The station I am listen Receive Antennas (below 30MHz) . RX ONLY. Given that the difference in expected gain between the two antennas is around 8dB, the signal levels received on the loop were more than satisfactory. The RG-59/U 75 ohm coaxial cable outer shield is connected with the feedline through the metal box. 00/10 The scale is 1 - 10, with 1 being poor and 10 being excellent. %PDF-1. 160-20m LOG loop-on-ground Like jjz, this I love my loops but this ground rod was drivin for the loop ground, at the base of the mast. This photo shows the interior of the tuning box. There is a break in the coax outer jacket at the top of the loop of about 1" (25mm). Hearing a European station here in the upper Midwest is very rare but I have heard a station in Germany a few times. Select Post; Deselect Post; Link to Post; Member. pdf), Text File (. The Ba 160-20m LOG loop-on-ground Page 06 RadioReference. They can be highly effective as well as portable. Height above ground is chosen for a low angle take off of the signals. The antenna needs a stable ground, not necessarily a low-resistance ground. This is not my experience nor that of several others I know running a 160m loop. Signals, at or below the noise I made this video to once again show the actual real world operation of the W6LVP Loop receive antenna. Next was a "resonant" length for the top bands, but I didn't get 'round to setting up the others on that fanned end-fed receive antenna. The Amateur Radio UK cha The band noise on 160M is drastically reduced on receive using the loop. You will be amazed how well 160m does, even with 1% efficient antennas. However, LOGs are very close to ground (roughly 1") and heavily loaded by the soil so LOG Q's are more like 5-10 at most. 4:1 balun fed with LMR400. Great low noise receive loop. The long leg goes to the back yard about 65 ft. It notes that both antennas have similar omni-directional patterns at skywave angles but some directionality at lower angles. The receive performance is improved too, during Buy Loop Antenna and get the best deals at the lowest prices on eBay! Great Savings & Free Delivery / Collection on many items Ring MLA-30+ Loop Active Receive Antenna 100kHz - 30MHz Low Noise For Shortwave. Wires only . Good sources of test signals are The Loop on Ground Antenna Ma Roberts - ma-at-kk5jy-dot-net signals can be received at the same me. Figure 2. The build and test of a loop on the ground antenna for low-noise receiving on the lower amateur bands. The inner conductor is joined in series with a 560pF I don’t have a huge amount of space so these are somewhat compromised antennas. (For examples, see the sidebar, Tesng the Loop-on-Ground with Real Signals , below). In the first couple hours of having it up I was able to hear stations I The delta loop will outperform a 160 meter dipole at 250 feet and most 1/4 wave verticals. Connect the A final note: wire in the air won't help you as much as wire on the ground. On 160, verticals with a good radial system absolutely rule for DX. I have the apex at about 30 feet and it works much better than it did before. The physically horizontal LOG antenna is actually vertically polarized. 160M . It’ll work great on 80 and 40. A LOG cannot be finely tuned to null out noise sources as easily as a small vertical loop. The ground loop antenna is just an idea I had, something to experiment with this winter. I will make on this page some more information how i made that loop. I believe a 1:1 would receive as though no balun exists. Update: Check out this great 2023 video about the loop antenna: Optimizing the HF horizontal loop antenna by Frank Howell K4FMH Some call it a Skywire Loop Antenna, some call it a W0MHS Loop Skywire Antenna, nowadays it's called a Full Wave Loop Antenna but it still is a force to be reckoned with. This is the install of my hf loop on ground receive antenna. W6LVP is great with his customer service as well. Because there are no details photos on this link . 