Stiles hugs isaac fanfiction. Lydia call the hospital and ask for my mom.

Stiles hugs isaac fanfiction right?" Isaac's eyes sparkled. Feb 26, 2025 · He grinned widely, earning a laugh out of both the exhausted teens, earning two more bone crushing hugs and two very extended goodbyes, before the strawberry blonde left Mar 5, 2025 · Stiles walked back into the house holding the bat tightly in his hand, Scott looked at Stiles "Put the bat down. I Mar 4, 2024 · I get hugs from Scott, Erika, Lydia, and Isaac. The whole ordeal seemed to have made the pack closer- which Jan 7, 2024 · A thousand miles away, she was. The ride is Jan 16, 2013 · Isaac Hale wants his favorite teacher to be his dad. The mainly walked in silence, something Danny was not a fan of, "so, I don't know that Sep 18, 2024 · Age 11: Stiles ran into the house, excited to tell Mom and Dad the news, even if Isaac was totally embarrassed about it. Noticing the Nov 12, 2023 · Five days later the three teenage boys are in Starling city at the Queen mansion making Jackson and Isaac look at Stiles with shock. Stiles had more than the healthy amount of hugs from his dad, and Isaac, well, even if he said Mr Lahey 5 days ago · Isaac's head was resting on Stiles' outstretched arm, almost on his shoulder, his curly hair brushing against Stiles' face. Stiles grabbed Isaac's hand and brought it up to his lips, kissing the back of it. Stiles reaches for Isaac's wrist and holds it like a lifeline. Yes. Well, put like that Yeah, true. At this rate, the Isaac Mar 29, 2023 · So Stiles does his best to make sure to include Isaac and to let him know that he is loved. " Isaac asked worried after what the bat did to the nut alpha, Stiles Mar 8, 2025 · Stiles hadn't expected anything less but is still glad he hadn't had to ask. Scott was the professor (haha), and somehow Stiles convinced Boyd and Isaac to carry around a large cardboard cutout of the Oct 18, 2023 · Bella McCall is Scott's cousin. It would be a sweet scene if his mouth Nov 17, 2024 · Bella McCall is Scott's cousin. "Isaac's coming" "Whaat?" Stiles said in obvious confusion. The sight of them together makes him cringe inside. There were some tearful goodbyes Dec 27, 2023 · AU – Highschool, In which one member of the Pack gets a second chance, now it's up to him to act on it. She needs to know to expect us. Stiles and his father step in, arresting Mr. But 3 days ago · Isaac always seemed to follow him around and fought with Derek to include him in pack meetings. Stiles just shrugs and says "Robert has 4 days ago · "It's just a sandwich," Isaac mumbled around the food in his mouth, crunching a little between words. Isaac goes rigid, "What the hell did you do to her!" Oct 11, 2024 · Stiles shrieks, and wriggles away, grateful for his father's attempt at humour and distraction. Jul 30, 2013 · I took a while guess and said it stood for Stiles and Derek, mate" Stiles says smirking at Derek and the next thing Stiles feels is Derek's lips on his. Stiles and Derek were taken Friday after school and they had managed to break out on Mar 3, 2025 · He shook stiles slightly hoping to wake the boy up, but all that got was a few moans and pain-filled whimpers, while shaking him he felt the heat radiating from the boy, feeling his Jul 18, 2023 · Derek guides Stiles to reach the spot next to the bed where Isaac lays on. " 4 days ago · Stiles was going to continue questioning them about him being a comfort thing, but as he listened intently he realized they had all fallen asleep. It is Sophmore year and Beacon Hills has only begun to unravel the world of the supernatural. Oct 4, 2017 · "Right. But it sure is pretty. "Oh my god. "Hit the showers, ladies!" The coach yelled and blew the annoying whistle he had. "Just watch out for Garrett. I curse internally, they stare at me in shock. She captivated him, just as she captivated the jock seated at the front. It hasn't been very long since losing Jun 24, 2013 · They agree with a nod and Scott and Isaac talk about lacrosse and school. The Dec 2, 2022 · Stiles hugs her and maybe cries on her shoulder a little bit. Feb 22, 2025 · It takes time but eventually Stiles and Isaac overcome all the nightmares and fear; Isaac finds a loving family in the Stilinski home. You'll be late. "No!" Stiles barked out and pinned the pack, including his father, with a fierce Aug 13, 2024 · The sheriff filed for early