Swtor solo tech fragments Bug Reports; SWTOR. It's hard to get excited about 1 Tech frag. All Activity; Tech fragments Tech fragments. (useful if you are doing the “336 Solo Blue Gear” trick) Trade 200 Conquest Commendations for 200 Tech Fragments 4. but with stop playing loosing creds that need for the items. See How will gearing work in SWTOR 7. Searching for the perfect decoration for your SWTOR stronghold? Choose one of the categories below to see all the decorations you can place into your player house. For example, 100 for random drop, 200 for story mode flashpoint, 400 for veteran flashpoint, 800 PTS 2. When I transferred my character, I didn't realize that the Tech Fragments I had earned would stay on TH. Convert the 200 conquest comms from conquest reward to tech fragments as well. The Berserker armor set can be obtained by through the S3T-BNS Vendor for 10,000 Tech Fragments and 1 million credits. It's just really bad. Solo players have a much harder time gearing, since Conquest and dailies are really the only option. It still helps your guild due to the encryption plans, but for individual players, the loss of gear boxes in the guild reward and Solid Resource Matrices in both the personal and guild rewards (still don't even understand this choice, frankly) leaves Conquest rewards fairly neutered. There's barely enough there to make 100k CQ points on one character a day, while with GSF you get 100k easily with 2 to 4 matches, let alone all the extra CQ points for the activity finder goals. Home Game News Store Forum Everywhere; This Forum; This Topic; Topics; Events; Images The Ultimate Guide of Guides for SWTOR 2021; Quickbars Guide; Playing SWTOR With a Friend; What is Star Wars: The Old Republic? Level 70 Commander’s Token Character Creation; How to Get New Armor; How to Play Star Wars: The Old Republic; Free-to-Play Tips (F2P) Which Class Should I Play? SWTOR Guide; Gear. Am now earning more but no sign of yesterdays fragments. If you're converting tech fragments to OEMs or RPMs Screenshots of all Tech Fragments Armors armors in SWTOR. So the new system gives you ~20 (+150) tech fragments. The best way to reach me is by messaging me on Bluesky. Tactical Items 2. 5m: Level 75+ Any 3 Gathering Skills: Scavenging, Archaeology, Slicing or They sell them for 3k Tech Fragments and one million credits a piece, though, so 21k Tech Fragments and 7 million credits for a full set. That means I can only play a few alts between collecting conquest rewards after reset and when Kai is up. If you have a point to make about rewards, at least don't resort to hyperbole. For those times i got nothing i really want to spend tech frags on or sell. The amount of techs after an Operation or Flashpoint was ~500+ tech fragments. Welcome to the **Star Wars Expanded Universe** subreddit! We are primarily a source of discussion and news surrounding the Star Wars LEGENDS and STORY GROUP CANON Expanded Universe Stories. Mute the sound. 500 each conquest 1k per character per week. So the last Boss (Lady Dominique) should give 550 Tech Frags like Kephess does in EC. Lhancelot. I post all news about SWTOR and my projects on Bluesky It's also the best place to look to see what new videos or guides I have created!. I’ve farmed tech fragments enough to get my tactical on my only lv 80 (a sentinel ) . If you want to get into Legends, Canon, or both or want to learn more about the Expanded Universe in general, you can find a few links in the sidebar that Screenshots of all Tech Fragments Armors armors in SWTOR. After I hit iR 270, I stopped getting higher rated gear. Are these the only options? Share News. You can purchase these things with your Tech Fragments: 1. The cap is 11,000 and one legendary costs 6,500. sometimes its 100, and other times it is 160. 0? PTS Info for a summary. I don't really intend to play my low level alts on TH, so those Tech Fragments are now lost to me. Contact. I often wonder why people want to store so many Tech Frags. ^^ I've geared most of my toons - close to hundred btw, and I actively play about 70 of them. I was going to recommend these. I did testing on PTS and provided some feedback there and this is my feedback having playing a couple weekends on Live. SWTOR. This specific set does not have any class or combat style restrictions unlike most of the Set Bonus armors. Up to 1000 if all drops are wrong/not upgrades. I used to be able to run solo flashpoints and deconstruct the loot to earn tech frags relatively quickly, now with the loot You will receive 500 tech fragments for completing your personal Conquest. This is especially considering we will need about 39k tech fragments (2 x 3 x 6500) to upgrade two We will be changing this to a Bag of 200 Tech Fragments for 200 Conquest Commendations! We’ve also increased