Natsu new magic fanfic "Earth Dragon's Pulverizing Fist!" Going through the same motions for his Fire Dragon's Iron Fist, but actively focusing on his new earth magic for now, Natsu punched the closest tree. Info: Son of the Fire Dragon, Igneel, this mage has shown remarkable feats of both magic and destruction. What will be different with this new member of Fairy tail? What adventures might they go on? T for dark situations later on in the story. Feb 23, 2025 · So Natsu gave him a recap of how he helped Cana heal, including the fact that despite the fact he didn't actively channel his magic to do it (cauterizing the large gash before healing didn't count), his magic was still involved in the process that healed her wound from the wyvern she'd fought. Activate your enhancement form and I will gauge your magical energy. Rating: T Summary: Lisanna watches Lucy with Natsu and decides she's been replaced. Feeling determined to find 5 days ago · "Natsu Dragneel, if you would care to enter, you will be received shortly. And that alone angered Natsu to a new point. Mar 2, 2025 · What if Zeref was given three special objects for Natsu when he was in his incubation chamber. Feb 18, 2025 · Moreover, Natsu had been on the lookout for the other Dragon Slayers since X750. Natsu from before he and Cana had adopted Koharu would have challenged the older mage to a fight the moment he laid eyes on him. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Adventure - Natsu D. Mar 3, 2025 · The sword was covered in a new magic from the Void Kingdom, giving it a strange and powerful glow. Dragkrow: Exactly now * grabs Natsu and runs off to the studio * Kagura Mikazuchi: Christopher Dragkrow doesn't own Fairy Tail or any of its characters. "Und du musst schon sterben, du heruntergekommener alter Narr!" They heard Natsu retort, though none of them could understand him. and just like that, Natsu slowly and painfully gained his new magic. Slowly but surely, his pain was Sep 8, 2023 · Natsu and Wendy fall in love with each other after a surprise evnt at the beach. , Ur M. Mar 8, 2025 · Godlike Natsu. " "Mira stop making fun of Grey. Feb 16, 2025 · Do I need to learn magic? I mean my jutsu are basically the same thing. The stench and the images stuck to him. " Nothing is impossible with determination to learn something. Please leave a review . Legendary and Unique magic can't be mimicked. AU. Feb 14, 2025 · Natsu: I mean, hey let's put together a weapon that could destroy life as we know it. "I SAID THE FIGHT IS OVER! Erza said, elbowing Natsu on the head. 5 days ago · The twins go to attack Natsu with their weapons and the chicken man aims his staff at Gray. Celestial Mages used 'Holder Type' magic, where objects were used in conjunction with the wielders magic power, to various effects. Before Aeon does. 4 days ago · Unlike Makarov though, Natsu had opted to color his new coat, rather than leave it as a simple white. "Natsu has gone through some major construction internally. " Was the response, before the clerk told her their total. Feb 21, 2025 · Natsu and Wendy fall in love with each other after a surprise evnt at the beach. Rated: Fiction T - English - Fantasy/Adventure - Gray F. It was the largest gamble he had ever done, but he had done outstanding things before. Gray specialized in ice magic, more commonly known as his ice maker magic, and was a very powerful wizard among his peers. Igneel is startled saying, "What's the matter Natsu?" Mar 1, 2025 · "Lisanna! Go find Wendy please!" pleaded Natsu and Lisanna nodded. As for why I know Taboo and Forbidden magic. He experienced them when ever he thought about his friends' well being. She grimaced, "There's only one mage I know of that uses Flame Make magic. Nov 14, 2023 · This story is about his journey into the mysterious land of magic where he meets new friends and faces various challenges which further test his limits. ) I will only have those 3 girls in the Harem. 1 day ago · "Natsu. " "Natsu Dragneel. Feb 25, 2022 · Hi guy's. ICE MAKE CANON! FRANKY CANON! Franky's shoulder canons exchanged fire with that of Gray's, then Natsu came in from the left. " Natsu gained a curious expression as the dragon started laughing at his comment. What a loser. "Fire Dragon Iro. Erza swung her sword, cutting through a number of guards. "As long as I can fight, and as long as my family needs me, I won't give up!" With that, using his fire as a booster, he finally freed Nov 27, 2024 · Gildart smug grin was quickly fadeing from his facse as he was trying to get natsu to stop his firey onslought but natsu did not hault he continued that is until ggildart released a god like amount of crash magic finaly stoping natsu from his rampage but what gidart did not see was natsu prepairng a roar natsu had zero time to react and did the 3 days ago · About 80% of the population uses superpowers called "Quirks". Mar 1, 2025 · Gojo and his student investigate and they discover a new world full of magic and things that was supposed to be in fairy tales book. As Natsu walked to the stadium he said, "Wish me luck little buddy. Igneel easily swatted away Natsu like a rag doll. " It's impossible to teach our magic to humans. It's honestly a wonder that most of them haven't done too much killing in canon. After all, It's love" [NaLu fanfic, with other pairings! Previously known as 'Perfect Two!] NATSU. 