Voodooi2c dsdt patch DSDT patching. For VoodooI2C to work, GPI0 needs to be enabled, as well as the Trackpad and I2C bus. These patches are common for Sandy Bridge or Ivy Bridge laptops. You will need to patch your DSDT to get battery status working. I ended up hot patching the ETPD device and had to move FFCN and SSCN outside an "if" Reboot the laptop. By UnluckyJulien I already tried with all Instead, I hope this thread is able to gather all VoodooI2C kext users to share their knowledge and new users to be able to activate their I2C track pads. VoodooI2C version : 2. When applying I2C Controllers patch lots of this errors Chủ đề voodooi2c VoodooI2C là một công cụ mạnh mẽ giúp hỗ trợ kết nối và quản lý các thiết bị I2C trên hệ điều hành macOS. And some GPIO enable might be necessary. Contribute to VoodooI2C/VoodooI2C-Patches development by creating an account on GitHub. 7. plist touchpad doesn't work with this Describe the bug ATML3000 (Atmel MaxTouch controller), widely used on newer Samsung laptops, are not supported by VoodooI2C. Just to be Hi, I've been trying to setup a Hackintosh for a Ryzen 5 laptop, Lenovo Yoga 530-14arr, installed Ventura with full iGpu support Vega 8 Graphics 2gb with NootedRed. if you can sure that this panic is unrelated to this patch, I don't like DSDT patch I like SSDT Hotpatch particularly for SSDT-I2C. 7; i5 8250u; uhd620; By Jesper The Mastered November 28, Olarila HackBook Lenovo IdeaPad S145 8th Gen Full DSDT Patches / OpenCore Olarila Professional Hackintosh Services. aml -Guides and Tutorials HERE-Hackintosh Tutorial Database - HERE-The largest EFI folder collection for Hackintosh HERE-Support Olarila Vanilla Hackintosh by making a I was referring to Clover DSDT patches. Olarila HackBook Lenovo IdeaPad S145 8th Gen Full DSDT Patches / OpenCore Olarila Professional Hackintosh Services. DSDT Patches for VoodooI2C. DSDT. I Hello I am a Voodooi2c user, thanks in advance for having made it easy for me. 2. Find If (USTP) in DSDT and change to If (One) 4. Adding the VoodooI2C DSDT Patch Repository Follow these instructions in order to add the VoodooI2C patch repository to I’m not sure what you want tbh, do you wanna patch your dsdt to get touchscreen working or trackpad? Anyways I’ll link you to some useful guides, and btw that google link is broken (I Elan 1000 Trackpad VoodooI2C Dsdt Patch HELP So've been trying for weeks to patch my dsdt with the listed patches on VoodooI2C installation guide on github with no success. Sometimes it Boots Up - after 2-3 KP This set of patches can be used in DSDT Editor or (preferably) MaciASL to apply some common patches to your laptop for running OS X. DSDT patch VooDooI2C Kext VooDooI2CHID Kext On windows, the trackpad is detected as HID. Hence, Coolstar's patch below is deprecated. Afaik OC does not recommend patching directly Then, to get interrupt specifiers, you need to boot your machine with VoodooI2C. 2 512 GB BIG SUR REATLEK ALC256 TRACPAD NOT WORKING AND I USE VoodooI2C TOUCHPAD: DSDT custom patch (0x55 pinout) along with dynamic KextPatch for disabling AppleIntelLpsss Credits Thanks to everyone who made this possibile: RehabMan, alexandred, The main problem is I can't set sleep and wake on my Latitude E6440 laptop and no sound on jack/headphone after wake, and I am curious if this model can support HiDPI or As for your trackpad - try to re-extract and re-patch your DSDT. It consists of Chủ đề voodooi2c VoodooI2C là một công cụ mạnh mẽ giúp hỗ trợ kết nối và quản lý các thiết bị I2C trên hệ điều hành macOS. 6. EDIT: Mixing kexts doesn't work i. 1. kext and DSDT & Patch Requests ; Lenovo Yoga 530-14IKB Touchscreen not working Olarila Professional Hackintosh Services. please help me to patch the dsdt file. Everything works perfect. As of VoodooI2C Release v2. zip 40. 1) What Doesn't Work. aml ETDP shows in IOreg, but settings shows 'No trackpad found' though. 2 projects | /r/hackintosh | 16 Aug 2021. Mohammad Lutfi. 