Sfc promotion list 2023 july. NCO Promotions; Cutoff Scores .

Sfc promotion list 2023 july. Apr 19, 2024 · 30 days.

  • Sfc promotion list 2023 july Commanders / First dated 06 July 2022. Sep 1, 2023 · HQDA Monthly SGT Promotion Selection By-Name List Selected for 1 September 2023 Promotion as of 18 August 2023 TO STAFF SERGEANT ABREUNIEVES JORGE R** SGT 92W SFC S07 20230901 ACEVEDO DARALIN** SGT 2023090189A P8O 19O ACHTERHOF NICHOLAS RYAN** SGT 2023090189D CBR 71E ADAIR ZACHARY Mar 11, 2024 · Air Force officials selected 1,734 Air Force master sergeants for promotion to senior master sergeant out of 15,151 eligible for a selection rate of 11. . myFSS Enlisted Promotions Aug 18, 2023 · For promotion selections for 1 September 2023 changed when all records needed to be updated, for example, eligibility for 1 September 2023 promotion pin on selection will be as of 31 July 2023, with a requirement to have supporting data entered into systems of record, no later than 26 July 2023. skip to content. Aug 23, 2022 · milper message 22-311, fiscal year 2023/2024 (fy23/24) army special operations forces (arsof) officer accession process announcement update (regular army), issued: [8/19/2022 12:01:22 pm]. Congratulations to the 1,629 master sergeants selected for senior master sergeant in the 23E8 promotion cycle! The list is available on the Enlisted Promotions page of Air Force’s Personnel Center public website, myPers and the Air Force Portal. (U. Includes Active Component, AGR, and USAR lists. The release of the November FY25 SFC Evaluation board results supersede the FY24 SFC OML. For detailed information regarding the Below the Zone (BTZ) Program, Weighted Airman Promotion System (WAPS), eligibility criteria, general promotion testing and links to other resources related to enlisted promotions, please follow the link below. Soldiers with over 12 years AFS are required to reenlist for indefinite status if they do not have sufficient time remaining to meet this requirement, or decline promotion You are accessing a U. Space Force officials selected 14 senior master sergeants for promotion to chief master sergeant out of 68 Army Senior NCO Promotions for April 2023. Report may include Soldiers managed by Special Management Division that do not appear on By Name List MOS PROMOTIONS THRU OML The security accreditation level of this site is UNCLASSIFIED and below. 68r 1 2 68w 4 164 89b 4 24 89d 3 14 91z 8 190 92a 2 57 92f 4 63 92g 1 16 92y 8 123 mos promotions thru oml 12h 4 10 12y 2 35 13m 1 14 14e 1 52 14g 1 2 baldwin matthew clinton 89d sfc 01 feb 2023 20250805 must reup to meet tis rqmt bartz josiah alexander ** 42a sfc 01 feb 2023 20241004 Dec 25, 2022 · The U. 1 august. Will have graduated from the Infantry Mortar Leader Mar 20, 2023 · HQDA Monthly SSG Promotion Selection By-Name List Selected for 1 April 2023 Promotion as of 20 March 2023 TO STAFF SERGEANT The following Soldiers should contact their Battalion S1 or Military Personnel Division to determine if they are fully qualified for promotion on 1 April 2023. Nov 21, 2023 · Promotion List will not be eligible for reinstatement to that list. From the Army G-1: After 51 years of promoting NCOs from an annual promotion selection list, for the very first time the Army will select eligible NCOs for promotion from an annual order of merit list (OML) stemming from an NCO Evaluation Board. Mar 7, 2025 · The security accreditation level of this site is UNCLASSIFIED and below. This total is equal to the sum of the promotions that were published in the monthly cutoff scores for the 6 months indicated. The security accreditation level of this site is UNCLASSIFIED and below. Dec 11, 2023 · PROMOTION MONTH: 202312 RANK LIST PROMOTIONS MSG FY23 SFC EVAL BD OML 47 Nov. Report may include Soldiers managed by Special Management Division that do not appear on By Name List MOS PROMOTIONS THRU OML Nov 10, 2023 · RANK LIST PROMOTIONS SGM FY23 SGM ORDER OF MERIT LIST 97 MSG FY23 SFC EVAL BD OML 74 SFC FY23 SSG EVAL BD OML 733 MOS's not listed have no requirement for promotion this month. Select from the links below for the specific month and year where you can download your Sep 27, 2023 · ** Temporary Promotion IAW DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY G1 MEMO dated 1 December 2022, SUBJECT: Calendar Year 2023 (CY23) Noncommissioned Officer Sr. The OML is not a promotion list. The authority for this promotion is AR 600-8-19, paragraph 4-7. May 20, 2024 · FY24 SSG Fully (& Most) Qualified List May 20, 2024 May 20, 2024 TBS Web Design Congratulations to all our SSGs earning Fully Qualified (FQ) & Most Qualified (MQ) Status The # OF PROM column shows the total number of promotions allocated to the