6 days ago · Natsu and Wendy fall in love with each other after a surprise evnt at the beach. " Natsu wore a similar version of what he wore for his first song. Mar 1, 2025 · Natsu, Lucy and Happy are reunited with Fairy Tail who are competing to take back the title of Fiore's #1 Guild but they choose to stay with the Guardians. But when she goes trying she finds this magical place and finds new things and learns new magic and becomes stronger than ever before. Her body was already weak and exhausted, so resisting was pointless. " Ice Make: Lance!" Gray then shot out a barrage of lance-like ice projectiles at Natsu. Natsu Dragneel, the Fire Dragon Slayer, Gray Fullbuster, a master Ice-Make Mage, Erza Scarlet, the strongest Requip Mage in Fiore, Gajeel Redfox, the Iron Dragon Slayer, and Laxus Dreyar, the Lightning Dragon Slayer. "Dragon King Art: Magic Burn" Natsu shouted as the attack burns the black magic as he doesn't want for the Dec 19, 2023 · Natsu lit his hands and feet on fire and swished and slashed through all of them one by one. "I don't get it natsu you look like a typical kid when you wear those clothes yet you do anyway. Natsu's new magic changed him into a different person, the first Apocalypse Dragon Slayer. "Come on Man it's on Teeee VEeeee" Natsu just sighed "must be the result of being single" he thought. Mar 7, 2025 · "Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!" -Magic. Mar 5, 2025 · Lucy goes training when Natsu kicks her off the team. Soon there was a small red light and Sting felt an intense searing sensation. "Ha ha it's fine,say. "I won't give up," he said, as he started to push again. Natsu looked over and saw Rycu's body moving a bit and saw Rycu stretch out his hand to signal Natsu. Lucy looked at Happy sharing a sympathy glance, then she looked at Natsu "I'm sorry Natsu; we can't do anything about it, just bear with it okay?" Sep 8, 2023 · This is a story of how Natsu makes his own family. After eating the venison that Natsu had cooked for them, and setting up some bedding for them to sleep on just inside the cave, Natsu was finally ready to deal with the seal that Igneel had placed at 4 days ago · Natsu took a deep breath to gather his magic power, placing his right hand on Sting's shoulder mark. " Nov 27, 2024 · And what if Natsu joined Fairy Tail in X784? Godlike Natsu. Managing to avoid the dragon's jaws, Natsu held back his fist, and slammed it into the side of Smaug's head. - Chapters: 28 - Words: 25,724 - Reviews: 74 - Favs: 191 - Follows: 195 - Updated: 9/7/2016 - Published: 2/6/2014 - id: 10086961 May 22, 2023 · Magic. The seductive wizard would then form magic around her tongue, suddenly kissing Erza. "You can understand later after I'm done kicking our ass. Previously on Natsu finds his swords in a mermaid: "Well, I did say I needed to clear my mind, I guess this'll have to do. The other guilds such as Fairy Tail, Lamia Scale and numerous other guilds will try and fight back Natsu's wrath. His eyes then snapped open. Smart dad Natsu with toddler Wendy. " Natsu brought her hand up to pinch her nose, all of the smells overwhelming her senses. his life takes a dark turn as he strives to survive on his own. " Just as he said that Fairy Tail mages saw a huge door, easily towering over them. Natsu doesn't believe that. and piercing red blood eyes. 'Well the master cast a Emotion Manipulation spell on Natsu Dragneel. Unfortunately for them the two effortlessly evade their attacks. Author name: Diagon Alley (1/1). Now this fanfiction will be the first crossover I do without including other FT characters. Page 2 Read 001 New Members from the story 🃑 𝐆𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐧 by Sehyahara (𝐑𝐞𝐧) with 10 reads. Natsu just nodded, a little eager to start the journey to what would become his new home. After the tenrou group had returned and settled all matters with the new oracion seis they decided to participate in the grand magic games. The dust settled and in the center of the warehouse, was Eisenwald and Erigor. The pink haired boy was instantly revitalised. "What happened?" she wondered before starting to feel dizzy. Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created 4 days ago · After Igneel disappeared, Natsu was found by Master Hades. I was working on a new fanfic. " He answered. Gray Fullbuster is a wizard of Fairy Tail, a magic guild. Natsu put a finger to his lips as Nyoko nodded, running off probably to find the knight. "The grand magic games are held in 4 days and so I think it would certainly be wise to leave for Crocus now. This book will take place when Natsu returns after one year. Blinking, he smirked before grabbing the one to his right and whacking her over the head with it. Natsu jumped out of the train, filled with life and energy again. " Natsu said as he extended his arm Sep 15, 2023 · Natsu gave them all a big grin and said, "Hello I am Natsu Dragneel or Salamander if you want to call me that". "That was a good hit Natsu. 2 days ago · Let's put all that behind us for now. Description: Serena has long light blue hair with red in the tips due to Natsu's magic entering her body during the mating ritual. Nov 28, 2023 · This man was Gray Fullbuster. "Aeon? Who the hell is Aeon. "It's Fiore's strongest guild, Sabertooth, vs. "I'm in a swamp. It has been a few decades since the Dragon Slayer walked through the Eclipse Gate and a lot has happened to Natsu. " Tigha said, before grabbing her chin, staring into her eyes. GAVOTTE BOND AVANT! Both attacks connected, causing Natsu to cough out Blood and Brook's skull Mar 3, 2025 · A difference in parentage can make a large change, when Igneel's heritage is changed it results in a new element of Dragon Slayer Magic for Natsu. 'Order!' boomed the chairman. "Sure" Replied Natsu standing up Sep 4, 2017 · Each girl moaned in pain and pleasure as they felt each Dragon Slayer's magic going in them, mixing with their own. She did a flip and landed on her feet, not even breathing heavily. there will be no new style. The Fire Dragon Slayer knew that once things settled down and he didn't have to wear the coat so people knew he was a Wizard Saint, that he would only wear it for important or formal events. Dec 22, 2023 · Normally I'd use my Cards magic to store everything, but I'm running low on space and we still have to go furniture shopping after this. 2 days ago · Team Natsu are now waiting for the train to come along. 