Michigan state police website Michigan State Police, Ypsilanti Post. Patrick Agema, Phone: 989-818-2214, email: agemap@michigan. The Michigan State Police Caro Post is responsible for providing law enforcement services and support to Sanilac, Huron, and Tuscola Counties. Learn how to request public records from the Michigan State Police (MSP) through the online portal, email, fax, or mail. Updates to this document will be published on the Michigan State Police Website. Retrieved 2009-03-23. Follow the post that serves your community to receive instant notification of traffic crashes, arrests, criminal investigations, community events, education and prevention information, and crime trends impacting your area. Our Just Cause. May 7, 2018 · #MSPMonday: Enrollment is now open for Michigan’s new Vulnerable or Impaired Person (VIP) program. Through collaborative Sep 4, 2020 · The Michigan State Police (MSP) Friday morning is rolling out new department accountability initiatives, including the creation of a citizen advisory council and a new website devoted to transparency in policing. Feb 4, 2025 · Michigan Faces Extreme Cold—State Police Remind Residents to Prepare Now. Carl A. Updated: 07/08/2022 Renew your CPL by using the Concealed Pistol License renewals system on Michigan State Police website using your PIN (See your renewal letter for PIN Number Dec 6, 2024 · Michigan Faces Extreme Cold—State Police Remind Residents to Prepare Now. Aug 28, 2024 · Michigan Faces Extreme Cold—State Police Remind Residents to Prepare Now. Scott December 28, 1953 - February 9, 1982. Automated Print Identification Section 18072 27918 28185 28943 31726 31284 27065 29292 38798 29284 37045 Feb 16, 2024 · Michigan Faces Extreme Cold—State Police Remind Residents to Prepare Now. As a vested member of the Michigan State Police Retirement System, you can look forward to a monthly retirement pension benefit for your lifetime. Dec 20, 2024 · Twelve new Michigan State Police (MSP) motor carrier officers have joined the ranks following the graduation of the 27th Motor Carrier Officer Recruit School this afternoon at a ceremony in Lansing. Trooper Allan P. Canal Road Lansing, MI 48913. Sec. Any changes to the act require passage by the Michigan Legislature. What was once a cavalry of 300 men now has evolved into one of the leading police agencies of the United States. Submit a Tip on a Missing Person Find Missing Children Information Jan 10, 2025 · Michigan Faces Extreme Cold—State Police Remind Residents to Prepare Now. This is the official Michigan State Roleplay Website and are working on a game trailer hoping one day to make a separate game that is just as popular. Official Website of the State of Michigan MICHIGAN STATE POLICE; CJIC SERVICES; PUBLIC INFORMATION Statistical Reports Feb 9, 2025 · The Michigan State Police crime lab is key to the department’s work. Our Vision. Trooper Doughtery and K-9 Thor. Use OK2Say to submit tips on criminal activities or potential harm directed at students, school employees, or schools. The Precision Driving Facility is located on a 42-acre site adjacent to the Michigan State Police Training Academy. I bring a wealth of expertise and experience to the Michigan State Police. This initiative is focused on impacting the multi-million dollar revenue loss to the state due to criminal activity regarding tobacco tax fraud. Nov 21, 2024 · Michigan Faces Extreme Cold—State Police Remind Residents to Prepare Now. They serve residents in a range of ways, including mentoring youth, working with seniors, and educating residents on emerging crime trends. The Michigan State Police reserves the right to remove user generated content or comments that contain: Profane or obscene language or content; Content that promotes or perpetuates discrimination against protected classes; MISSION STATEMENT\u000BTo provide excellence in public safety services through innovative leadership, rigorous standards, and dedicated service. The Michigan State Troopers Assistance Fund, (“M”-“Staf”) was formed by the Michigan State Police Troopers Association in 1993 as a nonprofit charitable organization under 501(c)(3) guidelines of the Internal Revenue Code. 25, 2024) Applicants Who Withdrew For immediate police response, please call 911. Providing for the public's safety with excellence, integrity and courtesy since 1917. Gerstacker Trooper of the Year, MC Ofcr. Criminal History Records Internet Subscription Service is a secure web site that allows customers to receive background check information in real time. Questions and comments may be directed to MSPLegal@michigan. CHRISS. Feb 7, 2024 · Michigan State Police (MSP) Director Col. Jan 7, 2025 · The Michigan State Police (MSP) is seeking members of the public to volunteer as role players in scenario-based training for its upcoming Trooper Recruit School. Bell Jr. Information about the History of the Michigan State Police. Our Customers are organizations such as federal, state, local, tribal, or other municipal government agencies (including administrative agencies, departments, and offices thereof), private businesses, and educational institutions (including without limitation K-12 schools, colleges, universities, and