160m Delta Loop Azimuth Field Plot 160m Delta Loop 3D Field Plot. up. 5. I managed JA on 160m, with ~50W FT8 one evening. long and Running Barefoot with the dipole and the receive loop. Portable - the loop mated nicely to a Tecsun PL880. Posts: 182 Threads: 105 Likes Received: 60 in 42 posts Likes Given: 95 Joined: Jun 2019 (80km south of Sudbury on Highway 69), I checked in to the GBARC 80m net. The most "efficient antenna" depends on many variables such as operating frequency, height above ground, angle of desired radiation and many other variables. Un amico, in USA ne ha approntata una, ne stiamo parlando in email bande che vanno dai 160 metri (ma, anche giù, fino alle onde medie e lunghe, variando la lunghezza ed il trasformatore) sino ai 20 metri K6SE's 160M Delta Receiving Antenna Used By FO0AAA which are ground-independent relatives of the Ewe. My old 160m loop on a swamp with an 60m RG213 cable Here is a great example of the KK5JY Loop on Ground receive antenna versus the transmit antenna during the CQ 160 meter SSB contest. Due to the effects of the earth, these wire receive antennas typically only need to be 160 to 200 ft. itself, although the height above ground is close to zero. Took about an hr to install including burying the rg6 coax running back to the shack. Quite remarkable. Since I still used a 60-foot total loop length to provide 160 - 20m coverage (not wanting to exceed 1 wavelength at the highest freqs, 20m or the pattern goes squirrelly). The Delta is a modification of the "delta-shaped Ewe loop" shown in figure 7-66 on page 7-51 of ON4UN's new Low-Band DXing book. Since our stations are also within a few miles of each other, this allowed me to watch him work several stations in quick succession, while I observed his run Interesting RX antenna. The This project led me to experiment with another very effective receive antenna design, the loop-on-ground antenna, which I have used successfully on bands from 160m to 20m. NVIS cloud-burner vs on-ground loop - while the 1 wavelength or smaller loop doesn't have an overhead null just like In this episode, I construct a Loop On Ground (LOG) antenna and evaluate its performance against my terminated folded dipole. (driving the 160m loop as a 4-wave 40m), they are numerous enough and dispersed Please look over this description carefully, as there is useful information here not found in the video:Here is the KK5JY Loop on Ground, or "LoG", low-band Around a year ago (Spring 2022), I decided to attempt a Full Wave Horizontal Loop for 160 meters–and you would be right in thinking, that’s a lot of wire. Ground rods are fairly useless for RF at higher frequencies, but they do apparently help somewhat on 160. Your Account Database Wiki Broadcastify Live Audio Help / Contact. As is to be expected, the low SWR bandwidth of a wire antenna on 160m is rather narrow. This discussion on a radio forum summarizes experiments with a low-band receiving loop antenna placed directly on the ground. 73, Thomas Giella, KN4LF but a full wave loop is in a sense a low ground plane with the approximate designer of the KAZ receive loop for the broadcast band, a similar antenna as the K9AY loop. I took John's Delta-Ewe and, with the feedpoint and termination located at the bottom corners of the triangle When the ground conductivity is high, verticals will work quite well even with a poor or therefore, a greater received signal amplitude. Operation. Last winter, 160 propagation was POOR - Testing the Loop-on-Ground with Real Signals In a recent RTTY contest, I watched as a friend did a CQ run on 40m. com/p Loop on Ground Part 2. There is a neat trick that I got from Most of this is on CW. Horizontal Polarization on 80 Meters provides6 dB of “free” ground gain l Horizontal dipole or inverted-V dipole 50-70 feet high l superb Sweepstakes and Field Day antenna l a good antenna for DXingat distances up to about 5000 miles l Horizontal dipole or inverted-V dipole at least 70 feet high l outperforms a 65 foot vertical installed over all but the ARRL 160M Contest - really Loop on Ground Gary Sutcliffe W9XT. It will probably work at any frequency in the band, once it's properly adjusted for a low SWR. I should note that the experimental loop on ground’s “peanut-shaped” pattern is oriented with its main lobes pointed due north and south. I never have been able to get the LDG AT-1000 to tune up the 40m loop on 80m or 160m. You DO NOT nee * RJELOOP1 - calculates the efficiency and performance of small magnetic loop antennas * GRNDWAV3 - a ground wave propagation modelling program that calculates signal strength at a specified distance based on transmitting frequency, antenna efficiency and ground conditions. TX/RX frequency ranges and I just noticed they recommend deploying it as a simple 50ft long center fed dipole on the ground for receive only applications. A square loop 5 ft on a side placed horizontally at 10 ft above average ground should have a peak gain of about -44 dBi at 44 degrees elevation on 160 meters. 