the ways players can purchase the Bag of 200 Tech Fragments. On any one character, I can have more than enough Credits to buy You can use them to get gear on the fleet but along with the tech fragments you will need about 1m credits per piece as well for the gear. Star Wars™: The Old Republic, a story-driven MMORPG from BioWare and LucasArts. Hi, I tried to buy 5 non identify item that cost 250 tech frags. Posted by u/Silver_Union995 - 1 vote and 2 comments From the 6. As of a few months ago, you can now trade Warzone and Operation currencies for Tech Fragments. Store. If you have multiple level 80s and you are wanting to gear up, it really helps finishing conquest on all 80s. Hi Given how fast you get tech fragments the cap is way too low at 5000 fragments. Alternately the price of that mission could go down so players won't be wasting tech frags to reach cap fully and complaining about it. Some legacy-wide currencies can be converted into tokens that represent the currency, and then on the new server you It is very easy to make Millions of credits in Star Wars the Old Republic as long as you know how. Some good news. Can anyone else confirm that low-level (non-Legacy) players cannot store 'tech frags' in their inventory/currency tab? Also, @ClavisN, i would def. Toborro’s Courtyard Through the Groupfinder is the fastest way to earn Tech Fragments in Star Wars: The Old Republic, the end-game currency in Star Wars: The Old Republic. 60 tech fragments from doing a weekly is a really bad joke when you need 6500 for ONE legendary. By Jaren_Kincaid January 10, 2021 in New Player Help. Skip to about More sharing options Followers 1. This guide will show you the best methods for Subscribers, Solo Players, F2P Players and Groups can earn credits across the game. Each piece costs 3,500 Tech fragments plus 500,000 credits, so Every once in a long while, when you are defeating enemies, you will get that legendary loot marker and excitedly kneel down to gather the loot to discover that you just found 1 WHOLE tech fragment Conquest Commendations, Tech frags, all of those little currencies you use at a handful of vendors, it would be nice to have those displayed instead of having to tab over to the currencies inventory to remember how much we have. Today same character has 0 when I logged in. How to Solo Veteran Mode Red Reaper in Stealth and Bait Earpiece Trick; Star Wars: The Old Republic Developer Story and Cinematics Talk Star Wars Celebration 2022; Ready to learn about Star Wars: The Old Republic? Get up to speed with tips, tricks, videos and written guides about SWTOR for beginners and max-level players! How to Solo Veteran Mode Red Reaper in Stealth and Bait Earpiece Trick; Tactical Items Guide; tech-fragments | ← tech-fragments Swtorista | October 30, 2019. x, Tech Fragments were rebalanced to a trickle instead of a flood. I'd like to see a Vendor where all the various Armors, Mods, and Enhancements were available to purchase. Something like Hey there, I have been running solo Flashpoints for quite a while, and have noticed something odd. Getting 1 tech fragment is a bad joke. If I remember correctly, there are also some decorations on Ossus that sell for tech fragments. These locations yield the most Fragments, making your journey to getting Hi guys, I’ve returned to the game and levelled my arms to 75 aMe am now working on my main. Every time I open the bag of tech fragments it just gives me 50 comms back putting me over the limit again. Recommended Posts. Tech Fragment Increases for Solo Players: Random World Drops of Tech Fragments and other endgame currencies will no longer be single currency drops, we’ll be introducing bags of individual currency. Not even Zion is able to lurk me into replying to him. Legendary Implantsand Legendary Implant upgrades 3. ) increase that relict until you have it upgraded to 340. Screenshots of all Tech Fragments Armors armors in SWTOR. I am also at my weekly cap of 1500 comms. I have been trying to get high crit enhancements since this exp Please wait while your request is being verified It is very easy to make Millions of credits in Star Wars the Old Republic as long as you know how. Star Wars: The Old Republic Developer Story and Cinematics Talk Star Wars Celebration 2022; You will get almost 10x the value if you save up your . Would it be possible to add bind-on-Legacy or similar type At that time I had played Onslaught for a week and almost maxed out my tech fragments. In this video, I’ll be showing off some of the fastest way Searching for Allies Weekly: 300 tech fragments. You're welcome to message me with any comments about my guides or with questions about the game! In this Star Wars: The old Republic Guide for new and returning players, I answer questions such as: "What are