- Purecloud resources center ClickToDial: Defines the onClickToDial method that customizes click-to-dial behavior. Use Journey Management, Journey Analytics, an add-on to Genesys Cloud CX, to help you understand customer journeys in your organization. Technical resources under one roof. 12 Managers, supervisors, and agents can use dynamic views and dashboards to see contact center performance and metrics. Change alerting, audio Configuration, launch at startup, network adapter, and other settings. See status. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Über PureCloud Softphone. Step 1: Assign roles. Wenn Sie das PureCloud Softphone bereits heruntergeladen und installiert haben, das Telefon aber nicht verbunden ist, bedeutet dies, dass die automatische Bereitstellung aus einem der For cloud media, there is a single core site called PureCloud Voice – AWS. Genesys Cloud offers three telephony connection options to provide convenience and flexibility. (PureCloud Softphone Resource Center shows that 100% is the maximum allowable score, so the second question would be is if it is possible to override the 100% max threshold? Various other Quality Monitoring solutions that client could be migrating from, may offer such Bonus questions which could result in Agents scoring 105 or greater in some cases. Nutzen Sie KI für verbesserte Erlebnisse und Telephony is the set of features that administrators use to set up Genesys Cloud communications. For more information, see Google Analytics Cookie Usage on Websites page on the Google Analytics website. Wenn Sie ein USB-Headset auswählen, wählen Sie ein hochwertiges Headset mit Geräusch- und Echounterdrückung. PureConnect On-Premises customers and partners must visit the PureConnect Resource Center. If you upgrade your subscription to Genesys Cloud contact center contains all of the features of Collaborate and Communicate along with contact center services for integrating multichannel routing, outbound campaigns, speech-enabled IVR, recording and quality management, reporting, and graphical scripting. Note: Before you contact Customer Care for support, See Before you contact Genesys Cloud Customer Care for details on the information you must have before opening a ticket. Sobald Sie ein PureCloud-Softphone-Basiseinstellungsprofil erstellt haben, können Sie das Telefonprofil erstellen. Genesys Cloud AI offerings are native, purpose-built, secure, and integrated to streamline the end-to-end customer experience. These articles contain information that can be useful during conversations with customers that use your products. Rest namespace. Das PureCloud Softphone läuft auf Windows-basierten PCs und Laptops. The only difference is whether the resources are dedicated to one organization or shared with other customers. Prerrequisitos. Click the Groups tab. What resources are available in the Genesys Cloud Developer Center? The Developer Center offers a wide range of resources including guides, tutorials, API documentation, SDKs, and videos to help developers work with Genesys Cloud. Genesys Cloud Customer Care is focused on your experience through a global, live answer 7X24 Genesys Cloud Customer Care model. Remove the older PureCloud for Chrome documentation from the Resource Center. Genesys Cloud CX 2 Digital and Genesys Cloud CX 3 Digital licenses offer maximum speed and efficiency in digital customer communication. The PureCloud solution unifies all communication channels, interactions, and work items through omnichannel routing. If the chosen time period is today or yesterday, then the granularity is 30 minutes. Genesys Cloud ACD dynamically matches customer interactions and agents, processing and assigning interactions to the appropriate agent. Vous pouvez configurer votre ordinateur pour utiliser un casque uniquement pour l’audio PureCloud Softphone ou pour tout l’audio. com for Genesys Cloud’s operational, system availability, and incident information. Click OK. Are you a new user? Learn about GCXNow free trials The Resource Center is your one-stop location for learning about the Genesys Cloud product. To end a call, click End Call. For more information on how to use My Support including opening and managing cases, Refer one of the applicable handbooks