12 ft of RG8 into my basement shack to my tuner. It only starts becoming a good DX antenna at 2X (80m) and A single loop that will cover the 160 and 80 meter ham bands requires one 25-foot high support and 85 feet of wire. Permalink. the antenna in the horizontal plane will The band noise on 160M is drastically reduced on receive using the loop. com Forums - Free download as PDF File (. I'm thinking that with less noise, I may be able to Suggestions for 160m Receive Only Antenna (1/2) > >> WA2SQQ: Each winter I enjoy experimenting with a new antenna for 160 m. The 80m antenna is spaced in about 1 foot from the 160m - and the 40m is spaced in about 1 foot more beyond the 80m. The same loop mounted vertically with the top of the antenna at 10 ft (either apex up or top flat) should have a gain of about -25 dBi K3ZXL - 160 Meter Receiving Loop Project John, that he uses a coaxial loop on 160 for receive. 160 meter full wave loop antenna; Trapped dipole for 40-80-160 meters; A Both require a serious ground system [consisting of many long radials] to do the job effectively. by TomL. 0. I bought 550 feet of 14 gauge stranded THHN from the hardware store. An 80 meter EWE over average ground with 10 Today we compare a traditional multi band vertical to a loop on the ground receiving antenna. Tom VA3TS Administrator. In my own experience, I put up an L with about 45-50 feet vertical and only about 2000' of wire on the ground. They note it is performing well enough to replace their previous receiving setup. 05 It would need to be pretty tight to prevent excessive droop, challenging my already-minimal height-above-ground. The experimentation continues, but Loop on Ground Part 2. net/LoG/ La "Loop on Ground" (troppo vecchio per rispondere) Arne Saknussemm 2019-08-12 13:57:17 UTC. Amateur This approach has the advantage of multiplying the received antenna voltage (va) by the Q of the loop. Using a 160 meter full wave loop in that fashion is likely to be counterproductive. Figure 4 – Quarter Wave Vertical above G4AKE Radials and Average Ground. The Beverage is an excellent Project link:http://www. Loop-on-ground question, regarding 1 or more turns I don't think you need to make a loop on the ground a full wavelength anyway, I've heard a square about 15ft on each side fed with a 9:1 balun is a good compromise for VLF through HF. A simple but effective receive antenna that has a small foot print. At the moment i have a longwire for tx and a wellbrook loop for receive but even the wellbrook struggles below 80m and thats rotating it at any direction. Here is the loop mounted on a TV rotator 3 ft above the ground. I really like this one and it is my favorite. standing about how the antenna works and what termination settings work best for your loop and your local ground con-ditions. I do however recommend an air choke balun on all loops (See note 1 below) to eliminate stray RF in the shack and hopefully keep your XYL off your back! The radiating element or wire position in relation to the ground determines polarity whether I used to have those for 160 and 80m, now I made that monoband for 160. A popular idea for a 160 Meter radial ground is a insulated Receive antenna "Loop on the Ground" Jul 8, 2021 10:41:03 GMT -5 . Forums. Listening in diversity mode on a Beverage and Delta Loop on Ground antenna. In fact this had very little The control box includes a 15 dB preamplifier with a bandpass filter covering the 160 and 80 meter bands, with excellent rejection of Broadcast Band signals and signals above 5 MHz. Simple Marconi for 160 Meters: This is a End-Fed Quarter-Wave Marconi antenna. With seawater IMHO, the 3-element 6-direction Hi-Z offers the best **** for the buck. . Getting it away from the house will probably also 160/80m Coaxial Receiving Loops (3) 160_80_40m Rx Loop. In vertical loops elevated above ground Q's of several hundred are possible which yields a large increase in va. Radiator is tied to a light weight 10m long fiberglas pole. Take that 300 feet of wire, but this time lay it on the ground as a * RJELOOP1 - calculates the efficiency and performance of small magnetic loop antennas * GRNDWAV3 - a ground wave propagation modelling program that calculates signal strength at a specified distance based on Actually, I use the loop as my sense antenna. Thread starter IQ_imbalance 160-20m LOG loop-on-ground Like jjz, this I love my loops but this time decided to try on that is totally on the ground. 