tech fragments and what do you need them for?" Tech Fragments Earned from everything. a fortieth (1/40) of what they currently cost. All other currencies can be converted into Tech Fragments at a 1:1 conversion rate at the Gear Vendor that accepts the currency you wish to convert to Tech Fragments. I’ve capped on tech fragments and wonder if there’s anything I can spend them on that’s going to be useful endgame. It's pretty efficient compared to other solo activities like doing For tech fragments - two days of dailies and the weekly on Onderon (600), the weekly on Mek-Sha (tradehouse requisitions - 400), and if you're pub the heroic on Mek-Sha is a super fast In this Star Wars: The old Republic Guide for new and returning players, I answer questions such as: "What are tech fragments and what do you need them for?", "What is the fastest way to farm Each Daily Quest rewards 100 Tech Fragments and can be completed in under a minute if you use Stealth. Play Now. In previous expansions, they overhauled the gearing and made previous gearing currencies obsolete; we'll probably get 10 credits for every tech fragment we have when 7. - Item Rating/IRating = IR - Tech Fragments = TF By now most have seen my such lovely picture of the 19 tiers of gear, however there is WAY more than just that. I generally think this is a great addition to gameplay, especially for solo players. So, at the beginning of 7. I know of only 2 locations with vendors who accept tech fragments as payment: The fleet - There are 4 or 5 vendors in the main section where you can buy item modifications, renown boosts (a good way to unload tech frags), pets, vehicles and gear from Kye Zyken Thursday - Sunday. I've noticed that the bosses (excluding bonus boss) there Advertisement Gearing up in Star Wars: The Old Republic is easier than it ever has been before, and there are dozens of different types of ways players can earn gear. why has nobody think about to remove the bag's from the vendors that it g Heroics and planet weeklies need bigger tech fragment and CQ points rewards. get OP-1 Catalysts and tech fragments from op. Tech Fragments are the currency players use to buy high-level gear in Star Wars: The Old Republic. That's it. Tech Fragments and spend them on valuable crafting materials instead. 0 Legacy of the Sith expansion. There are multiple decoration merchants in this area, but you are looking for the one called Decoration Merchant, a little astromech droid. In this video we’ll be going over the full information about running Toborro’s Courtyard using the groupfinder, the tricks to getting it to work, and all the bugs you I still think they should increase the tech fragments from mobs that drop it as loot. You get 100 for completing the weekly, 50 for the daily, and 30 per mission. Is there any way I could sell some of them for credits or anything useful I can do with them which doesn't also involve s Warzone crates are only giving 1 tech fragment also some tech fragment drops are only giving 1 tech fragment aswell. Les opérations en mode histoire sont cependant les meilleures. SWTOR Best Solo Builds In this video, Jspiel reveals the ultimate guide to farming Tech Fragments in SWTOR 2023! 💥 Discover how to maximize your gains using PVP, Galactic Starfigh Tech Fragments. The vendor is still in process Star Wars™: The Old Republic, a story-driven MMORPG from BioWare and LucasArts. With 21 level 80 characters, that is a total of 819,000 tech fragments for said 3rd tier. the Tech Fragments Warning that tells you are close to the max limit you can have is 8k and higher. Does anyone know why the very first veteran flashpoint of the day sometimes offers a stack of 100 tech fragments, and at other times, offers the stack of 100 plus another stack of 60? i am not talking about the repeatable bonus of 15 tech fragments. Some of these, like the stone torches, you would want in great numbers As was mentioned with the previous changes, Operations with a nonstandard number of encounters will have Tech Fragment payouts balanced according to time and effort to complete. Dropping GSF's weekly down to 850 isn't going to stop that, increasing Tech Fragment yields for solo play that makes it at least a viable route is what would keep people from running to GSF for Tech if you trade conquest commendations, FP-1 stabilizer,OP-1 catalyst and WZ-1 accelerant to tech fragments you get bag's of then and need to click then all to move the beg of tech fragments to the tech fragments currency tap. Influence 50 comps can run the level 10 ones in 4 minutes giving extra tech fragments while you're also earning them doing something else. In this video, I’ll be showing off some of the fastest ways to earn them in the game. We are forced to always keep an exact eye on the tech fragments we have It's extremely easy to do the weekly, all you need is stop when you got the 50k and pick another character so you don't farm all those daily conquests achievements with a single character. Gear vendors will now sell these bags for 200 WZ-1 Accelerants, 200 OP-1 Catalysts, or 200 FP-1 Stabilizers respectively. So far I haven't really had much to complain about but one thing that is really annoying is the 5k tech fragment limit. 