Direct Customer Handbook , Partner Handbook , or Dedicated Support Services Guide . Right-click the PureCloud Softphone icon in the taskbar notification area. (PureCloud Softphone does not support built-in call it has been for a while that we are facing the issue with search on PureCloud resource center. Events within a contact center are recorded, labeled, stored, analyzed, and compiled into reports by the Analytics and Reporting Services. To get started, select the use case that best describes you: You can find additional information for each step in the PureCloud Resource Center. Tout casque compatible avec votre PC devrait fonctionner avec l’audio PureCloud Softphone. You can add an ACD transfer to a call flow menu or to a call About Genesys. Namespace. Browse for how-to and reference articles, seek answers to your questions using the FAQs, The Resource Center is your one-stop location for learning about the Genesys Cloud product. Es muss ein separates Softwarepaket heruntergeladen und installiert werden, bevor Sie das Telefon zum Tätigen und Entgegennehmen von Anrufen verwenden können. Warning: Do not run different variants of the Genesys Cloud embedded client (Genesys Cloud for Salesforce, Genesys Cloud for Zendesk, Genesys Cloud for Microsoft Teams, Genesys Cloud for Chrome, Genesys Cloud for Firefox, or Genesys Cloud Embeddable Framework) and Genesys Cloud Communicate for mobile apps simultaneously. PureCloud customers and partners should visit the PureCloud Resource Center and explore available education courses and webinars to learn about PureCloud features, support, apps, and billing information. Contact Center Manager. From an analytics workspace you can configure and save custom views for future use. 이전 버전과의 호환성을 위해 이전 버전이 계속 About Genesys. SaveLog interface. There is no additional software to download or install. Simplify your implementation by using Genesys Cloud Voice, a comprehensive contact center solution that includes telephony service provided by Genesys. For examples that access our SDK through the Rest class, see Genesys Cloud for Salesforce SDK Examples (GitHub). About Genesys. •Developer Center —Get tools and tips for using our Analytics workspaces enable you to create and access numerous analytics views. The language component restricts the pool of available agents to those fluent in the appropriate language. message displays when the administrator selects the Enable Server-Side Logging option while configuring the call center settings: Configure call center settings. Scope. Dial Pad. genesys. It is the home of all PureCloud instructional and educational information about the Deliver detailed, up-to-date employee profile and contact information across your company. The Resource Center automatically displays the context-sensitive article for the product page you are on. English. PureCloud Softphoneは、電話をかけるのにUSBヘッドセットを備えたコンピュータまたはラップトップを使用したいユーザーのためのものです。 PureCloud ソフトフォンで実行、Windows ベースの PC とラップトップ。 PureCloud ソフトフォンの現在 PureCloud for Chrome is a version of Genesys Cloud’s contact center services in Chrome that uses both an app and an extension. You can find additional information for each step in the PureCloud The Resource Center contains help topics and also enables you to access articles, videos, FAQs, and more. This report includes the quantity of each billable resource consumed during the period by day. Find out about the latest Genesys Cloud releases. In other words, the private/public cloud divide is defined by privacy. Suche einreichen. Otherwise, you will experience unusual Resource Center shows that 100% is the maximum allowable score, so the second question would be is if it is possible to override the 100% max threshold? Various other Quality Monitoring solutions that client could be migrating from, may offer such Bonus questions which could result in Agents scoring 105 or greater in some cases. If you cannot locate the PureCloud Softphone icon in the notification area, restart the PureCloud softphone. If you are using the PureCloud Softphone dialpad to make calls with your PureCloud Softphone, for example, if you lost your connection to Genesys Cloud, select the option(s) be alerted for incoming calls by ringing and/or popping the dial pad. The PureCloud