vocational schools), who use our Services to evaluate job With a commitment to transparency in our operations and administration, the Michigan State Police (MSP) is making the below information easily accessible for review by the public because public trust and support is essential to good community policing strategies and maintaining accountability. This division prioritizes efforts to make the roads of Detroit and Wayne County safe and peaceful. The OSS administers grants, liaisons with policy makers, offers training, and promotes strategies to encourage safe and secure learning environments that reduce threats, build trust, and improve the quality of life for K-12 Offenders must report in person to a local law enforcement agency, sheriff's office, or Michigan State Police post not more than three business days before moving to another state. Find out about upcoming recruit schools, events, and opportunities for youth and veterans. The purpose of this facility is to provide emergency vehicle operations training to the law enforcement community. Kavanaugh, Chief Justice of the Michigan Supreme Court. MSP recruiters will be on-site for hiring events to administer the entry-level law enforcement exam and assist with applications for trooper and motor carrier officer positions. 02 - Member Conduct and Authority. 00 processing Our Foundation MSTAF. Ethnicity/Gender: Applicant Pool (October 30, 2023 – March 1, 2024) Started: Graduated: information, statistical data, and support that is provided to police agencies and communities in the state of Michigan. In an exclusive interview, MSP Director Col. Michigan Traffic Crash Facts. Police and fire agencies may call 1-888-684-3473 (1-888-684-FIRE) toll-free from anywhere in the state to reach their area investigator. “It’s been a mild, warmer fall across the state this year, but we all know what is coming next,” said Capt. Please call ahead to check availability and costs. Michigan Crash Data History To replace this website, the TCRU has developed a new traffic crash analysis and visualization application called Mi-CAT (Michigan Crash Analysis Tool). We are committed to protecting life and property, maintaining peace and order, enforcing laws, and safeguarding constitutional rights. Learn how to join the MSP as a trooper, motor carrier officer, state properties security officer, or civilian. Some of the many requirements to be a Michigan State Trooper consist of the following below. It helps solve crimes by analyzing evidence. Jan 31, 2025 · Michigan Faces Extreme Cold—State Police Remind Residents to Prepare Now. Other events will be opportunities to learn more about working with the Michigan State Police. The Precision Driving Facility is located on a 42 acre site adjacent to the Michigan State Police Training Academy. AMBER Alert, Michigan Blue Alert, Public Threat Alert, Vulnerable Adult Medical Alert Community Service Troopers (CSTs) Go to Community Service Troopers (CSTs) Michigan State Police (MSP) Community Service Troopers (CSTs) are assigned to regions across the state, focusing on community outreach and interaction to help strengthen communities. The goal is to create a diverse pool of volunteers, reflective of Michigan’s population, to best prepare recruits to serve in communities across the state. Michigan State Police news releases, community stories, social media, and more. Kevin Sweeney, deputy state director of SPECIAL OPERATIONS DIVISION Mar 14, 2024 · Michigan Faces Extreme Cold—State Police Remind Residents to Prepare Now. Peterson October 19, 1943 - August 29, 1981 Jan 12, 2024 · Michigan Faces Extreme Cold—State Police Remind Residents to Prepare Now. Legislative Council, State of Michigan. Michigan State Roleplay is a newly started ER:LC Community that started on Nov,001,223 And are still growing. ICHAT reports may not be accepted by all organizations. Mi-CAT users receive access to up-to-date traffic crash data and statistics for all crashes that have occurred in Michigan. 6 days ago · Michigan State Police K-9 Thor shows off the blanket he got from Quilts for Cops during his recovery from an on-duty drug overdose last December. Michigan State Police 7150 Harris Drive Dimondale, MI 48821. The Michigan State Police MIREADY program provides resources and education to prepare Michigan residents for emergencies, disasters, and threats to our homeland. Ian Fields as the 2023 Dr. The Michigan State Police Criminal Justice Information Center (CJIC) has created this dashboard portal to present the public with timely, accurate, and actionable public safety data, including crime in Michigan data. Michigan State Police, Emergency Management and Homeland Security Training Center 6 | P a g e FACILITY On-site courses are conducted at the EMHSTC’s four-acre site in Lansing. My mission is to make the Michigan State Police the strongest it can be. The Ypsilanti Post was merged into the Brighton Post in 2011. 