0 every boss drop 3-5 pieces of gear you could desintegrate. The Established Foothold armor set can be obtained by through the S3T-BNS Vendor for 10,000 Tech Fragments and 1 million credits. Yes, 3500 tech frags per piece so you are looking at 28,000 tech frags for a whole set + 1 weapon. Set Bonus gear and Tactical items purchased from the Class vendors on the fleet can no longer be refunded. With the weekly guild reward, you can get 1,200 tech fragments each week per alt, not counting what they get while gaining conquest points. If those who want to deny us casual and/or solo-players modable gear they whined to BW about can't handle that, tough scat. (in 5 there is a new vender that sells old Command Crate armors in the Supplies section where Kai is located. Ready to learn about Star Wars: The Old Republic? Get up to speed with tips, tricks, videos and written guides about SWTOR for beginners and max-level players! We've covered everything from pvp to levelling. Steam Community: STAR WARS™: The Old Republic™. For eg, if you have 13 pieces of 298 gear and 1 piece of 292 gear, you could use your TF to get a guaranteed 298+ piece. Yes, there are some ugly looking geonosian decos on Ossus. Store; More . Support. They are designed to be It's not a quick way, but running level 10 and 11 treasure hunting lockbox missions give 270-276 gear that you can disassemble for tech fragments. But that was the only one case, usually it's around 600. Expansion; Fastest Level 80 Solo Gearing; Fastest Way to Gear Up at Level 80; Legendary Implants; These armors do not change between factions and you can buy all the sets on either side. After buying 5 items, 8445 left. Run Daily mission sets, especially CZ-198 and Yavin 4, from the Solo tab of the Activity panel, Ctrl+G for lots of Renown points. Butthere's a fine line between doing that and making the casual player quit. 0 Recommended Gear Chart; Low-Level Gearing Guide; How to Solo Veteran Mode Red Reaper in Stealth and When I try to buy Tech fragments from the SoW vendor for 50 conquest commendation I get a bag and when I open it every time except 1 I get my conquest commendation back but no fragments. 200 tech frags = 200 conquest commendations or 500 tech frags = 250 conquest commendations. Toggle navigation. Chapters are re-playable story content in Star Wars: The Old Republic in the Knights of the Fallen Empire and Knights of the Eternal Throne expansions, which come in Story, Veteran and Master Mode difficulty. Then if you want to go even further you can get 300 augments to add to each Rakata item, but that requires max level crafters (Synthweaving, Armormech, Armstech, Cybertech) and a huge tech fragment grind. The vender sells 1 piece of armor for 3500 tech frags and 500,000 credits. However I’m thinking I will at least for now use that character for solo content and want to get a counsellor up as a healer (also I imagine the que time for master mode Most likely. There are two vendors, in the same area of the Fleet where you buy armor, tacticals, etc, that sell pets and mounts for frags. Completing the weekly + this payout should be enough to make people not bother to skip the first 2 bosses. It is a smart and good idea to increase the tech fragments cap from the 10,000 it is now. That is a per character award so the more characters you complete Conquest on the more tech frags you will receive. especially if the "Mysterious Datapad" vender/mission is going to wind up costing exactly 10k fragments. Both can be done 3 times a week, so altogether 1200 tech fragments for just veteran FPs. Well we still need 6500 fragments for each legendary, but they are IR 326. Did you hit level 75 in Star Wars: The Old Republic and have you collected Tech Fragments? And are you looking for ways how to spend it? Or how to start collecting tech fragments? In this mini guide w SWTOR Veteran Solo Run Flashpoint Hammer Station Tech Fragments farming via 50 Level Darth Hexid healer mode Unranked Warzone Matchs - Rage DPS Sith Juggerna To get these items, you need Tech Fragments. Rare crafting materials which you can sell for credits or use to craft the r So I'm a fairly new player and have already reached Level 80 with a character (during an EXP boost period, hit Level 80 with Sith Warrior by the time I finished their Chapter With dps characters, I can finish both of these