MOS/list during the last six months. Commanders / First Sergeants should be aware of the updated FY22 SFC EVAL FQ LIST (202111) AGR MSG PROMOTION SEQUENCE REPORT FOR MONTH 202301. Dec 21, 2023 · to meet this requirement, or decline promotion IAW AR 600-8-19, paragraphs 1-26 and 4-8 within 30 days. ACOSTA ANTHONY CHRISTOPHER 92A SFC 01 SEP 2023 UA44 SFC 20260517 MUST REUP TO MEET TIS RQMT May 4, 2023 · Soldiers administratively removed from the Promotion List will not be eligible for reinstatement to that list. Possess an Advanced Degree, Masters or higher NLT 20 July 2023 (no exception). Subscribe to Stars and Stripes Just 99c a week! Subscribe. Cutoff Scores & Promotions are provided for Junior Enilisted while the Senior Enlisted section offers Board Schedules, CMF 92 Promotion Board Guidance, CMF 92 Board Statistical Data, and Promotion Board Review and Analysis. Want to know your Order of Merit List (OML) Number? Army Career Tacker (CAC required) News Post navigation. Army Directive 2022-05, (Army Combat Fitness Test), dated 23 March 2021. Report may include Soldiers managed by Special Management Division that do not appear on By Name List MOS PROMOTIONS THRU OML Sep 1, 2023 · HQDA Monthly SGT Promotion Selection By-Name List Selected for 1 September 2023 Promotion as of 18 August 2023 TO SERGEANT BYRD NATHAN ROBERTO SPC 25S SFC S07 20230901 CALAMOHOY HUBERT** SPC 56M AMC IMU 20230901 CALDERON JOHN ANTHONY SPC 25B P1O P1H 20230901 CAMP ALEX RYAN** SPC 13B 10M 11M 20230901 Sep 27, 2019 · The Army has released the names of the noncommissioned officers selected for promotion to sergeant first class. Dec 25, 2022 · The U. Acceptance of promotion constitutes acceptance of a 3-year service remaining Jan 18, 2025 · The Enlisted Cutoff Scores for the month of February 2025 HAVE BEEN RELEASED! Monthly cutoff scores are typically released around the 20th calendar day of Promotion board proceedings received prior to the 10th of the month will be integrated onto the PPRL the 10th of the following month. A temporary promotion is a promotion to a higher rank (Sergeant (SGT) through Master Sergeant (MSG)), with pay and allowances until such time a set condition is met, at which point the promotion is permanent or the promotion expires, whichever occurs Jul 1, 2023 · HQDA Monthly SGT Promotion Selection By-Name List Selected for 1 July 2023 Promotion as of 20 June 2023 TO SERGEANT The following Soldiers should contact their Battalion S1 or Military Personnel Division to determine if they are fully qualified for promotion on 1 Feb 22, 2024 · promotion IAW AR 600-8-19, paragraphs 1-26 and 4-8 within 30 days. **OML numbers below reflect FY24 SFC Evaluation Board** Master Leader Course (MLC) MOS THRU OML# MOS THRU OML# The semi-centralized promotion system supports filling authorized enlisted positions with the best qualified Soldiers and is dependent on realizing promotions when Soldiers meet the announced cutoff scores. NCO Promotions; Cutoff Scores If you want to look back at promotion lists for July 2023, Click Here! View and/or download this month’s Senior NCO Promotion Lists Dec 20, 2023 · HQDA Monthly SSG Promotion Selection By-Name List Selected for 1 January 2024 Promotion as of 20 December 2023 TO STAFF SERGEANT The following Soldiers should contact their Battalion S1 or Military Personnel Division to BAILEY JULIA MARIE** SGT 35M SFC S10 20240101 BAILEY KEVIN Q** SGT 88M 21T 6SG 20240101 Disclaimer. 1, 2023. 4. MOS PROMOTIONS REMAINING 11Z 0 0 12A 0 0 15Z 0 0 Nov 21, 2023 · RANK LIST PROMOTIONS SGM FY23 SGM ORDER OF MERIT LIST 53 MSG FY23 SFC EVAL BD OML 96 SFC FY23 SSG EVAL BD OML 425 MOS's not listed have no requirement for promotion this month. 51c 1 4 74d 1 6 79s 2 3 88z 3 7 89d 8 11 91z 17 70 92a 10 25 92g 1 4 92y 12 23 mos promotions thru oml 11b 48 862 11c 8 80 12b 13 148 12h 2 41 12n 4 70 bennett ian thomas 38z msg 01 may 2023 ua69 sfc 20280930 bicking keith cameron ** 13z msg 01 may 2023 ua74 56a 20330731 5 days ago · The security accreditation level of this site is UNCLASSIFIED and below. Therefore, NCOs selected for promotion to SFC on 1 May 2022 and 1 June 2022 will also appear on the FY22 SSG OML. Here in part 4 we are going to discuss the board. Senior NCO promotion Sequence Number Reports and By Name lists for promotion to SFC, MSG, and SGM. Jun 21, 2023 · JOHNSON CHRISTOPHER MANUEL 18Z SGM 01 JUL 2023 UA19 SFC 20311231 KISKO GARRY DENNIS 91Z SGM 01 JUL 2023 UB31 NTC 20290531 Promotion is not valid and will be revoked if the Soldier concerned is not in a promotable status on the effective date of promotion. Commanders / First Sergeants should be aware of the updated provisions afforded Nov 1, 2023 · HQDA Monthly SGT Promotion Selection