272,311 likes · 6,025 talking about this. Officers should contact their local prosecutor for an interpretation before applying the information contained in this update. . Ethnicity/Gender: Applicant Pool (May 1, 2023 - September 30, 2023) Started: Graduated: The training covers state law enforcement level training in Fire Arms, Defensive Tactics, Criminal Investigations, Emergency Driving, Strategies and tactics of patrol Stops, Counter-Ambush and more. Click on a topic to the right for more information: Michigan State Police Nighthawk Task Force focuses on aggressive driving, street racing, and other criminal activity, Focus on any warrants. Welcome to the Michigan Office of Retirement Services (ORS) website for the Michigan State Police. We want to be an agency where our service delivery exceeds expectations now and into the future by capitalizing on strategic investments in our members, policing practices, and community relationships. This update is published by the Michigan State Police, Legal Resources and Education Section, and is provided for informational purposes only. Trooper Vicki Moreau Devries November 29, 1953 - July 22, 1982. Provide the highest quality law enforcement and public safety services throughout Michigan. The official YouTube channel of the Michigan Department of State Police. Michigan State Police Posts do not act as Live Scan vendors. You may access a list of approved vendors that process finger print cards for non-Michigan residents on the Michigan State Police website (contains The Unit maintains the Traffic Crash Reporting System (TCRS) database that serves as the central repository for all traffic crash data for the State of Michigan. gov Precision Driving Main Line: 517-636-0301 Michigan State Police, Precision Driving Unit, 7426 North Canal Road, Lansing, Michigan 48913 The Michigan State Police Retirement System is a defined benefit plan qualified under section 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code, operating under the provisions of Michigan's Public Act 182 of 1986, as amended (Michigan Compiled Laws 38. Position: Lieutenant Colonel Assumed Office: June 15, 2024 Personal Life: N/A Education: N/A I assumed the role of Lieutenant Colonel on June 15, 2024. The Michigan State Police (MSP) is a full-service law enforcement agency, with approximately 3,000 employees who provide over 60 different services either directly to Michigan residents or in support of other law enforcement agencies. The VIP program allows a parent/guardian of an individual with special needs to voluntarily provide fingerprints and a photograph for inclusion in a repository that can be used to assist law enforcement in identifying the VIP should he/she become lost in the future or find him/herself in a Go to Firearms Information on carrying concealed pistols, permits, renewal, frequently asked questions, pistol free areas, pistol safety training course information, and more. The Michigan State Police (MSP) is looking for current Michigan MCOLES licensed officers who are interested in becoming troopers. 1969 Go to Firearms Information on carrying concealed pistols, permits, renewal, frequently asked questions, pistol free areas, pistol safety training course information, and more. For an overview of the division and its sections, please see the 2022 Transparency Report. Any or all uses of this system and all files on this system may be intercepted, monitored, recorded, copied, audited, inspected, and disclosed to authorized site and law Dec 4, 2023 · Where We Are a Service Provider. The Michigan State Police values diversity, equity and inclusion and is committed to building a culture that values trust, transparency and individual contributions that will inspire the confidence of department members, the public and our stakeholders. 7426 N. It’s one of seven labs with ASCLD/LAB accreditation. Ethnicity/Gender: Applicant Pool (Oct. ) Officers registering for the Advanced Precision Driving Program must: Be a certified police officer; Participate in the entire 36-hour program (court appearances, etc. Our Customers are organizations such as federal, state, local, tribal, or other municipal government agencies (including administrative agencies, departments, and offices thereof), private businesses, and educational institutions (including without limitation K-12 schools, colleges, universities, and vocational schools), who use our Services to evaluate job Michigan State Police Posts. 434. This process requires fingerprints and a $30. Oct 13, 2023 · By building the new website in house, DTMB can ensure it meets the highest security standards and will save the state nearly $250,000 a year. Michigan State Police Marine Services boat and helicopter of the coast of Mackinac Island. By law, all law enforcement agencies are required to submit qualifying crash reports (UD-10) to the MSP. This web site will provide the most current information to help you assist the employees covered under the State Police Retirement System, administered by ORS. Box 30634 Lansing, Michigan 48909 Phone: 517-332-2521 . The department or agency has the authority to assign and schedule its employees and determine their work location. Nov 1, 2024 · The Michigan State Police, Emergency Management and Homeland Security Division (MSP/EMHSD) urges Michiganders to prioritize winter emergency preparedness to stay safe during the season. The web Browser you are currently using is unsupported, and some features of this site may not work as intended. 