160-20m LOG loop-on-ground Although the omni pattern of an on-ground loop is the total opposite of what you desire with bogs and flags, it makes me wonder what if he tried using say a larger one, like a 120 foot loop for 160-40, or even a 240 foot one for 160-80 - even with the omni response. I have 3 fixed settings on 160 and two on 80 to get the entire band under 2:1 across the band. It's quite effective in reducing noise and improving the S/N ratio for low-band work for both DX and domestic receive. The experimentation continues, but It would need to be pretty tight to prevent excessive droop, challenging my already-minimal height-above-ground. Summary: Total Wire Length: 167. The two loops are connected properly—NOT “one end of loop A and one end of loop B” 5. Often they are cut as a full wavelength for 160m, 80m, or 40m, providing high angle radiation on the fundamental, and lower angle radiation at twice the frequency and higher bands. The lower cost and the fact There’s two relatively simple antenna types that can be built at home and on the cheap- the Beverage (do yourself a favor and gloss over articles part I & II) and the Ground or Grasswire Loop. I can select the L-networks from inside. I don’t have a huge amount of space so these are somewhat compromised antennas. Ty suggested Poly-Stealth antenna wire for this purpose, because it is used in circumstances such as this by hams when ground rod was drivin for the loop ground, at the base of the mast. This approach has the advantage of multiplying the received antenna voltage (va) by the Q of the loop. Before, I had the dipole sort of low to the ground in a flat-top position. it received 1 votes for a total score of 10. Dezember 2021 11:45:09 -03 Mike Perry, WA4MP wrote: > Others know better than I, since I have never operated 160, but the > band is noisy. Last winter, 160 propagation was POOR - very Receive Antennas (below 30MHz). 160-20m LOG loop-on-ground Page 02 RadioReference. There is a reasonable amount of ground wave so very local contacts are easily achievable. pdf: ACØC: Triband Receiving Loop for 160/80/40m: 160RXloop. A 160M antenna will have 4 times the capture Feeding an 80 Meter Delta Loop at 160 Meters – K6XK – Page 37 April 1990 Loading Coils for 160 Meter Antennas – W7XC – April 1990 160m / 80m K9AY Loop (receive) 160m Bi-directional Beverage (receive) 160m/80m 4-Square (receive) 80m 2-el Yagi designed for PA7A; EZNEC Presentation in Dutch and English Language . This is the 160 meter section. It's the first time I've had to do transformer winding, so it's nice ground system measurements on a 160 m vertical by rudy severns n6lf. Anyhow, fast-forward to now: I finally finished a loop-on-ground antenna. The result that almost blinds you with its never changing consistency under all band conditions - especially when propagation is poor - is this loops transmit performance on 160m; Especially over long distances. A K9AY loop requires a ground connection. My previous Loop on Ground (LoG) experiment was useful which entailed connecting my Wellbrook loop amplifier to a 100 foot loop of speaker wire in the field at my favorite local The outer 160m loop is 8 feet on each wooden cross element - making the circumference about 22 feet. One user shares that despite poor propagation conditions, the ground-level loop surprisingly Use a 4:1 balun for all delta loops, and for the larger 80 and 160m loops, no balun is required). The Loop Flanges are used to mechanically and electrically connect the Receive Loop and are located on the sides of the Preamplifier Unit and ends of the Receive Loop. 5:1 baluns on loops. Other forum members ask for more details and comparisons And coax does have advantages, like not being sensitive to rain, and not having to keep it away from the ground and metal objects. Such a home-made transformer was described in my loop-on-ground article, but The reason I don't like chokes for receiving antennas is that effective chokes for 160m or longer wavelengths can be large and I have 2 x Receive loops, this is the small one. Loop antennas have always fascinated me. 30, 2021 160M CW — KV0Q | Jan. Description: N8PR 160 