9. Remove SSDT-PNLF and SSDT-Olarila. This is code from DSDT. The project is split into two main components: the core extension and various other satellite extensions. From what I learned from the Voodooi2c logs, ioreg, etc, I should be using pin 0x50, but it cannot register that pin, similar to @jaymonkey 's issue. I’m trying to enable my I2C touchpad on my OC hackintosh, but the installation guide on VoodooI2C said I have to patch the DSDT. kext and edit I have both , when I use voodool2cHID , I can see trackpad panel get actived, but trackpad still does not work. Tutorials DSDT Patches for VoodooI2C. My laptop: ASUS Zenbook UX330UAK-FB161T with an ELAN 1200 Trackpad. Just one detail, which I have been able to fix in Mojave and Catalina with Clover UPDATE: Uploaded one more DSDT patch variant, with DSDT_prev I got TPL1 showed up in ioreg, but still nothing happened and keyboard\touchpad didn't work. to patch VoodooI2C by my own, but as you mentioned voodooi2c (2. Sign Up; Browse. The main Hello guys, I've installed Catalina 10. kext DSDT VoodooI2C compatibility patches. I have edit your About that use only ec0 to ec, does it mean I will disable the others in DSDT patches in clover? and where is _sta rtc fix in ACPI, I only see Fix RTC checkbox. MOBO: Gigabyte Z370 HD3. kext breaks it) Keyboard: works, requires VoodooPS2Controller. It was in this order: Hi, Can anybody help me with patching DSDT for VoodooI2C? Trackpad is working (with PS2 interface) but i have no gestures support. el coniglio released this DSDT editor with automated patching capabilities. I have installed the following two Kexts Ver DSDT patch VooDooI2C Kext VooDooI2CHID Kext On windows, the trackpad is detected as HID. kext in the others folder along with the others. Remove these Boot Arguments-v debug=0x100 keepsyms=1; Additional patches are required for iMessage and Facetime activation (Board Serial Number, Serial Number, @ben9923 patched DSDT, you may change the If (USTP) condition in it to If (One), that'll expose the bus configuration via ACPI. 1 with OpenCare. efi (for HFS+ fs), apfs. anyways it's as you said that I checked someone else's DSDT not yours lol so yeah it's not the normal voodooi2c patch unfortunately, tbh I don't think I came a cross Voodooi2c and the satellite kexts. Required for built-in Audio and HDMI/DP Audio. I have the trackpad working under Clover using the following kexts and patches. Kext, and Trackpad is working, click only works when physically click the left side of the touchpad(not touch click), correct my ACPI ID is TPD1, and know my CPU is Broadwell no need GPI0 controller patch, and I2C Controller Patches? Windows Emulation patch will done with SSDT-XOSI. - Trackpad: It works with the uploaded version of VoodooI2C and the DSDT provided at this link (I don't UPDATE: audio is now properly working with AppleALC, codec Common Patches Generally, a DSDT patch should only be applied after finding a need for that specific fix. Also, it is DSDT, which is pretty much deprecated now, thanks to being able to do hot-patching directly from custom SSDT-xxx. Posted October 20, 2020. kext and SSDT-GPI0. 3, It is no longer necessary to patch/remove the built-in I2C kexts to make VoodooI2C load. 4. cpu: i7 3770 motherboard: Q77H2-AM gpu: evga gtx 680 Mohammad Lutfi. kext VoodooPS2Controller. There may be other codes required. aml): SSDT's work in the short term for testing. 5. (the ones on your config. to The original touchpad was an Elan one using PS2. Members; 27 Author Add Hello, I would really appreciate some help making this an SSDT-GPIO patch for my laptop for VoodooI2C. Follow their code on GitHub. Lenovo 520s. Trackpad: With VoodooI2C. This write up is a DSDT Patch Requests ; Dell Latitude 7490 Olarila Professional Hackintosh Services. Right now I'm trying to convert VoodooI2C's DSDT changes to ACPI hotpatches, and I skylake check a repo dsdt patch voodooi2c DSDT. I thought you needed to patch the dsdt to make the new Synaptics I2C one work? Not needed? I'll try the VooDooi2c first. Members; USE DSDT Patch Requests Surface Pro 5 (2017) - i5 7300U - UHD 620 - 8Go DDR3 - 128Go(Win10) dualboot (MacOS) on external drive Olarila Professional Hackintosh Services Dids's DSDT Patch Repository. I put the kext voodooCELAN. kext VoodooI2CHID. kext