239 and MCL 28. Offenders must provide the following information during their next verification period: AMBER Alert, Michigan Blue Alert, Public Threat Alert, Vulnerable Adult Medical Alert Community Service Troopers (CSTs) Go to Community Service Troopers (CSTs) Please show respect to those you are addressing when making a post or submitting a comment. The presentations were part of the department’s Employee Recognition Ceremony which highlights members who have earned promotion, achieved 30 years of 2 days ago · The restricted area of the site, "Member Resources", is only accessible to active duty MSP command. Find out how to access the sex offender registry, firearms, criminal history records, traffic crash reports, and more. If you are seeking a Michigan State Police incident report or other public record, visit our Freedom of Information page. vendors approved by Michigan State Police that offer fingerprinting for residents that live outside of Michigan. If you believe the information presented on this site is inaccurate, out-of-date, or incomplete, contact the Office of Public Information and Communications via e-mail at correctionsinfo@michigan. 7150 Harris Drive Dimondale, Michigan 48821 Driving Directions Mailing: P. The MiBid auction site is open to everyone, including local governments. Joseph Gasper told the Advance that the advisory body will help bridge the gap between law enforcement […] Oct 1, 2024 · Whenever and wherever duty beckons, the Michigan State Police responds swiftly and effectively to calls for service. gov Sgt. Get personalized voter information on early voting and other topics. Please contact the Michigan State Police Precision Driving Unit at 517-230-3184 regarding information contained in any of the vehicle test books. gov. During the next two years word began to spread across the state, and on July 22, 1964, the Michigan State Police Troopers Association became a reality when the first Executive Board was sworn into office by the Honorable Thomas M. The 2024 Ford Mustang Mach-E is assigned to MSP’s State Security Operations Section to be used by state properties security officers, who are armed, uniformed members of the MSP who specialize in general law enforcement and security services at state Sep 5, 2024 · Michigan Faces Extreme Cold—State Police Remind Residents to Prepare Now. *PREREQUISITE: (Mandatory for successful completion of program. Find more information on Employee Benefits. The lab focuses on processing evidence for police, helping to bring justice to victims. "Michigan Vehicle Code (excerpt)". Email ameek@house. A driver of a motor vehicle who is given by hand, voice, emergency light, or siren a visual or audible signal by a police or conservation officer, acting in the lawful performance of his or her duty, directing the driver to bring his or her motor vehicle to a Mar 12, 2024 · Beginning this month, the Michigan State Police will utilize a scrap metal processing facility in Jackson, Mich. With a team of dedicated officers, their duties include responding to police calls, enforcing state laws and city ordinances, conducting property FY25 Traffic Enforcement Calendar (pending) FY25 OHSP Traffic Safety Campaigns Calendar. Dec 11, 2024 · Michigan Faces Extreme Cold—State Police Remind Residents to Prepare Now. Police Car Web Site Michigan State Police. Dec 4, 2023 · Where We Are a Service Provider. The search result means that a check of the Michigan State Police criminal history file has been completed and is ready to view. The 2024 statistics are below. For those looking for a career serving the community, being a role model and making a difference in many lives, Michigan State Police has opportunities within its ranks performing a full range of state-wide law enforcement assignments including road trooper Sep 17, 2020 · In hopes of increasing transparency, the Michigan State Police has recently published a new database that expands access to information such as department plans, training requirements, traffic Many police departments and county sheriffs also take fingerprints for licensing and employment. In addition, the CHRISS system is designed to support the current State of Michigan Rap Back and future FBI Rap Back services. Jan 13, 2025 · The Michigan State Police (MSP) is announcing the addition of its first battery electric vehicle (BEV) to be used on patrol starting today. This section of the web site covers the State Police system specifically. gov/MiBid, anyone wanting to place a bid will need to create a free Remember: Active winter weather and hazardous traveling conditions create the greatest demand for police and EMS services. Michigan State Police 146 th (Lateral) Trooper Recruit School Demographics. Michigan State Police 145 th Trooper Recruit School Demographics. 