Softphone is not compatible with Genesys Cloud Voice or BYOC Cloud. Este perfil contiene un grupo de configuraciones que se encuentran en las pestañas Teléfono y Teclas de línea que definen el teléfono en Genesys Cloud. Reports, views, and dashboards Use different reports, views, and dashboards to see real-time and historical data for the contact center. Customers using the Genesys Cloud for Salesforce CTI integration will not be negatively affected by this Get the tools, resources and help you need — no matter your Genesys contact center solution. Added purecloud. The PureCloud Softphone must have local or VPN access to the corporate network. PureCloud Softphone은 Windows 기반 PC 및 랩톱에서 실행됩니다. Your organization can consume Genesys Cloud AI Experience tokens as you use Genesys Cloud Both private and public clouds offer improved agility, scalability, and efficiency. In essence, feature release notes stand as a comprehensive and accessible resource, empowering Genesys Cloud users to stay informed and make the most of the platform’s evolving capabilities. Voir Prérequis PureCloud Softphone pour exploiter Exigence dy système. Our Genesys Cloud WebRTC phone is different from our PureCloud Softphone in that it runs right from your browser. Products. PureCloud Softphoneは、電話をかけるのにUSBヘッドセットを備えたコンピュータまたはラップトップを使用したいユーザーのためのものです。 PureCloud ソフトフォンで実行、Windows ベースの PC とラップトップ。 PureCloud ソフトフォンの現在 PureCloud Softphoneには、企業ネットワークへのローカルまたはVPNアクセスが必要です。 最高のオーディオ体験のために、Genesysはコンピュータのマイクとスピーカーの代わりに高品質のUSBヘッドセットを推奨します。 About Genesys. Important: Salesforce announced that Google’s decision to phase out third-party cookies in Chrome may affect the functionality of Open CTI starting in January 2024. Prompts are audio messages that inform the caller when an action is required or that a process is complete. Kundeninteraktionsfunktionen für Manager. It provides public telephony access to any Genesys Cloud services to which you subscribe, such as Communicate or the Genesys Cloud call center. From the app, click Help in the lower left corner of any product page. ; Pour de meilleurs résultats, l’administrateur téléphonie effectue la configuration administrative PureCloud Softphone pour les utilisateurs avant de configurer PureCloud Softphone sur les ordinateurs de ces utilisateurs. Ensure that the roles that you add to the pairing include at least the minimum permissions necessary for access through authorized organizations. Watch the video to learn more. It is the home of all PureCloud instructional and educational Genesys Cloud Resource Center. To go to the Community forum, click Community. Genesys Cloud CX 1 features helps you solve customer problems faster. Wählen Sie Optionen aus dem Menü PureCloud Softphone; Alle erweitern To customize the client behavior, create a single Apex file with an Apex class that implements one or more of the following interfaces: purecloud. Otherwise, you will experience unusual Opens the PureCloud Softphone Provisioning Wizard. But that problem still persist, and this morning I got 403 Forbidden PureCloud is now Genesys Cloud. Note: The Billing & Usage page provides a current snapshot of your subscription, including the subscription type, the services included in the subscription, the number of seats, and cost of each service. End-to-End Omnichannel Management. This cloud core site allows access to the resources provided by the cloud media services. This article focuses on defining Severity levels, target Restoration and Resolution times, Root Cause Analysis, and the Genesys Cloud Customer Care Response Policy, which enables Genesys Cloud Customer Care to provide the customer with About Genesys. * *. With FIFO processing, Genesys Cloud sends the interaction that arrives the earliest to the first available resource. The following names are registered trademarks, trademarks, or service marks belonging to Genesys Cloud Services, Inc (“Genesys”). About the Resource Center Genesys Cloud is a suite of cloud services for enterprise-grade communications, collaboration, and contact center management. I have noticed it few weeks ago but thought it was a part of maintenance. When you select a USB headset, choose a quality headset with noise and echo cancellation. Where do I find information about Genesys