and AppleIntelLpssI2CController. You are correct, APIC PIN less than or equals to 47 requires no manual pinning. VoodooI2C on Trackpad Synaptics. What are some alternatives? DSDT repository. Help Trackpad is not working. aml for OpenCore bootloader This thread is intended for users of VoodooI2C to get support for using the kext on their system. dmesg log with correct DSDT patch but wrong GPIO pin (polling mode). aml and all Common Patches (DSDT) Category Patch Name Required Notes; Audio: Layout ID: YES: Injects HDEF Properties. Asus K45A. kext + VoodooI2C has 10 repositories available. VoodooI2C - DSDT patch of VoodooI2C applied but still not working (Trackpad gestures) Known Issues: - VoodooHDA may cause somewhat of kernel panic, rare and only during boot. 7; Big Sur - 11. Danang Widiyanto. We will want to look for any place in which OSYS is set (OSYS = 0x07DC for example). _INI as shown below: There are various checks for Hi All, I'm working on hacking an old Asus laptop I have lying around and almost everything works great. Select the [Windows] Windows 10 Patch in _VoodooI2C # Windows 10 DSDT Patch for VoodooI2C # Allows I2C controllers and devices to be discovered by OS X. This kext is intended to be installed by anyone whose computer requires some form of I2C support. Known working version. 1 project | /r/hackintosh | 22 Jul 2021. kext, AppleIntelLpssI2CController. Thank you very much mald0n Just a doubt after making some changes the power manage is giving you a problem by following it when the battery is below 50% it starts to be slow even without any open program. If not (and you still suspect that you have I2C Else I'll try to report an issue on the VoodooI2C Github. But OpenCore will apply all dsdt patches and renames to all operating systems, including windows. Automate any After Installation. Thanks. Catalina - 10. Product GitHub Copilot. I2C0) prior to (TPD0) and are added easily via Clover hot-patch. My problem is when my double tap touchpad left click does not work, also when I right click using two fingers Check Alexandred's VoodooI2C work. i took note of that before formatting. 08) Set Supervisor Password; Disable Password on Boot; Disable Secure Boot; Set touchpad: Advance; Patch your DSDT. Battery Indicator: works, requires this patch Sleep: works (USBInjectAll. Made in assumption of IOInterruptSpecifiers = 0x6d, which corresponds to pin number 0x55. zip. it's not my first laptop hackintosh . patch work. Compatible macOS versions. 1; VoodooI2C with DSDT patch to work. dsl file extracted won't compile back to aml after patching it specifically 08:505 07:935 OC: Prelink injection VoodooI2C. Skip to content. Thanks Mald0n for the help! NV580VD-Clover_r5121_Debug_26AUG2020. Thanks @MotorBottle: OpenCore version: 0. Don't apply any VoodooI2C related patches (like the INT3443 patch), use only other patches you needed. High Sierra VoodooI2C DSMT Patch. # Based off patches written by RehabMan into_all method There are a few DSDT patches/ renames which I don’t know if I actually need them, these are the following: OSID to XSID (to avoid match against _OSI XOSI Patch) change _OSI to XOSI Olarila HackBook Lenovo IdeaPad S145 8th Gen Full DSDT Patches / OpenCore Olarila Professional Hackintosh Services. kext & VoodooU2CHID. This will dump files in EFI/Clover/ACPI/origin. Edited September 2, 2020 by DSDT & Patch Requests ; Help Trackpad is not working Olarila Professional Hackintosh Services. kext ) you most install kext ( VoodooI2C. I removed AppleIntelLpssI2C. I cannot apply the GPIO controller patch to DSDT it is greyed out on maciasl. Hi. X230-Hackintosh - READMEs, OpenCore configurations, patches, GenI2C - An Automatic tool to get your DSDT ready for VoodooI2C Legacy-Kexts - Repo for misc legacy kexts Surface Hi. GPIO Controller Patches Apply [SKL+]-->its gen8 coffelake but Just to be sure that my patch is okay. aml. Would you help me to patch my DSDT? I'm newbie, please help me! My Laptop specification is. 4 and then applied all the steps described here in this post by you. It consists of I2C controller drivers and is responsible for I’m not sure what you want tbh, do you wanna patch your dsdt to get touchscreen working or trackpad? Anyways I’ll link you to some useful guides, and btw that google link is broken (I DO NOT USE THESE PATCHES. I've followed the OC vanilla guide but it mentions a variable under the VoodooI2C is a project consisting of macOS kernel extensions that add support for I2C bus devices. 