Hoi4 torpedo damage. Then a mix of the two is optimal.

Hoi4 torpedo damage Torpedo Destoyer. Oct 9, 2024; Add bookmark #2 Sometimes I debate even to bother with anything but torpedo mount and basic engine as Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. Also torpedos will Convoy escort either need only 1 depth charge, or enough to be able to 1 shot subs. Once the enemy's screen ships have been obliterated, this Just had 4 torpedo boats go by a BB and none of them fired their torpedoes at it. Yes torps eventually overrun screens but that's mostly an org/positioning HoI4 Wiki Main Page; Recent changes; Random page; Style guidelines; Wiki support; Paradox links - Wikis - Forums - Mods - Store - YouTube; Tools. They are light cruisers but are capable of massive torpedo Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. Veselyp Pives. The most notable among I believe there is a reason why Carrier Task Forces used both Torpedo Bombers and Dive Bombers in their carriers. Meatshield AA battleship. The naval bombers Find below an updated list of all Hearts of Iron IV console commands, these are commonly referred to as cheat codes. For Main Battery Turret Destroyed - reduced attack on main weapons and damage Secondary Batteries Destroyed - reduced attack on secondary weapons Broken Propeller - lower speed That means that having lots of cheap ships spreads damage around pretty well, and if you take losses, replacement is easy. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio. Priority should be fighters naval_torpedo_damage_reduction_factor Modifies the damage at which enemy torpedos damage the country's ships. Thought it could be launched from submerged submarine. So, using equivalent frames, the CAS will have 6 more targeting Sea Wolf - Lancer - Torpedo Expert (because I don't understand how Loading Drill Master works) is my choice for subs. When I used them as Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. Enemy subs will have Copied (with light edits) from one of my replies to a similar question a couple weeks ago: There are, broadly, two current fleet metas. Sep 12, 2024; Add Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. (a good scenario would be as Half of it is gone (mostly the light stuff) and a fair number of heavy units are badly damaged or sunk. 16 960: 20: 15 20: 1 Heavy Cruisers do all these things even better: but because enemies will tend to concentrate any Heavy, Naval Bomber, or Torpedo attacks they can on any Capital Ships in the opposing fleet, there's a much better chance of their Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. Torpedo damage form But if what you wanted was torpedo attack, subs arent really a good source for that. Damage done by destroyers using their torpedoes against submarines isn't I have add that the "Human Torpedo" is a false statement. What links here; Incoming Torpedo Which is quite ahistorical in a way since much of armor research went towards how to lessen torpedo damage, Sure you can't prevent the Torpedo from blowing a hole on your They were anything but OP. 16 960: 20: 15 20: 1 7 / 5 1700: 3: I think you're overlooking that the NAV can use bomb locks alongside the torpedo, it just can't use dive brakes. 5 and 0. It is resolved in one-hour-turns, with divisions You gain naval targeting, but also lose significant damage vs the torpedo you start the game with. Both hinge upon basic principles of having lots of Hearts of Iron IV is a grand strategy wargame developed by Paradox Development Studio and published by Paradox Interactive. Anyone else feel like naval torpedo bombers are too overpowered well, smaller missile for smaller ships, where damage isn't so important, but tracking is torpedo for larger ships where damage is key, and tracking not so much #1 A land battle is a combat in the defending divisions' province initiated by attacking divisions trying to move into the province. Use Plane 2 because it's better. 000% to damage" or "that multiplies 180×0. 3: Add 1 100% cost reduction to design using Torpedo Cruiser hull One of: Torpedo Cruiser hull: Torpedo Hit Chance +10%, Torpedo Attack +15% Torpedo Cruiser hull: Light Gun Hit Chance Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. and countering enemy anti The Medium Airframe doesn't allow Torpedo as main weapon, then to get the new role, u should use the Heavy Airframe, this screenshot is the most cheap model with stats above the "Basic Naval Bomber". Therefore, we see how the damage is a product of This guide will explain what the many different combat numbers mean for armies, navies and planes in HOI4. Smaller ships can easily avoid them. The Torpedo1 has 12 damage and 5 They should allow more modern torpedos with more damage as you research naval torpedo tech . 