By-Name List Selected for 1 November 2023 Promotion as of 20 October 2023 TO SERGEANT ARTHUR DOMYQUE REAKON SPC 46V SFC 4PO 20231101 ARTIS SHAQUANA KANIESHA** SPC 92Y SCE ALU 20231101 ARYA ARUSHI SPC 91E 1CD 21C 20231101 ASAY DAMIEN JACOB** SPC 11B FCO 3CR 20231101 Feb 22, 2024 · promotion IAW AR 600-8-19, paragraphs 1-26 and 4-8 within 30 days. , News, features and commentaries pertaining to the Air Force Personnel Center. Effective with the January 2023 promotion month, the Army will utilize the temporary promotion provision (reference 1a), as needed, to promote RA and USAR Soldiers to the rank of Sergeant (SGT) through Sergeant Major (SGM) based on their order of merit list (OML) standing or awarded promotion points, without regard to their Jun 1, 2023 · HQDA Monthly SSG Promotion Selection By-Name List Selected for 1 June 2023 Promotion as of 19 May 2023 TO STAFF SERGEANT The following Soldiers should contact their Battalion S1 or Military Personnel Division to determine if they are fully qualified for promotion on 1 February 2020 Regular Corporal and Sergeant Promotion Authority >>> Staff Noncommissioned Officer. This list contains information about SFC-authorised funds which incorporate environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors as their key investment focus and reflect them in their investment objective or strategy pursuant to the SFC’s circular to management companies of SFC-authorised unit trusts and mutual funds – ESG funds. 44 percent in the 24E8 promotion cycle, which includes supplemental Welcome to the Official U. No email with the OML numbers will be sent out going forward. Braun mark alan 92y sfc 01 dec 2023 wsz9a1 20250424 must reup to meet tis rqmt briggs michael leroy ** 42a sfc 01 dec 2023 wq94t1 20340930. Subscribe to Stars and Stripes Just 99c a week! Feb 1, 2023 · promotions for msg list 202111/fy22 sfc eb. Oct 20, 2023 · RANK LIST PROMOTIONS SGM FY23 SGM ORDER OF MERIT LIST 97 MSG FY23 SFC EVAL BD OML 74 SFC FY23 SSG EVAL BD OML 733 MOS's not listed have no requirement for promotion this month. COLON JOCI R 92A SFC 01 DEC 2023 WV3FA1 20250906 MUST REUP TO MEET TIS RQMT Jan 25, 2023 · fy22 sfc eval fq list (202111) agr msg promotion sequence report for month 202302. Army has released its active component senior enlisted promotions list for Jan. For questions related to Enlisted Promotions contact your Unit Readiness NCO . Jan 23, 2024 · HQDA Monthly SSG Promotion Selection By-Name List Selected for 1 February 2024 Promotion as of 19 January 2024 TO STAFF SERGEANT ASH WILLIAM LEE SGT 15W SFC S07 20240201 ASHDOWN JORDAN SCOTT** SGT 19K 4ID 34I 20240201 ASTON GRAHAM WOOD SGT 89D CBR 52E 20240201 ATCHISON ROSETTA MARIE** SGT 92Y Jan 22, 2024 · Report may include Soldiers managed by Special Management Division that do not appear on By Name List MOS PROMOTIONS; THRU OML 12A; 2 15; 15Z 2; 21 FY23 SGM ORDER OF MERIT LIST Promotions for MSG FY23 SFC EVAL BD OML; 79R 1 137 79S; 7 69; ** Temporary Promotion IAW DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY G1 MEMO dated 1 December Feb 27, 2025 · Nov. Calendar Year 2023 (CY23) Noncommissioned Officer Jan 22, 2024 · Report may include Soldiers managed by Special Management Division that do not appear on By Name List MOS PROMOTIONS; THRU OML 12A; 2 15; 15Z 2; 21 FY23 SGM ORDER OF MERIT LIST Promotions for MSG FY23 SFC EVAL BD OML; 79R 1 137 79S; 7 69; ** Temporary Promotion IAW DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY G1 MEMO dated 1 December 28 July 2023: Frequently Asked Questions on streamlined approach for compliance with suitability obligations when dealing with sophisticated professional investors. GOVERNMENT (USG) INFORMATION SYSTEM (IS) THAT IS PROVIDED FOR USG-AUTHORIZED USE ONLY. Acceptance of promotion constitutes The security accreditation level of this site is UNCLASSIFIED and below. Skip to content. Oct 30, 2023 · **OFFICER PROMOTION LISTS UPDATE: Per the prior MILPERs regarding promotion list release dates, AGR Officer Promotion Sequence Numbers for November 2023 #23-455: AC Officer Promotion Sequence Numbers for November 2023 #23-454: Amendment to MILPER 23-306, Subject: FY24 Brigadier General, Army Competitive Category, Promotion Jul 20, 2023 · HQDA Monthly SGT Promotion Selection By-Name List Selected for 1 August 2023 Promotion as of 20 July 2023 TO SERGEANT The following Soldiers should contact their Battalion S1 or Military Personnel Division to determine if they are fully qualified for promotion on 1 The security accreditation level of this site is UNCLASSIFIED and below. By using this IS (which includes any device attached to this IS), you consent to the following conditions: Mar 20, 2024 · MEMORANDUM FOR United States Army, Promotion Work Centers SUBJECT: HQDA Promotion Point Cutoff Scores for 1 April 2024 and Semi-Centralized Reminders and General Information for the Active Army 1. Army DA Secretariat for Selection Boards page. Acceptance of promotion constitutes acceptance of a 3-year service remaining requirement from the effective date of promotion for Soldiers selected on a FY12 or later board. 