4 days ago · This is a story of how Natsu makes his own family. " "Same day delivery guaranteed ma'am. As quickly as he had begun, Natsu stopped the spell and removed his palm. The rest of Team Natsu walked out of the train like normal people. "Cheers!" Natsu toasted. " Gildarts said in a confused tone. Natsu walked up to Makarov, who was sitting by the bar, sipping on his drink. Throne Room. Perhaps I'll need new magic to break you. The Natsu from before wasn't as calm and considerate of others. Jun 28, 2023 · Natsu Of The Sharingan "Speaking" 'Thinking' "Whispers" "SHOUTING" "Attack" "What is it Natsu?" "I want to give you this sword, it has a bit of my fire dragon slayer magic in it, don't worry it will regenerate by itself so it won't drink my magic, the attacks are "Fire dragon sword art" I will write a list of the names for you, but for now goodnight and we'll do sword Mar 4, 2025 · Natsu and Wendy fall in love with each other after a surprise evnt at the beach. End. Realistically, most serious fights where magic is involved would end with one side either dead, or crippled for life. Then he met Lucy Heartfilia, Fairy Tail's Celestial Princess. NatsuDragneel14: there first of the new fanfic this is what im working on while im thinking about my other fanfic bye Aug 13, 2024 · Natsu had finally got his head around things and was poking at his new body whilst Lucy yelled at him to stop. The magic Lucy wielded involved the use of Celestial Magic, which centred on constellations and stars, and even Spirits from another world called the Spirit World. Hades got up and said who are you you little pest I will exterminate you after what you did you " but he was cut off when Natsu said " That is my line. His quest to become a conqueror by commanding the Void Kingdom begins. By: It has been a long day, me and natsu just got back from a mission where we had to take down some robbers. Alehot already got a good look at the books that Natsu and Lisia managed to retrieve from the library, and a small chuckle escaped his mouth. Natsu still has his hands on fire, brings them together, and grabs Kage. Magic will also lose additional properties such as copying Dragon Slayer magic with no effective use against Dragons. Adopting a baby girl because circumstances meant he was one of the few that could actively help her in the future. Apr 2, 2024 · The two made their promise and the blonde scooted closer to Erza. "I guess I would. "Well it seems like round 2 is about to start. Natsu wouldn't be able to eat his fire because it's stronger than his. 4 days ago · Natsu has sacrificed himself at Tenrou Island to save his friends from the Dragon of Apacolyspe, Acnologia. Natsu x Seilah. Powerful Natsu, NatsuXharem,OC involved. Leaping back into the fray, Natsu immediately engaged the old man in a hand-to-hand fight, their speed unknowingly increasing by the second. A golden light surrounds natsus sleeping body and replaces his current mind with his future one. FIRE DRAGON'S CLAW! Brook jumped in front of Natsu however. Mar 5, 2025 · "Yeah, it's a new type of slayer magic that the council made years ago. 3 days ago · They say your magic grows tenfold in a guild. " "Eh? Like operations?" "Nope, more like" Loneila's voice dropped to a whisper, "his body was installing brand new magic conductors. "Shush! Don't be so loud, I don't want Grandine to throw you out you know!" Natsu sighed and kissed her. Through a lot of training and practice, and also beating up criminals here and there, he had mastered the basic Fire Dragon Slayer Magic and had started learning how to use the Fire Dragon King Mode which earned him a tattoo of a May 29, 2017 · Natsu, raised by two dragons,until they abandon him in the forest. " Igneel explained. As each one of them released their love bite, the bite marks healed, leaving no trace of it. Feb 20, 2025 · With a cry, Natsu sprung at Smaug, who launched himself at Natsu. " Natsu nodded in confirmation and ready his stance. "I am the Immortal Ghost James Naver, wielder of darkness, and ally to Natsu. Natsu decided to ignore the new arrivals, and go back to the request board for a new job. I just had to keep up with as much magic as he was spending. ' 'Get to the point. Feb 21, 2025 · Natsu managed to complete his Death God Slayer Magic in only two years because he only had to learn a few new spells and alter his Dragon Slayer spells to use God Slayer Magic. "Fire Dragon Roar! Celestial Dragon Roar!" As we cast our magic together created a big roar and explosion. - Chapters: 10 - Words: 47,499 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 9 - Follows: 9 - Updated: 1h - Published: 10/22 - id: 14404282 Mar 4, 2025 · "Hmph. Mar 6, 2025 · By clenching his hands, the chains would start suppressing Natsu's Magical Power, making him unable to use any of his Magic. But you know what they say opposites Jul 5, 2023 · He sent Natsu flying back as Gray jumped in to return fire. Besides that Natsu 3 days ago · During the battle against Acnologia, Natsu managed to damage Acnologia, but that caused Acnologia to do something that would change history. Advanced Telekinesis: Feb 27, 2025 · "That's right for once Gray!" cheered Natsu still from the infirmary. " Smirking Natsu looked to his fellow dragon slayer and replied "Well it does fit me better than 'The Salamander' now, considering everything. 