1, 2023 - Jan. State, Sheriffs, Chiefs Narcotics Enforcement (SSCENT): 800-994-8477 Straits Area Narcotics Enforcement (SANE): 800-621-8651 Strike Team Investigative Narcotics Group (STING): 989-345-2304 The Michigan State Police, in cooperation with Michigan's Attorney General and the Department of Treasury, has a lead role in the Tobacco Tax Enforcement (TTE) initiative. Along with being a Lieutenant Colonel, I am the Training Director. Individuals may request notification by electronic mail when this document is updated by submitting a written request to the above address. This system is the property of the State of Michigan and is for authorized use only. Cadets also learn interview/business etiquette including writing resumes and cover letters and appropriate attire. as the 2023 Ernest W AMBER Alert, Michigan Blue Alert, Public Threat Alert, Vulnerable Adult Medical Alert Community Service Troopers (CSTs) Go to Community Service Troopers (CSTs) Michigan State Police. Dec 2, 2024 · Michigan Faces Extreme Cold—State Police Remind Residents to Prepare Now. for disposal of firearms pursuant to MCL 750. It does not mean that a criminal record was or was not found that matched your entry. Michigan State Police Headquarters. The Office of School Safety (OSS) is committed to delivering quality services to schools throughout the state of Michigan. Help build a Michigan where everyone feels safe and secure. Pursuant to section 238 of PA 166 of 2022, the Michigan State Police posts this notice that it has adopted a hybrid policy that includes in-person, remote, and alternative work arrangements. While auction items are publicly viewable online at Michigan. ). Membership in the retirement plan is automatic for enlisted officers who completed recruit school and subscribed to the constitutional oath of office before June 2012. 1601 et seq. Use MICHTIP to submit suspicious activity or crime tips. Jul 5, 2024 · Michigan Faces Extreme Cold—State Police Remind Residents to Prepare Now. Joshua Roll as the 2023 Motor Carrier Officer of the Year, Mr. Trooper Craig A. Our Culture Michigan State Police Testimony Email Subscription. Find various forms for different purposes related to the Michigan State Police, such as concealed pistol license, criminal history record, sex offender registry, and more. Go to Safety Tips Information on Domestic Violence, Fire Safety, Internet Safety, Safety for the Elderly, Safety Tips, Safe Driving, School Safety and Weather Safety. Please do not tie up telephone lines and dispatch personnel by calling to request weather or travel information. mi. Sgt. Nicholas Darlington, Phone: 517-643-5019, email: darlingtonn@michigan. We actively support our MSP retirees and assist many of our department members and their families in significant times of need. MSP personnel will transport all firearms to the facility where they will be destroyed in their entirety using an industrial pulverizer. Nov 18, 2024 · Michigan Faces Extreme Cold—State Police Remind Residents to Prepare Now. Michigan State Police employees receive health, dental, vision, and life insurance packages. You will also find important information under the State Human Resources section of the web site as well. Information on carrying concealed pistols, permits, renewal, frequently asked questions, pistol free areas, pistol safety training course information, and more. Here is an overview of the different pension benefits available to you or your survivors depending on your situation. This study, which follows a similar independent study conducted last year, explores The latest broadcasts from Michigan State Police (@MichStatePolice). 271,416 likes · 5,311 talking about this. Michigan State Police 147 th Trooper Recruit School Demographics. Michigan State Police. If you have information concerning missing persons please contact the nearest law enforcement agency or the Michigan State Police at 855-642-4847. With over 1,800 enlisted members, the full-service police force embraces opportunities to mobilize and support local first responder agencies by staging scores of troopers where assistance is needed. Michigan Department of State Police: Providing for the public's safety with excellence, integrity and courtesy since 1917. 257. 602a(1). Nicholas Dowker as the 2023 Floyd R. gov Jan 17, 2025 · The Michigan State Police (MSP) today announced a series of new investments recommended by Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s Executive Budget for Fiscal Year 2026, including a 20% pay raise for MSP troopers and sergeants. I assumed the office of Lieutenant Colonel in Stern_Laws retirement. The Michigan State Police, Fire Investigation Unit has field offices located in strategic locations to provide convenient and timely services. . Applications and information for the Criminal Justice Information Center's initiative to provide the criminal justice community with a variety of information sharing and improved quality records management services. Be a leader and partner in law enforcement and public safety, with a highly trained, full-service state police force that is mobile, flexible, and responsive to emerging public safety needs across Michigan. 2022 Chevrolet Tahoe image courtesy Robert Glentz: 2022 Chevrolet Tahoe image courtesy Robert Glentz: 2021 Chevrolet Tahoe This web site will provide the most current information to help you assist the employees covered under the State Police Retirement System, administered by ORS. Motor carrier officers are armed uniformed members of the MSP who specialize in commercial vehicle enforcement. 