18, 2024 Space Force selects 39 in the chief master sergeant and senior master sergeant cycles; lists post Nov. MOS PROMOTIONS REMAINING 11Z 0 0 12A 0 0 15Z 0 1 25B 0 1 25X 0 0 31Z 0 0 35Z 0 3 36B 0 0 37F 0 0 38Z 0 0 42A 0 0 FOGLE CHRISTOPHER ALAN 68W SFC 1 JANUARY 2023 W96EAA 20241029 SRR The Secretary of the Army has reposed special Dec 21, 2023 · to meet this requirement, or decline promotion IAW AR 600-8-19, paragraphs 1-26 and 4-8 within 30 days. 21 . The PZ AVG / SZ AVG columns show the “6 MONTH” average primary/secondary zone cutoff scores for that MOS Aug 20, 2023 · RANK LIST PROMOTIONS SGM FY23 SGM ORDER OF MERIT LIST 51 MSG FY23 SFC EVAL BD OML 56 SFC FY23 SSG EVAL BD OML 748 MOS's not listed have no requirement for promotion this month. Acceptance of promotion constitutes acceptance of a 3-year service remaining . Report may include Soldiers managed by Special Management Division that do not appear on By Name List MOS PROMOTIONS THRU OML Apr 20, 2023 · choi philip suh 38z msg 01 may 2023 ua69 sfc 20250828 must reup to meet tis rqmt close bradley kenneth ** 13z msg 01 may 2023 td22 fce 20331130 collins shaun christopher ** 19z msg 01 may 2023 ua71 e1o 20291130 correll veronica conception 42a msg 01 may 2023 ua37 sfc 20290930 craig joshua andrew ** 18z msg 01 may 2023 ua24 sfc 20320831 May 10, 2022 · OML. GAARNG G-1. “Barbenheimer” continued to dominate awards season, with The security accreditation level of this site is UNCLASSIFIED and below. 59 percent in the 24S9 promotion cycle and 25 master sergeants for promotion to senior master Jan 24, 2024 · FY23 SFC EVAL BD OML Promotions for SGM FY23 SGM ORDER OF MERIT LIST; OLSON ARNOLD EUGENE III; 91Z SGM; 01 FEB; 2024 WSJ1AA removed from the Promotion List will not be eligible for reinstatement to that list. Page · Government organization. mos promotions remaining 11z 1 0 12a 2 1 15z 0 1 25b 0 0 25x 1 1 27d 0 1 31z 0 0 Apr 19, 2024 · 30 days. SUBJECT: Information Paper -Results of FY 24 Sergeant First Class (SFC) FOR CHIEF OF ARMOR, US MEMORANDUM ARMY ARMOR SCHOOL THRU DIRECTOR, OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF ARMOR ATZK-AR 8 May 2024 ATTENTION OF January 19, 2023 January 19, 2023 TBS Web Design. ACOSTA ANTHONY CHRISTOPHER 92A SFC 01 SEP 2023 UA44 SFC 20260517 MUST REUP TO MEET TIS RQMT If you want to look back at promotion lists for July 2024, Click Here! View and/or download this month’s Senior NCO Promotion Lists: Active Component: AC: View/Download Senior NCO Promotion Lists (One File) AGR-USAR The security accreditation level of this site is UNCLASSIFIED and below. 1 2023. Reference(s): Army Regulation (AR) 600-8-19, Enlisted Promotions and Reductions - Published on 26 October 2023, effective date 26 November Aug 7, 2023 · RANK LIST PROMOTIONS SGM FY23 SGM ORDER OF MERIT LIST 157 MSG FY23 SFC EVAL BD OML 199 SFC FY23 SSG EVAL BD OML 744 MOS's not listed have no requirement for promotion this month. Select from the links below for the specific month and year where you can download your. FY23 RA SFC Evaluation Board MQ List. Soldiers seeking their new OML number must log into IPPS-A to receive it. MOS PROMOTIONS THRU OML 11Z 2 9 13Z 3 3 14Z 3 21 15Z 2 3 17Z 3 5 18Z 14 84 25B 1 14 31Z 3 6 35Z 13 21 36B 1 7 42A 6 14 42R 2 3 46Y 1 4 46Z 1 9 56M 3 5 79R Jul 1, 2024 · HQDA Monthly SSG Promotion Selection By-Name List Selected for 01 July 2024 Promotion as of 20 June 2024 TO STAFF SERGEANT The following Soldiers should contact their Battalion S1 or Military Personnel Division to determine if they are fully qualified for promotion on 01 July 2024. 15 Jun 2018: Frequently Asked Questions on Disclosure of Transaction Related Information: 23 May 2018: Frequently Asked Questions on Disclosure Requirements Applicable to May 7, 2021 · 1. 6. MEL 1 for COL and LTC(P) only; LTC, MAJ(P), and MAJ must have completed all phases of Intermediate Level Education prior to the start of the board without exception. The STEP evaluation framework applies to soldiers seeking First Sergeant rank in the same way it does those seeking Master Sergeant, identifying those soldiers worthy of Jun 21, 2021 · Army Human Resources Command released the sequence report and by-name promotions list for senior enlisted, active component soldiers, effective July 2021. 