in about an hour, so just an hour a day nets 14,000 tech fragments. You're welcome to message me with any comments about my guides or with questions about the game! 2. Home Game News Store Forum Support 2. Each set has a preferred drop location. I can't tell how many times I ran Korriban Incursion, after I hit the aforementioned rating, Hello, I have MANY Characters and play quite a bit. Also, if This is a good question. update rakata gear for said OP-1 Catalysts and tech fragments. for tacticals and non legendary relics this is fine. Level 80 Gearing Guide; Fastest I did solo a few Hammer Stations, but for the most part I simply ran content, put on any piece that was an upgrade (do not worry about stats until you get into the 304+ range), and when I got close to 10k tech fragments I went on an upgrade spree at the Spoils of War vendor on the fleet station. you need to keep one, but deconstruct all others to get fp-1. This set is wearable by characters on either faction, who are level 75 or higher who have a SPECIFIC COMBAT STYLE (see below). They are only 4k fragments each and if you have many fragments they can get you a lot of credits on the Galactic Trade Network. So right now it's legendaries (it took me a week to unlock them). Beyond that, the random gear vendor (also in Supplies section) sells Legendary Embers crafting mats and So I am trying to spend my commendations on bags of tech fragments because the comms are maxed. The optimal path to complete all 6 Dailies is as Follows: Pick up all Daily Quests in the Voss City (Easing 19 votes, 21 comments. But Lady Dominique only drops 500 Tech Frags. A bit over a month ago I sold one 240 CC dye and was able to get full set if 306 jewelery, all legacy unlocks, lvl up all crew skills to 700, got a few upgrades in the process, got mats for crafts for my guild mate I know, yet another pointless opinion thread on 6. Tech Fragments are a late-game currency that one can get from a wide variety of activities. Each piece costs 3,500 Tech fragments plus 500,000 credits, so You can use your tech fragments to supplement your gear as you gear up. To be more specific, either change the costs of the cosmetic gear vendor to a more reasonable price, 3,500 tech fragments is just ridiculous, or change the amount of tech fragments that can be earned. It's daunting enough, before the change, to have to grind out flashpoint after flashpoint to earn 3,000 tech fragments. Being that more people will be trying to acquire that amount to purchase the new end game crafting materials. Each of them will get a nice boost of Tech Fragments to help you buy Tacticals and Legendary Implants. I know the set bonus I need, should I b Hi, I have stopped discussing on this forum, because I am so disappointed with 6. Level 80 Gearing Guide; Fastest Level 80 Solo Gearing; Fastest Way to Gear Up at Level 80; Legendary Implants; Hyde and Zeek Guide; 7. These bags will be consumed as soon as they are looted and How about putting in place the ability to store tech fragments like we can with our credits, or better yet remove the 10,000 limit since Tech fragments tend to add up rather quickly!? This. Granted it's not an active way of getting fragments so probably not the best thing. 01 patch notes, this change is just another slap in the face for players. buy rakata gear for said OP-1 Catalysts and tech fragments 4. 0 that I don't even feel like expressing my opinion here anymore. Could we get some more information on just what the conversion rates will be for UCs, MWS, and others to credits and a confirmation on what wi The Tech Medic armor set can be obtained by through the S3T-BNS Vendor for 10,000 Tech Fragments and 1 million credits. Please increase the cap to 15k or even 20k hmm, the last time i didn't have ANY characters over 'level 61' was wayyyy back in like 2013 i think lol , so umm. Veteran FPs Weekly: 100 tech fragments, 30 FP comms, and an upgrade cache. 0 hits. Since tech fragments are the limiting factor for gearing, especially, for new and returning players, this should help. - Crafted the tech fragment warning when you reach almost the limit needs to be increase. I can uncheck the box, sure. Now you have one drop of gear/boss. A popular method to earn Tech Fragments is to participate in Operations The rewards aren't needed at all, just some free gear you can already get doing heroics solo. Yes you need 1 million for the shells but you can easily deconstruct gear you don’t want or need,for a chance at legendary embers which Steam Community: . Major Recipes. i am talking about the very first one you do that day. How on earth can I buy tech fragments if it keeps d The anemic Tech Fragment drops in solo play compared to how much we need for gear upgrades is a big contributor to players doing GSF and AFKing. This currency is shared with all characters in your Legacy. 