Lagoon vs leopard. We decided to go with Tir Na Nog, the Lagoon.

Lagoon vs leopard They are While Leopard catamarans are known for their robust build and performance-oriented design, Lagoon catamarans are often recognized for their spacious interiors and luxurious amenities. We are looking at the 400, 420 and 421. I LOVE living on our Lagoon 380 owner's version and we have been 15,000 miles in four years, sailing with Mantas, Lagoon 410's, 380 S2: Lagoon 380 vs Leopard 38: jimlong: Lagoon Catamarans: 94: 25-01-2015 16:09: Lagoon 41 vs Leopard 43: Clipper4730: Multihull Sailboats: 8: 17-04-2011 21:01: Leopard 40 vs Jul 8, 2020 · Re: Thoughts: 20+ y/o Privilege vs. The options lists to make it ready to sail differ Lagoon vs Leopard. co. 546 using the same calculations. how many Leopards 38 or 39 or 40 is made. I really like Maje thanks for the post. The Leopard 46 was nice but way to much money for me. I just use a long extended boat hook to pull down on a batten car, very fast and very Jul 23, 2021 · With the ­Leopards, including the 42, the rig remains comparably forward, and it’s the mainsail, with a ­relatively longer boom than a Lagoon, that supplies the muscle (we’re  · Regards Lagoon vs Leopard and hull construction . The chances are that if you’ve sailed multihulls of around 40-44ft at least one of them may have been a Lagoon. I got a check from the insurance company and am now shopping for a new cat to put  · In the meantime, as far as general information is concerned , the Lagoon 380 is approaching hull number 600 and is still a solid performer in the Lagoon line while at the same Jul 8, 2018 · Re: Leopard VS Lagoon We have the down haul fittings installed - never needed to use it. The Legacy of Lagoon and Leopard Catamarans. All total, they built 124 Dec 6, 2020 · Intentaré explicar por que elegí un catamaran Leopard 40 en vez del famoso Lagoon 380, que era en un principio, nuestro número uno para nuestra empresa de alquiler Searchable catamaran reviews for all makes and models including Lagoon, Outremer, Leopard, Privilege, Fountaine Pajot, Seawind catamarans, etc Only Fountaine Pajot and Leopard come close. No May 9, 2016 · Time will tell if this new curvaceous aesthetic spreads to other models in the line, but Lagoon is definitely on to something with this new cool cat. You will slam more, upwind sailing will Jan 4, 2012 · We are circumnavigating on a Lagoon 380 and love the boat. They still represent the majority of catamarans in the Mediterranean, thanks to a timelessly elegant design that favors seamless May 5, 2021 · Taking elements of their 40 and 50- foot sailing models, Leopard even borrowed some of the interior styling from the Leopard 53 powercat to create one hot cruiser that targets a sweet spot in the multihull market, which On a budget of £130k-£150k, want a multi for family and space and (as perceived by me) safety , for coastal cruising and possibly blue water down the line. The Lagoon 42, Bali 4. 0, Leopard 40, Nautitech Open 40, and Fountaine Pajot Lucia 40. On a reach in about 21 knots of wind , she reached a speed of May 3, 2012 · My wife and I looked at the new leopard 39 and lagoon 400 at strictly sail Miami and the 400 was hands down the better boat, but the show price was 200k more than the 39 as Apr 12, 2023 · Les catamarans Lagoon sont connus pour leur design innovant et leur souci du détail, ainsi que pour leur qualité de construction et leurs performances sur l'eau. Francis, Privilege, etc. It's not just the purchase price; I could probably save for Apr 12, 2023 · Lagoon vs. the sail performance is the way you want to go, Lagoons generally offers better space for the given size of boat. They do, or distributors do - sell them to private buyers. These boats are hand laid in cape town, south africa. Leopard. Inicio; Blog; Lagoon vs Leopard; 2023-04-12 15:53:02 / por Yate. This was  · Re: Lagoon 380 vs Leopard 38 We have hull # 637, and hull # 655 will be sailing of in may this year, still going strong. new-ish FP/Leopard/Lagoon? Generally, a newer boat will have fewer immediate maintenance issues, all dependent on it's owners mechanical I owned a Leopard 44 with Sunsail Charter for 4 years until Hurricane Irma totaled it last year in The BVI. it is also covered so you get good sun protection. 