59 percent in the 24S9 promotion cycle and 25 master sergeants for promotion to senior master Feb 27, 2025 · Nov. Includes sequence numbers, by name lists and promotion orders. This is dependent on how the calendar falls around weekends and holidays. Report may include Soldiers managed by Special Management Division that do not appear on By Name List MOS PROMOTIONS THRU OML Mar 14, 2023 · Congratulations to the 1,629 master sergeants selected for senior master sergeant in the 23E8 promotion cycle! The list is available on the Enlisted Promotions page of Air Force’s Personnel Center public website, myPers and the Air Force Portal. Dec 20, 2022 · RANK Date Of List PROMOTIONS SGM 202206 / Class 72 70 MSG 202111 / FY22 SFC EB 166 SFC 202202 / FY22 SSG EB 329 MOS's not listed have no requirement for promotion this month. Web army senior nco Dec 1, 2022 · a. By using this IS (which includes any device attached to this IS), you consent to the following conditions: Aug 7, 2023 · HQDA Monthly SGT Promotion Selection By-Name List Selected for 1 August 2023 Promotion as of 20 July 2023 TO SERGEANT The following Soldiers should contact their Battalion S1 or Military Personnel Division to determine if they are fully qualified for promotion on 1 Jan 11, 2025 · The list contains the name of all Soldiers who were found Most Qualified and Fully Qualified by the NCO Evaluation Board. FY23 RA SFC Evaluation Board FQ List. Jul 22, 2023 · Selected for 1 August 2023 Promotion as of 20 July 2023 TO STAFF SERGEANT The following Soldiers should contact their Battalion S1 or Military Personnel Division to BATES AUSTIN BENJAMIN** SGT 94E SFC SX1 20230801 BATTLES SHEENA MEATRICE SGT 92F FCO 3CR 20230801 BAXTER KYLE JUSTIN SGT 11B SPO RGR 20230801 Nov 20, 2023 · HQDA Monthly SGT Promotion Selection By-Name List Selected for 1 December 2023 Promotion as of 20 November 2023 TO SERGEANT BEDOW GAVIN MICHAEL SPC 35T SFC S05 20231201 BELL ANDREW DAVID** SPC 11B MCE RTB 20231201 BELLEW KODIE ROBERT** SPC 25B NTC 1AC 20231201 BELOW DEREK STEVEN** SPC 19K 1CD 11C Apr 17, 2019 · Starting with the SFC NCO Evaluation Board (SFC Files) o Revise Army policies to eliminate the use of (P) status on NCOs SSG and above o Begin a process of posting 90-day promotion forecasts for Feb 27, 2023 · time in grade, or previous non-select for promotion to LTC as of 15 September 2024. The FY22 SSG OML (being published by the end of month May) will inform promotion selections to SFC beginning with the July 2022 promotion month and continue through the June 2023 promotion month. Soldiers who receive a temporary promotion must meet SRR upon graduation of PME. Ncos established as not fully. stars and stripes videos. Nov 20, 2023 · HQDA Monthly SSG Promotion Selection By-Name List Selected for 1 December 2023 Promotion as of 20 November 2023 BROOKS CLARI MCKAELAROSE SGT 35G SFC SPT 20231201 BROWN CHRISTOPHER SEAN** SGT 89D CBR 52E 20231201 BROWN DANIEL LEE** SGT 88M 101 201 20231201 BROWN TASIA ZHANE** SGT 25H CYB 2SB May 4, 2023 · promotions for msg list 202211/fy23 sfc eb. Apr 19, 2024 · 30 days. Aug 7, 2023 · tillery james anthony 91x sfc 1 august 2023 wszma1 20241130 srr; todd michelle lynn 79v sfc 1 august 2023 w8dt05 20410831 torresgarcia alice marie. Do not process, store, or transmit any Personally Identifiable Information (PII), UNCLASSIFIED/CUI or CLASSIFIED information on this system. The boards will recess on or about 9 May 25. May 31, 2024 · FY24 SFC EB AAR FY24 SFC EB FQ LIST FY24 SFC EB Cover DA PAM 600-25 REFERENCES: Evaluation Board. Report may include Soldiers managed by Special Management Division that do not appear on By Name List MOS PROMOTIONS THRU OML May 19, 2023 · 1 June 2023 changed when all records needed to be updated, for example, eligibility for 1 June 2023 promotion pin on selection will be as of 30 April 2023, with a requirement to have supporting data entered into systems of record, no later than 26 April 2023. NAME RANK MOS DML DMSL PROMOTION DATE May 19, 2023 · promotions for msg list 202211/fy23 sfc eb. e. May 22, 2023 · All Marines who are eligible for consideration by the FY 2023 Staff Sergeant Promotion Selection Board must have PME requirements completed NLT 2359, EDT on 17 July 2023. Space Force officials selected 14 senior master sergeants for promotion to chief master sergeant out of 68 eligible for a selection rate of 20. Soldiers with over 12 years AFS are required to reenlist for indefinite status if they do not have sufficient time remaining to meet this requirement, or decline promotion Dec 11, 2023 · RANK LIST PROMOTIONS SGM FY23 SGM ORDER OF MERIT LIST 53 MSG FY23 SFC EVAL BD OML 96 SFC FY23 SSG EVAL BD OML 425 MOS's not listed have no requirement for promotion this month. Only NCOs who meet all of the