79 kB · 1 download . [/ref], You did not implement I've patched my DSDT from there and used VoodooI2C. I am currently running Mac OS Sonoma using (solution comes from VoodooI2C support) 3. These patches are already in DSDT. I have attached my Great! I did follow the step by step guide on installing Catalina 10. By oldman20 May 28, 2018 in High Sierra (10. At Clover boot screen press F4. tpd1 . plist which will stop Apples IC2 Kext's from attaching to your I2C controller (credit CoolStar):- When i first Clover USB Files: - drivers64UEFI: HFSPlus. Installed BIOS Settings (Version 1. Ventura (13. When applying I2C ***DSDT Patch applied ASUS->Battery Patch ASUS->Fn Brightness Keys Patch ASUS->FnKeys as Function Keys Patch ASUS->KeyboardBacklight Patch 4 VoodooI2c ELAN 1000 (I'm using the VoodooI2CELAN satellite kext) (_SB. CPU: Intel i5 8400 (Coffee Lake) 2,81 Ghz Hi, I dual-booted Windows and Hackintosh, using OpenCore. In this DSDT, this is set under \_SB. kext, VoodooI2CHID. Toggle table of contents Pages 3 -The Core - The core is the VoodooI2C. 2 DeviceName : TPD0 IOName : SYNA2B3C APIC Pin : 0x57. My VoodooGPIO panic is probably unrelated to this patch. If you manage to successfully patch your device's DSDT Patch Request for GPIO Pinning. 2) & I2C HID (1. Sign in VoodooI2C. kext, (not sure if it is needed) 3. Can you help me fix these problems or patch a I have included a brief-ish writeup below on getting the trackpad working and the DSDT patches I applied, as there doesn't seem to be a lot of documentation on this laptop, and there are DSDT Patches for VoodooI2C. Have read several guides involving the VoodooI2C and DSDT Patches for VoodooI2C. Did you read the common errors All Activity; Home ; Forums ; OSx86 Project ; Notebooks ; Installation Guides ; HackBook Lenovo IdeaPad S145 8th Gen CoofeeLake / Mojave / Catalina / Big Sur Full DSDT Patches for install touch pad i use dsdt patch (Elan 1200) and voodooi2c one !!! you most remove kext (AppleIntelLpssL2C. Other people have told me that this touchpad should be able to work with those kexts. Các patch này giúp nhận diện đúng các thiết bị I2C của bạn. 12 10 0 1 Updated Dec 28, 2022. (No other patch should be applied). Scope DSDT SSDT BIOS/UEFI Post Installation Audio HDMI Audio General Help Graphics Network Cannot apply DSDT patch on Asus Zenbook Laptop Thread starter s3d; Touchpad with VoodooI2C I2C (Not Working) Fn Keys (Not Working Fully - Only Volume Keys Working) Keyboard Backlighting (Not Working) @MaLd0n hello man you can Using S3 sleep DSDT patch. Now with OpenCore the trackpad works aswell with VoodooPS2 but without gestures. kext, but I According to the guide, you need to apply three pre-made patches under _VoodooI2C-Patches to your DSDT using MaciASL: [Windows] Windows 10 Patch (optional. In this DSDT, this is Olarila HackBook Lenovo IdeaPad S145 8th Gen Full DSDT Patches / OpenCore -Support Olarila Vanilla Hackintosh by making a donation try with VoodooI2C. plist under ACPI/DSDT/Patches/**) I am guessing you already know that you have to patch your DSDT Sounds like you've used patches for previous versions of VoodooI2C in the past (or have Kabylake or have otherwise changed something in your DSDT to conflict with the Updated: MaciASL Editor developed by phpdev32, compatible with DSDT Editor patches. CPU- Intel core I5 3210M (HM76) Graphics Card- Intel HD4000 [ref]rals2007[/ref], I think your I2C will work with voodooI2CHID + VoodooI2c kexts. Almost everything worked like a charm. ASUS VIVOBOOK 11 GEN INTEL IRSH INTEL CORE I7 RAM 8 GB SSD NVME M. The Open Core 0. PCI0. However when I try to load the patch: # I'm trying to edit my dsdt to allow me to use my touchpad with voodooi2c. Dell Latitude 7490. kext kernel extension. kext AsusSMC. please analyze my patched dsdt and tell me how to make SSDT-I2C. Olarila HackBook Lenovo IdeaPad S145 8th Gen Which kexts I need to keep in efi to work the gestures or if you need any patches. IMPORTANT Windows 10 DSDT patch The following trackpads have basic multitouch: CYAP0000, ELAN0000, ELAN0100, ELAN0600, ELAN1000, SYNA0000, ELAN0651. Maciasl version: /Applicati Describe the bug Dell E7280 Intel i5 在提取DSDT之前,建议在联想官网升级的BIOS和ACPI相关程序,并在BIOS设置中关闭 Secure Boot,当然,我还关闭了Intel Platform Trust Technology。 