Cloud APIs? The API Explorer is an interactive tool that allows you to test and understand the Permissions allow users to do various tasks, such as create groups, set up integrations, and supervise contact center activity. Genesys Widgets cookies. Jedes mit Ihrem PC kompatible Headset sollte für PureCloud Softphone Audio funktionieren. ; Para obtener los mejores resultados, el administrador de telefonía realiza la configuración de administración de PureCloud Softphone para los usuarios antes de configurar PureCloud Softphone en las computadoras de los usuarios. Discover the latest research, reports and resources to orchestrate more connected experiences. Quand vous choisissez un casque USB, optez pour un modèle de qualité avec suppression du bruit et de l'écho. ScreenPop: Defines the onScreenPop method that customizes screen pop behavior for incoming alerting Genesys Cloud Resource Center. Nutzen Sie Genesys Cloud AI. For more information, see Genesys Cloud release notes , Genesys Cloud feature release schedule , and FedRAMP compliance . タスクバーの通知領域にあるPureCloud Softphoneアイコンを右クリックします。 ; 選択する ダイヤルパッド から PureCloud ソフトフォンメニュー。 ダイヤル パッド ボタンをクリックして、番号をダイヤルしてください。 ; クリック ダイヤル 電話する。 About Genesys. APIs and other resources for the PureConnect developer community Genesys Cloud Resource Center. To view queue names: Routing > Queue > Search permission To view skill and language names: Routing > Genesys Cloud Resource Center. Each view appears as a tab and you can create up to 20 views at one time. ; purecloud. PureConnect Doc Library. PureCloud Softphone permet aux utilisateurs de réseaux interdits d’utiliser WebRTC d’utiliser un ordinateur avec un casque USB pour passer des appels. Klicken Sie mit der rechten Maustaste auf das PureCloud Softphone-Symbol im Infobereich der Taskleiste. Note: To view queue, language, and skill names in workforce management, ensure that you have the following permissions: . •Community—Ask questions and search discussions at community. Contains a method signature that you can define to customize saving logs in Genesys Cloud for Salesforce Contact Center Administrator; See advanced setup resources for administrators: Contact Center Series Part 3 Screen pop and data dip options, including generic screen pop and Salesforce. This report tracks your organization’s consumption of billable Genesys Cloud resources, including IVR overage minutes and data storage overages, SMS/Messaging (Genesys Cloud CX 2 and Genesys Cloud CX 3), API Overage charges, and BYOC charges. These services provide the data for metrics and forecasts used by Real-time Supervisor and Quality Management, for example. Define the Apex class as global so the code can be called by the integration. Genesys Widgets uses cookies to restore chat sessions, track the state of the UI, and store a customer’s decision. Rest. Quality management is the process of recording and scoring contact center interactions to improve the customer experience. Genesys Cloud AI experience is a collection of products that bring together multiple artificial intelligence (AI) disciplines in a single platform to personalize, refine, and establish advanced customer and employee experiences. Das PureCloud Softphone läuft nur auf Windows-basierten Computern und ist nicht dasselbe wie das Genesys Cloud WebRTC-Telefon. Para obtener la mejor experiencia de audio, Genesys recomienda un auricular USB de calidad en lugar del micrófono y los parlantes de la computadora. PureCloud Softphone의 현재 버전은 3036입니다. La mayoría de las configuraciones de las pestañas Teléfono y PureCloudソフトフォンを作成する前に、基本設定を作成します。 基本設定の構成には、[Base Phone(ベースフォン)]タブと[Base Line Appearance(ベースライン外観)]タブにある一連の設定が含まれており、PureCloudソフトフォンがGenesys Cloudでどのように動作するかを定義します。 To search the Resource Center, click Resource Center. A comprehensive source for all PureConnect product help and technical documentation PureConnect Developer Portal. PureCloud Softphoneは、Windowsベースのコンピュータでのみ動作し、Genesys Cloud WebRTCフォンと同じものではありません。 (PureCloud Softphoneは、Genesys Cloud WebRTC電話のようなヘッドセットの内蔵通話コントロールをサポートしていません。) El Softphone PureCloud no es compatible con Genesys Cloud Voice o BYOC Cloud. Die aktuelle Version des PureCloud Softphone ist 3036. Options. Para usar el micrófono del auricular para PureCloud Softphone y otras comunicaciones, elija Dispositivo de comunicación predeterminado en el menú desplegable. Para usar el micrófono de los auriculares para PureCloud Softphone y todos los demás usos de la computadora, elija Dispositivo por defecto en el menú desplegable. . PureCloud Softphoneプロビジョニングウィザードを開き、 PureCloud Softphoneをプロビジョニングする インストール後に表示されたエラーメッセージから。 または、PureCloudソフトフォンを右クリックします タスクバーの通知領域にあるアイコン 選択します 規定 About Genesys. The process of defining an org is called onboarding. The Genesys Cloud data actions integration provides static actions and allows you to create custom actions that use the Platform API. Genesys Cloud Contact Center enthält alle Funktionen von Collaborate und Communicate sowie Contact Center Services für die Integration von Multichannel-Routing, Outbound-Kampagnen, sprachgesteuertem IVR, Aufzeichnung und Genesys Cloud Resource Center. Once you have created an PureCloud softphone base settings profile you can create the phone profile. Die Konfiguration der Basiseinstellungen enthält eine Gruppe von Einstellungen auf den Registerkarten Basistelefon und Basis-Leitungsanschlüsse, die festlegen, wie ein PureCloud-Softphone in Genesys Cloud Resource Center. The PureCloud Softphone allows users in networks restricted from using WebRTC to use a computer with a USB headset to make calls. Browse our library of product-specific information and discussions, or log in for a personalized experience that includes access to resources for Genesys Cloud, PureConnect, Genesys The PureCloud Resource Center is where you can explore our education courses and webinars, visit our new users home, and learn about features, support, apps, and billing information. Choose Genesys Cloud CX 2 for complete voice and digital interactions. Once you enable Site Links, your premises core site has access to PureCloud Softphone se inicia cada vez que inicia sesión en Genesys Cloud. The majority of the settings on the Phone and Line Keys tabs are The PureCloud Softphone icon should appear in the taskbar notification area on the lower right corner of the desktop. CTIExtension. PureCloud ソフトフォンアイコンの上部に赤いXが表示されている場合、電話は接続されていませ Access our SDK through the Rest class under the purecloud. RecordService to the list of Apex classes that require access to be granted through a permission set in Salesforce: Sie können die PureCloud Softphone-Einstellungen für Benachrichtigung, Audiokonfiguration, Start beim Start und Netzwerkadapter nach Bedarf ändern. Genesys Cloud for Microsoft Teams users who use a web or desktop client for Microsoft Teams. Any headset compatible with your PC should work for PureCloud Softphone audio. Report system outages 24×7 using the below numbers. PureConnect Resource Center Powered by Customer Interaction Center. Both can use virtualization on-premises and remotely. Assign roles to the PureCloud Customer Care group by selecting roles in the Role(s) column. mypurecloud. Das PureCloud Softphone ermöglicht es Nutzern in Netzwerken, die WebRTC nicht verwenden dürfen, einen Computer mit einem USB-Headset für Anrufe zu nutzen. Quality management See About Quality management to learn how to m anage policies for recording, evaluation, and calibration policies, assign and complete evaluations, and analyze results. Contains methods that act on the Genesys Cloud Platform API through Genesys Cloud for Salesforce. Follow the instructions in Set Genesys Cloud sound preferences to select a ringtone. For additional interoperability Note: The granularity for the log in and log out data in the export varies, based on the selected time period. Here are a few things you can do in Collaborate: Profiles – Complete your profile – add contact information, photo, and so on. FAQs What does this mean? PureCloud Customer Roles and Responsibilities. Genesys is aware of this issue and is actively working on solutions to mitigate the impact of this change. Exit. Last updated December 12, 2024. PureCloud Collaborate. Visit PureCloud Training to explore available education courses. Genesys Cloud copyright and trademark information. Google Analytics uses cookies in addition to the cookies listed for Developer Center. The BYOC Cloud solution provides flexibility and interoperability to the Genesys Cloud suite of voice services by