requirements for promotion (from that OML) are eligible and that Nov 10, 2023 · RANK LIST PROMOTIONS SGM FY23 SGM ORDER OF MERIT LIST 0 MSG FY23 SFC EVAL BD OML 27 SFC FY23 SSG EVAL BD OML 88 MOS's not listed have no requirement for promotion this month. mos promotions remaining 11z 0 0 12a 0 0 15z 0 1 25b 0 1 25x 0 0 31z 0 0 35z 0 3 92f 0 1 92z 0 3 agr sgm promotion sequence report for month: 202302 list 2021 (class 72) senior enlisted usar agr by-name promotion list for february 2023 uic ets srr sergeant 1 April 2023 promotion pin on selection will be as of 28 February 2023, with a requirement to have supporting data entered into systems of record, no later than 26 February 2023. Jul 22, 2023 · 1 August 2023 changed when all records needed to be updated, for example, eligibility for 1 August 2023 promotion pin on selection will be as of 30 June 2023, with a requirement to have supporting data entered dated 06 July 2022. *Temporary Promotion IAW DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY G1 MEMO dated 1 December 2022, SUBJECT: Calendar Year 2023 (CY23) Noncommissioned Officer Sep 30, 2024 · • In effect, reinstatement of his status on the Fiscal Year 2021 (FY21) promotion list for sergeant first class (SFC)/E-7 • In effect, promotion to SFC, or, in the alternative, a very low Order of Merit List OML passed, he would have received a back-dated promotion. Who to contact . Nov 20, 2023 · COLABUNO JOSEPH ANGELO 37F SGM 01 DEC 2023 UA37 SFC 20290430 DAVID LISA BEAUZILE 27D SGM 01 DEC 2023 UA00 101 20291130 Promotion is not valid and will be revoked if the Soldier concerned is not in a promotable status on the effective date of promotion. dated 06 July 2022. CY25 1SG Leadership Roster ; CY25 CSM Leadership Roster . ← Temporary Promotions Extended 1 day ago · The security accreditation level of this site is UNCLASSIFIED and below. May 1, 2024 · HQDA Monthly SSG Promotion Selection By-Name List Selected for 01 May 2024 Promotion as of 19 April 2024 AZCONA RAMON ESTEFANO** SGT 35F SFC S10 20240501 BAGE DANIEL ALEXANDER** SGT 17C P1O 3MD 20240501 DULSKI LOGAN GABRIEL SGT 35F 3ID 13I 20240501 BAILEY JAMIE DESHUNDEMARCUS SGT 13M P1O 1MD 20240501 Army Senior NCO Promotions for September 2023. Most Qualified looks like: SSG: Will have earned the Expert Infantryman Badge (EIB). Jun 5, 2023 · promotions for msg list 202211/fy23 sfc eb. Includes Active Component, AGR, and USAR promotion lists. Army has released the promotions list for active Guard and reserve, senior enlisted soldiers, effective Jan. Government (USG) Information System (IS) that is provided for USG-authorized use only. Dec 6, 2022 · Program Unit (TPU) Temporary Promotions (Sergeant (SGT) through Master Sergeant (MSG)) 2 4. Reserve 3 days ago · The security accreditation level of this site is UNCLASSIFIED and below. Current Cutoff Scores & By Names The centralized promotion system, brought into effect for First Sergeants/Master Sergeants on 01MAR1969, identifies RA soldiers as prepared for promotion to the grade of E-8. S. Details. 35m 2 54 17 35n 0 112 1 35s 1 8 4 38b 0 98 0 42a 0 379 0 42r 1 24 1 46z 1 17 1 56m 0 16 10 68f 1 3 1 68j 1 13 2 68l 0 0 1 68p 0 13 0 68q 0 Mar 20, 2023 · Promotion consideration for any Soldier assigned to an SMU should take into account their proven performance, SFC: Commandant’s List in at least one NCOES course. 2 days ago · The waiting list for the Master Leader Course, which is required for promotion to master sergeant, has seen “about a 10% decrease from month-to-month since we started temporary promotions,” he Welcome to the Active Duty Enlisted Promotions Program home page. 3 percent in the 23E7 promotion cycle, which includes supplemental promotion opportunities. The management companies of these ESG funds May 25, 2023 · The revised version of audit questionnaire shall be completed by auditors of licensed corporations and submitted to the SFC as at the end of the financial year in respect of any period ending on or after 1 December 2023 and it supersedes the form updated on 6 July 2020. On 20 July 2023, the Army Review Boards Agency (ARBA) provided the Jul 20, 2023 · RANK LIST PROMOTIONS SGM FY23 SGM ORDER OF MERIT LIST 157 MSG FY23 SFC EVAL BD OML 199 SFC FY23 SSG EVAL BD OML 744 MOS's not listed have no requirement for promotion this month. 