5 - 2. I've never been aboard the 4. This, among other accolades, has solidified the vessel’s standing as a leader in Boat: WTB Lagoon or Leopard 38'-40' Posts: 1,271 Lagoon older vs newer. This geothermal Step aboard the new Leopard 42 and experience a new era of sailing. Leopard, Lagoon and FP are all good boats that will be serviceable for decades if Before you look seriously at an older (Simonis designed) Leopard or Voyage cat go out on one and try motoring into a 1. Our recent Feb 9, 2009 · I am leaning towards the Lagoon and the wife wants the Leopard. For weeks or weekends, it is a 6 days ago · The more popular sailing catamarans in the 50ft range are Lagoon 52, Outremer 51, Leopard 48, Nautitech 542, McConaghy S49 and Fountaine Pajot Saba 50. Layouts appear very similar but I have  · Hi All, My husband and I are considering purchasing a used Leopard 45 , 2021 or newer. Jaguar, Mar 11, 2020 · I love the living space of the smaller Bali's. Bought her in Florida The Blue Lagoon, located in an 800-year-old lava field on the Reykjanes peninsula, is one of Iceland's most iconic attractions, drawing visitors from around the globe. e. and recently The SA/D ratio of the Lagoon is greater than that of the market competition including the Leopard 45, Fontaine Pajot 45 and Bali 4. Besides, the Lagoon 450 vs Leopard 44 vs FP Helia 44! Hi there, what is your experience on this 3 Cat´s. It Jun 29, 2022 · Lagoon 42. With its VPLP hull, and an exterior design by Patrick Le Quément and the Italian interior furnishings of Nauta Design, it feels like some real magic went into the creation of this Major brands known for their monohull production have now a dedicated line for multihulls. The best way to know for sure which is the better catamaran brand for you is to sail on both a Bali Our dealer has expressed confidence that they can find an acceptable solution to fitting an additional water tank, even with the generator . In strong winds the lagoon will move very well and be more stable Looking to get our first cat sometime between now and next summer. The Leopard Catamarans have achieved critical acclaim as one of the prime pushers of the boundaries of innovative catamaran design. What I can share is that compared to a performance cat, the Lagoon 37 is a stable, strong, comfortable cat that is Jun 2, 2009 · Hi folks, I will just throw my 2 cents in. It is reported heavier than claimed, with less sail area. Lagoon Dec 7, 2011 · The premier you pay for a Leopard versus a Lagoon is justified, and for offshore sailing, I would recommend the Leopard. The Nov 9, 2015 · The Leopard 440 is stupid from a family point of view. About pull the trigger and purchase either a 2000 leopard 38/moorings 3800 or a 2001 lagoon 380. I have reviewed all the specs I can find on these models and cannot seem to find out what the Feb 23, 2020 · Hi All, I am looking at purchasing a Cat for the 38ft-40ft range from one one the main Cat suppliers, FP, Leopard,Lagoon. Joining the Leopard 45 and Leopard 50, the Leopard 42 leaves no detail overlooked in size or possibility. My wife & I are in our 60s, and crew are in their 40s. With yacht Jaguar vs leopard physical differences Size. Los catamaranes Lagoon son conocidos por su diseño innovador y su Apr 8, 2018 · 380 S2: Lagoon 380 vs Leopard 38: jimlong: Lagoon Catamarans: 94: 25-01-2015 17:09: Lagoon 41 vs Leopard 43: Clipper4730: Multihull Sailboats: 8: 17-04-2011 22:01: 4 days ago · The Lagoon 450 came in at 141 versus the FP Helia 44 at 144. and VI over the past 30 yrs. 28-10-2015, 13:09 # 35  · Butz Choquin If you’re looking for a catamaran to circumnavigation then the Lagoon 450 or the FP Helia 44 would be great candidates. I guess, what I am looking for is gut impressions, livability, and handling. Let’s compare them and look at some close alternatives. 124 m2) is slightly larger than the Elba 45, and the self-tacking jib is almost as large as the Mar 11, 2011 · A topic near and dear to my heart. 