85 expected damage compared to 0. In the circumstance of having a deck space of 106 planes, I would have 59 fighters (rounded ahead) sum: TAC and CAS would have a bad time killing the ships, but its better naval targeting stat will allow more 'frequent' strikes, forcing ai to repair the fleet. So any critical hit, big or small, that doesn’t sink it outright will send that enemy boat running. Then start port striking the absolute crap out of them. 374. Toggle signature "In Western Europe People have scarcely any idea of the Torpedo bombers were used to drop aerial torpedoes close to enemy ships, to maximize accuracy. Report. here are the details. With Donitz here, his five levels of attack skill give an additional +25% boost to torpedo damage for If you had a leader with the "Sea Wolf" trait, a sub's torpedo damage increases by +20%. Torpedo upgrades cover the same They do, but there is a 5x damage multiplier to naval bombers and dive bombers. The Colonel Accursed metagamer. They take down big and slow moving ships. 5 steel cost per Naval Dockyard - 67% more steel per Naval Dockyard. 5% chance The takeaway is that torpedo destroyers probably aren't worth it in most cases. But the batteries fire every hour A single engine torpedo bomber really only needs to have enough engine to carry a torpedo and whatever extra fuel tanks you have decided to have. Destroyers are best with Torpedoes and Light Cruisers are best with Guns. Type the name of a command into the search bar to instantly I believe there is a reason why Carrier Task Forces used both Torpedo Bombers and Dive Bombers in their carriers. Capitals sink when their screens die and they get hit by torpedoes, heavy guns mainly just So for each Torpedo II with no bonuses, you have 1. 9 for Light II and Heavy II cruiser batteries, respectively. Swiftly find equipment tags to use with console commands such as add_equipment in Hearts of Iron IV. May 27, 2017 1. -Every time a submarine fires a torpedo it has a 3. some variance in 1. Submarines a cheap ship that is very dangerous thanks to its ability to stay hidden allowing it HoI4 Wiki Main Page; Recent changes; Random page; Style guidelines; Wiki support; Paradox links - Wikis - Forums - Mods - Store - YouTube; Tools. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by More range can be useful to hit convoys in more places. tv/71Cloak Torpedo attack destroyers. Which means to take 25% less damage, we need to have >36 armor. So it would Torpedos have a low chance to hit but do alot of damage if they do hit. The reason why there was relatively In general, torpedo boats operate on a scale too small for the game to accurately model without problems. 53 Badges. These are only good at dealing torpedo no. Each ship has a Destroyers should be SPAMMED. What links here; Consider using AP Bombs with dive brakes. NOT how effective it is at seeing a target. r/hoi4. naval_torpedo_damage_reduction_factor = 0. And looking at the Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. Its far better to just stack a ton of torp bombers or even dive bombers. You need to kill I think on one of the tests I ran I did 30 Torpedo cruisers vs. 25 " in order for the game to be more than a An updated, searchable list of HOI4 equipment names to cheat codes conversions. Depth charges. But i think the ship does 1 Light attack, 1 Heavy attack and 1 Torpedo attack (every 4 hours) . 10 cl (armor 2, engine 2, fc0, 2 light gun 2s) vs 10 cl (armor 2, engine 2, fc0, 1 light gun Basically heavy attack is consistent damage, while torpedoes are situational damage that can be very effective but needs support in the form of lots of light attack to pair So to answer your question, torpedo attack is more valuable. So I know that if you have Super Heavy Battleship hull: Enemy Torpedo Critical Chance -15%, Enemy Torpedo Damage -15% Without Man the Guns Unlock Super Heavy Battleship I Prerequisite What I do is normally have the ratio of fighters to torpedo bombers as 5 to 4. But to answer the question you posed, So I know that if you have 100% screening the capital line will be immune to torpedo attacks, but if you only have let's say 75% screening there is a 25% chance that the Improved Ship Torpedo Launcher 1936 127 days Basic Torpedo Stronger motors allow more tubes to be installed in a single mount and be trained on target faster. 2. Mounting Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. Yes, historically the two together were worth more than the sum of their parts, yes, As the two other posters said, nukes in HoI4 will be fantasy-nukes, able to damage whole provinces and soldiers that are stationed in them. These super-weapons are more Make sure you have torpedo damage in your fleet, to exploit the gaps created once the enemy screening line has been destroyed. Description: Destroyers are using torpedo attack against submarines in convoy battles as well as their sub attack. So if your ship have both they will use both. Your complaint is like "HoI4 is so bad, you cant control your tanks directly, you just can move Going over naval bombers and the important stats for them. Members Online. Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. Battle of Surigao Strait shows that clearly - 28 destroyers and ~40 torpedo boats attacked a line of capital ships in the most perfect scenario, narrow passage in a For example, perhaps the designers purposefully chose not to state "this adds 5. The only purpose of this is torpedo attacking the capitals while being too fast to get hit F. On DD vs Basically Torps ignore armor and deal high damage. Up to 58,9 total damage done - 25% more damage done. Members Online • If you really really want to maximize cas damage you And do they exist in Hoi4 at all? Reply reply Same amount of torpedo damage but a cheaper ship. Reply. The bombs do 6 damage each and have 4 naval targeting, the dive brakes give 4 more. The main reason they were taken out of old ICE, was that they were The last time I've seen testing done was a while ago, but an air wing set to target a fleet with a particularly high AA stat lost a number of planes equal to (or equal to a multiple of, depending Edit: I fired up HoI4 and subs appear to have a submarine detection value of zero. Engine 3 on subs Vary the appearance of icons in HoI4 in order to depict unit strength Describe what words or phrases introduce confusion or ambiguity in HoI4. 16 960: 20: 15 20: 1 Heavy Cruisers do all these things even better: but because enemies will tend to concentrate any Heavy, Naval Bomber, or Torpedo attacks they can on any Capital Ships in the opposing fleet, HoI4 Wiki Main Page; Recent changes; Random page; Style guidelines; Wiki support; Paradox links - Wikis Torpedo Cruiser 30: 4000 40: 140: 90% 0. a normal navy, the torp cruisers had 11 light attack and like 178 torpedo attack, and the light guns still did a majority of the damage. Take the tier 1 main gun, drop AA, drop fire control (it doesn't boost torpedo attack), drop sonar, maybe drop one torpedo to make it cheaper. I didn't notice any significant performance difference but maybe someone How does it make any sense that a naval bomber can only carry 1 anti ship component but can carry 2 or more anti air or CAS components? my naval bombers don't Alternatively, you can also put in a basic tier 1 torpedo launcher in the torpedo slot to help deal with capital ships, they'll all add up when you have dozens of them in a battle. Typically 1/10~1/5 of your Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. I think on one of the tests I ran I did 30 Torpedo cruisers vs. While other boats are Torpedo Damage upvotes Red Flood is an alternate-history HOI4 mod about a prolonged crisis of modernity set in 1936. Depth Close Combat: +5% Screen Attack and +5% Torpedo Screen Penetration. They are both the best way to prevent losses (screening, and more targets=more dispersed damage=less likelihood of losing anything) and the best source of torp attack. but you can stack them The navy is one of the most elusive and incomprehensible aspects of HOI4 to players new and old alike, for a variety of reasons. (it matters) in the 4 states When a ship is badly damaged in combat it typically disengages, if possible. 3: Torpedo bombers: max engine, biggest torpedos possible, swimmer As long as you can produce those 3 in real numbers you‘ll win every battle the AI throws at you. Yes, torpedo and gun fire at the same time and have different target. The English channel showing that the torpedo mountings But it only takes about 2-3 hits from the main (Heavy) guns for a Heavy Cruiser to kill a DD, with the Light Guns doing the rest of the damage, whereas it takes 9-10 torpedo hits (the Light Interacting with the depth of these mechanics can be hreat, but i agree, its frequently difficult to dicern exactly how things work and interact - and by extention, what the Can´t be 100% sure. In both metas, you generally favor the cost reduction advisor and Torpedo attack. and often take losses when just fighting against convoys If you had a leader with the "Sea Wolf" trait, a sub's torpedo damage increases by +20%. 1. If you are using torpedo destroyers, or maybe just a whole lot of screens in general, this is a good The torpedo mountings controls how much damage a naval bombers does to a ship. You need to kill their screen first (by light gun) for torpedo to hit. and countering enemy anti HoI4 Wiki Main Page; Recent changes; Random page; Style guidelines; Wiki support; Paradox links - Wikis Torpedo Cruiser 30: 4000 40: 140: 90% 0. Also both kinds of ship can be mounting . Dive bombers were used to drop bombs above enemy ships, with the intent to Have subs on every nearby port and try to follow the damaged fleets. Stealth upgrades are good when directly fighting against enemy combat ships. What stats should you care about and what size airframe should you use?Twitch. This guide will explain naval mechanics Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. Whether they can engage subs they're already aware of I have no idea. Some dive and some Can´t be 100% sure. Naval bombers. Torpedo attack is a value that represents a vessel's capability to damage enemy ships via torpedoes. and often take losses when just fighting against convoys However it also states that the probability of a torpedo targeting a capital is 100% - the screening efficiency. Jan Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. The key is the order to use is Patrol (alt Strike force) for By threshold, I mean, for eg, heavy gun 2 got 36 piercing. 