3 days ago · Follow/Fav The new power. Mar 5, 2025 · Natsu screamed, punching through the wall and hitting Levis right in the stomach with a flaming fist. What we doing is not enough against the dragons. By: dreft26. The rose-haired boy was having a Mar 7, 2025 · Natsu continued helping both Lisanna and Mira out with cleaning up the mess. Mar 29, 2023 · said Natsu Aggressively raising his fist as he grew closer. "Will Natsu PLEASE come to the stage, we don't have all day!" yelled Yajima. Now, Acnologia has taken Natsu's words to him to heart, and he seeks to find people whom he can love and protect in his road to start a new life. Jun 3, 2024 · Chapter 15 - Minato vs Natsu. Next time: Tartaros arc Part I: Immortality and Sinners. " Lucy groaned and mumbled something about still being stiff. "Now that I've eaten, I feel re-energized! Here goes!" Natsu said then loook at me and I smirked as well. Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Suspense - Chapters: 15 - Words: 19,893 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 19 - Follows: 28 - Updated: 3/11/2017 - Published: 5/8/2016 - id: 11936773 6 days ago · Natsu, Gajeel, and Wendy tended to speak softly whenever they spoke using Dracolith, so it was seldom heard by the non dragon slayers. " Erza said as she got up summoned a new sword and attacked again. She smiled as he showcased just how dedicated he was to learning the new magic she was going to teach him. "Makarov Dreyar" an announcement brought Natsu out of his Oct 24, 2023 · During his first week Natsu picked up several magic book from an antique magic store. With both Igneel and Azulea being fire dragons, Natsu's mastery over fire reached its full potential for his age, and with Azulea's help, he even mastered a Jan 27, 2025 · Natsu is bought up in a different way in this new story. " she said and Natsu went in without wasting any time. Replacing her old one as for why this wasn't done for her earlier, only a god can forge someone a new magic container and since dimaria is the vessel for a god making her the only one in 4 days ago · C. The room was a large office with a desk the size of a dining table, a luxurious office chair behind it and two chairs in front of it. Makarov is obviously doing this to test my magic. Jul 6, 2023 · "Now, at long last, the new Fairy Tail team will be revealed!" Out of the tunnel walks the new and improved, fused, Fairy Tail team. This story has some elements that I got from other anime's. Natsu would you like this?" Mystogan asked, pulling a chocolate cupcake out of his robe. Now Natsu will strive to live up to his father's legacy as the Former Magma Dragon King by becoming the strongest Dragon Slayer and the New Magma Dragon King! Mar 7, 2025 · Natsu nodded his head before turning to Wendy, who watched the interaction between father and son with wide eyes. "How dare you," Natsu walked to where the man was, as the dark guild master tried to get back up despite the pain he felt. Will he find new happiness with his daughter Wendy or will their world collapse before their eyes. "Wow!" Natsu exclaimed. Natsu laughed at her before getting smacked by Wendy, Feb 20, 2025 · Magic: LightningDragon Slayer Magic. Pairing TBD during Tenrou arc. After he said that all of the members of the club rushed him and became star struck. The grey man then slams his fist onto the ground where a yellow magic circle appears as he yells out, "Sand Bomb go!" A massive ball of sand appears and entraps Natsu within. Feb 4, 2014 · In this world, there were a few types of magic. 1 day ago · Elaine had taken him to some mountains where there was always lightning. " Natsu suddenly looked sick again and Gray snickered. The chill Natsu felt dissipated and Natsu came out of cover. Jan 20, 2025 · Lucy finds new hapiness with Wendy and saber tooth but team natsu isn't about to let them keep that hapiness. Wendy: Yeah, it makes you wonder why they made it. He grabbed two mugs off the table, handing one to sting and keeping one for himself. What kind of magic does he use anyway. Erza would attempt to break free, but it was all in vain. And I don't have anything else to do so I guess I could try. What if Igneel had a second student find out in Elemental King. However, the group known as Fairy Tail will discover the harsh world that the Jujutsu sorcerers live on. When the dragons mysteriously disappear, Lexi sets off in search for them and ends up getting recruited by a guild with mages just like her. I hope you'll be alright," Happy stated as he took a ride from Lucy's back. This chapter is the mix of the Fairy Tail scan 299 (Lone Journey) and my own. Category: Romance/Angst Keywords: Lisanna, Lucy, Natsu, Family, Wife Spoilers: Through the Edolas Arc. Nov 27, 2024 · Ever since Natsu woke up on the island he had been experiencing the painful bursts of Life killing magic and he referred to them 'as having an episode'. " Natsu said loosening up his body by jumping around. Thank you. " Natsu sighs even more "Igneel taught me it. Feb 15, 2025 · "Fire magic won't work on Natsu. The grand magic games. He then held up his claws, and slashed at Natsu, who managed to avoid it. "I want to see you at your maximum potential. I do not own Fairy Tail or any of it's characters. Changed rating because of ch6. This book is based off of an anime called Fairy Tail. - Chapters: 28 - Words: 25,724 - Reviews: 74 - Favs: 185 - Follows: 191 - Updated: 9/7/2016 - Published: 2/6/2014 - id: 10086961 Oct 4, 2023 · "Help us Natsu!" New power swirled through Natsu's body, as his Fairy Tail mark started to glow. One of the books taught Natsu how to use requip magic. Feb 21, 2025 · Sure enough, Natsu had stood there, taking the brunt of the attack, but rather than dying, Natsu was consuming the magic of his opponent. 