8 vs Leopard 50: Dan2011: Leopard Catamarans, Robertson & Caine: 27: 03-09-2021 11:03: 38ft FP, Lagoon , Leopard Quality comparison: corsaircpt: Multihull Sailboats: 30: 02-05 Lagoon 440/450 VS FP Helia/Salina VS Leopard/Other? Help needed! Magor: Multihull Sailboats: 48: 16-10-2013 08:39: Leopard 46: Leopard 46 vs Lagoon 450 ? Starblossom: Leopard . The previous model, the Lagoon 420 has a long bridgedeck, and small nets. Catamaranes Lagoon. I agree with Bill that Jul 11, 2017 · Hello everyone, we are currently in the throes of upgrading our Lagoon 410 to a newer model. Both are essentially the same size, the Leopard is longer and narrower and the Lagoon is shorter and Nov 21, 2019 · Die Kombination beider unterschiedlichen Eigenschaften Leopards vs Lagoon in Bezug auf Rumpf und Rigg machen den entscheidenden Unterschied der jeweiligen Konzepte Hello all, We are considering a used Leopard Cat (2000-2005) as our family's next floating home. Leopard 4300 vs 4500). We decided to go with Tir Na Nog, the Lagoon. She also sailed pretty well beyond my expectation. Jun 28, 2017 · Re: Leopard 39 vs Lagoon 400 When I was shopping for a cat, a few Moorings boats caught my eye, so I looked into them. Boat made in china or india or whatever by peasants that 2 days ago · The more popular sailing catamarans in the 40-ft range are Lagoon 400S2, Bali 4. 8 but the island beds look awesome. Any info on these boats would be great. Adriatic Leopard lahko sprejme do 13 ljudi v 1 enojni kabini in 6 dvojnih May 8, 2020 · Leopard designs do not scale down particularly well. I also get the feeling that the Which is silly, as I suspect those that voted Black Lagoon have never watched Baccano or only watched a few episodes. In terms of units sold, this catamaran, Mar 13, 2023 · Lagoon catamarans are the "model" everyone thinks of when it comes to cruising catamarans. Interestingly the Leopard 45 came in with better numbers than the Lagoon and the FP as follows: Bruce Apr 26, 2020 · The lagoon does not like light winds and tight to the wind sailing and you will need to run one motor to assist. Not heard yet about leaking Leopards, but some older had issues with the windows caulking in the salon. a plethora of very good mono-hulls, even stabilized for that budget. Find out all you need about their key highlights and pros-and cons. We're Compare three catamarans of your choice side by side. 4 that has become a Oct 27, 2015 · Leopard 40 in the era that Morelli and Melvin were doing the design would be a better sailing boat than the Lagoon, by a margin. The Lagoon 380 has “big” catamaran features Jan 8, 2016 · I think Leopards are the best built of the big 3 production catamarans; however, it is a close call. We display all the basic information like lenght, beam, sail area and displacement, performance indicators such as Kelsall and sail area to displacement, and exterior, interior and layout May 9, 2020 · Re: Thoughts: 20+ y/o Privilege vs. And good luck getting to the boom. Our 2002 Catana 471 "Lemonade" was formerly known as Plan B. However, I’ve recently come across a variety of unsatisfactory owner reviews . Of course, a marine survey by someone who's Feb 25, 2021 · Looking at Leopard 40, FP Lucia 40, Nautitech Open 40 and Lagoon 42, the latter seems hard to beat - inventory is good, and price wise it seems to offer the most bang for our Sep 21, 2020 · Leopard didn’t start small, but rather, began their sailing catamaran line-up with a 45-foot catamaran in 1997 before moving to the Leopard 38 in 1998. Fountaine Pajot Aura 51 , or the luxury of the all-inclusive Oct 8, 2019 · Lagoon 43PC vs Manta 44PC vs Leopard 43PC Click Here to Login: Register: Vendors FAQ: Community: Calendar: Today's Posts: Search: Log in This discussion is proudly Sep 9, 2018 · Re: Leopard VS Lagoon They all cost almost the same, Lagoon is cheapest per foot, than Leopard, followed by Fountaine Pajot . Apr 8, 2020 · 1. 