01 - Department Policies, Procedures, and Directives. In July of 2020, ALL MSP retirees were combined into ONE retiree association. Official Forms. The Michigan State Police Forensic Science Laboratory in Bridgeport is highly respected. Follow us. Troopers assigned to the Caro Post patrol these counties, assisting local agencies, enforcing state laws, conducting investigations, and ensuring public safety throughout the region. Sep 20, 2019 · The Michigan State Police (MSP) mobile app was designed to give you a direct connection to your local MSP post. Users (authorized or unauthorized) have no explicit or implicit expectation of privacy. James F. Career Paths After successful completion of the probationary period and two years of service, troopers are eligible to apply for specialty assignments including: Cadets perform a variety of law enforcement related tasks to assist state police personnel in office and post activities including ride alongs, legal training, report writing, first aid, and more. Nov 25, 2024 · Michigan Faces Extreme Cold—State Police Remind Residents to Prepare Now. 03 - Personnel. Hiring Requirements MSP recruiters will be on-site for hiring events to administer the entry-level law enforcement exam and assist with applications for trooper and motor carrier officer positions. Advanced precision driving programs are offered to both in-state and out-of-state certified police officers. Robert Young, Ret. 2 days ago · We are the ONLY labor organization recognized by the Michigan Civil Service Commission and the Department of State Police as the representative of MSP command officers. Today, the Michigan State Police consists of a modern-day force of law enforcement professionals, using the latest up-to-date training and technology to protect the citizens of Michigan. They participate in the State of Michigan’s Defined Contribution Retirement Program; additional options for retirement investment are available through the state’s 401k or 457 deferred compensation programs. Aug 8, 2024 · Several Michigan State Police (MSP) members received awards and recognition yesterday at a ceremony in Lansing honoring their commitment and service to the people and communities of Michigan. In Detroit and the Wayne County area. Official Orders. I am honored to serve the Michigan State Police, and serve with the mission to make the state a better place for my children to be raised in. For those looking for a career serving the community, being a role model and making a difference in many lives, Michigan State Police has opportunities within its ranks performing a full range of state-wide law enforcement assignments including road trooper The Michigan State Police (MSP) is looking for current Michigan MCOLES licensed officers who are interested in becoming troopers. As sub-zero temperatures and dangerous wind chills are forecast to sweep across Michigan early next week, the Michigan State Police Emergency Management and Homeland Security Division (MSP/EMHSD) is urging residents and visitors to take precautions to stay safe. 2021 Michigan State Police District Profiles - Michigan Traffic Crash Facts Options: Please visit Search, Expunge, Modify, or Update Criminal History Records and follow the procedure to search criminal history records for personal records check. Grady II today recognized D/Sgt. May 31, 2023 · In a continuing commitment to transparency and equitable policing, the Michigan State Police (MSP) today shared an independent study of its 2021 traffic stop data conducted by researchers at the School of Criminal Justice at Michigan State University (MSU). The Memphis Police Department in Memphis, MI is a full-service police department dedicated to providing a professional, safe, and friendly environment for residents, businesses, and visitors. ICHAT allows the search of public criminal history record information maintained by the Michigan State Police, Criminal Justice Information Center. Civilian of the Year and F/Lt. The MTCF Data Query Tool allows anyone to construct maps, charts, tables and lists of Michigan crash data as well as download the actual police reports. , must be rescheduled) *MCOLES Jan 19, 2025 · The 2024 Ford Mustang Mach-E patrol vehicle is assigned to the Michigan State Police State Security Operations Section, and will be to be used by armed, uniformed members of the MSP specializing in general law enforcement and security services at state-owned facilities in the Lansing, MI area. Information for Requesting Criminal History Records, Resources for Citizens, and Sex Offender Registry Jun 26, 2024 · Michigan Faces Extreme Cold—State Police Remind Residents to Prepare Now. O. The official website of the Michigan State Police provides information on career opportunities, services, programs, and resources. Find information on fees, forms, and frequently asked questions about the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Download the forms in PDF format and follow the instructions for submission or completion. Theme: Modern Policing. Michigan Compiled Laws. Michigan State Police patrol vehicles will be provided for all driving exercises. Contact Info Committee Clerk Aaron Meek Phone +1 5173738080.
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