Remus cheats on harry fanfiction. 4 days ago · I'D UNDERSTAND.

Remus cheats on harry fanfiction. Hermione peered in to see what had caused it.

  • Remus cheats on harry fanfiction The red and gold almost blinded her in comparison to the rest of the dreary house. "Then Evan James is Harry Potter," James blurted out. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise Face completely blank, Sirius took a shot of the clear liquid in front of him, swallowing it easily and looking around the room. " "Molly says supper is ready. Remus Lupin P. Remus threw his hands up in the air in exasperation. But there is a completely reasonable and logical explantion including how Harry's mother didn't cheat, Lily isn't his mom but actually is, and Dumbledore is quite senile. Jan 22, 2025 · "Okay, I woke up, stole Remus' history notes, ran down to the common room and talked with my cousin, who wanted to know something about Goblin's in the 1600's. Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the Characters. Both fics that stick close to canon with little deviation, as well as AU's are approved. Feb 28, 2025 · A/N: Just a small teaser to keep you entertained – both "Had I Known" and the "Lioness" should be –hopefully- updated within the week. " Regulus glanced up at Remus, to see an amused look on his face. " was all Harry said as Remus pulled his wand out and tried to heal him as George came back with Luna and Madame Pomfrey, Remus looked up at the medwitch "Harry lost the baby Poppy. "Then what? If I get thrown back in Azkaban, who knows what will happen to Harry?" He shuddered at both the thought of returning to his dark cell, surrounded by Dementors, and the fear of losing Harry. Remus glanced at Hermione worried. Lily stormed into Gringotts, a sleepy Harry on one hip. "I have to pee!" And he shot past Peter and into Dec 9, 2023 · James admitted that he had never been completely jealous of anyone. James Mar 7, 2025 · Remus Lupin. By Larry Huss. "What's the matter? Feb 27, 2025 · Yes they could as Harry and Hermione have, but the teachers seemingly impossible schedule was another factor I wanted to address. She's slowly lost her heart to someone she never thought could feel the same. "What's wrong?" "It's Severu-" "Remus, I really don't want to hear it" Harry said. He wanted to be the one who made Harry laugh and enjoy himself. "I think our little Lily might try to get Remus to see reason, without telling him who you really are. She knew that Remus could have easy kicked his ass. “Alright, ask me a question,” he said confidently, slamming the tiny Fan Fiction search engine and archive. Mar 22, 2023 · He didn't even want to look at the expression on Remus' face. "Yes. "S-Stop it. Hermione peered in to see what had caused it. 1 day ago · "Regardless," Remus joined in, "of either of your sentiments, I'll already began easing my way in. Mar 5, 2025 · Hermione lead Remus up to the top of the house, and gestured to the door with 'Sirius' on the nameplate. "Oh, God" "Mmmm. He didn't want any secrets kept from his lover, as Remus never kept any secrets from him either. 6 days ago · Remus smiled and gave James a hug, "thank you for being so understanding. I thought you might be hungry. "Thank you" Remus got up off of his lap and looked over at the Gryffindor table and realized that everyone was staring at him. " She pushed his wheelchair into the room and helped him into the bed. " Remus' eyes connected with his daughter's and saw that she was nodding her head in agreement. Chapter 1. Gringotts was always open, so it didn't really matter that it was midnight. No slash. " Remus said with a nod. Sirius and Remus had been going out since near the end of their fourth year. I was walking to dinner and I entered the Great Hall. He always found it entertaining 2 days ago · Sirius croaked. She sat down next to him. December 9, 2002. Harry knew he had to tell Remus about this new development. He was sure it wasn't good. Edit Edit source History Talk (0) Categories Categories: Add category; Cancel Save. Remus reached out and embrace the crying Hermione once more. Sep 18, 2022 · Remus looked scandalized, but Peter was impressed. Remus smiled as Severus spilled his heart to Harry. Oct 17, 2023 · He finally had a child with his mate. " He sprinted off towards the red figure across the lake, leaving a very confused Sirius sitting in the snow. . *** Chapter one. 3 days ago · Sirius suddenly stopped kissing Remus and mumbled, "shut up, James," and went back to snogging his boyfriend. "Will you two stop it, and do that later?" James said between gritted teeth. They're nothing but trouble. Feb 12, 2024 · When Dumbledore asked Remus Lupin to spy on the feral werewolves, Kingsley warned him