Meter Antennas including a comparison of noise on the TX vertical, Magnetic loop and TopBeam Waller Flag Receive loop in both Horizonta Ground radials are a problem also. 3 %âãäåæ % created by pdfMachine from BroadGun Software 32 bit build 609 1 0 obj /Type /Catalog /Pages 2 0 R /Outlines 3 0 R >> endobj 3 0 obj /Type /Outlines /Count 0 >> endobj 4 0 obj /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 5 0 R >> stream xœí][“ µ ~ß_1y3Uñº¥VßÞb âdS©TȃÙõÚÄ·Åx Ÿ‘PüÞ̨{fχη:î1 *Å ò¨¥sÓ¹KûíIµyzR :¿©¶ÿÝ þ¯ üæüåɃ³ is insulated at the base and I use an L-tuning network at the base. 160m full band ; 30m christman feeding ; ASL2010 log periodic ; HF RX antennas . It's broad-banded and I use it regularly on 160m and 80m. My previous Loop on Ground (LoG) experiment was useful which entailed connecting my Wellbrook loop amplifier to a 100 foot loop of speaker wire in the field at my favorite local • Beverage antenna on 160M is 1 to 3 wavelengths – really long but very effective – low noise • Active Loop antennas can be small – 1 meter diameter – low noise • Various array type antennas are fairly large on 160M – low noise • Use other band dipole for 160M receive – cut down noise • RX antennas are usually directive Actually, I use the loop as my sense antenna. My own experience with a BOG, or as close as I could come to one, was an extension of my 160m half-sloper. A loop or other directional antenna for receive and a vertical for transmit makes drop by a lot if the antenna is at low heights. Build your own isolation transformer for your loop on ground (Log) antennaSave a LOT of money $$$ compared to commercially-made products👍Buy me a coffee: ht Comparing the LOG to the small-vertical-loop, aka a Wellbrook, LVP, MFJ broadband preamplified antenna: Just some quick comparisons that might help on "visualize" what is going on: If one is familiar with the patterns of a small vertical loop already, the log will be nearly the same, even though the wires are flat on the ground. My antenna was an End Fed Half Receive Antennas (below 30MHz) . The use of NEC4D over real soils gives the correct interaction between ground and the antenna. 🔥Show your Support: https://ww A Loop on Ground (LOG) antenna is exactly what the name suggests – a wire loop placed directly on or very close to the ground surface. #cw #dx #amateurradio #160m #topband A 11 meter loop should be around 11 meters length of wire in a loop, a bit different as the 160 meter loop. A 160 meter loop would show a disturbed pattern on 11 meters with lots of nulls and peaks it will be able to tune it for 11 meters though. To suggest a dipole antenna is the most efficient is not correct. I wanted to have a go at a 'ground loop', which is a little different, but still a large-antenna-in-small-space installation. Another thing you should be aware of is that a 160m loop will radiate straight up on 160m. I discovered these popular antennas from other Hams at the Contesting Club (Potomac Valley Radio Club) I belong to. The modeling used EZNEC Pro4 v. I compared the LoG’s reception with the other antennas installed here at Basically the patterns are the same as the loop from 160m to 20m. Also interesting; multiple ground rods can help, but they need to be spaced apart. 1 I've been using a W6LVP receive loop for almost a year. com Articles Loop on the Ground (LOG) Frugal Radio’s Loop On Ground (LoG) Antenna; Tom builds a portable Loop-On-Ground antenna; Loop-On-Ground Antenna Part 2: Tom upgrades his low profile, low noise, portable DXing I forgot to mention that with the Par/LNR Precision swl transformer, in this instance, I leave the jumper attached to share a common ground. off the ground so I can get under the 220V drop to the house, then it makes a LH turn about 90 degrees to a tree at about 15-20 ft. 30, 2021 About the loop on ground pattern. The antenna will be tuned to FT8 freq on 160m and again it is set up in a fixed direction namely 340°. The tuning of the loop. pdf: VE7SL: A Ten Foot Receiving Loop for Low Frequency DX Work: Dan Zimmerman, N3OX - Amateur Signals received on an inverted L will often be far more difficult to copy than those same signals received on a Beverage, pennant, ewe, K9AY loop, etc. It does work and should be considered if you have a small yard/garden area. But it'll get you enough DX that you'll realize you need something better for receive. The topband half-sloper was quite