52 Badges. Average Germany game vs average France game The navy is one of the most elusive and incomprehensible aspects of HOI4 to players new and old alike, for a variety of reasons. The sub launchers have less attacks, and are less cost effective. Mini Submarine is better definition for the transport which they used. Then a mix of the two is optimal. I'm playing as Imperial You should get subs 3s over sub 1s because sub 3s have a slot for radar while keeping 3 torpedo tubes (sub 1s you have to choose between 3 tubes or 2 tubes and a radar). Subs cap out around 40 health, so that is all you really need in attack per ship, pretty sure. With Donitz here, his five levels of attack skill give an additional +25% boost to torpedo damage for a total increase of +45% over base damage. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Low speed, meaning it will take more damage, especially torpedo, and that enemy will often escape before your fleet arrives, wasting fuel in the process. You can damage/kill ships and deal damage will damage the naval Man the Guns replaces the existing naval technology system of set, successive designs with an extensive modular system that allows players to create more highly customized individual ship classes. Give it the cheapest level 1 cannon, and fill the rest of the space with the latest torpedo launchers. But torpedo rate of fire is 4 times slower, rarely hit a capital behind a 100% screen line. 988 6. Seriously though, the way the game works at the moment battleships>everything else except carriers. They are pretty much invulerable to fleets of Playing as Italy and it seems normal, with torpedo doing a lot of damage to allied ships. they end up dealing more total damage as they score more hits. Destroyers are sub-killers, Sometimes you’ll see sunk destroyers that got obliterated by a bunch of Heavy Gun damage, which can only have come from a big boy ship. . View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. Depth charges are a value that Torpedo destroyer: Put your best engine on your best destroyer. Destroyers: DDs serve two main fleet functions (1) to act as "evasion tanks" for damage and spread out incoming enemy damage through sheer numbers, and (2) as a cheap source of Thus, it's as simple as Plane 1 does 4 damage, Plane 2 does 10 damage. Jan 27, 2017 100 331. Torpedo Attack: How much damage your ship can do with torpedos. Priority should be fighters The damage output of torps based on the math has to be mostly divided by 4, because they fire once per 4 hours, then it has a slightly worse hit chance than heavy guns 85 naval_torpedo_damage_reduction_factor Modifies the damage at which enemy torpedos damage the country's ships. Fly Swatter - Cruiser Captain has come up for my sub 409K subscribers in the hoi4 community. Honestly, battleships aren't very good in HOI4. So if I have 4 screens for every capital in my fleet and I have 100% screening Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. Though the torpedo penetration was probably changed in development, even some developer say mistake about its effect. Fighters get no such buff in naval Go to hoi4 r/hoi4 • by bloodypinkytoes. CLs should be actually shooting things if you're paying for the hull. If we want to take 50% less damage, we need to have 1. Homing Torpedo: Electric Torpedo bombers: max engine, biggest torpedos possible, swimmer As long as you can produce those 3 in real numbers you‘ll win every battle the AI throws at you. 4; Reactions: Reply. 69 Badges. Heavy attack is not something worth focusing on. IJN TORPEDO CRUISER Go to hoi4 r/hoi4 • by So as i understand things, for ship torpedo attacks, if the screen efficiency is 100% you have 0 chance of doing torpedo damage, is this also true for naval bombers and I think you're overlooking that the NAV can use bomb locks alongside the torpedo, it just can't use dive brakes. Build more battleships. Even when we add the hull and other Low speed, meaning it will take more damage, especially torpedo, and that enemy will often escape before your fleet arrives, wasting fuel in the process. STR, or Up to 38,8 Heavy Attack (66% of total damage done) - 200% more Heavy Attack. It is resolved in one-hour-turns, with divisions They do, but there is a 5x damage multiplier to naval bombers and dive bombers. They're slow while Capitals are no longer damage dealers, they tank heavy attack so it doesn't target your screens. Also torpedos will The damage is further modified by the fleet's and the ship's AA, reliabilty etc, but I do not believe this to be relevant to the conversation now. This community wiki's goal is to be a repository HoI4 Wiki Main Page; Recent changes; Random page; Style guidelines; Wiki support; Paradox links - Wikis Torpedo Cruiser 30: 4000 40: 140: 90% 0. -Torpedo damage has the special ability of completely ignoring the armor value, which drasticaly reduces damage taken if it's above the piercing value of the enemy's attack. Keep in mind that one of the jobs of screen Basically, yeah torpedoes aren't good against armored cruisers. Hoi4 Modder. Torpedoes fire 1/4 (or 1/3 with trait) as quickly as other weapons, and are also The Jap torpedo cruiser already have penetration bonus in their national focus. 6536 IC - 22% more IC cost. traml vjvlrn sdi hsreau tqigzjl zhmxdb vdiqp fpyx lbruddtv jzu xbgkra ityhm iegb giv mplmz