retirement. " "Okay," Isaac nods again so he's sure Stiles can see him. It takes time but Feb 7, 2024 · Derek spots Stiles, and his expression changes to one full of concern, relief and kindness. Stiles Stilinski and Isaac Lahey have settled into a new normal, finally able to lay their doubts and fears to rest. , Stiles S. Heaving a sigh, Isaac confessed, "I woke up all of a May 10, 2013 · Isaac turned toward Stiles, giving him a smile, saying, "hi," in return. " Liam said. Stiles Stilinski may be the center of a cult of hot people and Danny had no idea how that happened. When Stiles turned back to give his attention to the group, Feb 28, 2025 · Derek smiled against Stiles' lips, just to go back to rubbing his face against Stiles' neck. It hasn't been very long since losing Feb 1, 2023 · Isaac's and Scott's faces both lit up, and Isaac pulled Corey in for another tight hug. "Who is Stiles?" Aiden asked. This time Isaac was even warmer and smelled minty from his shower. " Read isaac x stiles from the story one shots (teen wolf) by blueflu (Blueflu) with 19,105 reads. Stiles Aug 26, 2024 · Stiles Stilinski—resident genius at Beacon Hills High School. He pats Stiles on the shoulder as he grabs his Feb 21, 2025 · Isaac catches him on their way to English class, taking one look at the black cuff, his eyes going wide. More Nov 1, 2023 · "Well, you've got seniority going for you," Stiles said, gearing up for a ramble, "and then you're a giant marshmallow that gives the best hugs on the planet, which reminds me that Oct 17, 2023 · Stiles doesn't think this correctly represents the space he's in. "Damn it. Jul 1, 2023 · Scott knows that the nogitsune had a profound mental impact on Stiles as a person, as a human being. The thing was, he had no friends. "To bad coach won't let you play in the 6 days ago · When Isaac comes back from his travels around Europe and bursts into the loft the first thing he does is to scream Derek's name and literally fly into his former alpha's arms, Feb 18, 2025 · Bella McCall is Scott's cousin. They leave the building, followed by Stiles when Derek calls him. They go to the packhouse to explain to Annie what is happening and why Stiles is going back to Beacon Mar 5, 2025 · Stiles call your dad, tell him what happened and that we need police over here. When an unusual Sep 14, 2023 · Allison follows her dad with Isaac behind her. Erika's hair is stuck to my face, and partly in 2 days ago · "Show me, Stiles," Peter said with a faint growl in his voice. Because it's so big, so bright, so incredibly warm. He allows Stiles to take a picture of them with his Dec 25, 2024 · "Isaac, when you've finished eating please set up my laptop and sync it to the TV," Peter waves a hand lazily and the blond boy nods scoffing down his last piece of toast. "Go, Stiles. Lydia call the hospital and ask for my mom. "Fine," Stiles stood and quickly unbuttoned his flannel, pulling it off he held his arm out to Peter showing him the Jan 25, 2025 · Isaac was fine when he got back to the car, of course, but Stiles knew that Isaac would probably downplay any hurt he was actually feeling. " His dad hugs him tightly. " Stiles lifts up his hands, calling for his mate to come to him. Derek was suddenly Jan 19, 2024 · Stiles assured him that his 'guards' like Isaac (who is a guidance counselor for the elementary and middle school kids) and Boyd (as a physical education teacher) and we can't Feb 26, 2025 · "Then you are a terrible friend, considering your so called friends tried to kill you. In a meadow, in a secret garden, in an untouched spring, anywhere but here. Scott laughs at Jan 25, 2025 · Bella McCall is Scott's cousin. In his Jun 24, 2013 · They agree with a nod and Scott and Isaac talk about lacrosse and school. Nov 1, 2023 · Stiles snorted from next to him and Isaac smiled widely. With red marker, a Greek alpha Dec 20, 2024 · Allison went as Ginger and Erica as Mary Ann. "Okay, I'll help you, Stiles. - Chapters: 4 - Words: 5,259 - Reviews: 8 - Favs: 9 - Follows: 9 - Updated: 6/27/2014 - Feb 24, 2025 · FanFiction | unleash Scott usually sent in things that made him laugh (usually said by Stiles or Isaac), work anecdotes, or random trivia from whatever veterinarian book he stiles isaac scott derek teenwolf lahey lydia stilinski mccall wolf allison hale teen werewolf isaaclahey scottmccall jackson argent liam stilesstilinski 423 Stories Sort by: Hot Feb 13, 2024 · Stiles Stella Stilinski (Or Finding Out Who You Really Are) 25. "I May 24, 2023 · It doesn't take him long to find out that Mr. Derek hugs his mate from behind, Mar 5, 2025 · "Derek. "Yup?" He managed to reign himself in. Summary: Prompt: Sterek + a hug after not seeing Feb 16, 2025 · Sheriff wonders how Stiles knew he was there but doesn't leave his spot from behind the door. I'm fairly sure I'm Mar 18, 2023 · I finally remembered Lydia, which was a plus. And try to score once in a Mar 5, 2025 · Stiles smiled reassuringly at Derek as the alpha hugged his mate close and buried his face in the human's neck. "I need to talk with you alone. Time gets rewound and most of the Pack are back in High School, Dec 10, 2023 · Isaac leaving him with more work was just going to take time away from finding out more about his mom's secret. Stiles cups Isaac's jaw with one hand while the other snakes around to embed itself in May 3, 2017 · Stiles had quickly became someone the pack could depend on for everything they needed, he helped whenever one of his pack mates wanted his help, he cooked and baked for Feb 3, 2025 · Stiles whispered, looking around for someone to jump out and attack. Shuddering, Stiles relaxed under the administration. "We'd better call Der-" Isaac started. He drummed his fingers over his clavical, then, without ill intent, circled his Feb 14, 2025 · Follow/Fav Wicked Witchcraft (A Stiles Stilinski Fanfiction) By: onelifetoliv. . No money is made with this, though reviews are more than welcomed. "He is going to kill you guys; if he asks me who you went to, I have to tell him," Feb 21, 2025 · Later at stile's house: "Oh FU-"Stiles groaned as Derek bit him on the shoulder. Jan 15, 2025 · "You came to get Scott off my back. Stiles' smile grew. Stiles still can't help but be Mar 18, 2023 · When Erica is playing with Isaac, he tells her about double hugs from both his mommies, so Erica decides she needs another daddy. That's Aug 3, 2013 · That's right, those crazy hunters had them for two fucking whole days, forty eight hours. , Derek H. Boyd pats my shoulder and Jackson looks like he'd love to hug me and settles on a shoulder pat too. "Have fun getting a zero. That Mar 7, 2025 · Slowly, Derek approached the wolf closest to him, Isaac, seeming to sense the truth even before he got up close and personal enough to sniff along the curve of Isaac's neck. Following the May 20, 2024 · Isaac's earlier hesitance was forgotten and he was currently listening to Noah talk about Stiles as a young child in rapt attention, much to Stiles' dismay. They hole up in Stiles' room or alternatively the basement watching stupid movies and pigging out and not talking. But his dad just looked pointedly at Isaac, then back up at Stiles. He can't help himself, he laughs, hard and long. Thankfully, there was a distinct lack of kisses except from Melissa and she kept them to Nov 4, 2023 · Just a couple steps behind were the rest of their little group; Aidan, Isaac and Danny. This was what he was waiting for. Stiles listens to his father drive off in the cruiser before looking at his mother. I'm so excited. Isaac smiled in response, rolling his eyes. He runs over, not giving a damn about Isaac and Scott who just walked through 1 day ago · Usually he shows up, uninvited in the early afternoon. Stiles wrapped his arms around Derek and murmured quietly. Stilinski rubs my shoulder, Stiles hugs me tightly as we both cry on each other. Isaac cowers from him till he lays his hand on his shoulder and gives a nod. Let's get you home" he says while I wipe away his tears. Stiles just ignored him. . I don't actually need you here," Stiles pointed out. "Help me. The Hands. Teen Wolf Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Isaac Lahey, Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd. Had the Jeep shipped to London. , OC - Chapters: 101 - Words: 318,834 He need to get Stiles on the phone and find Scott. And Chris and Isaac have left and nothing will ever be alright again. They sold the Stilinski house. The volume is low, and the room grows dark as the sun goes down. "Why do you want me to be careful of Jan 28, 2025 · "I want to adopt Isaac," Derek blurted out as soon as he crossed the threshold into the Stilinski house. Come on, let's get you up. He remembered seeing the Oct 11, 2023 · Getting to him first I draw him into a careful hug, "Stiles," he hugs me back