to steer clear of Greyback's kids. Feb 22, 2025 · Poppy exited the room and stared at Harry with a sympathetic look. He didn't think he could stand thinking about Harry while his mate's godfather was around, especially when he had been shagging said man while he was supposed to be with his mate. Remus Lupin x Harry Potte 3 days ago · Harry nodded slowly and cautiously held Remus' scarred hand before Remus picked harry up and apparated away. "Tonks. Remus opened the door, and a roar of laughter escaped his mouth. "They're thieves, and they're violent. I just froze on the spot and looked at them. Jun 11, 2023 · Padfoot darts off since Sirius is faster on four legs rather than two. " But when a pack of them proves to be Remus's only option, he finds that the ferals aren't what he expected, and the greatest threat isn't from Greyback's kids. The Study of Ancient Runes classroom was on the sixth floor and was taught by Bathsheda Babbling. Anyway, a mini, unrelated-spoiler, the dynamic duo don't cheat and use time magic at all. In the beginning of the year 2025, she finds herself in the Wizarding World among the events of "Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix" just to find out that, for Remus, she is also a fictional character who he fantasizes about. I saw Lily laughing and being all cuddly with that arsehole Cameron. "Dora" Remus jumped and dumped the plate he was holding to the floor. 4 days ago · "It's the best I ever had" Tonks heard Remus say. "So what are you thinking now" asked Remus with an amusing smile. He knew Harry was thinking something important from the look of his crunched face. 'Nice trickery,' he said in a flattering tone. Set right after OotP. She stayed, because she is weak. *** Bets Mar 22, 2023 · Remus even confessed his love for her, but she turned him down once again. Feb 26, 2025 · Remus and Harry were in a relationship before Remus broke it. "Well," Remus said finally. Remus then licked and nibbled Severus' bottom lip asking for entrance, he gladly opened his mouth and soon enough they had to stop for air. James and Remus mess around a bit, throwing rocks, snapping off branches and having a sword fight. "We all do what we need to, Sirius," Remus said kindly. Remus' life background and then a revelation about his life and that of Harry's. 'And him ganging up and attacking us wasn't?' James demanded. Jan 26, 2025 · Remus looked up from his now-cold cup of tea to see Tonks at the threshold of the door to the library, her vibrant pink hair visible from the dying light of the fire. " "You owe me, now let's get going!" He said and they turned around and went back to Dinner. " "I understand that," Remus sighed, "but Harry needs a healer, or I fear he won't make it through the Dec 19, 2023 · Remus lay awake on his bed, staring at the ceiling. 'Don't be thick, of course I'm not,' Remus 3 days ago · "Remus! Wh-what are you doing here? Haven't you got a class?" "I'm afraid this isn't a social visit Harry" Remus replied, walking into the house. "I can't risk it, Remus. The Hogwarts Fanfiction Mar 5, 2025 · After hitting both Sirius and I with a sobering charm, Remus side-along apparated us to the flat Lily and I shared. 6 days ago · This content was originally published c. Marley's expression did not change, but Sirius's jaw tightened. 4 days ago · I'D UNDERSTANDI'm old; you need someone younger, someone who can keep up with you better than a worn out old werewolf. " She spoke, a sob left her lips. Remus cheats and James wins anyway because as a pureblood he decided to pick fencing instead of violin as one of his tutoring subjects when he was young. I. "I'm so awkward," he groaned, and dropped down to the floor. Harry closed the door behind him. That Harry Timmons had a cashiers cheque for over £20,000 in pocket wasn't surprising to Minerva McGonagall on the day she picked him up to shop at Diagon Alley. " Remus whispered again and he touched his forehead feeling his fever skin "I lost it. He was an only child and he was never jealous of his own friends. " Nymphadora Lupin nee Tonk's hand rested on his shoulder and Remus brought his own to lay atop hers. " I hurt to listen to how despondent Remus was by the end of his speech. " Feb 26, 2025 · He had just gotten back from a medical clinic that was in town. "Goodbye Prongs, Padfoot. " Remus saw her chew her lower lip, as if she were attempting to make a decision. He sat, pretending to sleep, as he listened to Severus talk to Harry. 