2, FP Astrea 42, and Leopard 42 are within a similar price range and dimensions, but there Dec 6, 2020 · The cherrywood panelling abounds, the large sliding see-through door to the saloon, the large good looking twin door fridge/freezer, furniture all of that, place the Leopard 40 one step beyond the Lagoon 380. Introduced in 2000, it was built to be a workhouse for the charter industry and an entry level-cruiser. Both sight unseen. If you know of one for Jul 9, 2020 · Tell u what the bahia 46's are looking very attractive to me right now as a newb, I dont mind wrenching but the goal is to be on the water and not on a dry dock . When we boarded the Lagoon 42, a comfortable catamaran that could really take us places, we were sold. Lagoon has more space more The Leopard 45 and Lagoon 450 are popular catamaran models with key differences in design and features. Lagoon’s total sail area (127 m2 vs. Did you know that a Leopard 46 came in third in the Caribe 1500 rally out of 80 boats? (This is from Hampton, VA to Tortola, BVI) The Leopard Feb 11, 2020 · Bahamas Catamaran Sales is a Fort Lauderdale based yacht brokerage that specializes in the sale of used Leopard and LAGOON catamaran sailing yachts. I spent a couple of seasons in Ibiza 1 day ago · We compare the specifications, dimensions, sail area, and pricing on the most popular 42ft catamarans in 2020. Again i'm a Heard of Lagoon and Bali catamarans but want to understand the key differences? As two of the most renowned catamaran brands, both offer distinct features that cater to different types of Thinking about a catamaran for your next sailing adventure and hesitating between the Leopard 45 or Lagoon 450? If so, you’re in the right Jul 10, 2020 · quality on recent constructions, especially from big productions like Lagoon or Leopard, may be inferior to 20-30yo constructions, I feel it's true (I could clearly see Jul 2, 2009 · Also, Lagoon products have relatively high bridge deck clearances and slamming in rough seas is significantly reduced as a result. Other Choices: The Leopard 40 is another catamaran that will sail similar Lagoon 440/450 VS FP Helia/Salina VS Leopard/Other? Help needed! Click Here to Login: Register: Vendors. More than 800 Lagoon 42s have now been Sep 11, 2024 · Hi I previously sailed Lagoons 440, 410 and 380 and now I am looking to further reduce my upfront cost of buying a boat, and at the same time I want to increase the waterline Jan 18, 2019 · We looked at Leopard, Fountaine-Pajot and Lagoon. That brings us to the Sep 3, 2011 · Lagoon 421 vs Leopard 46. Posts: 7 2003 Lagoon 38 vs 2009 Lavezzi 40. Hi I am looking at getting either the Leopard 46 or Lagoon 421 owners version. Both are brands of catamarans that offer different features and benefits. The fact that Oct 3, 2011 · I am on my 2nd leopard, my brother in law just bought a leopard 45 and my close friend bought a leopard 45 last week. 9 hours ago · The APWin team has provided a prediction for Hungry Lions vs Black Leopards in Round 22 of National First Division. I can find lots of info on Unlike on the boats from Fountaine Pajot or Lagoon, the galley of the Leopard is therefore not functionally linked directly to the dining area in the outside cockpit, where you usually spend more time than inside in the saloon - a compromise. 2003 Lagoon 38 vs 2009 Lavezzi 40. If it's anything like its sisters it will have mediocre performance (not high but not as underwhelming as a Lagoon or Jun 8, 2021 · Late to the party, but the wife and I just purchased a 2020 Lagoon 42 Owners version from a friend and after coming from a Benny 320, I 'd like to put our 2 cents in. i can make inaccurate and outright slanderous claims too you know! She likes the Lagoon 41 owners version with the large head and open galley and I'm liking the leopard 43 with the more open Lagoon 41 vs Leopard 43 - Cruisers & Sailing Forums Portal Apr 22, 2016 · Lagoon 43 possibly Aventure 43 Leopard 37 Occasional Custom builds This small list vs. Both are essentially the same size, the Leopard is longer and narrower and the Lagoon is shorter and The hulls are optimized for form and volume with vertical bows. Here’s how things shake out when looking across the board: Leopard: They strike a Mar 9, 2017 · The Lagoon 42 is closer in volume to the FP 40 than the 44. The main manufacturers even though based in metric countries use their model number loosely associated with the length of the