allowing you to define SIP trunks between the Genesys Cloud AWS-based Edge and Media Tier and third-party carriers over the public Internet. If the PureCloud Softphone icon does not appear on the taskbar, click Show hidden icons on the lower right corner of the desktop to reveal all the icons. Rest class. For more information, see Change PureCloud Softphone settings. Views Dynamic views display historical and real-time metrics for the contact center, queues, agents, interactions, outbound campaigns, scheduled callbacks, and workforce management. If you are a PureCloud user and would like to open a case or view the status of a case, please return to About Genesys. Other dial pad call features. Sprache. As the foundation of great customer experience, the Genesys PureCloud contact center platform empowers your business to provide excellent service across the entire customer journey. PureCloud Softphoneダイヤルパッドを使用してPureCloud Softphoneで電話をかける場合(たとえば、Genesys Cloudへの接続を切断した場合など)、ダイヤルパッドを鳴らしたり、ダイヤルパッドをポップしたりして、着信通話のアラートを受け取る About Genesys. To find free online training, click Training. Genesys Cloud Voice is an Internet-based telephony service that you can activate for use with your Genesys Cloud organization. PureCloud Softphone debe tener acceso local o VPN a la red corporativa. When a user asks a question, Genesys knowledge services Genesys Cloud Resource Center. PureCloudソフトフォンは、Genesys Cloudにログインするたびに起動します。 起動時に、 PureCloud ソフトフォンは構成を自動的にダウンロードします 最新バージョンへの更新。 PureCloudソフトフォンアイコン タスクバーの通知領域に、接続されていることを示します。 Das PureCloud Softphone ist ein softwarebasiertes Telefon, das Microsoft Windows erfordert. Use this feature to gain insight into both digital and voice interactions, understand and optimize customer journeys, and align journey outcomes with key business operating KPIs. For more information, see Genesys Cloud AI. The PureCloud Resource Center is where you can explore our education courses and webinars, visit our new users home, and learn about features, support, apps, and billing information. How will this affect the Resource Center? With its new name, the Genesys Cloud Resource Center will continue to provide that same quality material that you have come to expect. Use the PureCloud Softphone dial pad to make calls. Click Dial to call. An org is a set of PureCloud products and services, selected by a business to accommodate its specific requirements. Necessary in some circumstances to complete the PureCloud Softphone installation. •Developer Center —Get tools and tips for using our Genesys Cloud Resource Center. If you have already downloaded and installed the PureCloud Softphone but the phone is not connected, it means that automatic provisioning did not occur for one of these following reasons: The telephony administrator did not perform the necessary administration configuration; Overview. PureCloud Voice – AWS is a managed site, which means that you will not be able to view or modify it. To put a call on hold, click Hold. PureCloud Softphone은 USB 헤드셋이 있는 컴퓨터나 노트북을 사용하여 전화를 걸고자 하는 사용자를 위한 것입니다. The Genesys Cloud Voice system validates addresses and, in the event of an emergency, provides that information to the emergency call center nearest the caller’s location. This profile contains a group of settings found on the Phone and Line Keys tabs that define the phone in Genesys Cloud. PureCloud Customer Roles and Responsibilities. Language. Enabling Site Links establishes a connection between your premises core site and the cloud media core site. Business Champion — Provides resources and funding for the implementation, removes organizational roadblocks, and articulates the business vision during project implementation. Dial the number by clicking the dial pad buttons. You can set up your computer to use a headset for only the PureCloud Softphone audio or for all audio. The following steps walk you through the initial setup. Find answers Our online resources provide answers to a wide range of questions: •Resource Center —Search PureCloud technical Account Settings allows administrators to view current and historical Genesys Cloud usage information, including users, devices and resources, as well as access advanced Where do I find PureCloud resources? PureCloud customers and partners should visit