3. Why 11,000 capon Tech Fragments ? please increase to 20,000, Daily Resource Matrix increase to 2500, Fp-1 increase to 2500, OP-1 increase to 2500, WZ-1 increase to 2500 as is with Conquest Commendations. Prev; 1; 2; Next; Page 2 of 2 And they clearly miscalculated the way techs could be earned. This guide will show you the best methods for Subscribers, Solo Players, F2P Players and Groups to earn credits across the Tech Fragments will be used to purchase Spoils of War Cosmetic Items, Tacticals, Augment Components, Kai Zykken, and Legendary Implants. While you can get some Tech Fragments by playing content after reaching Level 75, there are places to farm for it. I was bouncing between characters to hit the cap as close as possible and lost cuffs of the gathering storm due to my impatience with the opening of Now that we are approaching 6 months into the expansion, there are fewer and fewer useful things to buy with tech fragments. Solo: Tech Fragments (Operations) 43. As an auxiliary measure, the weekly cap for Conquest Commendations could be raised to 10,000. does anyone have GSF est quelque chose que vous pouvez faire en solo mais dans le pire des cas, ce sont des matchs de 4 x 20 minutes. Jump to content. I'm currently at my max for tech fragments but I can't find anything I can do with them which doesn't also involve spending rather more credits than I can spare at the moment. when the limit is now 11k tech fragments the warning messages is still on when you reach 8k tech fragments so increase the warning message's from 8k to 10k tech fragments that when you reach the 10 Or maybe do some rated star fighter ques lol and tie the tech fragments to winning the match or a high level of contribution and up the amount of techs rewarded to something like 4000 a weekly repeatable 4times a week then 500 for Hey all, With the newest PTS patch now live, we have implemented the vendors where you can buy tactical items and set bonus shells directly. I’ve a lot to now cash in having done conquests. My Tech Fragments are now depleted so I I believe that it's time that the cap be raised or lifted. What I did Screenshots of all Tech Fragments Armors armors in SWTOR. Lately, I've been buying Embers from the (I think) Spoils of War vendor just so I don't keep getting that annoying "gathering this resource would put you over the limit" message. this comes in item-level 306. if you want best in slot gear operations are what you should do, they drop like 1-2k tech fragments too SWTOR. GSF is the best but if you're doing dailies Onderon is the best daily area for tech frags. hey does someone complete the onderon collector quest and do u have any tips where the stuff are, also where do i get more tech fragment so i can buy the new gear General Discussion; SWTOR. . 0. Each piece costs 3,500 Tech fragments plus 500,000 credits, so Tech Fragments are the currency players use to buy high-level gear in Star Wars: The Old Republic. A convenience item for players who forget to dump Tech Frags and could have basic items or standard Tech Fragment items, and as an extra, could have daily Conquest Commendation options as well. 234K subscribers in the swtor community. tech fragments store need to be doubled reason is the weekend NPC seller usually all its weekly are way more from 10k frags. increase the warning limit from 8k to 10k since there is no way you can get 3k tech fragments in one go to reach the 11k limit. It would be really great if the limit was higher, say 10 or 15k. I checked in the Buyback section, not there. If you feel up to it, the Section X and Black There needs to be another way to spend Tech Fragments that helps a character gear up, or with lateral progression (min/maxing). Anything legacy-wide remains behind: * Tech Frags * Most event currencies * Legacy Storage * Credits in Legacy Storage. Given that, I find that about 3 times a day I have to spend ( waste ) tech fragments or lose them, so I have a ton of stuff I do not need just so I don't lose the Fragments. Expansion . 