6 days ago · Neither of the two knew it but he had so much natural talent that he was making even prodigies look bad with how quickly he learned and mastered the new Fire magic. "Aye!" Natsu heard very faintly in the distance. The Gift of A Legacy and New Beginnings. #anime #drownedinthewater #erza×mreader #fairytail #fanfiction #gray #happy #lucy #magic #malereader #mavis #natsu · Natsu: The Independent Mage [ON HOLD-EVENTUAL NEW CHAPTERS ELSEWHERE] Fanfiction. Intelligence: Mid SSS-Class. No, it was the fact that he could feel Mar 8, 2025 · Void Kingdom. Natsu and Gajeel meet after their fathers disappear and the two of them join Fairy Tail. Levis was blown back while screaming in pain, his stomach having serious burns as he crashed through a building while Natsu skidded forward a little "There! Made you move!" Natsu said triumphantly "Wow Natsu! That new spell was super cool! Oct 16, 2024 · August grabbed Natsu and picked him up, he got ready to punch Natsu with enough force to kill him instantly. " Aug 12, 2023 · Each mage has something called a magic container inside of them, which is used to store eternano, to be used in magic. Likes: Fire, Money, and Women Dislikes: Transportation. , Cole MacGrath - Chapters: 30 - Words: 64,498 - Reviews: 36 - Favs: 111 - Follows: 87 - Updated: 11/17/2016 - Published Nov 11, 2017 · With the magic energy in hand thanks to the wizard saints Dimaria will use her damage magic container as a base to essentially forge her a new magic container. "METEOR STRIKE!" Natsu called out. Skill Level: Low SSS-Class(Base); High SSS-Class(END); Peak SSS-Class(END Drive) Natsu Jun 4, 2022 · DarkSkull senses the boy's magic "His power and Magic are skyrocketing" Darkskull says with a hint of worry and decided to send a powerful attack "Forbidden Black Magic: Darkness Flare" he shouted as the attack was sent flying to Natsu. Fine, Natsu grinned inwardly. ' several of them exclaimed. Cana helped him of course, just as he continued to help her grow stronger and more confident Feb 26, 2025 · Lucy saw the spell activate, but just before it hit Flare all the magic power vanished and Lucy fell down on the ground completely exhausted. "As you wish. Disclaimer, I do not own theese characters, nor do i have any hope for the future to do so. AHH" Natsu said as he was hit on top of the head by Erza. " "Shut up tin can. "Natsu, it's just half an hour travel. This one however is focused on an evil Natsu who conquers with his magic instead of the traditional good Natsu. 'That will stop her from trying to pick a fight with me all the time, why not instead of a fight could she not just sit down and talk'. But only when he lost her did he realise what she meant to him and once again the cold took hold of him. Gray, who obviously loved to torture Natsu, said, "Don't forget about the bus. " 3 days ago · A difference in parentage can make a large change, when Igneel's heritage is changed it results in a new element of Dragon Slayer Magic for Natsu. Come and join her as she searches for answers through the world of magic in epic Apr 16, 2023 · Natsu and the others felt the dark magic closing in fast and it wasn't long before part of the ceiling was destroyed. " The blonde squealed, "Natsu Mar 6, 2025 · natsu said as he got out of bed "You know it little dude" [later that day] "9,997-9,998-9,999-10,000 done!" natsu said as he did his last push ups and put his shirt and jacket on. - Chapters: 28 - Words: 25,724 - Reviews: 74 - Favs: 192 - Follows: 195 - Updated: 9/7/2016 - Published: 2/6/2014 - id: 10086961 Jan 4, 2025 · "Natsu, go to her. That changed today. - Chapters: 28 - Words: 25,724 - Reviews: 74 - Favs: 191 - Follows: 195 - Updated: 9/7/2016 - Published: 2/6/2014 - id: 10086961 Aug 15, 2019 · Mavis screams as a golden light surrounds natsu. The inside of the labyrinth was the most confusing thing that Natsu had ever seen and he 4 days ago · Makarov commented as he recalled a time shortly after Natsu joined. " James said. " Lucy wasn't conscious enough to hear what Natsu was saying, but she knew it was Natsu. - Chapters: 9 - Words: 42,476 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 8 - Follows: 7 - Updated: 1m - Published: 10/22 - id: 14404282 3 days ago · Natsu used her distraction to move her sword out of the way, grab her arm, and throw her back towards her friend. He swung his sword up ward and broke Erza's sword sending here flying backwards. CHAPTER 1: A new start Apr 29, 2023 · 'I have discovered that the master has manipulation magic, that allows for him to manipulate objects, people, and magic. Mar 3, 2025 · Follow/Fav Natsu and Wendy's Grand magic games. Wendy: that's true. If you want to know whats its about check my profile. She moved gracefully and fluidly, easily dispatching them with each swing. " Calming down after he heard his mom speak, Natsu turned to the blonde woman with an attentive look. Magic: Fire Dragon Slayer, The Wander. 2 days ago · Last time was the body switch, and now" Natsu glanced around. Yukino being humiliated by Sabertooth. As he was walking, Natsu felt a brief surge of magic in the air which enticed him to stop in his tracks. IDONT OWN FAIRY TAIL. He was fire and she was ice,opposites. Once they left the shop Natsu lead her to another shopping plaza, a little closer to their new home. "I just met you today. The Next Day. Dec 7, 2024 · Teaming up with different Natsu's from various worlds, The New Team Natsu battles through endlessly to get back to their respective homes! Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Humor - Natsu D. Letting out a quick pulse of silver magic, he soundproofed the room so no one could listen in 6 days ago · roared Natsu as he charged Igneel with his flaming fist. Zero stood on the ground, as his Magic Power were risen to the air, and before long, sent his attack on the Light Alliance members. What if Natsu knew Elemental God-King,Demon-King,Dragon-king slayer magic along with Celestial Spirit slayer magic. when her time has come to go home she becomes a Wizard Saint and later proves to her guild that she is strong enough! NaLu! LASSINA is a bitch in this story BTW. Natsu lifted her nose into the air and caught Happy's sent. 4 days ago · "Alright, Natsu I know you're eager but I need your attention. But the magic had already combined into the girl's powers, unknowingly bringing their magic in a different and new direction. "It's okay, it's not your fault that they cheated. after something big had happened on one of his quests, Makarov could only sigh. 1 day ago · Natsu Dragneel's dream is to become the strongest mage in the world, so he asks his father, Igneel to train him harder. "B-Bora! I've seen this Jun 14, 2023 · The key word was seemingly, while Walcht was now revealed to be impervious to Lightning making the dragonslayer's magic useless against although that was only the magic aspect of Laxus magic, the increased physical strength and force Laxus' magic provided him with was still a factor that affected Walcht robotic body and even though it was made Mar 6, 2025 · Helios passed Natsu a stream of his magic, which Natsu readily gulped down. Natsu had asked elaine on what Mar 2, 2025 · Currently, the two individuals that dwell in this quaint little house could be found in the training room practicing magic. (save fairytail natsu) mavis thinks as she disappears. Intelligence: Mid SSS-Class Dec 5, 2023 · The last time he saw Natsu fight was at the Bellum front when the Wizard Saints were asked to stop a war between Bellum and Desertio, of course Natsu made a surprise appearance (to the council anyway) as the 'Black Dragon' but Natsu has the ability to manipulate his appearance (will expand on the war and Natsu's transformation later) and he Mar 30, 2023 · Natsu said lighting his fists ablaze. Chapter 5: Natsu vs Team Erza. Since the event the days Natsu spent return to it's default. "D-did that j-just happen?" the would guild had their eyes wide and their jaws hitting the floor. Info: Son of the Fire Dragon, Igneel, Read the most popular natsu stories on Wattpad, the world's largest social storytelling platform. Na-Li, Na-Lu One-Shot. But that is kind of disappointing to get beaten without him using magic. 4 days ago · Natsu's new epithet had taken into account both his new Earth Dragon Slayer magic, and the fact that he grew horns and a tail. Jun 13, 2023 · FanFiction | unleash Lexi is a Dragon Slayer with two different types of magic: Earth and a new type called Phantom. Pushing beyond all limits to become a true dragon slayer All this and more! (Rated M because I don't trust myself) Mar 7, 2025 · Natsu sighs "I had a bad feeling that something bad would happen that's why I followed in secret. Which sounded pretty easy at first and the reword was 200 oooJ so we could split it, but if course the robbers had to be twin dragon slayersso I was pretty much taken down in the first 15 minutes of the 6 days ago · Natsu Dragneel the former ace of the spriggan army leaves Alvarez in search of a new life in Fairy Tail and gets wrapped up in the drama that follows. Natsu pulled the pills that restore magic energy out of his pocket and dropped the bottle gently on the floor then kicked it across to Nov 16, 2019 · But if she is able to achieve it, it turns might into a race to find her as countless powerful yet dangerous people come for Lucy and the new magic she might have. An explosion was then heard. Godlike Seilah. Year X300 Apr 28, 2023 · "Grey just mad at Natsu for beating him without him really using his magic. Or you! Show yourself!" Natsu yelled. Now instead of just being "The Salamander" he was "The Volcanic Dragon. 3 days ago · Natsu nudged her shoulder "on you go and remember Nyoko". Natsu walked forward and offered his hand to the girl who took it hesitantly. He hadn't seen or felt anything yet. Feb 18, 2024 · The last one is the only guy in the group, and for some seems timid, and unsure of himself. Hello. " Gildarts said as he leaked out his magic pressure. Jan 9, 2025 · Happy holds his index and thumb in the air as Natsu returned the gesture while walking out to the arena. It was rough and guttural sounding. Being treated so warmly by Natsu, Sting couldn't help but laugh. The Pairing: Natsu x Erza x Mirajane x Ultear (I decided that Ultear will be the last girl. And he watched her until she fell asleep before exiting the room. How will the Grand Magic Games unfold now that Natsu and Lucy face off against Fairy Tail, Apr 19, 2024 · "One True magic, also known by the term Primordial Magic It is the most sought-after type of magic that not anyone can obtain. A stamp cannot magically give you power. Natsu could feel the effects of the magic suppression, he was feeling weakened and drained, his magical power being drained from his body, he could feel his muscles tensing as he was slowly being drained of his energy. His form magic mainly consists of fire, the two key sources said to be ancient magic. Grey Seilah. Are they genuine, or just part of an elaborate ruse? Slightly stronger and smarter Natsu. 2 days ago · Chapter 3. They invited themselves over shocking the entire sabertooth. "Why natsu, why can't you accept my choice!" Zeref and Mavis were sitting in Sabertooth's lounge and was teaching Wendy new magic. He got back up and prepared his next attack, but then stopped and looked at the ground in shame. Grey Natsu. Feb 25, 2025 · Natsu received a pillow to the face before he could finish speaking. When Natsu and Selene nodded in agreement, Gildarts and Cana both looked confused. "Well I may not know much about you but I wont turn away from a good fight. "Time to find Happy. Natsu's wings extended from his body before turning upward, making Natsu Aerodynamic. the way I fight is the same as your dad, there for there is no need to teach you a new style with my magic, but I will teach you something else from my magic, I will teach you how to use a sword, I will teach you how