the PureCloud Resource Center and explore available education courses and webinars to learn With those roles, you can then configure phones, make calls, and route calls through the PureCloud ACDsystem. To retrieve the call from hold, click Hold About Genesys. Ver Requisitos previos de PureCloud Softphone para conocer los requisitos del sistema operativo. com or Zendesk standard: Contact Center Administrator; See advanced setup resources for administrators: Genesys Cloud Resource Center and Online Training Review Activity plans enable administrators to create plans to schedule reoccurring activities or bulk activities at the best time to support the business targets while considering the employee and facilitator availability and service goal impacts. My Support: Dashboard Genesys confidential and proprietary information. Performance tools allow contact center managers and supervisors to monitor the interactions, agents, queues, and other aspects of their contact centers. SDK. Genesys is changing the name of our flagship Software as a Service (SaaS) offering, PureCloud®, to Genesys Cloud™. * Suggested Articles. Effective Friday, May 1st, 2020, the Genesys Cloud Agent and Supervisor eLearning modules have been updated and moved over to Genesys Beyond. Usage Una vez que haya creado un perfil de configuración de la base del softphone PureCloud, puede crear el perfil del teléfono. Genesys Cloud Resource Center. ( PureCloud Softphone ne prend pas en charge les contrôles d Genesys Cloud contact center contains all of the features of Collaborate and Communicate along with contact center services for integrating multichannel routing, outbound campaigns, speech-enabled IVR, recording and quality management, reporting, and graphical scripting. All resources. In Architect, a prompt is essentially a container for the prompt resource or resources you select to guide callers through an interaction. In order to access this content, customers and partners only need to request a free account on Genesys Beyond. This window establishes and maintains WebRTC phone connectivity. com. You will receive an email once your account credentials are authenticated. For more information, see About PureCloud Softphone. Search by skill, explore the organizational hierarchy, and synchronize data across enterprise systems. Explore. Learn about updates to user interface and experience, platform, and deprecations. Set your status. Conditions préalables. Genesys Cloud CX 1, Genesys Cloud CX 2, and Genesys Cloud CX 3 are Genesys Cloud subscription packages. The agent workspace enables agents to perform several tasks across all interactions with a simple, transparent view of About Genesys. Kundeninteraktionsfunktionen für Agenten. Developer center Resource center. El icono de Softphone PureCloud en el área de notificación PureCloudソフトフォンは、Genesys Cloudにログインするたびに起動します。 起動時に、 PureCloud ソフトフォンは構成を自動的にダウンロードします 最新バージョンへの更新。 PureCloudソフトフォンアイコン タスクバーの通知領域に、接続されていることを示します。 PureCloudソフトフォン基本設定プロファイルを作成したら、その電話プロファイルを作成できます。 このプロファイルには、Genesys Cloudの電話を定義する[Phone]タブと[Line Keys]タブにある一連の設定が含まれています。 From the pairing request page, click Yes, I authorize access. Al inicio, PureCloud Softphone descarga automáticamente su configuración y se actualiza a la última versión. Product Support recommends that you either assign every In Salesforce, create a single Apex file with an Apex class that implements the purecloud. The Resource Center contains help topics and also enables you to access articles, videos, FAQs, and more. Kontakt-Center-Agenten. あなたが見つけることができない場合PureCloud ソフトフォン 、通知領域のアイコンを、再起動PureCloudソフトフォンを。 見る PureCloud ソフトフォン起動して表示する. Cloud-based and accessible on any mobile device or web browser, Genesys Cloud is available anywhere, anytime to your employees. purecloud. AI-Powered Experience Orchestration Genesys Cloud or PureCloud. Some emergency call centers are not equipped to handle addresses and therefore the person calling for emergency assistance should know the address of their exact location. PureCloud Softphone ne fonctionne que sur les ordinateurs Windows et n’est pas identique au téléphone PureCloud WebRTC. Sie können Ihren Computer so einrichten, dass ein Headset nur für den Ton von PureCloud Softphone oder für den gesamten Ton verwendet wird. You can use these data actions to make routing decisions within your interaction flow in Architect, to present information to your agents in Scripts, or to act on data in other ways. Dieses Profil enthält eine Gruppe von Einstellungen auf den Registerkarten Telefon und Leitungstasten, die das Telefon in Genesys Cloud definieren. El Softphone PureCloud no es compatible con Genesys Cloud Voice o BYOC Cloud. PureCloudソフトフォンを作成する前に、基本設定を作成します。 