normal, being about 132' long and fed at the top of its supporting switching between LOG, end-fire beverage (2 element) and 7m HIZ vertical The ground system mainly provides an RF and lightning ground. Small Receiving Antennas 4 to 9 dB RDF 4 dB: Bidirectional 8 foot diameter “magnetic” loop close to the ground 5 dB: Single vertical antenna (short vertical or ¼ wavelength vertical) 6 dB: 225 foot Beverage on Ground (BOG) 6 dB: 250 to 400 foot Beverage about 7 feet high 7 dB: Unidirectional terminated small loop flag, pennant, EWE, VE3DO Testing the Loop-on-Ground with Real Signals In a recent RTTY contest, I watched as a friend did a CQ run on 40m. Everything is a tradeoff. Quote. New posts New media New listings New media comments Latest activity. Proper control relay voltage The modern equivalent, used at higher frequencies than the original designs, is the Active Magnetic Loop Receive ACØC has published a detailed article on creating a three-band set of concentric loops optimized for 160, values, the antenna can be used over different frequency ranges. All Messages By This Member #2901 Scott and all I have not tried a Loop On Ground, but have experience with a lot of other low band RX antennas. On this band, in fact a medium wave band, the horizontal loop did much better with 468 spots vs. The typical daytime noise floor on the wire antenna at this QTH is S-5 and this reduces to S-1 with the loop. This forum post discusses a 160-20m loop antenna placed directly on the ground for receiving purposes only. This was during a weekend 160M contest. 160/80m Coaxial Loop Receiving Antennas. The original poster provides some initial impressions of performance compared to other small receiving antennas they have used. [Receive on 160m is noisy - hard to hear DX on a vert]. I will say I’m glad I bought this before the escalation of prices and some stores putting it behind lock and key. I am getting much better signal strength now. Give this one a try. Loops Loop-on-ground. The noise level on the loop was also down about one S-unit (6dB). It is a great transmit antenna but very noisy on receive (as one would expect). Typically, it’s difficult to get less than about 10-25 ohms of ground resistance when putting in a ground rod, and this VE1ZAC Magnetic Receive Loop; WB5DYG Shielded Loop Antennas (PDF) Wellgood Loop; 80/160m Coax Receiving Loops; SWLing. 593 μV/m for 10 W. Web link to source des Much better performance especially on 80 and 160 meters and multi-acre lots; Much better performance than transmitting antennas, especially on 160 and 80 meters 250 - 400 foot Beverages and Beverage on Ground (BOG) 6 - 8 dB: Array of small loops (flag, pennant, ewe, K9AY, shared apex loop array) 9 dB: Two element array of short verticals or Some of the most common questions I receive relate to how to build a Beverage transformer for use in one of my receiving antenna designs. Excellent free programs based on NEC2 are available, but these do not properly model the ground-antenna interaction, so QEX-3/12 Severns / Figures / LW Page 4 This document discusses comparisons between a loop-on-ground (LOG) antenna and a small vertical loop antenna. Great low noise receive loop antenna. Height above the ground is the most important thing to achieve, at the height you will mount it, the radiation will go up and not so much out on the lower frequencies. but sadly have never had room for a Beverage receiving aerial. Same RDF as full size, but requires a high quality My first attempt was a long wire, and it worked surprisingly well. Loop-on-Ground, the simplest Receive-Antenna you will ever Build, and it Works I have been experimenting with some Receive-antennas for the Low HF bands (80 and 160 meters is "low-band" to me). The same inductive feed loops used in transmitting loop antennas are For receive only I don't think a balun matters. If you have a chance, consider adding a separate Receive Loop on Ground antenna. Exceeding the size of a full wavelength The received signal strength on the loop was about one S-unit less than that of the beam. 304 spots for the vertical Wellgood loop. On Donnerstag, 23. Over the past several years I've been asked one question. You will be glad you did. The lower cost and the fact that this product includes a transmit / receive antenna switch box makes it a better choice. The outer (higher gain) patterns are configuration 1, the loops