1000 Halsey Ave SE, BLDG 447 Marietta, GA 30060-4277 Sfc Promotion List July 2024 Printable – This article was originally published on Women in Print Alliance With this newfound wisdom, I’ve compiled my No-Go List for 2024–a set of resolutions aimed at decluttering my life and . June 2020 Promotions for SNCOs and July 2020 Planned Promotions for SNCOs >>> FY20 Staff Sergeant Selection Board >>> FY20 Gunnery Sergeant Selection Board >>> May 2020 Promotions for SNCOs and June 2020 Planned Promotions for SNCOs >>> Apr 20, 2023 · Soldiers administratively removed from the Promotion List will not be eligible for reinstatement to that list. (FQ) & Most Qualified (MQ). NCO promotion lists for promotion to SFC E-7, MSG E-8 and SGM E-9. Special Instructions: None. The future E-7s are in both the active Army and Active Guard and Reserve. MOS PROMOTIONS REMAINING 11Z 0 0 12A 0 0 15Z 0 1 25B 0 0 25X 0 0 31Z 0 0 Feb 27, 2025 · The Enlisted Promotion Information page is your resources for Junior and Senior Enlisted promotional information. NCO Promotion Lists. mos promotions remaining 11z 0 0 12a 0 0 15z 0 1 25b 0 1 25x 0 0 31z 0 0 35z 0 3 92f 0 1 92z 0 3 agr sgm promotion sequence report for month: 202302 list 2021 (class 72) senior enlisted usar agr by-name promotion list for february 2023 uic ets srr sergeant Sep 8, 2023 · RANK LIST PROMOTIONS SGM FY23 SGM ORDER OF MERIT LIST 51 MSG FY23 SFC EVAL BD OML 56 SFC FY23 SSG EVAL BD OML 748 MOS's not listed have no requirement for promotion this month. Commanders / First Sergeants should be aware of Aug 12, 2022 · Title: MILPER Author: PuenteME Created Date: 8/9/2022 9:31:38 AM Dec 16, 2024 · Sfc Promotion List January 2024 Randy Carrissa. ** Temporary Promotion IAW DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY G1 MEMO dated 1 December 2022, SUBJECT: Calendar Year 2023 (CY23) Noncommissioned Officer Promotions. Report may include Soldiers managed by Special Management Division that do not appear on By Name List MOS PROMOTIONS THRU OML 5 days ago · The security accreditation level of this site is UNCLASSIFIED and below. " 5. This morning, Zazie Beetz and Jack Quaid announced the 2024 Oscar nominations. Includes SFC, MSG, SGM promotion orders, by name lists, and sequence number report. JR NCO cutoff scores/SGT/SSG By-Name List will be posted on or about the 20th of every month. sfc. 2023 w6qnaa fy23 sfc eval fq list (202210) agr msg promotion sequence report for month 202308. March 14, 2023 Air Force releases senior master sergeant/23E8 promotion cycle statistics . OML-BASED NCO PROMOTIONS. GASS AARON JOSEPH 91X SFC 01 NOV 2023 WRU0AA 20251208 MUST REUP TO MEET TIS RQMT Army Senior NCO Promotions for August 2023. Do not process, store, or transmit any Personally Identifiable Information (PII), UNCLASSIFIED/CUI or CLASSIFIED Jul 22, 2023 · HQDA Monthly SSG Promotion Selection By-Name List Selected for 1 August 2023 Promotion as of 20 July 2023 TO STAFF SERGEANT The following Soldiers should contact Enlisted Cutoff Scores and By Name lists for promotion to SGT and SSG. Jun 20, 2023 · CRUM MATTHEW RYAN 15T SFC 1 JULY 2023 W6QSAA 20280217 The Secretary of the Army has reposed special trust and confidence in the patriotism, valor, fidelity Jun 21, 2023 · Promotion is not valid and will be revoked if the Soldier concerned is not in a promotable status on the effective date of promotion. YOU ARE ACCESSING A U. Jun 3, 2024 · HRC schedules Soldiers for MLC based on the OML and Army promotion requirements by MOS. 2 days ago · The security accreditation level of this site is UNCLASSIFIED and below. Jun 20, 2023 · 1 July 2023 changed when all records needed to be updated, for example, eligibility for 1 July 2023 promotion pin on selection will be as of 31 May 2023, with a This is your one-stop home page for Army Senior NCO Promotions for SFC, MSG, and SGM. hk Page 1 of 3 5 July 2023 Circular to Licensed Corporations, SFC-licensed Virtual Asset Service Mar 21, 2024 · The authority for this promotion is AR 600-8-19, paragraph 4-7. 1600 Spearhead Division Ave, Fort Knox, KY, United States, Kentucky Dec 20, 2024 · Promotion selection boards will convene on or about 28 Apr 25 to consider eligible Army Promotion List (APL) First Lieutenants (1LT) on the Reserve Active Status List (RASL) for promotion to CPT. Podcast; Sr. OML-Based Promotions. Army Senior NCO Promotions for December 2023. *Temporary Promotion IAW DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY G1 MEMO dated 1 December 2022, SUBJECT: Calendar Year 2023 (CY23) Noncommissioned Officer Mar 22, 2021 · It's time to work towards promotion and here you will find out where to start and what you need to do to get promoted in the Army. Dec 22, 2023 · MOS LIST 49 99 149 199 249 299 349 399 449 499 549 599 649 699 749 798 LIST PTS PROM COS SGT/SSG Promotion Trend Report (Reflects eligible Soldiers: BLC/DLC Trained SPC(P) / ALC/DLC Trained SGT(P)) Eligible data as of: 4 December 2023 RANGE OF POINTS 202308-202401 13B SGT 0 3 11 8 11 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 38 185 38 24 13B SSG 0 0 Feb 1, 2023 · fy22 sfc eval fq list (202111) agr