17th March 1974. Harry goes on a date and obsesses. When Remus, Sirus and Peter Bet James that he couldn't make Lily fall for him by the end of the year, he thought it would be easy, but he didn't know his three best friends had made an alliance, with lily's best friends, to get her to turn down James, at Cheat. It may be viewed in its original form on Fanfiction. Watch as Hermione and Sirius struggle with there feelings, will they ever admit that they love each other or will they continue to ignore it. " Her lips trembled. "You hurt me Ron. You betrayed me. Her face screwed up and her hair went bright red. The next morning Remus confronted Severus and, much to Remus' shock, Severus broke down and confessed everything to Remus. Today I saw something that made my blood run cold. Chapter 10: Remus Lupin. "No, you're not," Remus said quickly, sitting down next to Jun 27, 2023 · Books Harry Potter. Sirius was nowhere to be found, much to the werewolf's relief. They arrived in the front room of Remus' cottage in Normandy. 'No it isn't! It's underhanded!' Remus said. It found no place in the main story, and it's more a 'what if' than any real part of the plot, but I always loved the boggart idea, and I've often wondered how our favourite students would react Jan 26, 2025 · "You look like-" Remus gasped out between bouts of laughter, but Peter never found out what he was supposed to look like. Remus tries to help. Feb 28, 2025 · Hermione is living at number 12 along with Harry, Remus, Teddy, Tonks and Sirius after she brought him back from the Veil. I had it" Tonk kicked in the kitchen door to confront her cheating boyfriend. However that did not take away from my anger that Remus thought I could cheat on him. " Harry chuckled. Remus took a seat right next to the dark haired boy and said, "Hey I have something to 1 day ago · Hermione rushed and touched his shoulder as tears ran down her face "Harry. Mar 2, 2025 · "Stupefy!" Hermione screeched stunning Ron before he could get his hands on Remus. Clutched in his hand was a piece of paper that had made him want to think before he went home to his fiancé, Remus Lupin. net and archived via Wayback Machine. Will her failing When Harry gets turned into a werewolf, he will do all he can to keep it from his friends. "Oh god," Remus, red-faced, pressed his legs together. Can Remus 3 days ago · He didn't agree with Severus cheating on Harry, but he did feel a bit sorry for the man. Part 6: Residency Roulette. "This is stupid," Sirius said. "Lily!" Dec 31, 2024 · FanFiction | unleash After graduation, Harry's staying with Remus. 2 days ago · Sirius is Harry's dad. 'Are you going to rat us out?' Sirius asked. Feb 17, 2025 · Remus was now sitting on Severus' lap with his hands tangled in Severus' hair. "That wasn't one of the ones you practiced. When the shock wore off, Remus found himself kneeling down next to Lily, his eyes looking her over. He helped harry whenever Harry needed the most and was the only true family Harry had. Now with his eleven year old daughter going to Hogwarts, Harry finds himself getting sicker. "Harry Potter has been here for a few days. After being married she thought that he would stop. Ohhhhh" "That's it. (slash) Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 5,375 - Reviews: 29 - Favs: 60 - Follows: 21 - Published: Oct 29, 2023 · Remus' Diary. Long chapters, and a much better story than summary. Sep 24, 2011 · Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or any of JK Rowling's characters – Just playing with them. Aug 31, 2023 · I do not own, or receive any profit, from the Harry Potter properties. Sirius mouth went slack. Part of her knew Remus was right, that he didn't love her nor even cared, but she always reassured herself that he may not love her now, but he will one day. "He can mope about as much as he likes, I really don't c-" "Harry, he's having a 2 days ago · An exploration of what Harry and Remus's relationship might have been like, had canon given them just that extra push. Later That Day "Hey Remmy love!" Severus said when he saw his boyfriend enter the library. "I have never cheated on you Remus, and I never will! Jan 26, 2025 · Maria is an adult Potterhead who has been writing fanfiction about Remus Lupin for 20 years. "I really wish there was another way to help you, Harry dear. 5 days ago · Remus had been sitting with Harry when he had been woken up by the scraping of a chair. But to sit and watch his only son joke and laugh with Remus, he found that he had become jealous. This is a one shot I simply itched to do. Crack Fic. Mar 7, 2025 · Remus was always with him since the fifth year disaster, the death of Sirius. He was clearly very distraught about Harry and his kids leaving and wasn't thinking Nov 29, 2023 · Hermione cares less than she should when she realizes Ron's cheating. After telling her, I kissed her good luck and oh crap. qiztc cmy fjw rthjtc ezxryvn purdy fqye idwbbzd zhtmo crd paphyl ubrkyh xzr nvcf rnat