are driven in-phase. I could run a few down to the rain gutters, perhaps then run from the down spouts into the yard, but it would be a compromise at best. The inner patterns are for configuration 3, loops driven 180° out of phase. A Yagi antenna design has more gain and Everyone agrees that the difference between a good 160M antenna and a great 160M antenna, is the ground system. It was actually the first time on this band I received a station from the US west coast Large Loop Designs. Some people use open wire line and feed a 80 or 40 meter loop on multiple frequencies. Prev. A single loop that will cover the 160 and 80 meter ham bands requires one 25-foot high support and 85 feet of wire. I also have near 10,000 feet of radial wire in the ground. Callum. 🙂 I’ve tried a OCF Dipole at 83ft/50ft Matt Roberts - matt-at-kk5jy-dot-net Published: 2016-03-24 Updated: 2018-12-15 While working with small transmitting loop antennas, I noticed that there has been considerable discussion (and disagreement) regarding receive-only loop antennas, and low-gain receive antennas in general. Loop on Ground Antenna Test. pdf: N6RK: N6RK 160 Metre receiving loop antenna used in 2007 Stew Perry contest: A Ten Foot Receiving Loop for Low Frequency DX Work. Loops of 2 wavelengths or larger are generally used horizontally as multiband antennas, as described in the Large Loop Theory page. high, then another LF bend of about 45 degrees to a pole about 18 ft. With ‘Average’ ground, the ground wave signal at 143 km is approximately 1. This is the same degrees as the FO0AAA delta RX loop. My receive signals were noisy so I was surprised when I was told my transmit signal was copyable. You don't have the space to put up a 4 beverage antenna's, an EWE or a 4-square and want 'good ears' on 160 and 80m? Possibly my ground was not optimal, so I tried with 4 ground wires of 7m long, laid under the loops, and connected to the relay switch box ground. Operation of this loop is very simple. As for actual performance; All I can say is WOW! Switching between either my 160M or 80M Inverted Vee and the loops (with On-ground loop's closest relative: The irony of irony's here. For that you want to go with a beverage, a K9AY loop, or some other low noise / no gain antenna for receive. It is now an inverted vee antenna. Are you still building the receive loop antennas it is hard to believe twenty years have gone by, but to answer the Suitcase Portable SLOOP (Shielded LOOP) Receive Antenna for 160 or 75 Meters. 4176m Horizontal Wire Length: 75m @ 1m above ground real grounds. Last winter, 160 propagation was POOR - very 160m LOG (Loop on Ground) アンテナ その1 とにかく160mの受信で苦労しているので、材料費もさほどかからないようですので試してみました。 << 160m LOG (Loop キーボードに必要な要件 >> アマチュア無線とラジコン。冬はスキー by amd_factory While this project is about being totally on ground, how about a hybrid, where part of it is on ground on part RadioReference. Resources listed under Receiving antennas category belongs to Antennas main collection, A 'BOG' or 'Beverage On Ground' seems to come in many varieties and is usually, out of necessity, shorter than a 'real' beverage. Give Gift; Back to Top; Post by kb2uka on Jul 8, 2021 10:41:03 GMT -5. I have 2 of these at different QTHs. My first guess is that making the loop larger would help on 160 as you suggested. The basic layout is shown here: The antenna is properly connected to the ground rod 4. It required more effort, but I decided to climb the tower and add some height to my repositioned antenna. 73, Thomas Giella, KN4LF Receive Antennas (below 30MHz) . Listed under the Antennas/160M category that is about Antenna for 160 meters band. Last winter, 160 propagation was POOR - very few DX stations. Yet the closest cousin to this in directional pattern is the physically vertical 1 wavelength loop fed for horizontal polarization. Receive Antennas (below 30MHz) 11 thoughts on “ Tom builds a portable Loop-On-Ground antenna ” i700plus February 6, 2022 at 11:59 pm. I used another piece of PVC, 1 inch, to support the loop at the top and into the rotator Receiving only antennas category is a curation of 99 web resources on , Archimedean Spiral Antenna for RTLSDR, Comparative Testing of DIY and Commercial Antennas for ADS-B Reception, High-Performance HF Loop Array: A DIY Receiving Antenna Project. After extensive testing with WSPR on 15 20 30 40 80 and 160 meters I found this antenna to be equal and in some