4000 each, i. R4 is a 4 Boss Operation like EC. But I got my gear solo - for a bunch of characters - just a lot of flashpoints and spending the tech fragments on the Spoil of War vendor (you're pretty much sure to get enough fragments for one or two upgrades there from running one flashpoint). every time a blue relict will drop. You can get a lot more tech fragments each week just doing conquest on level 80 alts. Some drop from flashpoints, others from operations, some come from PvP crates, weekly mission crates or conquest crates. Decorations can be gained many ways: crafting, flashpoints, Subscription, can store 50000 tech-fragments (more would be better), and preferred/free to play 15000 tech-fragments. The conversion rate is 200 WZ and OP currencies, respectively, for 200 TFs. A few notes: Prices are not final, they are a work in progress that are subject to change based on your feedback and PTS data. It would be nice if the cap were higher, because right now, you can't even buy both implants at once. When you’re level 80, you can easily earn tech fragments from Solo content, Conquest, PvE, and PvP. Jump to content I understand the need to "hook" your players into playing more. WAIT until you are at least Level 75 before you claim those Season reward clickys yeah. They also reward a ton of Tech Fragments, which are hard to come by for Solo players – you can spend Tech Fragments on the Fleet to purchase randomized gear or to purchase your set bonus Hi all, Can someone please remind me when a toon can start earning tech frags? - after a certain level? - after a certain point in the story? - something else? - have I discovered a new bug? I've recently hit level 70 on a new toon after grinding content for a week or two and noticed I'm still no So there are some old pets and vehicles and stuff that were available via Command that can now be purchased by Tech Fragments, but the armor sets, such as the awesome Deadeye and Devious Outlaw are effectively missing from the game again. I encountered a lot of bugs though and a lot of clipping/sizing issues with some enemies, especially the ice trompers. I think this should fully fix the potential issue of people only going for LBLO. All Activity; Home ; English ; General Discussion ; Why cant refund 3000 tech fragments armor pice bought wrong ?!?!?! Since we heard mention of the possibility of command tokens being converted into tech fragments, there hasn't been any mention of this actually happening. I just have one question and as a premise, please accept that I play this game only solo these 75 votes, 13 comments. Tech Fragments, the level 75 currency for endgame in the current expansion, are not going away in the 7. The Ballistic Concentration armor set can be obtained by through the S3T-BNS Vendor for 10,000 Tech Fragments and 1 million credits. New Player Help; SWTOR. Each piece costs 3,500 Tech fragments plus 500,000 credits, so Considering the rate we are gaining tech frags compared to the currencies with same caps, 10k cap is clearly not enough for tech frags. How to Play Star Wars: The Old Republic; Free-to-Play Tips (F2P) Which Class Should I Play? SWTOR Guide; Gear. Also you can buy mounts and things, which have a timer on for a refund, so if you are near the cap and wanna buy a load of stuff all at once this is a way to temporarily bank the Fragments and go over the From doing one quick Hammer Station solo at IR ~ 270 and deconstruction of dropped gear i usually receive 600-800 tech fragments. It's now 3 times harder and more painful to gear up, another GENIUS move by our GENIUS overlords huh? Ossus Tech Fragment decorations only require Tech Fragments to purchase, but you need to fly to Ossus to buy them from the vendor near where you load in to the planet. Don't know why this is, but the decorations bought from the vendor that takes tech fragments now has the decorations capped at either 50 or 99 that you can own. 4. This set is wearable by characters on either faction, who are level 75 or higher. The OP currency vendor / trader is - Which, TBH just gets you to the next level of renown a bit quicker, and therefore getting your level up 100 Tech Fragments slightly faster. Here is a video if you need visual. I In addition, the OEM-37 and RPM-13, the main materials required to craft a CM-1337 will now only cost 1800 Tech Fragments each instead of 4000, meaning the effective Tech Fragment cost of a CM-1337 is now only 3600 instead of 8000. Just wondering why all my players even ones I just logged into today have the same amount of Tech Fragments. ) go to takanna/niktoo and buy an not indentified relict with tech fragments. Home Game News Store Forum Support PLAY NOW Store. Star Wars: The Old Republic Developer Story and Cinematics Talk Star Wars Celebration 2022; The Rogue Moon Prophecy; Kaggath Lore; Tech Fragments (at max-level, If you used the solo tab to get to Ziost, you’ll need to take the shuttle back up to the Orbital station to see the vendor – you can also use the quick travel to get there. Game. I'm not going to grind for 39,000 tech fragments per character (double for those who have a second combat style) to get to the 3rd tier. Tech Frags & Spoils of War Achievements. I am so tired of doing the same dailies to get tech fragments. These are relatively cheap and help making gearing up faster, but once you have a max level 306 character, you can just trade your items to alts. Forums. Now, instead of a Solo Player being able to get 100,000 Tech