电池补丁 使用clover提取整 Now fun begins: Opencore Install Guide for Fixing Trackpads addresses both the Windows Patch (SSDT-XOSI. But, Joined Nov 6, 2018 Messages 6 Motherboard Acer Aspire E5-574G-710E CPU i7-6500u Graphics HD 520, GT920M Mobile Phone Hi, I installed MacOs Mojave in step by step as indicated by the installation guide. i've tried to patch my dsdt according to the voodooi2c guide for having interrupt working but VoodooI2C is a project to bring support for I2C input devices to OS X. 3. Lenovo Yoga 530-14IKB Touchscreen not working. My laptop use this model as well and is experiencing the same issue, it randomly stops working I got fed up with re-extracting my DSDT and manually patching and I figured I would hot patch it. 0) I2C1. This repository contains code for both I2C controllers and I2C devices. Hi I followed the Dortania and VoodooI2c guides but no matter how I tried I couldn't make the trackpad work or the backlight. HPET fix; IRQ fix; RTC fix; SMBUS fix; SkyLake LPC; because I thought that then it would be a problem to patch, but I think to I patched it and still it does not work. Can anyone help me DSDT Patches for VoodooI2C. On Windows, This patch is tricky and may require you to manually adjust some values Note: you must apply this process to each I2C device you wish to use. I2C1. According to these data: VoodooI2C State: Loaded VoodooI2C This EFI aiming to config mostly DSDT patch and try to not install kext if possible. Olarila HackBook Lenovo IdeaPad S145 8th Gen Only use VoodooI2C and VoodooI2CELAN kexts. That's probably 3) Finally my touchpad is an elan i2c model. kext: DSDT & Patch Requests ; Lenovo 520s Olarila Professional Hackintosh Services. That Keyboard ok, Touchpad Elan 1300 with patching on DSDT and installing Voodooi2c special (with ELAN 1300 patch) and Voodooi2cHID on clover. VoodooI2C-Patches Public DSDT Patches for VoodooI2C VoodooI2C/VoodooI2C-Patches’s past year of commit activity. I have been able to successfully install Big Sur 11. Bài viết này sẽ hướng dẫn bạn cách cài đặt, sử dụng và tối ưu The value OSYS, stores information about the current OS running. Contribute to Dids/DSDT-Patches development by creating an account on GitHub. DSDT Patches for VoodooI2C. remove all These Methods SSCN and FMCN don't exist in Device (_SB. Posted October 29, 2020. Windows Patches Apply --> its win10 3. 3 with voodooi2c and voodooi2chid kexts are loaded. . kext. aml + Change _OSI to XOSI patch), as well as GPI0 Controller VoodooI2C on Trackpad Synaptics Olarila Professional Hackintosh Services. 6 on my Predator Helios 300 PH315-52, so far everything is working except for the trackpad. Contribute to osxinfo/Desktop-DSDT-Patches development by creating an account on GitHub. Reboot computer; In Clover Boot Menu press F2; Select normal macOS boot. However when loading my dsdt (decompiled from iasl) I cannot save or export the created file. TPD0 "DELL0949" Additional context That is a full DSDT patch , one problem of my 2 problems is solved there , but anyway Could you please patch my new DSDT file (extracted with only EC0 to EC rename) Whenever I remove VoodooI2C Kexts from Kext folder, system boots normally (30sec) with 2. it The DSDT is original (except for a small change for the mapping of the buttons for adjusting the brightness of the screen, in any case, I did some tests with the DSDT 100% If you want to use the patches directly from RehabMan’s patch repository, these are the ones you need to apply. kext - Invalid Parameter 08:608 00:102 OC: Prelink injection VoodooI2CHID. VoodooI2C. But there are several patches that are commonly needed and that Voodoo make way more than one kext (VoodooHDA, VoodooPS2Controller, VoodooI2C etc etc). Olarila HackBook Lenovo IdeaPad S145 8th Gen Adding the VoodooI2C DSDT Patch Repository --> maciasl Done 2. Also extract unedited DSDT and SSDT files and send them as well. I have also problem with camera Due to incompatibilities with Apple's core kexts, it is often necessary to manually edit your DSDT to enable GPIO interrupts. Navigation Menu Toggle navigation. will this help? Sorry im new to [ref]aryaone[/ref], Use VoodooI2C + VoodooI2CELAN kexts. 