msg promotion sequence report for month 202302. Jul 1, 2023 · HQDA Monthly SSG Promotion Selection By-Name List Selected for 1 July 2023 Promotion as of 20 June 2023 TO STAFF SERGEANT The following Soldiers should contact their Battalion S1 or Military Personnel Division to determine if they are fully qualified for promotion on 1 PROMOTION MONTH: 202406 RANK LIST PROMOTIONS MSG FY24 SFC EVAL BD OML Mar 4, 2025 · E8-E9 MAR CY25 Promotion-Selection List ; LEADERSHIP LISTS . Air, News, features and commentaries pertaining to the Air Force Personnel Center. TRAINING. Jun 21, 2022 · SENIOR ENLISTED USAR AGR BY-NAME PROMOTION LIST FOR JULY 2022 The Secretary of the Army has reposed special trust and confidence in the patriotism, valor, fidelity and FY22 SFC EVAL FQ LIST (202111) AGR MSG PROMOTION SEQUENCE REPORT FOR MONTH 202207. Monthly Sr. Currently we have begun scheduling Soldiers for the month of September 2024. The revised version of the audit questionnaire is available on the SFC website: May 31, 2023 · Air Force officials have selected 4,998 technical sergeants for promotion to master sergeant out of 28,831 eligible for a selection rate of 17. Jan 1, 2022 · 25 Aug 2023 - SFC Disciplinary Fining Guidelines (for regulated persons under Part 5B of the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing Ordinance) 1 Jun 2023 - SFC Disciplinary Fining Guidelines (for regulated persons under the Securities and Futures Ordinance) 10 Aug 2018: Two versions Jun 21, 2021 · rank date of list promotions remaining pending sgm 202005 10 268 3 msg 202011 35 1622 38 sfc 201906 148 523 186 mos promotions thru seqno remaining pending 11z 0 53 125 2 promotions for sfc list 201906. Sep 27, 2023 · RANK LIST PROMOTIONS SGM FY23 SGM ORDER OF MERIT LIST 43 MSG FY23 SFC EVAL BD OML 1208 SFC FY23 SSG EVAL BD OML 978 MOS's not listed have no requirement for promotion this month. After 51 years of promoting NCOs from an annual promotion selection list, for the very first time, the Army will select eligible NCOs for promotion from an annual order of merit list (OML) stemming from an NCO Evaluation Board. This message announces the FY23/24 Army Special Operations Forces (ARSOF) Officer Accession Process for Civil Affairs (CA), Psychological Operations (PSYOP Circular 54/F, One Island East, 18 Westlands Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong 香港鰂魚涌華蘭路 18 號港島東中心 54 樓 +852 2231 1222 www. Oct 12, 2022 · MOS LIST 49 99 149 199 249 299 349 399 449 499 549 599 649 699 749 798 LIST PTS PROM AVG AVG SGT/SSG Promotion Trend Report (Reflects eligible Soldiers: BLC_ DLC1 Trained SPC(P) / ALC _DLC2 Trained SGT(P)) Data as of: 3 Sep 2022 RANGE OF POINTS 202205-202210 14G SGT 0 0 8 26 36 28 34 26 34 5 2 0 0 0 0 0 199 302 36 559 625 Feb 26, 2024 · All Sgts who have been properly recommended for Accelerated Promotion on fitness reports with periods ending between 17 July 2023 through 16 April 2024 will be considered in the below zone with 2 days ago · The security accreditation level of this site is UNCLASSIFIED and below. The Promotion Process: SFC-SGM The Regional Support Commands conduct boards annually (Feb-SGM, May-MSG, and Sep-SFC) in order to recommend Soldiers for promotion. 79s 1 1 91z 6 11 92a 12 43 92f 1 1 92g 2 10 92y 4 25 mos promotions thru oml 11b 10 874 11c 2 82 12b 32 195 12c 4 19 12d 1 2 12h 5 48 12m 2 13 12n 3 73 sharpe channing michael 18z msg 01 jun 2023 ua19 sfc 20240513 must reup to meet tis rqmt. The Enlisted Cutoff Scores for the month of June 2023 HAVE BEEN RELEASED! Monthly cutoff scores are typically released around the 20th calendar day of each month. (Includes archives) Jun 20, 2023 · 1 July 2023 changed when all records needed to be updated, for example, eligibility for 1 July 2023 promotion pin on selection will be as of 31 May 2023, with a requirement to have supporting data entered into systems of record, no Selected for 1 August 2023 Promotion as of 20 July 2023 TO SERGEANT The following Soldiers should contact their Battalion S1 or Military Personnel Division to ARRISTIDE VALERIE** SPC 25B SFC S07 20230801 ASANTE SAMUEL** SPC 92Y 21T 6SG 20230801 ASKEW ROBERT JOHN** SPC 88M 4ID S4I 20230801 Jul 6, 2023 · CRUM MATTHEW RYAN 15T SFC 1 JULY 2023 W6QSAA 20280217 The Secretary of the Army has reposed special trust and confidence in the patriotism, valor, fidelity and FY23 SFC EVAL FQ LIST (202210) AGR MSG PROMOTION SEQUENCE REPORT FOR MONTH 202307. c. HRC schedules Soldiers 90 to 120 days in advance. 42a sfc. This is the first time you are going for promotion without ever speaking to or having facetime with the people determining your fate. d. xunndi ixakq jcvcep jeyxi mau rqnypbgw kmnwbsq kcyj vovhg dhtnzf ilc edwt qohtv ouojhdy ccubhauo