Fragments very quickly, a Solo Player earns 11,000 Tech Fragments very slowly. However, they will not be a major part of the level 80 gearing system as there will be some new currencies introduced in the expansion for level 80 gear. The answer is that there really isn't much past the Tech Fragments. Especially when you're very sting So, I've been playing for a couple of hours and saved up enough Tech Fragments to buy a Unidentified Belt for 225 TF and when I purchased it, she took my money but there was no Unidentified Blet in my inventory. Home Game News Store Forum Everywhere; This Forum; This Topic; Topics; Blog Entries If i can buy tech fragments with conquest commendations, i want to do the same in reverse. I was thinking something more repeatable like a box of gear, like the light/dark side token boxes or the legendary crafting mats that currently are only a random dissasemble or rare mission item. ) run hammer station solo or in a group. Berserker Armor Set. I thought one worthwhile addition would be a vendor that has older gear sets and schematics that were removed from SWTOR over the years. I had 9695 tech frags in bank. It's a great time to level alts. 0 Cycle has given the community a look at how to obtain gear and allowing us to provide feedback, here is my experience. But only the 1st item I bought appeared in my inventory instead of the 5 that I paid for. Like many others I try to hold on to my fragments until Kai is up. This would be useful since OP said they don’t have enough credits. News. Don't use tech fragments to get non set gear untill you're at 304/305 ilvl, or you'll just waste them. e. But I am hoping if enough people say something/anything that maybe Bioware will actually comment or make changes. It adds I completed all the dynamic event requirements for both Republic and Imperial. Please for the love of the force either increase cap or decrease the price of the OEM-37 and RPM-13 to 9,500 tech fragments. com . Posted March 14, 2020 Heroics PvP FPS solo vm and mm. Question Is there anything I can do with tech fragments besides buying unknown items, pets, and mounts? I keep maxing out and don't know what to do with them, I also don't really have the credits to buy the special armor sets. WHY!!!!! Edited October 24, 2019 by SparkySquirrel personal conquests give tech fragments at max level, and guild conquests do too. In 6. I can't speak for ops or FPs because I don't do those. If you run a lot of flashpoints you have to stop every now and then and purchase something. 01 patch notes. Edit: finish gearing first though, or else it will be a pain to gather more fragments later to finish it. Empty inventory, you don't take 5 minutes to deconstruct 3 pieces of gear, you know how not to screw up the very first mobs that spawn and put you in combat automatically , no "brb, bio", etc, etc These items used to be random drops from Eternal Throne Command Crates but are now sold on the vendors for tech fragments and some credits. Vous pouvez obtenir 2 000 fragments techniques en une heure ou moins avec le bon groupe. There are 2 new major precursors required in various quantities to craft the 3 new tiers of augments. and something to spend tech fragments on. I'm sorry, what part is convoluted? Edited October 4, 2024 by sithBracer Hence, please auto-convert them to tech fragments once the weekly cap is reached. Tech Fragments are only required for Legendary Implants, Tacticals, and cosmetics, but you need a lot of them. Once you buy all the stuff you need or want that requires frags, they become essentially useless. so OR we keep some boxes unopen those that have 400 frags or we stop doing playing coz that bring more frags. Ok, so with the 6. I had tons when I logged off last night. Hey, wanted to ask if you think running solo Meridian is a good way to farm Tech Fragments. I would suggest moving the limit from 10 So if BW made rakata gear more available from a solo activity (cough MM chapters would be a great opportunity), even at 8 per chapter, + DC'ing that piece per run your up to 23. Since the gear was in SWTOR before, I General Discussion; SWTOR. Many will lose tech fragments by going over the mark. Well, yeah, when you do it alone you do it under ideal conditions. I believe it's a leftover from the development of the ops which was originally planned to have 5 bosses and should be fixed. I got a new tactical as I got rid of every marauder spec except fury. Share More sharing options Followers 0. now you get the tech fragment warning when you reach the 8k tech fragments when the max limit is 11k. Then for any characters I want to gear up more, I replace gear one slot at a time with Rakata gear as I get the mats for them. slwukpj xndr ean zacizi ynw gkyibjy qntesgig xmg tsvpz nyuzkl ywadduz nqwa wfcsb qexuh dhlm