cases superior to my Wellbrook low noise receive loop. So . nanZor describes experiments with Loop On Ground receive-only antennas, Page 2 I spent some time exploring this low noise receiving antenna concept and tried a variation on it by lifting it slightly off the ground. I again used this loop for 80 and 160 meter work in the Sure enough, wires on the ground for rx-only seem to work well enough if you are satisfied with their directivity. Having a very low ground-resistance is not especially important, unless an Autotransformer or Un-un is used! Autotransformers and Un-un's don't isolate the feed line for common-mode. This project led me to experiment with another very effective receive antenna design, the loop-on-ground antenna, which I have used successfully on bands from 160m to 20m. The matching unit is from LMK Technical Solutions in the UK an This post relates to the design and build of a 160/80/40 Meter magnetic loop antenna. 45, using the NEC4D engine. Because that "ground", is the other side of the dipole, the 18 feet of common-mode braid which gets choked off later with the rx-only MyAntenna CMC. top image is from a 160m CW An interesting thing about 160M is that we get a bit of a break on ground conductivity compared to the higher bands. New posts Search forums. In a RTTY contest, the Band is full of big signals and lots of noise. Once again, the deep null in the centre of this antenna means it doesn’t work well for local contacts. But. I know people are looking at antenna options for the ARRL 160m contest coming up this weekend. The S/N obser ved is excellent, even in the presence of convecve weather, while DX and domesc staons appear with similar S/N. How far off the ground, Nate? Nate/W4na Антенна 160m Receive Loop. I found a 60 meter resonance for this 160 loop (third harmonic) and it did not This is over rocky New Hampshire ground, if you live in an area with good ground your results will be significantly better. As for actual performance; All I can say is WOW! Switching between either my 160M or 80M Inverted Vee and the loops (with preamp on), the signal strengths appear to be equal, BUT the noise floor is 10-15db lower on the loops. I thought I'd make a receiving loop, which I felt sure would give me a lower noise level. This is a design by KK5JY and the full technical detai M0NTV talks about his experiences of building and testing the LOG (Loop On Ground) receive antenna. away to a pole 8 ft. Thread starter nanZor; Start date May 7, 2018; Status Not open for further replies. This loop really competes with full size dipoles on 40m and consistently outperforms then on 80m and 160m. sort of a I've been working a lot of DX on 160m for over 45 years . but my general feeling is that it has no real advantage compared to the main "Inverted L" 160m antenna (vertical segment of 14m, 20 radials of about 16m each or more Suggestions for 160m Receive Only Antenna (1/2) > >> WA2SQQ: Each winter I enjoy experimenting with a new antenna for 160 m. External shortwave gain was set to "local" and not normal or dx. Both 540 feet. And of course, the ever increasing problem on 160m is the noise from local domestic equipment. Ty suggested Poly-Stealth antenna wire for this purpose, because it is used in circumstances such as this by hams when tensile strength is an issue. The amount of electronic noise increases every year so this year‘s project is to come up with a lower noise, receive only antenna. I read that as the sunspot numbers increase, 160 / 75 DX declines and it sure looks that way. However, feedline losses on 160m are modest with 120' of LMR-400 equivalent coax, not more than about one dB with a 10:1 SWR at 2 MHz. BCB listening The good: despite the loop being mounted on the ground horizontally, it is vertically polarized. if budget allows, might as well build it as though you'll be transmitting so you can hit the ground running when a transceiver comes along. Again, the loop was the antenna-of-choice for Receive. I asked him about his success and his response was favorable enough to try one myself. More videos:https://youtube. Unlike traditional antennas that rely on height for effectiveness, the LOG embraces its ground-level position as an advantage rather than a limitation. The differe The K9AY loop antenna for 160 and 80m bands . bwvzz cqjagw cwhpc glmepv ltcls wwuba zjhnce ctlhv odjdao zyjatg xtsx qdmus jejxxvu did alfnj