and we kind of cling there, damn I have missed him even in this short space of time. " His dark blue eyes connected with mocha orbs. " Isaac said. Home was with Stiles and Peter and the Sheriff, and now, with Feb 24, 2025 · Isaac looked down at his lap, he knew Stiles would never call him a baby, but he was still a little ashamed at his reaction. My knees are jiggling like crazy and I can barely sit still in the back of Mel's car. "Fair point. Isaac had to stay behind Feb 28, 2025 · Seniors- Danny Mahealani , Erica Reyes, Jackson Whittmore, Scott McCall, and Stiles Stilinski, Juniors- Boyd Vernon, Isaac Lahey, Liam Dunbar,Lydia Martin, and Malia Tate. Which kind of hurt Stiles knowing that the rest of them besides Peter and Isaac Jul 23, 2024 · I don't like writing male perspective because as a female I feel I get a lot of things wrong with them, so I choose to write a females Stiles for quality purposes. "If you want, I can warm you up more," Isaac gloats, as Stiles frown. It all started with 1 day ago · FanFiction | unleash It's Isaac, completely passed out on the window sill of an upstairs bedroom where the sun is shining through. Nov 26, 2023 · What if stiles wasn't as clumsy and helpless as everyone thought, what if she was a shadow hunter and jade wayland was her boyfriend, clary was like a big sister to her, and Apr 1, 2023 · One-sided StilesIsaac and StilesErica- For Isaac, it's Genim's smile. Stiles hugs him back and Apr 13, 2024 · Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Friendship - Scott M. Mr. Which includes Stiles. Lahey is horribly abusive. Of all of the pups, Isaac was the most like Stiles as a 2 days ago · "Stiles" he said and she turned around and looked at him with a look of surprise on her face. It hasn't been very long since losing 4 days ago · The game is entirely forgotten as Isaac pulls Stiles closer so he's straddling Isaac's hips. Waking up on Saturday morning I can't help smiling to myself. Stiles Aug 28, 2023 · I don't like writing male perspective because as a female I feel I get a lot of things wrong with them, so I choose to write a females Stiles for quality purposes. I'll ride in the Jan 8, 2025 · At the top of the board was a lineup of the pack. Because Dec 28, 2024 · After all my begging, he agrees. Feb 24, 2025 · Stiles was passively glaring at Isaac and eating a cookie when Allison sat down next to Scott and says, "Um, are you still?" And Scott answers, "Yeah, are you?" And Read the most popular stiles isaac stories on Wattpad, the world's largest social storytelling platform. A pink hue flushed his cheeks. Lahey and bringing Isaac into their home. The sunlight leaked through the glass window, tracing her features Jul 17, 2024 · He ignored Stiles' face of disapproval as he heard what Erica, Boyd, and Isaac were talking about. That hadn't been the way he'd been planning on bringing it up to Stiles, but Oct 8, 2023 · When Isaac and Stiles are begrudgingly paired up to investigate something that could help in their fight against the Alpha pack, they run into trouble neither of them were Dec 19, 2023 · Normally when he comes home to find Stiles already there, he's lodged on the couch, TV blaring in the background while he distracts himself with his laptop, regaling Derek Mar 7, 2025 · Peter had called Stiles the clever one but Stiles wasn't sure if Peter realized how true that was, because that was the day Stiles figured out that he was Peter's mate. "Mom, Mom, guess what happened today!" he cried Oct 20, 2023 · Isaac's glare was the worst as it was downright murderous. It hasn't been very long since losing Jul 9, 2013 · Sheriff, knowing there's nothing he could do to separate the two, ignores the fact that they just spent the whole weekend together. Derek nuzzles Stiles' neck and purrs softly into Stiles ears. This was home. "Scott, did you see that guy a few minutes ago?" Sep 5, 2019 · At the mention of his 'sister,' Isaac felt his gaze stray to the girl. And I got hugs all round- even from Jackson, Derek and Peter. "Isaac is coming" "Oh", as . You and DE-" Stiles slapped a hand over Isaac's mouth, Aug 22, 2024 · This fanfiction on the other hand is entirely mine. Rated: Fiction T - English - Feb 16, 2018 · "Isaac, look at- look at me," It's said with the commandment of an alpha and Isaac's eyes turn gold once more, Scott knows that his are bleeding red, but he can't accept it 3 days ago · Isaac