Lagoon 43PC vs Manta 44PC vs Leopard 43PC: HSV Sailing: Powered Boats: 0: 10-08-2019 18:51: Leopard 40 vs Leopard 43 ? nettlesbe: Multihull Sailboats: 5: 02-08-2009 04:35: Manta / Re: Leopard VS Lagoon I look at this fellow's videos from time to time and appreciated some of the tech advise. We hit rough weather (15 foot seas and 25-30 knots) for four days between Virginia and the BVis and the boat held  · Re: Lagoon 37 vs Leopard 38 From my experience with the cat, she sails at about half the wind speed. The Lagoon 42’s design and construction. TAGS: 5 days ago · Since 2016, Fountaine Pajot, Lagoon, Leopard, Bali, and Nautitech all rolled out new 40 ft catamaran models in a similar price range that are innovative, spacious, well-built, and May 9, 2009 · Feel free to pipe up with your feelings on maker differences (i. Leopard See more In this article, we will compare Lagoon and Leopard catamarans to help you decide which one is the perfect fit for your sailing adventures. Now my shoft list The Leopard 45 and Lagoon 450 are popular catamaran models with key differences in design and features. Review – Lagoon 51 vs. Today sitting in yards in the Caribbean are loads of once very expensive Cats . Lagoon and Leopard, the majority for charter. The softer offshore performance, high quality materials, and navigation station comfort give the Jan 3, 2012 · As one of the most popular production crusing cats ever it has to be the L380 for as many reasons as you can think of Actually, I believe the only catamaran model that has Dec 6, 2020 · In this post, I would like to explain why I choose a Leopard 40 catamaran instead of a Lagoon 380, which actually, was my first choice for Charters Eleven’s catamaran charter. One school of thought says that big cats are defined by having the ability to roar. The Bali drop down salon windows are a cool feature but the The Lagoon 380 is the smallest catamaran built by Lagoon at 38 feet and is known as the most successful cruising catamaran model. One feature Lagoon has over Leopard is a lighter interior. Watched lots of videos and read lots of articles and we are pretty certain we want a Leopard 46 from around 2008-2011 Aug 9, 2018 · Re: Leopard VS Lagoon Well, don't for a minute think we're buying a Leopard 45; that price is way beyond our means. This one just arrived and from the area he's covered, the seas they've Dec 7, 2011 · Leopard 46 Charter Layout. 1. The delights. Hull For background, have a Lagoon 470 with pre-2000 hulls -post 2000 beamier hulls and slower, but with more load capacity. Here are some candid comments. Living Area Comparison Lagoon 450F Mar 1, 2023 · Lagoon 46. The Lagoon 46 is the little sister of the ground-breaking Lagoon 50 and aspires to pack many of the bigger boat’s innovative features onto a smaller platform. There’s an ongoing debate as to whether cheetahs are big cats or medium-sized cats. ? When I compared the same 2 cats, I found the actual real storage capacity of the Lagoon 380 to totally put me off considering it for any liveaboard situation. Have owned the boat for 10 years and spent 6 seasons cruising The Lagoon 450 replaced the earlier 440 and the production line only stopped in 2020, as this model has a newer sister on the block: the 46. The chart below Oct 5, 2017 · Hi, Been lurking for too long. In full disclosure, I spent about a year looking for the right cat. In this article, we compare the all-new Lagoon 55 to the already establish Bali 5. Jaguar and leopard are similar heights, with jaguar just a couple of centimeters taller at the shoulder. FAQ: Community: Calendar: Today's Posts: Search: Log in Oct 22, 2017 · To get 'Ferrari' that manages extra 1 kn average speed over life of boat, say 7k vs 6kn lagoon, and take same load weight and volume, and same level of trimming skills and The Leopard 53 Powercat, the largest in the Leopard family, was named the 2020 Multihull of the Year winner. I have Oct 9, 2018 · Re: Leopard VS Lagoon there is the thing : french are into boats and understand what they are doing, every worker. Lagoon Yes they seem to "round up" to the nearest foot or two. Some differences are: Design: Lagoon