to use two swords actually or at least the poses, you will have to learn how to use them Feb 25, 2025 · Natsu and Wendy fall in love with each other after a surprise evnt at the beach. Because it wasn't as destructive as the other types of Fire magic the books mentioned Natsu had settled on a type of fire magic called Fire Commandment magic. Feb 12, 2025 · Natsu groaned, he'd grown quite fond of the place and he had memories that were unique to this place only. This is my first Fairy Tail Natsu harem fanfic. However, the serpent pushed back, pushing Natsu away. It was then spears of iron were shot out towards Natsu but Natsu leapt into the air, avoiding them. " Happy said. 6 days ago · Natsu had taken Jellal's words to heart about finding a new magic to use in case they were in crowd areas and needed to use magic to apprehend dark mages. Acnologia took Natsu's magic away and replaced it with his Apocalypse Dragon Slayer Magic. Etherious Natsu Dragneel(Pre-Timeskip) Chronological Age: 400+ Biological Age: 25. I'm new to this fanfiction stuff and this is my first time ever writing a fanfic. " Belserion explained. A new beginning, a new opportunity. The new spells he added to his arsenal were Death God's Bellow, Death God's Death Arrow, and Death God's Secret Art: Downfall along with a Death God's variation of his Sep 28, 2023 · Natsu liked to think of his magic in two ways: destruction for his enemies, but for himself and his friends? His magic meant new beginnings. One year later, Hades has him go undercover at Fairy Tail. Multiple magics, No Pairing decided. One member of the club calmed down and said, "Welcome Natsu my name is Nicolas and my magic is light and darkness magic with some take over magic". "Dragon slayers can learn a new form of magic by eating enough of another element, similar to how they can eat their element to replenish their magic. Great. " Everyone except Happy looked at Makarov with a shocked look. "Sorry about that! Me and Dad always get into silly quarrels like that," Natsu grinned at the young girl who offered a shy smile in return. Due to a certain turn of events, Natsu Feb 2, 2017 · Fairy Tail: Natsu Returns with New Feelings Fantasy. Over the years, Natsu develops bonds with everyone in the guild. However, magic will cost 20% extra and will be 20% weaker than the original caster. However the magic container will eventually fill back up from the eternano in the air. ' 'Natsu Dragneel. "N-No way! He destroyed all of them?!" Kage stuttered. Now Natsu will strive to live up to his father's legacy as the Former Magma Dragon King by becoming the strongest Dragon Slayer and the New Magma Dragon King! 5 days ago · Makarov spoke, deciding he needed to make sure the young boy he was now traveling with could fit in with society. His anger peaked when he saw Wendy, whom he viewed as a little sister, injured and suffocating with Sabertooth showing no remorse for their actions, even though Minerva could've ended the game easily. While there they meet new friends, strong and full of excitement. " The voice warned. Mar 2, 2025 · Erza and Gray were now speachless and Lucy fainted when Wendy said " Natsu-san". Darker Natsu, Powerful/smart Natsu. Igneel had given him a new opportunity when he decided to teach Natsu his magic, so Natsu made sure that was his magic meant for his family. " "Cana I thought we where friends. That meant that only one of two things could have happened. "Taste my power, scums!" Zero said, before sending several tentacles of darkness at Natsu, Lucy, Yukino and Ur, who picked up the unconscious Jura. A toast- to our new friends Sting and Yukino!" Unable to resist a toast among friends, Natsu grinned. Natsu crashed into a boulder and landed on the ground with a thud. So please be kind to me on this one. " Comforted Natsu as he petted the Exceed's head. " We plan to make dragon-slaying magic that can slay a Feb 16, 2025 · X450. 1 day ago · Never had Natsu seen a sight of the innocent people now dead with their bodies defiled by this psycho. If a mage's magic container completely empties, they will be unable to use magic. x782. "It's just a news manager,don't get so overreacted" Natsu replied wearing a bored expression with his hands on his cheeks. Jul 27, 2012 · Makarov hadn't even used his Titan magic yet. 6 days ago · The rather mature way Natsu handled the meeting with the Crash mage caused Erza to follow him, wondering how he had changed so quickly. " Natsu explains with a grin on his face. Thirty men stood in front of Erigor who was currently hovering in the air. Natsu charged at Kageyama, hands still ablaze, and punched him right in the face hard enough to make him hit another wall. He had just finished completing an A-rank mission and was on his way back to the Fairy Tail Guild. All three have ivory white hair, leading Natsu to believe that they are related somehow. - Chapters: 28 - Words: 25,724 - Reviews: 74 - Favs: 191 - Follows: 195 - Updated: 9/7/2016 - Published: 2/6/2014 - id: 10086961 Mar 3, 2025 · Makarov didn't notice but he did nod that it would be a good idea to go study the changes after he had acclimated to the new body shape and magic use. How will the Grand Magic Games unfold now that Natsu and Lucy face off against Fairy Tail, Sabertooth and the other guilds of Fiore. It was around noon and the guild was calm and people were each busy doing their own thing. Wendy was sat on her bed, looking backwards and forwards between the four of them and moved to look over at Erza. Hades was now feeling a slow rise in the magic pressure ( like in Bleach just not spiritual pressure). Natsu uses fire, Gray uses ice, Laxus uses lightning, and Erza uses swords. Others soon started to show up, starting with the master and followed by other members. " "HA ha ha Natsu beat you without magic. its called "Last Minute" so heres chapter 15 of My New Life! Feb 11, 2025 · The New Wife. "Now let's go, to the grand magic games!" he roared and the others all cheered in agreement. " "Will I be able to have it, Mama?" "Yes, as long as you stay true to yourself. 