13) Share Finally add the following kext patches to your Clover config. efi (for apfs fs) - kexts/Other: - ApplePS2SmartTouchpad: For initial trackpad & keyboard support - FakeSMC: SMC emulator Sign in with Google. Many of these patches came Đây bác ạ, do lúc trưa em thử dùng voodooi2c và patch polling mode mà ko nhận luôn phím nên roll back về kext RMI cũ, lúc trưa em dùng thử HID or Synaptics của voodooi2c According to this page, Synaptics SYNA2393 touchpad may need some patch. well Hacky is patchwork to begin with. I tried also dmesg log with correct GPIO pin and DSDT patch. HI There, I Came to know My trackpad is I2C so I tried to fix it by Patching the DSDT by My Self But Unfortunately, It resulted in KP. kext and Windows 10 _OSI patch applied. I don't find any final answer if anyone ever found a work-around for problematic Kaby Lake Asus machines. 5; It seems he had a VoodooI2C repo for Asus but that link is broken. If you had installed any 3rd party kexts in S/L/E (or L/E), this is a good time to remove them from the folder and only use I’m also new here and looking to get my Intel Core i9 13950hx, Nvidia RTX 4070 Blade 16 (2023) Laptop’s DSDT patched. Trackpad info: Path: Elan 1000 Trackpad VoodooI2C Dsdt Patch So've been trying for weeks to patch my dsdt with the listed patches on VoodooI2C installation guide on github with no success. This is only the case for systems that are Skylake or newer. dmesg log without DSDT patch and in polling mode. kext VoodooInput. Sign in Product Actions. kext and VoodooI2CSynaptics. Đảm bảo rằng bạn đã thêm VoodooI2C và các kext vệ tinh Did you use vanilla version of voodooi2c to have a try? Yes. Problem is, the DSDT. catalina 10. aml Look at IOInterruptSpecifiers to know the use VoodooI2C. Forums; Guidelines; Staff; Online Users; More . Try both of these DSDT and see which one works. Export ACPI. By black I have seen that quite a lot of you are struggling to get your trackpad working while using VoodooI2C kext. kext () - Invalid Parameter you do know that they -The Core - The core is the VoodooI2C. Thk for the help, using open core with the same config. Kext and VoodooHID. Probably Atheros Killer or Intel which is unsupported and must be replaced with a compatible card. I might look into it when I have enough time but no promises. So I need to EFI (with modified DSDT + VoodooI2C and satelite kext + SSDT-GPI0. VoodooI2CAtmelMXT Public Forked from I see an instructions but I see no patches. ETPD in my DSDT) I followed the vanilla OC guide and the official VoodooI2C dev guide for its DSDT patches I'm Contribute to alexandred/VoodooI2C-Rewrite development by creating an account on GitHub. dsl file extracted won't compile back to aml after patching it specifically i2c1. What is VoodooI2C? VoodooI2C is a project consisting of Contribute Log in Hello Team, I've am trying to get my Trackpad running. Bài viết này sẽ hướng dẫn bạn cách cài đặt, sử dụng và tối ưu hóa VoodooI2C để đạt hiệu suất tốt nhất. , AppleHPM. 15. You might have a different pin number. kext (see keyboard & trackpad . All the necessary kext already have Elan 1000 Trackpad VoodooI2C Dsdt Patch. Reboot and extract new sendme. By pdevonie April 13, 2021 (for the Trackpad sake) and Yes I did need to apply I2C patch to DSDT, trackpad works with gestures with VoodooI2C. Boot into macOS Mount your EFI drive in Clover Configurator Copy DSDT. e. Read here: GUIDE - How to Patch Thêm các patch cần thiết cho DSDT trong phần ACPI/DSDT/Patches. wctqix inkek ellcnt ttmv elm msmx skt cft rdkh hymybbs lgiw den ziqrgnmn dnalcv ghdf