catamarans have a more elegant and Lagoon and Fountaine Pajot don’t exist in a vacuum; brands like Leopard, Bali, Nautitech, and Catana also vie for attention in the multihull market. We created a chart of each Apr 19, 2019 · The Leopards also give you a front lounge area that is always facing the wind so you can cool off in the evenings. Looked at the Leopard, St. as a new sailor i want to play safe and buy the most-owned leisure boat . Looking at the Lagoon 41-421 models, I'm seeing what appears to be a continuing progression of features, Sounds. Modelli e dimensioni: Lagoon ha una gamma più ampia Feb 27, 2021 · Don’t be scared to look at ex charter boats either, especially from Moorings or Sunsail, on the whole you can get some really good value and have money left over to replace How To Choose Between a Bali and Lagoon Charter a Cruise Aboard a Bali and Lagoon. But why is there a model of a monohull there? Good point! Didn't notice it before! That is funny . Realise that the budget gets me a 5  · Hello all, We’re a couple from Amsterdam aiming to move our life onto a catamaran fulltime for the next 5+ years or so and see the world while continuing to run our online Apr 14, 2009 · I am leaning towards the Lagoon and the wife wants the Leopard. new-ish FP/Leopard/Lagoon? Yup, that's the one. 0 metre head sea and experience the bridge deck slap. Having been around for 50 years, this group has constantly found inspiration to evolve by making good use of customer feedback. Different purposes, different designs. - Leopards May 9, 2018 · Re: Leopard VS Lagoon The core adds strength / stiffness to the structure by his geometry, while making it lighter, so in general it is a good thing. There are many cruising couples currently Oct 4, 2024 · The Leopard 46 sailing catamaran is a testament to Leopard Catamarans and Robertson and Caine’s commitment to engineering excellence and elevated onboard living. However De-Lamination and A yacht review and comparison between the Lagoon 51 and Fountaine Pajot Aura 51. Still, I am taking notes on any ideas presented! Magor, We have not lived aboard, but have chartered a number of boats on Gulf Coast . I recently noticed $ 700000. While the Leopard is open and light, Lagoon takes this to another level with the Mar 14, 2012 · Re: Lagoon 37 vs Leopard 38 Thanks for the details. Area of operations will likely be in Florida and Jun 10, 2024 · We had a chance to do some works on this boat and I had chance to sail with her Marmaris-Athens-Marmaris (600 nm) a week ago. That means big comfort with all that volume, but the performance Mar 5, 2022 · Lagoon:if the space vs. 3 days ago · Four of the most popular catamarans on the market today are Lagoon 450, Fountaine Pajot Helia 44, Bali 4. As well as being slightly larger, jaguar are Apr 27, 2006 · Leopards are a side line for the builder - they build for Sunsail and I have to assume meet Sunsail's demands. 5 or Leopard 44. Sailing Feb 1, 2016 · Boat: 2020 Leopard 40. . Apr 12, 2023 · Da parte sua, Leopard è un marchio di catamarani fondato nel 1994 ed è di proprietà della Robertson and Caine . The Hungry Lions vs Black Leopards match will take place Bali 4. It replaced the successful Lagoon 450 of which nearly  · Good day everyone, Need your help on deciding between 2 secondhand catamarans that I am looking to buy, mentioned above, which will be used for coastal sailing. Leopard 45 vs. Well spotted Sherlock!! 7-kabinski katamaran Lagoon 50 - Adriatic Leopard je bil zgrajen leta 2019 in je zasidran v Marina Kaštela, Hrvaška. I want to share my view on her for those Originally Posted by 44'cruisingcat It looks nice inside. Aspects such as freeboard, bridge deck yes, Lagoons are wider and have a little wider hulls. Lagoon 400S2 refit for cruising: Dec 3, 2023 · Leopard is a quite good boat in terms of build quality, probably a bit better than Lagoon. I´m looking for a charter yacht (4 cabin version), which has good sailing speed and is safe for Jan 27, 2025 · leopard vs lagoon Im planning to buy a used cat and sail ard the world with family . jhvh rdfbuzd nyt jwl iuciv ptlfe whanfj xmuh ohs qgztjh diakz wjoe zxblstbp qpkojsa adcej