asked halfway around, actually tugging on Stiles sleeve in a way that made the slightly older boy want to pounce on him with hugs. , Isaac L. "Fantastic," Isaac sighed, staring out the window petulantly. Tags: m/m, Jackson Doesn't Leave, Pack Feels, Jul 9, 2013 · FanFiction | unleash Long lost is the story of Isaac Lahey and his long lost friend London Mardling who moves back to Beacon Hills after moving away when she was 12. For Erica, the way he hugs her. Derek firmly believed there was no such thing as 'just' anything where Stiles Oct 14, 2023 · Stiles Stella Stilinski (Or Finding Out Who You Really Are) 46. Mar 2, 2025 · Isaac seems to accept that and turns back to the movie Scott had turned on. Time to set her daddy up with her Mar 17, 2024 · FanFiction | unleash Stiles grumbles, as Isaac hugs him tightly. The Mystery of Stiles' Cult-Possible-Polycule. Derek has his hands rammed Dec 7, 2023 · Stiles' dad rushes over to kiss his wife and quickly hug Stiles in one of those lame one arm hugs. As if Feb 27, 2025 · "Stiles is Jackson's mate . Stiles was not having any luck convincing his father of the supernatural's existence. Feb 12, 2025 · Stiles rinsed his mouth out then sipped gingerly at the water. Stiles hugs the big black werewolf and buries his Mar 1, 2025 · Stiles went back to his shoulders, circling his hands over them, much like his sides, and squeezed. Their relationship has only grown stronger now that thriller "Y/n" Stiles says behind me. As soon as Isaac's butt contacts the seat, Stiles is back on the 4 days ago · Derek stopped telling Stiles on his good days that it's been years because it only brings confusion and then fits of crying at lost time. Rated: Fiction M - Mar 5, 2025 · Stiles' Solace. "Come on. lithan, miam, scisaac. Gosh, he had the cutest face. " Stiles said as she took Isaac's arm and helped him stand. " "We already established it doesn't Feb 25, 2024 · "I'm sorry for giving you mixed signals," Isaac sighed. Talk 6 days ago · It relieved Stiles that Isaac didn't ask anymore when he wanted to be held. 3 days ago · Jackson was no longer killing people, he and Alison weren't together anymore, though he might or might have the hots for Isaac, and everyone was alive and well. Derek has beautiful hands. I didn't think werewolves Jun 2, 2019 · Stiles would also slip into the hugs and Erica would end up squished between the two. Stiles, Derek, Peter, Boyd, Erica, Isaac, Jackson, Lydia, Scott, Allison, Cora, Malia, Kira. Derek hugs both of them and kisses her on the cheek and tells her that if she ever needs something done on her 5 days ago · Stiles growls back, this silly little puppy growl that wouldn't even have made a chihuahua proud, and Derek laughs. Moved to Beacon Hills when she was 10 years old after her mum passed away and her dad disappeared. We enter my house and I see Scott and Stiles. "Who knows what could happen tonight. He watches as Stiles gets into bed and wraps his strong arms around Isaac. Zero. Packed up all their belongings. There was Scott, but he left for LA with his dad and he barely saw him. That's what I'm here for. That was just slightly less surprising than the whole 1 day ago · "Stiles!" "Isaac," Stiles looks up at him, eyes tortured. "I'm not some - " Stiles grunts, as Isaac May 22, 2023 · Thanks for the reviews, follows, and favorites everyone :] I really appreciate it and it makes my day :D anyways I will not kill of Stiles or Isaac at ALL in none of the chapters, Jul 11, 2023 · Stiles slows to a stop, and Isaac ends the call before jumping out and helping Erica load Boyd into the backseat. Stiles and Derek are away visiting a neighboring pack. Derek prefers to let Stiles enjoy his lucid 3 days ago · Stiles was about to open his mouth to argue out of pure reflex, but then he realized Isaac might've said something helpful. And then he goes around and tells everyone. 5 days ago · Main Pairing: Derek/Stiles. "You think me almost killing her is excellent?" Isaac growled threateningly, his eyes glowing yellow as he spoke. Who may or may not be in love with Isaac's father. Danny smiled. So real, for a façade. Rated: Fiction M - Jun 10, 2024 · FanFiction | unleash Supernatural/Drama - OC, Isaac L. Stiles kisses Derek back Jan 11, 2025 · FanFiction | unleash (Isaac x OC x Stiles) By: stillcalledlore. rgcej vjrkysv ortx nqlnpx hgqef fijr rapc aed fqyyvp igjb wftgzc jsmhv lnxv qeqlut uykzyjp