2 days ago · Natsu's mind flashed back to the very first day of the Grand Magic Games, and all that had happened. the strongest guild seven years ago, Fairy Tail! 2 days ago · Even after creating his new form of Fire Dragon Slayer magic, Natsu spent a few days getting used to the feeling of the new flames, so that he could do it instinctively and not accidentally kill someone because he activated his crimson flames in the heat of the moment. . lucy, natsu, erza×mreader. I don't know how this Zancrow character got a hold of this power, but it's said to out do dragon slaying magic in all ways. "Say what you will, but Eclipse needs an extraordinary amount of magic," replied Arcadios, "Eclipse is the door that can change the world. "Natsu, try to use your curse power to destroy the magic May 29, 2017 · Darker Natsu, Powerful/smart Natsu. Affiliation: Fairy Tail 1 day ago · Natsu quickly summon his sword and blocked Erza's strike. Discovering who his life mate is. Feb 18, 2025 · When the train screeched to a halt, everyone who was sleeping woke up. Sorry again for the late update. The duo had finally reached the town known as Magnolia and were strolling down the street towards a large building. Natsu: ego most likely. Feb 16, 2025 · Natsu, Lucy and Happy are reunited with Fairy Tail who are competing to take back the title of Fiore's #1 Guild but they choose to stay with the Guardians. If he won't his magic, neither will I. May 26, 2016 · "Don't worry, I'll be safe. Slightly AU with hidden events that have minimal to no real effect on the overall cannon plot. Smaug arched an eye crest. Natsu reckoned that even Igneel could fit through the door. Enjoy! has to at least be better than my own love story. Since the games were Mar 3, 2025 · On their way to a job, Natsu, Lucy, and Happy find themselves faced with a girl (OC) that claims to be Natsu's sister! They find that she uses a unique sort of magic the no one thought was even possible. ' Someone yelled out. I do not own any of the characters but the story line is mine. Since Natsu's fire dragonslayer magic was so well known he would need a new type of magic to keep his identity a secret even if his new look fooled a lot of people he knew he would be able to 2 days ago · Natsu the Dragon Emperor. , Wendy M. He knew that magic, it was his brother's. It is owned by Mashima. Chapter 39: The Power of Zero. "I've never seen magic like that before!" Lucy said shocked. Unlike normal requip magic user the item that Natsu wants to put in his pocket dimension wouldn't glow but would catch on fire then vanishing with only few wisp of smoke left behind. Sep 18, 2023 · a middle aged man greeted Natsu whose on the cashier. 2 days ago · "Hey what are you doing out in the rain?" was the question that started everything for him, it led to a simple promise which led to his heart finally beginning to thaw from the cold that gripped it. She usually wears a white shirt that reaches just below her belly allowing Natsu's mating mark to be visible, a black leather jacket, a pair of tight Mar 6, 2025 · Mimic Magic: Can copy any magic Natsu has witnessed. - Chapters: 28 - Words: 25,724 - Reviews: 74 - Favs: 192 - Follows: 195 - Updated: 9/7/2016 - Published: 2/6/2014 - id: 10086961 Aug 27, 2017 · "Iron Dragon Lance: DEMON LOGS!" Gajeel cried out, his left arm aimed at out Natsu with a magic crest at the tip. All content goes to Hiro Mashima. ". He wears a blue tuxedo with a red bowtie, and has short, messy hair. So, enjoy the first chapter! Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail. "Natsu Dragneel, you really have wised up even if Wendy doesn't want to Nov 18, 2024 · Teaming up with different Natsu's from various worlds, The New Team Natsu battles through endlessly to get back to their respective homes! Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Humor - Natsu D. Both jolted as they heard the yelling. Magic: Fire Dragonslayer Magic, Fire Drive, Dragon Force, END, END Drive. Seven years later, the Grand Magic Games are around the corner and Read Internet Magic in Fairy Tail - Chapter 5 - : Meeting Natsu and Happy at NovelBuddy - Since the island was overseas, he first had to take the magic train to the port city of Hargeon and 4 days ago · We want to learn your magic!" Natsu shouts so that they can hear him. Feb 9, 2025 · "You've been stealing magic every year? That's dirty," huffed Natsu. Every single forbidden and Taboo magic of Dragon and Dragon slayer magic. I don't suppose you have any books or anything about it though. Leave me a comment if it need's improvement. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. 1 day ago · Name: Natsu Dragoneel Age: Unknown. Before S-Class Trails. When he arrived he looked around Feb 2, 2024 · For the past 7 years, Natsu had been training very hard in the art of dragon slayer magic. The reason it was Feb 13, 2025 · Natsu was curious, as he watched Gray focus his magic power in his hand. Natsu hurried back to the guild. "Ah-!" "Two can play at that game Erza-OOF!" Natsu was cut off again as several smacks of a pillow across his face knocked him down. Learning the truth of his past. Natsu Dragneel and Lisia Soldovere were kneeling in front of King Alehot in his throne. " she finished with a sigh. Natsu: not to sound callus or anything, it's just these magic council guys always have this stick up their ass Sep 27, 2019 · But remember, humans are fragile creatures, and magic is dangerous. But learning some new techniques wouldn't hurt. Chapter 1.
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