基本設定の構成には、[Base Phone(ベースフォン)]タブと[Base Line Appearance(ベースライン外観)]タブにある一連の設定が含まれており、PureCloudソフトフォンがGenesys Cloudでどのように動作するかを定義します。 After you enable hybrid media, you’ll discover that you now have a new cloud core site called PureCloud Voice – AWS. It is the home of all PureCloud instructional and educational In-app user guidance, a robust resource center for admins and users, as well as an online training center and community help you manage your employees—instead of managing a tool. Select Dial Pad from the PureCloud Softphone menu. Find answers Our online resources provide answers to a wide range of questions: •Resource Center —Search PureCloud technical documentation at help. By evaluating and scoring conversations, a quality team can identify performers for positive feedback, agents who need more training or coaching, and situations that merit modification of call scripts. Click Alerting. Genesys is replacing this integration with a newer PureCloud for Chrome that only uses an extension. For more information, see settings in the Genesys Cloud Developer Center. Within Genesys Cloud, we also provide the Genesys Cloud WebRTC phone. Click Options on the PureCloud Softphone menu. Bevor Sie ein PureCloud-Softphone erstellen können, müssen Sie eine Grundeinstellungskonfiguration erstellen. Analyzing the end-to-end journey from the customer PureCloud ソフトフォンオーディオのみ、またはすべてのオーディオにヘッドセットを使用するようにコンピュータを設定できます。 USBヘッドセットを選択するときは、ノイズとエコーをキャンセルする高品質のヘッドセットを選択してください。 A collection of question and answer articles that you provide and configure. To contact the Genesys Cloud Help Center, click Contact Help Center. 8. To go to the Resource Center: Go to help. ACD (automatic call distribution) is the contact center art and science of getting the right call to the right person as quickly as possible. Clear the Play ringing on alerting call check box. Contact Center Manager — Responsible for configuring and running contact center activities such as outbound dialing campaigns, scripts, quality evaluations, and Sie erhalten Zugriff auf das PureCloud Resource Center, Online-Schulungsmodule und webbasierte Enablement-Events. Das PureCloud Softphone ist für Benutzer gedacht, die einen Computer oder Laptop mit einem USB-Headset zum Telefonieren verwenden möchten. Use these tools to evaluate underlying data and create actionable insights, boost productivity, and recognize revenue opportunities. Genesys Cloud is built on top of Amazon Web Services (AWS) and uses a distributed cloud environment that provides secure access to organizations around the world with a marginal IT footprint. Exit the PureCloud Softphone. Genesys empowers more than 7,500 organizations in over 100 countries to improve loyalty and business outcomes by creating the best experiences for customers and employees. The PureCloud Softphone runs only on Windows-based computers and is not the same thing as the Genesys Cloud WebRTC phone. This Genesys Cloud Service Level Agreement (“SLA”) is a policy governing the use of the Genesys Cloud Service, and is made part of the Genesys Cloud Terms and Conditions (or other master agreement governing Customer’s use of the Genesys Cloud Service entered into between the parties)(the “Agreement”). For the best audio experience, Genesys recommends a quality USB headset instead of Log in to Genesys Cloud to access employee profiles, contact information, and organizational hierarchy. If the chosen time period is one of the following: this week, last week, the previous seven days, this month, last month, and the previous 30 days, then the granularity is daily. For example, Architect can play a prompt when control is passed Genesys Cloud Resource Center. Solutions Capabilities Industries. hjwzd saig dkomkri sxfkdz oddw ebcmme jsckah tdsfa dalc tfvw wlboca knyqw afi mdd ziedm